Friends of Marymoor Park

March 27, 2024 Meeting Summary

-- see also the February 28, 2024  meeting summary

  1. Welcome and Introductions:

    Greg Helland, FOMP President; Chris Jordan, Marymoor Park Administration, King County Parks; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon Bird Loop, neighbor;  Shai Hinitz, MAR/C; Michael Hobbs, Marymoor Bird Survey, FOMP Secretary

  2. Festival of Color - Recap:

    Weather was not cooperative, so attendance was just 1500 for the first session, and 4500 for the 2nd session.  Thus, Parks was over-prepared for the actual attendance.  This meant there were no problems.  Generally very successful except for the weather.

  3. CIP/Project/Facility Updates:

    a.    Eastside Audubon Birdloop:

    First Saturday work parties continue.  Hawthorn management still a major problem.   Planning to get rid of the rest of the live hawthorns this year.  EAS is engaging in detailing the scope of the project.

    Michael asked about various tree plantings that have been going into the park.  Specifically, there is a fairly newly planted Doug Fir just east of the mowed trail around the east side of the East Meadow.  But there may be some view-corridor blocking plantings.

    b.    Marymoor Community Gardens:

    Had their orientation meeting for gardeners this week.

    c.    R/C Field (MAR/C):

    Project has been moving along swimmingly.  Storage shed complete, other structure still needs a roof.  Electrical is coming.  ADA path continues to be a problem.  They are very, very close to a square footage limit before significant mitigation requirements kick in.  MAR/C was told that their existing path plan was too narrow.  They have developed a new plan, with two new ADA parking spots in the east end of the parking lot, and the ADA path straight to the buildings, but at a new 5 foot width.

    MAR/C has been experiencing significant delays in getting reimbursements from CPG; 2-3 months.  For small organizations with small budgets and little reserves.

    Cubs and Cousins event on April 20th, and a Scouting troupe event will be this summer.

    d.    Off-leash area (SODA):

    Fencing has gone up around the heronry.  First eggshell was noted on March 13th.

    e.    Cascade Music Collective and Seattle Event Solutions (Concert venue):

    "Complete" concert schedule should be coming out soon.

    f.    Maintenance:

    Art Barn post-flood restoration is almost complete.  Concert area prep is ongoing.  Recruitment for seasonal workers is underway.  Lighting for turf fields is hopefully coming soon.

    g.    Sound Transit Light Rail:

    Parks is working with ST on precise planting locations for trees in the Historic District.  ST has brought many trees on site already; planting will be in early April.  Hopefully netting replacement on the north side of turf fields will be in May, with fencing along the edge of the Recreation Pad in early June.

    h.    Cricket Facility Proposal:

    Greg has written a draft letter to KC Council for comments by the FOMP board.  Glenn reiterated the frustration that the proponents of the cricket facility have not presented any plans or concepts at a FOMP meeting. 

    i.    Capital Site Planning:

    Planning is on hold, as Parks does surveys, both to the general public and to park user groups and partners, to guide planning considerations for the upcoming Parks Levy.  There will be public meetings as well.   The Parks Levy will be on the ballot in 2025, and if approved it will go into effect in 2026. 

    j.    Velodrome:

    Hoping to repair and repaint the track in advance of National junior championships.
    Next meeting Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

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These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.

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