Friends of Marymoor Park


Bird Sightings Week 2
January 8-14


Rarities for Week 2:

Mandarin Duck 14-Jan-06 Escapee.  With Wood Ducks during major flood event
Dunlin 09-Jan-02 25 swirling over boat docks SW of Marymoor
Dunlin 13-Jan-00 35 landed in puddle on grass soccer fields
Franklin's Gull 09-Jan-14  
Common Redpoll 10-Jan-08 Glimpsed amongst a huge flock of Pine Siskin
American Tree Sparrow
09-Jan-25 Two along west edge of the East Meadow
..."Eastern" Song Sparrow 09-Jan-25 Continuing from 01-Jan, west edge of the East Meadow
Swamp Sparrow
08-Jan-11 Continuing from 06-Jan below weir

Report for January 9, 2024                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

Our ridiculously fine weather continues.  Today's low was 41, and by the end it was 47 and sunny with no wind.  Yikes!  It was birdy too, at least here and there.

  • Green-winged Teal - Lone drake at the Rowing Club pond, first in 5 weeks, and only the 8th since last spring.  First of Year (FOY)
  • Hooded Merganser - Pair in the slough near the start of the boardwalk (FOY)
  • Virginia Rail - Two responded from the far side of the slough (FOY)
  • Killdeer - Heard by Matt, flying over the East Meadow pre-dawn.  First since October (FOY)
  • Cooper's Hawk - One near the concert stage, mobbed by a couple of crows (FOY)
  • Short-eared Owl - Model Airplane Field, about 7:30 a.m.  (FOY)
  • Northern Shrike - Juvenile, again on the far side of slough.  Report also from East Meadow (FOY)
  • AMERICAN TREE SPARROW - Not just one, but TWO together, East Meadow, first since 2023 (FOY)
  • Lincoln's Sparrow - Same flock as the American Tree Sparrow (FOY)
I just happened to check my phone, and saw that John Puschock had found an American Tree Sparrow along the upper west portion of the East Meadow.  We did a bit of willy-nilly navigation straight there, only to find TWO of them in the same bush at the same time, about 2 feet apart.  I believe this is the 13th record for ATSP at the park.  John had been searching for the "Eastern" subspecies Song Sparrow that has been in that same area recently; I heard he saw it later, we did not.

There was a flock of 120-140 SHORT-BILLED GULLS, but they were always too far away for us to search through them for a Ring-billed or other gull. 

Besides geese and gulls and crows, the most numerous birds today were AMERICAN ROBINS and DARK-EYED JUNCOS.

A late scan of the lake turned up four HORNED GREBE just off the Marymoor south shore (FOY).  I then returned to the park and found the two CALIFORNIA SCRUB-JAYS that have been hanging out near the East Entrance (FOY)

Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, American Coot, Ring-billed Gull, Bushtit, Marsh Wren, and Purple Finch.

For the day, 53 species, with 11 new for the year, to bring us to 57 species for 2025.

= Michael Hobbs

Report for January 11, 2024                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

After a beautiful pre-dawn, it was dark and cold this morning.  For parts of the morning we had a few drops, and quite a few snow pellets, and occasional cold winds.  The starting temp was 33 degrees, and it was 40 by 11:30, but I'm pretty sure it was colder somewhere in the middle there.  Not terribly surprisingly, it was not terribly birdy.

  • Trumpeter Swan - Flyby of 6 birds, heading south.  First of Year (FOY)
  • Wood Duck - One male in the slough near the lake (FOY)
  • Pileated Woodpecker - Heard many times, never seen (FOY)
  • Merlin - One flew over the Pea Patch (FOY)
  • Varied Thrush - Pair SW of the mansion (FOY)
Heard-only VIRGINIA RAIL and heard-only HAIRY WOODPECKER were also FOY, as were some PINE SISKIN that turned up at the Rowing Club parking lot just after most everyone else had left.

No owls this morning, and a rather poor showing of raptors, wrens, and finches.

Misses today included Anna's Hummingbird, Killdeer, Cooper's Hawk, Belted Kingfisher, Northern Shrike, Marsh Wren, and Purple Finch.

For the day, 52 species.  For 2024, we're at 61 species.

= Michael Hobbs

Three of the six swans that few by silently. Photo by Tony Ernst

A close-up appears to show the longer bill, typical of the expected Trumpeter.

