Friends of Marymoor Park

November 16th, 2005 Meeting Summary

-- see also the October 2005 meeting summary

1) Introductions - in attendance - Greg Helland (SODA, FOMP President), Barbara Dickson (neighbor, salmon watcher), Michael Hobbs (East Lake Washington Audubon Society, FOMP secretary/webmaster), Norah Gaynor (King County Parks), Harley Sheffield (Marymoor Velodrome Association), Niall King (Eastside Rugby), Jack MacKinnon (Community Gardeners Association, Herb Bone (Marymoor R/C Club, FOMP Board).
2) Cirque agreement - Announcement came out November 9.  Setup will begin April 4th, 2006.  Performances May 3-June 11.  Performance times: Mon-Thur - 8:00 pm; Fri-Sat 4:00, 8:00;  Sun 1:00, 4:00.  10-day teardown after the 11th.  Agreement runs through 2010, but they typically might return to the same location about every three years.  Timing of any future visits not determined; could be spring or fall.  800-1000 cars per show, parking in the area near the climbing rock, soccer field 5, and the Cowboy Lot (lot B), and possibly the area adjacent to the pad.
3) Status of pad construction - Rain has forced delays.  Rain hit just before the structural fill was going to be lain.  They are currently trying to drain the site and they had to rebuild their access road.   Structural fill should come soon (within the next 2 weeks) followed by 4 days to pave.
4) Next phase for Pet Garden - Wall construction should begin next week, with pouring of concrete foundation.  Bricklayers Union will begin shortly after that.  Drainage problems around the kiosk are being addressed.  A variety of final details (benches, more trees, trellises, etc.) will be coming before the end of 2005.  KC Parks working to have CPG money available; typically this would be routed through a non-profit organization with which the county would enter into an agreement.  FOMP has been approached, but indemnity language in the standard CPG agreement text would preclude that since FOMP has no insurance.
5) Landmarks Commission re: stage/concert venue - Proposal will be submitted in December, rather than in November as previously advertised (see last month's minutes).  This will presumably shift the whole schedule back a month; meaning that January is probably when this will come before the Commission.
6) Budget process/Parks requests - Budget will probably become final just before Thanksgiving.  Operations request for Marymoor is essentially the same as for this year. 
7) Turf Soccer fields - March 1st expected start of construction.  Completion in September.
8) Marymoor Velodrome Association Announcer Stand - Permitting should begin in November or early December.  Construction might begin by April if permitting can be fast-tracked.   This building will replace the existing trailer.
9) Eastside Rugby storage - Rugby goals are 32 foot tall, but break down for storage.  Rather than hauling them on and off site during the season, Eastside Rugby would like to build a storage container, a 2' x 2' x 19' low horizontal box.  This would be on-site at Marymoor only during Rugby season (late August though November, late January though April).   It would be placed against the split-rail fence next to the portapotty just south of Field 7 (this is the field just north of Snag Row north of the Interpretive Lot, immediately west of the access road to the Interpretive Lot).  The container would likely be some kind of hard plastic.
10)  Other
  • CGA will again be selling Chinook Books.
  • MAR/C has adjusted their flight paths to steer clear of the new shop being constructed.  There's still a little more work necessary to demark the flight zone, but operations have begun using the new flight path.
  • Barbara asked about the Sailplane fliers who are being ousted from 60 Acres South.  Sailplanes must take-off and land into the wind, so the fixed position runway at the Marymoor R/C site is not usually something Sailplaners can use.
  • Roofs will be put over all of the parking machines (except probably the one at Clise Mansion) to keep the rain off.
  • SUBWAY is closed for the season, but may open sporadically.
  • Stumps near the entrance will be ground next week.
  • Congratulations to Jack MacKinnon (CGA), whose Senior Softball team are the AA World Champions!

There is no December FOMP meeting. Next meeting, Wednesday, January 25th.

These notes were made by the Bill Ilie and Greg Helland, and entered here by Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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