Friends of Marymoor Park

August 28th, 2008 Meeting Summary

-- see also the July 23, 2008 meeting summary

In attendance:  Norah Gaynor, King County Parks; Herb Bone, Marymoor R/C Club, Jack MacKinnon, Marymoor Community Gardeners Association; Barbara Dickson, neighbor, Frana Milan, King County Parks; Greg Helland, S.O.D.A; Michael Hobbs, Eastside Audubon

Marymoor Map: 

Frana Milan brought the latest draft of new Marymoor map, in the size that it would actually appear.  The draft status was obvious in things like the routing of the Marymoor Connector Trail, but most of it was pretty close to final.
The group made lots of small comments, which were provided to Frana, but mostly things looked good.  Frana said she will have Matt make a smallish PDF so that people who aren't the meeting can comment on the map.  When the PDF is available, I will post it to this website 

Project Updates:

Marymoor Connector Trail: Paving scheduled for week of September 15th

Ballfields 1& 2 Multi-use Project: Some drainage issues are slowing things down, but things are still on schedule

Clise Electrical: Reordered fixtures turned out to be unworkable, so new ones will have to be acquired

Pet Garden: First cremains will be interred soon, and the new gates will be installed this fall

Birdloop: Grand Opening (August 2nd) went very well with a couple of hundred people taking tours, and everyone showing a lot of interest in informational booths, etc.  The boardwalk extension work has been delayed because the decking material that was delivered was found not to be ADA-compliant, and will have to be replaced.

SRA Boathouse: There was a lot of discussion about the status of the proposed new boathouse, and unfortunately, few actual facts were known.  A status report would be appreciated.


  • Barbara reiterated her disgust with some of the "potty-mouth" music that has been part of the concert series this year, feeling that it is inappropriate for the park.
  • Norah gave us a heads-up about the Day of Caring projects scheduled for September 12th at the Community Gardens and BirdLoop.  Volunteers from area businesses will be arriving en-masse to help out those days
  • She also warned that Saturday, September 13th, will be an especially busy day at the park
  • Norah will be out of town next month - Karl Kostal will be taking her place.

Next meeting, Wednesday, September 24, 2008.

These notes were made by Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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