Friends of Marymoor Park

January/February, 2013 Meeting Summaries

-- see also the November 28, 2012  meeting summary 

An apology; I didn't get the January notes written up in a timely fashion, and I missed the February meeting.  I cannot completely reconstruct January's meeting at this late date, but I will try to give an overview of some of the news for 2013 so far.

1) Concert Venue and Clise Mansion

AEG Live is the new concert promoter for Marymoor Park.  See  The concert series has a new website, where you can find out about the current season of concerts:  KC has asked AEG to do at least 12 shows a year.  The concert venue will now, apparently, be referred to as the Marymoor Amphitheater.  AEG Live is a national promoter; the Marymoor Amphitheater will be locally managed by Connors & Co. ( Gloria Connors attended the January and February meetings. 

Marymoor neighbor Barbara Dickson was at the January meeting, and reiterated her desire for fewer and quieter concerts. Brian & Debbie, also neighbors, chimed in explicitly on the opposite side, expressing strong support for the concerts.  Gloria Connors has recognized the sound issue as the biggest challenge, trying to find the balance between great sound and less bleed into the neighborhood. They are looking into adjustments to the stage, and will be upgrading the sound system, but there are limits to what they can do. There may be someone monitoring the sound levels and giving the sound man the green/yellow/red light for volume.  At the February meeting, she explained some new speaker technology that will be installed at the venue.  It is based on some of the same principles as sound-cancelling headphones, and will hopefully diminish some of the bass beats that carry too well out into the neighborhoods.

The Clise Mansion is also getting new management, though I'm uncertain of the details at this time. They are working on some modifications to appearance of Clise: an entrance awning, reverting more to historic look of woodwork inside, and maybe kitchen and restroom improvements.

At the January meeting, Michael Welsh (who previously organized a poetry workshop that was held at the Clise Mansion, and who would like to do another) asked if non-profits could get some kind of easier/cheaper access? The answer was no, but Norah said that King County can use the Mansion at certain times.  It might be possible for a non-profit to work with the county to use the mansion.  However, the nicer seasons are harder to book.

2) Sammamish River Transition-Zone Work

Greg and Norah met with KC staff (Water & Land Use), and did a walk-through of the site in early December.  At the January meeting, Greg Helland proposed that FOMP should go to King County Council to lobby for less-invasive processes, at least on a trial basis, as opposed to the "dredging" project that has apparently been funded.  The dredging project requires many permits, so it probably cannot be permitted for 2013 (but maybe).   FOMP can comment on those permits, but might best address KC council earlier.

3) Concert Venue fencing

The fences were finally taken down in December, but will of course be going back up in May. The new fence-rolling machine worked well.

4) CIP/Projects/Facilities Updates

a) Birdloop - Split-rail fencing and gates, which will limit access to the maintenance area just north of the Viewing Mound, will be going up in April.  They were delayed due to staffing priorities during the Cirque show season.

b) Garden Loosestrife Control Project - 2012 was last year for original grant. Will monitor in 2013, but may need to get more money and take more harsh actions.

c) Community Gardens - There are now 240 10’x40’ plots on the 2.1 acres of the Gardens.  Prior to 2002, KC ran the gardens, but since then, the Marymoor Community Gardeners Association has operated the gardens. In 2004, they started a Food Bank plot, and that has now grown to a full 8 plot areas. MCGA donates everything they grow on the Food Bank plots, plus gardeners also donate their overages from their own plots.  Over 48,000 lbs of fresh produce have been donated to Hopelink since 2004.   For 2013, new piping/irrigation/stand-pipes will likely be installed.

d) Marymoor West and SRA Boathouse Project - Michael complained about the MUCH uglier building than what was presented to FOMP originally. The basic structure is the same, but the exterior finish is much, much, much less appealing.

Original plan presented to FOMP, above.  As built, right.

e) East Lake Sammamish Trail construction - The Issaquah section of the trail should be competed this spring.  The design work for the North Sammamish segment is pretty much complete, and the project should be going out for bids in April.  The North Sammamish segment is the 3rd of 5 segments.  There are also proposed projects for two parking lot / restroom sites that are awaiting funding to proceed.  See

f) Interpretive Lot (Lot G) Improvements - minimal maintenance and grading continues.  This lot needs some drainage work designed and implemented in order to reduce on-going maintenance costs.  It has been suggested that Parks try selling naming rights for the parking lots to pay for upgrades...

g) Lighting Projects - Cottage driveway - Repair two.  MacNair Field - Install three.  North athletic fields - proposed lighting between Subway and soccer complex.  Tennic court pole damaged October 7; repairs underway.  New concrete pole delivered; waiting on fixtures.  All of these projects are scheduled to be complete before the late-Spring/Summer busy season at Marymoor.

h) Velodrome Restroom - Pump repairs and new 3" sewer line were completed in time for Cirque du Soliel.

i) Park Drainage; Culverts at Lot K Driveways - Water from flooding Bear Creek can flow under SR-520 through an old culvert into the mitigation wetland between the Event Pad and the Field Turf fields, and it can then flow from there through fields 2-3, Lot K, and even the main road through the park.  There are pumps, but they are not able to cope with the flow levels.  Flooding of Lot K (the lot with the Subway shop and parking for the turf fields) is exacerbated by clogged culverts.  So Parks is planning to replace the three culverts under the driveways that connect Lot K to the main road.  The larger question of Bear Creek water spilling under SR-520 into the park is being investigated.  Possible solutions include a one-way check valve on the culvert, to allow water to drain out of Marymoor, but not into the park.

Next Meeting: Wednesday March 27, 2013, 7:00 pm at the Art Barn

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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