Male Wood Duck in the slough. Photo by Tony Ernst

Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Photo by Tony Ernst

Report for January 12, 2023                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

Yet again, the forecast was far worse than conditions on the ground.  We had, at worst, a little mizzle this morning, with only 5 minutes of light rain at 10:45 and again at the end of the walk while we were at the Rowing Club.  Matt did report that it was both windy and rainy pre-dawn, but that had let up by 7:15.  It was even pretty birdy for the first hour-and-a-half, before reverting back to the vacant birdlessness we've had for much of the last several weeks.

  • Ring-necked Duck - Pair just off the Lake Platform.  First of Year (FOY)
  • Anna's Hummingbird - Several, including males singing, posing dramatically, and chasing each other
  • Wilson's Snipe - One east of the East Meadow (FOY)
  • Cooper's Hawk - Definite looks at one below the weir (FOY)
  • Downy Woodpecker - One just south of the heronry, obscurely hidden near the top of a cottonwood (FOY)
  • Northern Shrike - One in the East Meadow, and later north of Fields 7,8,9.  (FOY)
  • Bushtit - Flock that seemed to follow us up the slough (FOY)
  • Purple Finch - Matt and I had one bird, singing a vireo-like song, southeast of the mansion.  It was our ONLY FINCH today (FOY)
  • White-crowned Sparrow - One gambelii singing in the Pea Patch, a few more seen
We also had RIVER OTTERS in the slough again.

Misses today included Hooded Merganser, Short-billed and Ring-billed Gulls (but we did have a flock of flying black wing-tipped gulls that were almost certainly some mix of these), Red-tailed Hawk, and HOUSE FINCH.

For the day, 47 species plus "black wing-tipped gull(s)".

= Michael Hobbs

Report for January 13, 2022                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

The weather started bad but then got kind to us.  Owling was pretty much rained out, and we had rain for about the first hour of the main walk.  But then it all miraculously cleared off revealing quite a bit of blue sky.  Not cold or windy either.  However, the park was definitely flooded.  We had no access along the slough south of the southern-most Dog Swim Beach, and the entire southern half of the Dog Meadow was closed off.  Heading towards the boardwalk south from the East Meadow we had water over the trail, and a big Trail Closed sign at the start of the boardwalk.  The boardwalk will remain closed until the water recedes, and Parks has a chance to check its condition.
Birds were here and there, but nothing too special showed up:
  • 9 species of duck
  • Ring-necked Pheasant – “Lonesome George II” lives – it’s been weeks and weeks since we saw him
  • Cedar Waxwing – at least 15 near Dog Area porta potties.  Could not find a Bohemian with them though Sad smile
  • Purple Finch – about 4, first in several weeks
  • White-throated Sparrow – continues with zonotrichia flock below the weir
  • Western Meadowlark – one in the East Meadow flew towards the model airplane field
For the day, we managed 54 species.
= Michael Hobbs

Report for January 14, 2021                                                                                                                      Birding at Marymoor

The day was gorgeous; the park was flooded.  High water closed parts of the boardwalk and slough trail, making it impossible to walk the full loop; we had to probe in from each side separately.  Three of us did make it to the Lake Platform (from the east), not that we found many species on the lake.  Waterbirds have *so many* places to be, with all of the flooded fields in the area.  And due to COVID, we again split into two groups to try and be safe.  Still, we managed to find a very respectable number of species.
  • Wood Duck – Flyovers, seen by the Jordan’s group
  • Horned Grebe – three FAR out on the lake
  • Virginia Rail – heard (seen by Jordan’s group) east of the East Meadow; the usual haunts along the slough and boardwalk are too flooded
  • Barn Owl – Matt saw one in the shaft opening of the windmill just after 5 a.m.
  • Western Screech-Owl – The owling team heard one from the “Mysterious Thicket” pre-dawn
  • Hairy Woodpecker – female in Big Cottonwood Forest
  • Varied Thrush – female near the Hairy, in the Big Cottonwood Forest
  • Cedar Waxwing – Jordan’s group saw three
  • Western Meadowlark – My group found two in the East Meadow and Dog Meadow, with at least one of them singing
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler – two at the Rowing Club, our first since October!
Singing has really picked up in the last two weeks.  Species heard singing yesterday:  ANNA’S HUMMINGBIRD, BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE, PACIFIC WREN, BEWICK’S WREN, HOUSE FINCH, SONG SPARROW, GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW, DARK-EYED JUNCO, WESTERN MEADOWLARK, and RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD.  The Bewick’s Wrens were really going at it, all over the park.  A few other species were heard tuning up, but not really singing.
Misses yesterday included Ring-necked Duck, Marsh Wren, and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
For the day, 61 species; a very good start to 2021.
= Michael Hobbs   

