Friends of Marymoor Park

November 18, 2015 Meeting Summary

-- see also the October 28, 2015  meeting summary

1) Introductions – Norah Robinson, King County Parks; Michael Hobbs, Eastside Audubon, FOMP Secretary;Glen Eades, Eastside Audubon;

2) Taiwan Friendship Garden – On November 12th, there was a formal luncheon at Clise Mansion with Parks/KC and local Taiwanese, and delegates from the Women’s Asian Global Business, plus the Consul General from Taipei – ceremonial tree “planting” event.   The Garden proposal is still to be submitted to Landmarks and Cultural Resources. There is a similar Friendship Garden in Stanley Park in Vancouver. The one in Marymoor would be smaller scale. Norah did show a photo of a totem-pole-like wooden sculpture (about 7 feet tall plus any pedestal) that they might like to include. Norah believes the garden would go in the NE portion of the Clise Historic District. Michael suggested that, except for concerts, people tend to be quiet and almost respectful when in the Historic District, and that tone of the garden would be compatible with the district.

3) CIP/Project/Facilities Updates:

a) Birdloop – Trail asphalt repair:  Phase 1 (south to the bridge)complete. Glenn mentioned that much of the new pavement isn’t crowned and puddles water already. He did mention that the new crushed gravel surface running south of the kiosk seems to be a good improvement.   Michael mentioned that the surface character of the paving doesn’t appear to be very good quality, with lots of surface issues. Michael also suggested that the square of the parking lot immediately east of the ADA parking space should probably be indicated (with the rocks or bollards?) to keep cars from parking there, where they could interfere with the ADA slot. He also suggested installing some “Head in parking only” signs on the split-rail fence along the east edge of Lot G. This would help organize the parking situation there, in a low-cost manner.

Trail Phase 2: Norah thinks a boardwalk might be better than pavement for the remainder. The contractor found it quite difficult working on the unstable ground on Phase 1, and the remainder of the trail is on even less stable ground. This would push Phase 2 to the 2017-2018 budget cycle. Michael raised concerns that the condition of the Phase 2 pavement is getting really bad. Norah suggested that possibly some sections of pavement could be removed by Parks Maintenance and replaced with compacted crushed gravel. Michael estimated that there might be 40-50 yards of trail that is really bad. Glenn suggested that gravel patches might be better for ADA accessibility, but suggested that someone who knew about ADA accessibility might want to come out and make suggestions.

b) Noxious Weeds - Weed crew sprayed Canada Thistles in the East Meadow two weeks ago.  Troy suggested a meeting in early 2016 to strategise phase 2.  Crew also sprayed new growth of Poison Hemlock found at base of the Viewing Mound.  Note to all - a very invasive weed called Sulfur Cinquefoil has been spotted in new plantings just east of Marymoor.  Troy and crew are working to eradicate it as soon as possible, and wanted folks to become familiar with it in case it shows up in Marymoor Park.  This weed travels by seed, and can be spread by infected items such as boots and tools.  See link for more information: 

b) Community Gardens – The Marymoor Community Gardeners Association elected a new board this month, for two-year terms.  The new board will be: President (and Volunteer Coordinator): Gia Parsons VP: Laura Hall Secretary: Bev MacKinzie Treasurer: Tiffany Gray At-Large Members: Mary Lou Colwell, Michelle Raymond (Food Bank Manager and mentor), Hannah, Bronwyn, Robin, Amanda

The Apiary is going well. Apparently a jar of honey (quart size?) was donated to the Food Bank this year.

Significant progress is happening with the Plumbing and Pathway grant. Michelle Raymond, Gia, and Laura are the MCGA board contacts for CJ.   They send big thanks to Norah for her help with this project.

Finally, an update on Jack MacKinnon (who has attended many FOMP meetings over the last decade), who is doing better after his back surgery! He has a strong-willed, and caring, physical therapist who is keeping him on-task and focused on getting stronger. He says, 'Hello,' in his great Boston accent, and hopes that you all are doing well.

c)  East Lake Sammamish Trail – King County has appealed 19 permit conditions required by the City of Sammamish.  The City would like the trail reduced in width in places, mostly to preserve trees.  King County has already reduced the number of trees that they are asking to be removed significantly.  The appeals process may delay the start of construction on this first of 2 City of Sammamish segments.

d)  Shop yard fencing - Proposal to extend fencing around outdoor storage areas north and east of the Art Barn.  Fencing would be dark forest green or black slats inside chain link.  Proposal was approved by the Design Committee, and was up for review at Landmarks on 11/19

4) Other:  No Big Top event scheduled for early 2016 (i.e. no Cavalia or Cirque du Soleil)

Next Meeting: January 27, 2016, at the Art Barn

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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