Friends of Marymoor Park

March 25th, 2004 Meeting Summary

-- see also the February 2004 meeting summary

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Group Health Agreement

Tom Teigen, KC Parks Division, provided a description of the agreement. The news paper reports were not exactly correct. The initial agreement is for three years, with an option for two additional years. Under the current arrangement, the Parks Division is expecting net revenue in excess of $82,500 per year for the first three years. Additional details include:

  • Initial contact between the Marymoor Velodrome Association (MVA), KC Parks Division, Group Health and the ad agency was in late October/early November.
  • Group Health has been focusing on biking events for advertising and sponsorships.
  • All contact and negotiations were limited to select individuals until after the agreement was signed. Tom indicated this approach is common with naming rights negotiations.
  • The three options that were ultimately selected by Group Health were naming rights, sponsorship of the King County cycling map (which had not been produced for about four years due to funding issues), and title sponsorship of the Friday night racing event.
  • KC and MVA are working on a contract for the financial issues associated with the Friday night racing. KC will be contributing approximately $15,000 per year.
  • Advertising will include two logos on the track surface, and an 8’ by 60’ windscreen on the north end of the track. The windscreen, which is in the design phase, will be a mural with the Group Health logo incorporated. It will replace the former plywood windscreen. A sign with the Group Health logo will be added near the entrance to the velodrome.

The agreement was recognized by the attendees as valuable revenue for the Parks Division and for the MVA. The agreement is expected to significantly increase the exposure of the velodrome and the racing series.

Concern was expressed to Tom about the lack of involvement with FOMP before the agreement was signed. Additionally, Greg Helland pointed out that naming rights and billboards were specifically opposed by the organization when the issue of advertising in the park was previously discussed. It is notable that the newspaper reports indicated two windscreens would be installed, each having approximate dimensions of 10’ by 30’. Typical billboards are 12’ by 24’ or 14’ by 48’.

Tom acknowledged the lack of FOMP involvement, but indicated it was critical that the negotiations were kept confidential, thereby effectively precluding FOMP involvement. He expressed a lack of knowledge about the opposition to naming rights and billboards, but assumed FOMP would be supportive based on his periodic participation in the group meetings. He also noted that Group Health initially wanted billboards, but rescinded the request based on Tom’s belief that billboards would not be acceptable in the park or to FOMP. Additionally, while the two 10’ by 30’ windscreens are apparently in the contract, the parties agreed at the 11th hour to the single, lower-profile windscreen for improved aesthetics and for better acceptance to the park users.

Tom indicated that he would not change the process during future naming rights negotiations. He did not feel it would be appropriate to bring the issue to FOMP due to the risk that the negotiations would become public knowledge. Greg Helland indicated that a conversation with the board would provide Tom with the likely perspective of the entire organization.

Tom was asked if FOMP was truly a partner with KC Parks Division, or was an advisory group when convenient. Tom expressed the belief that FOMP was a valuable partner. It was commented that the lack of FOMP involvement with the Group Health agreement set a precedent suggesting otherwise.

Tom pointed out the value of the agreement to the Parks Division. It represents revenue that is needed to address the balance of the Division budget that is not covered by the levy. It was reiterated that the organization recognized the value of the agreement to the park and the velodrome. The issue was not the agreement, but rather the process.

Design for the windscreen will be available shortly. The intent is to finalize the design in the next two to three weeks, before the next FOMP meeting. FOMP members will be provided the opportunity to comment on the design through the email system and the FOMP web site.

3. Rowing Club Parking Area

King County, as the property owner, submitted a SEPA checklist to Redmond as part of the efforts to expand the parking lot in Marymoor West near the rowing club area. This activity was discussed at an FOMP meeting several months ago, and there was general consensus to the proposal by the group because of the need for improved parking. King County prepared the SEPA checklist in October, 2003.

This issue was similarly added to the agenda because FOMP was not afforded the opportunity to comment. Redmond assigned an application date of March 4th, with comments due by March 18th. This comment interval did not include an FOMP meeting. Further, no notice regarding the upcoming comment period was provided by members of the rowing club or KC Parks Division during the February FOMP meeting.

Norah Gaynor, KC Parks Division, indicated that she was unaware until recently of the notice and the comment period. The SEPA checklist was prepared by another individual within KC DNR&P. Apparently, there was limited internal (Parks Division) communication about the SEPA checklist, the notice and comment period.

4. Redmond Reporter Article

Greg Helland asked if the attendees had read the article, entitled Marymoor’s Future At Stake? (Redmond Report, March 10, 2004). Most had, but a few, who were not Redmond residents, had not. Greg indicated he would try and obtain reprints.

The general opinion was that the article was accurate. Most of the projects had been discussed at FOMP meetings months to years ago. The only truly new project was the electronic reader board, which was first presented to FOMP during the January 2004 meeting.

There was discussion around the table regarding the amount of public process that has been associated with the various projects discussed in the article. While there was disagreement whether sufficient public information has been made available, there was agreement that the article was giving the interested public ample notice of the need to get involved.

5. Concert Sound Issues

Norah was asked whether the KC Parks Division had retained a sound consultant to evaluate and address the sound issues from the concert. She indicated that one of the project managers had discussed the issue with several firms, and was working to develop a scope of work.

It was pointed out that sound issues have been associated with all the music events at the park. It was hoped that the issue would be diminished with the current concert series (smaller but more frequent concerts). Unfortunately, the issues appear to remain. Therefore, this issue will remain on the monthly agenda so that FOMP can be kept current with the efforts to address the issue.

6. RASP Poetry Event

The event is scheduled for April 3-4, and is sponsored by FOMP. Everyone was encouraged to attend. According to the newspaper, weekend tickets were $79; single day tickets were not available.

7. Funding Requests

Two funding requests were discussed. The first was a request from Tina Miller, Volunteer Coordinator for KC DNR&P. Tina requested $1,298.80 for materials and supplies for “Support of Restoration Projects in Marymoor and Along the Sammamish River.” FOMP received a donation from Starbucks in 2003 associated with volunteer hours worked by Starbucks’ employees. Tina had 2004 projects planned with volunteers from Starbucks, and was requesting FOMP funding to support the projects. There was agreement that the funding request should be granted. The three attending board members voted unanimously to fund the grant request.

The second request was from the Marymoor Community Gardeners Association. The request was “for materials and water fees to support six garden plots dedicated to grow organic produce for Hopelink (Redmond Food Bank).” Last summer, with financial assistance from FOMP, the Gardeners Association produced over 2,000 lbs of produce for Hopelink using two garden plots. They wish to expand the program, and asked FOMP for additional funding support.

There was agreement that the funding request should be granted. The three attending board members voted unanimously to fund the grant request.

8. Other

Barbara Dickson raised a concern about the rowing club parking area. Apparently, the parking may be causing drainage issues. Norah indicated she would contact Redmond, who is managing the construction on W. Lake Sammamish Parkway.

Norah provided a notice of application for the electronic reader board sign.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35.


The next meeting will be April 28, 2004.

These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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