Mt. Rainier from the Viewing Mound.  Photo  by Michael Hobbs

Flooding at the Lake Platform.  Photo  by Bob Asanoma

Report for January 9, 2020                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

34 degrees and sleet doesn’t make for a great day.  It did clear up by the time we got to the Rowing Club, but still...   It was cold and wet and gray and pretty birdless.
  • Ring-necked Duck – one male, near the windmill, first of the winter, and of course FOY
  • -Ducks – 9 species total, including Hooded & Common Merganser, both FOY
  • Ring-necked Pheasant – Lonesome George at the Pea Patch, FOY
  • Green Heron – at the Rowing Club, FOY
  • Great Horned Owl – Matt heard 1-2 near windmill really early, we saw one in the East Meadow 6:30ish, FOY
  • Short-eared Owl – heard barking 4 times as it flew away from the Great Horned Owl – never seen, FOY
  • Pileated Woodpecker – one flew right over us
  • Northern Shrike – Near Viewing Mound
  • Finches – ZERO
Passerines were generally few and far between.
We did manage 49 species, and I believe our year list is up to 60.
= Michael Hobbs

Green-winged Teal.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for January 10, 2019                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

While doing the walk, my car was broken into.  They smashed my passenger-side window and grabbed the tote bag that had my rain gear and a bunch of other little things.  Nothing of resale value.  Pain in the neck, and large expense for me.  It kind of ruined what was otherwise a very nice day.


  • Wilson's Snipe – Heard only, predawn, Matt only.  New for 2019
  • ICELAND "THAYER'S" GULL – on grass soccer fields with other gulls.  First of Year (FOY).  Pink legs. Bill small and peglike for a pink-legged gull, yellow with just a small red spot. Underwing black limited to just the primary tips. Matt said he was seeing the black only on the outer primary feathers on the wing top. First report from Marymoor since 2016.
  • Peregrine Falcon – Flyby over weir.  FOY. 
  • Pine Siskin – FOY
  • RIVER OTTER – 4 or 5 on lake

For the day, 54 species

== Michael Hobbs

Male Belted Kingfisher.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Busy heronry.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Great Blue Herons at nest site.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Green Heron on the beaver lodge.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Mallards.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Report for January 11, 2018                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

I was joined by two intrepid souls today, trudging through unceasing, steady, soaking rain all morning. It was decidedly dark and wet, though not overly cold (low 40’s), and with only occasional bits of breeze. Needless to say, birds were often hard to come by. But we did have a few good birds.


  • Wood Duck – pair again in small pond at Rowing Club
  • Lesser Scaup – four males in slough
  • Mew Gull – dozens
  • Ring-billed Gull – at least 1
  • Sharp-shinned Hawk – one, probably male by size
  • Cooper’s Hawk – at least two I think; we had ~5 sightings of accipiters
  • MERLIN– perched on tall conifers around mansion
  • Bushtit – ~10 along boardwalk, our first since early December
  • Brown Creeper – finally got a look, after thinking we heard some several times
  • Cedar Waxwing – flock of around 15 flew NW

We had some notable misses – no finches at all, and a single NORTHERN FLICKER was our only woodpecker. Other misses included Ring-necked Duck, Common Merganser, Red-tailed Hawk, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and White-crowned Sparrow. Did I mention it was wet?

Matt had car trouble and never made it to the park this morning; in his absence it’s no surprise we had no owls. Of course, if he read the weather forecast, maybe he had “car trouble, uh huh, uh-huh”... Did I mention the unceasing rain? [Nah. He’s willingly (stupidly???) intrepid when necessary, and I hope his car’s health improves quickly.]

We had 9 species we didn’t have last week (all of the highlight birds except Wood Duck), so our 47 species today brought our 2018 list to 61 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Rainy slough. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Male Belted Kingfisher at Dog Central. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Bald Eagle.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Merlin.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for January 12, 2017                                                                                                                      Birding at Marymoor

It was a balmy 18 degrees when we started this morning,  but the weather was gorgeous,  with no wind and plenty of sunshine.   And there were birds. Frozen ponds and streams means waterfowl continue to be gathering in the slough and lake.

