Friends of Marymoor Park

September 27, 2017 Meeting Summary

-- see also the July 26, 2017  meeting summary

1) Introductions

Norah Robinson, King County Parks – Marymoor Park lead; Greg Helland, FOMP President; Shane Berry, AEG Live; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon, neighbor; Kortney Thoma, parkrun; Steve Guty, MAR/C

2) parkrunKortney Thoma

Kortney, a volunteer with parkrun, described how the organization, a non-profit (501(c)4), organizes casual 5K runs at parks throughout the world. Once registered with the organization, one can participate at any location where parkrun is hosting an event. The organization was founded in the UK, and supports individuals who want to keep running or training as an exercise method. All volunteer organization: each session averages 20 to 30 participants, and includes volunteer course marshals, timers, organizers, etc. Currently planning to have events on Cedar River trail in Renton. Looking to expand to an eastside area – the scale of Marymoor is attractive. Norah noted that parking is, as always, a concern within Marymoor. The event usually only lasts 1.5 hours. Within Marymoor, groups in excess of 25 require a permit; challenge is the advance size of the group is unknown.  parkrun has engaged in supporting activities (cleanups, etc.) in other parks and cities. Kortney and parkrun will coordinate with Norah with the logistics for possibly operating within Marymoor. Other King County facilities along the Sammamish River Trail may also present options. See Or Rentonparkrun.

3) Birdloop

Asphalt removal starts Monday, Oct. 2nd, and will take two weeks to complete. Compacted gravel surface will be installed from the bridge to the boardwalk. There will be construction traffic during the project. Trail will be partially closed during the project. 

4) CIP/Project/Facilities Updates

a) Top Tennis Facility – final design for Sound Transit on the north edge of the park hasn’t been completed, and it may impact the proposed tennis facility. No news specific to the proposed tennis facility.

b) Maintenance – additional dead poplars along the east edge of the park (adjacent to technical college and business park buildings) will be removed. Replacement plan hasn’t been established. King County initiative for planting trees will include Marymoor. More details will follow as the program is developed.

c) New turf installed on the sports fields – Vendor needs to return to finish striping select areas (corner features). King County noted considerable damage to the asphalt in the parking area where the contractor staged equipment. Contractor is repairing the damage.

d) Cultural Resources – Brandy Rink is the new archeologist assigned to KC Parks. Expected to spend considerable time at Marymoor based on archeological potential of the facility. Procedures for evaluating and managing archeological aspect of various park projects are being developed. Brandy plans to attend Oct 25th FOMP meeting. Norah will attempt to circulate a draft procedure document in advance of the meeting.

e) Rowing Club – As reported at the July meeting, an Eagle Scout project is underway to provide a shelter for rowing club parking lot.

f) Parking lot lighting – Permanent lighting planned for velodrome lot to replace regular use of portable, diesel-powered lights. Plan is to have low-profile, shielded lights, operated on a timer.

g) Dudley Carter sculptures – Funding has been assigned to provide for restoration. Need to start thinking about prospective locations within the park. May want to develop a separate sculpture map.

5) Events update and Other

  • Concert series ends this weekend (concert series was deemed a success). According to Shane, the revised food truck arrangement at the concert venue worked much better.
  • Teatro ZinZanni getting ready to start.
  • Komen 3-day was successfully completed, with the participants again staying in Marymoor.
  • Norah will ask Sound Transit to attend November meeting to provide an update.
  • Issue of cut-through traffic in the park continues to be problematic. Need to look for a solution.

Next meeting, Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

The final meeting for 2017 will be on the third Wednesday in November (11/15/17) to avoid the Thanksgiving holiday.

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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