  • Greater White-fronted Goose - One in mixed goose flock
  • Snow Goose - Probably the same juvenile as last few weeks
  • Ruddy Duck - 55 on lake, seen late
  • - 12 species of duck,total -
  • Green Heron - One on near side of slough
  • TURKEY VULTURE - 1 at Rowing Club.  1st winter sighting ever!
  • Cooper's Hawk - 2, one caught a VIRGINIA RAIL :(
  • Western Meadowlark - Matt saw a group in NE corner
As we got to the boardwalk, we saw two COOPER'S HAWKS interacting.  As we approached the lake platform, one of the hawks landed on the railing with a VIRGINIA RAIL in its talons.  We seldom detect rails in winter, especially when it's this cold, so this was a sad shock.

At the lake, looking into the sun, we saw one merganser that we thought might be a Red-breasted (which would be new for the park), based mostly on impressions of shape, crest, and bill.  After the walk, I viewed the lake again, and found many Commons but no Red-breasted.

Also from the lake platform, we had seen a flock of ducks on the water to the southeast that I couldn't identify at all.  But in my late lake scan I found the flock of RUDDY DUCKS that I believe were what we had seen.  Definitely a high count for that species.

Generally, we then saw almost everything we might expect at this time of year except gulls (only Ring-billed and GW today), Northern Shrike, Bushtit, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Pine Siskin.

For the day,  including the deceased rail,  66 species!

= Michael Hobbs

Report for January 12, 2016                                                                                                                 Birding at Marymoor

It was a balmy 18 degrees when we started this morning, but the weather was gorgeous, with no wind and plenty of sunshine. And there were birds. Frozen ponds and streams means waterfowl continue to be gathering in the slough and lake.


Gr. Wh.-fronted Goose                One in mixed goose flock
Snow Goose                                Prob. same juvenile as last few weeks
Ruddy Duck                                 55 on lake, seen late
- 12 species of duck total -
Green Heron                                One on near side of slough
TURKEY VULTURE                 1 at Rowing Club. 1st winter sighting ever!
Cooper's Hawk                           2, one caught a VIRGINIA RAIL :(
Western Meadowlark                  Matt saw a group in NE corner

As we got to the boardwalk, we saw two COOPER'S HAWKS interacting. As we approached the lake platform, one of the hawks landed on the railing with a VIRGINIA RAIL in its talons. We seldom detect rails in winter, especially when it's this cold, so this was a sad shock.

At the lake, looking into the sun, we saw one merganser that we thought might be a Red-breasted (which would be new for the park), based mostly on impressions of shape, crest, and bill. After the walk, I viewed the lake again, and found many Commons but no Red-breasted.  Photos appeared to show only Common and Hooded Mergansers on the lake.

Also from the lake platform, we had seen a flock of ducks on the water to the southeast that I couldn't identify at all. But in my late lake scan I found the flock of RUDDY DUCKS that I believe were what we had seen. Definitely a high count for that species.

Generally, we then saw almost everything we might expect at this time of year except gulls (only Ring-billed and GW today), Northern Shrike, Bushtit, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Pine Siskin.

For the day, including the deceased rail, 66 species!

- Michael Hobbs

Red-winged Blackbird.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Lesser Scaup.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Lesser Scaup.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Bufflehead, preening.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Great Blue Heron.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult Cooper's Hawk with freshly-killed Virginia Rail.  Photo by Mason Flint

Spiky Anna's Hummingbird on a spiky twig.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wilson's Snipe.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wilson's Snipe near female Green-winged Teal.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Turkey Vulture.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Turkey Vulture.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Ring-necked Duck pair.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Ring-necked Duck.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wilsons's Snipe, 2017-01-06.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Out-of-bounds dog flushes the birds, 2017-01-06.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for January 14, 2016                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

We had a really nice morning at Marymoor today. Above freezing to start, and warming in the sunshine under clear skies with no wind. It was birdy on-and-off, though there were also surprisingly long stretches with not too much. And much of the birdiness involved only a few species seen in large numbers.


9 species of duck       Including a few Greater Scaup
Horned Grebe           At least 1 on lake
Western Grebe          3 on lake
GREEN HERON      Juvenile along near shore of slough
Virginia Rail               Heard from bend in boardwalk
Killdeer                     Matt heard one pre-dawn
Western Gull             1 wh.-headed, dark backed, black wing-tipped, pink-legged
Northern Shrike         Juvenile again north of fields 7-8-9
Bushtit                       Many sightings. Often high in cottonwoods
Y.-rumped Warbler   3 times had single birds
Pine Siskin                 Single bird in an alder. Where are his friends?

The NORTHERN SHRIKE is frequently seen in the area north of fields 7-8-9. Today’s views were somewhat typical though. We saw the bird from the Viewing Mound, where we watched it fly from a tree to a bush to a soccer goalpost to another goalpost and then disappear. When we walked over that way, no shrike to be seen. Last week we walked past that area, and I finally played shrike calls. A couple of minutes later, when we’d walked on towards the Pea Patch, someone spotted it perched up back behind us in its usual spot. So this bird likes to hunker down a lot, but seems to stay in the same location. Some day it might even give someone a good look, but it seems shy.

For the day, 57 species (same as last week). For the year, 64 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Green Heron.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

American Coots.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Bufflehead.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bald Eagle.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Robin in European Hawthorn.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

American Crow.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

BUNNY!.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Marsh Wren, 2016-01-08.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Northern Shrike drops from its perch, 2016-01-02.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for January 8, 2015                                                                                                                  Birding at Marymoor

0600 – 1300, Overcast all day, 39F - 41F.  Pretty birdy – 45 species by the time we reached dog central. Good birds – Northern Saw-whet Owl, Barn Owl – both early by Matt.  Horned Grebe on lake, Wood Duck, and good numbers of sparrows.  56 species – not too bad for a chilly, overcast January day.

White-crowned Sparrow, with Golden-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Bufflehead.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Wood Duck.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Merganser.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bewick's Wren.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Glaucous-winged Gulls.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Dark-eyed Junco.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Coyote.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Report for January 9, 2014                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

Not a lot of bird action today, though it wasn’t cold, and the rain almost entirely held off. Sunrise was spectacular though.


Pied-billed Grebe           AT LEAST 63 on north end of lake
Sharp-shinned Hawk      Adult, juvenile – First of Year
Cooper’s Hawk             Adult - First of Year
FRANKLIN’S GULL    Probably same bird as in late Nov., with Mew Gulls
N. SAW-WHET OWL  Matt heard/saw 1 pre-dawn, east of East Footbridge
Wh.-crowned Sparrow   First since October!

So, just 49 species for the day. Four new species for the year puts us at 60 (plus scaup sp. today).

== Michael Hobbs

Sunrise photos by Michael Hobbs

Male Ring-necked Duck preening the neck ring from which the species gets it name. Usually, the wine-colored ring is hidden.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Goldeneye in the slough.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Common Goldeneye in the slough.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult Sharp-shinned Hawk with a full crop, crossing the East Meadow.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Probably the same accipiter we left unidentified last week.  This week, we decided it was a Cooper's Hawk.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Anna's Hummingbird at the park office, looking fine.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-tailed Hawk pair just east of the Rowing Club parking lot.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for January 10, 2013                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

Not the greatest weather in the world, but not bad. Fog pre-dawn, really quite nice from about 7:30-9:30, then turning dark and chilly with traces of drizzle and a sapping breeze occasionally. But temps were above freezing (barely), the wind often abated, and the precipitation didn’t even make viewing difficult except for the flat light. It was birdy sometimes and quiet others, but it made for a good day in all.


Wood Duck                   Pair near mouth of slough
Western Grebe               Two out on lake
Northern Harrier             Nice adult male flew over Pea Patch
Sharp-shinned Hawk      One at Rowing Club
Cooper’s Hawk              Same bird as last week
MERLIN                       On cottonwood in Snag Row
Virginia Rail                    Again, heard east of East Meadow
Mew Gull                       Hundreds swirling overhead
Barn Owl                       At least one, just after 7, Viewing Mound
Northern Shrike             Three sightings, but probably same bird
Red Crossbills                Mansion area, Rowing Club, 50+?
Pine Siskin                     Only ONE!

We also had 3-4 COYOTES, before 8:00, and 3 RIVER OTTERS at the lake.

For the day, 59 species! For 2013, we’re at 67 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Male Hooded Mergansers ignore a Common Goldeneye taking off

American Robin

Calling Downy Woodpecker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Just a few of the Mew Gulls swirling overhead.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Close-up of some of the Mew Gulls.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Spotted Towhee.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Bufflehead.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Report for January 12, 2012                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

I never did send out a message to Tweeters, since I left somewhat early to head to the airport, while Brian, Matt, and the rest continued around the mansion and to the Rowing Club.  Gorgeous sunrise.  It was cold, but not windy or raining.  The birds were hard to come by, especially the small passerines, but ducks were plentiful in the slough until the jetski sped down towards the weir...


Greater White-fronted Goose      At least 1 with Cacklers/Canadas
Nine species of duck
Sharp-shinned Hawk                   Small (male?) landed in cottonwood along slough
Barn Owl                                    Matt had one very early around the tents
Lincoln's Sparrow                       1 at the Rowing Club - seldom seen there

For the day, 56 species.

= Michael

Fox Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Downy Woodpecker working a blackberry cane.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Ring-necked Ducks at the Rowing Club.  Photos by Ollie Oliver

Male Green-winged Teal doing the "walk on [frozen] water" trick.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bewick's Wren, 2011-01-06.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for January 13, 2011                                                                                                                           Birding at Marymoor

It rained hard at times, and water levels are pretty high (5' reading at the gauge).   There were some gusts of wind too.  But it was in the upper 40's, and we had some pretty long stretches without rain and even a touch of sun.   So the weather wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.


Northern Shoveler          4-5 in flood puddles
Northern Pintail              Flock of ~15 flew south
GREEN HERON           Back at Rowing Club pond
Peregrine Falcon             Repeated attacks on Red-tail
Barn Owl                        Several early sightings
Hairy Woodpecker         One at S. end of East Meadow
Pileated Woodpecker
Northern Shrike              Juvenile at N. end of E. Meadow
Purple Finch                   Several sightings

We had singing Black-capped Chickadee, Bewick's Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, and House Finch.

I got some reports from last Saturday, January 8, which included:

Snow Goose                 ~200 overhead
California Gull
Band-tailed Pigeon      ~6
Great Horned Owl        Near east kiosk
Varied Thrush
Swamp Sparrow            Recent spot along slough
Pine Siskin

So, for the day, 54 species.  For the week, 61.

For 2011, adding Snow Goose, Northern Shoveler, Green Heron, Cooper's Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Ring-billed Gull, California Gull, Rock Pigeon, Band-tailed Pigeon, Great Horned Owl, Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Northern Shrike, Varied Thrush, and Purple Finch, the park list is up to 72 species.

== Michael

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Pacific Wren.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Swamp Sparrow with Golden-crowned Sparrows, 2011-01-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Swamp Sparrow, 2011-01-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Coot, 2011-01-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown Creeper, 2011-01-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2011-01-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Crow with dead vole, 2011-01-09.  Photos by Lillian Reis

Report for January 14, 2010

We were blessed by several hours without precipitation this morning.  We had a beautiful sunrise, it didn't start misting until 10:30, and the rain held off until noon.  Not too terribly birdy, but a decent day none-the-less.   Water levels are high, after all of this rain - about 5 feet at the weir gauge.  There were  some large puddles approaching the boardwalk, and the boardwalk itself was under as much as 4 inches of water in places.


8 species of duck
Double-crested Cormorant    Dozens overhead towards lake
Green Heron                         Once again, at the RC pond
Short-eared Owl                   Matt had 1 or 2 early
Hairy Woodpecker               At least two, seen pretty well
Northern Shrike                     Seen at 8:00 a.m., but not later
Cedar Waxwing                     2-3 at Dog Central
American Goldfinch                Good sized flock

Cedar Waxwings are rare in the depths of winter at Marymoor, so they were a nice find.

For the day, 53 species.  For the year, we're up to 63 species.

== Michael

Another great purple and orange sunrise

Hairy Woodpecker west of the mansion.  It looks to have worked these branch for a while.
 Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult White-crowned Sparrow at the Compost Piles.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult Cooper's Hawk next to the Community Gardens.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Goldeneye.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Originally identified (based on song) as a Winter Wren, upon close examination
of the photo, it was determined to be an iPod.  Photo and joke by Ollie Oliver

Mew Gulls.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Cedar Waxwings.  Streaking on the sides and flanks, as well as the absence of red tips on the wings, indicates that the near bird is a subadult.  Photo by Lillian Reis.

Report for January 8, 2009

The rain took a hiatus long enough for our walk, not starting to fall until I got home.  The wind, however, took no break.  In the early morning it was fairly calm, but the winds just picked up more and more as the morning went on.

Flooding was the story today.  At the 2nd dog swim spot, water was clearly flowing from the slough to the interior of the park.  The water gauge read 6.2 feet at the weir.  The trail starts to flood at 4.1 feet, so it was clear we weren't going to get to the boardwalk via the slough trail.  We instead worked our way around the south edge of the Dog Meadow, but that meadow was also extensively flooded (just not as deep).  From the east side, we were able to get to the boardwalk, which was flooded too, and almost got to the lake platform.  At the Rowing Club, we could not get anywhere near the slough or the dock due to high water.

Birding was pretty slow, with both few birds and fairly low diversity.  We did manage a few highlights though:

American Wigeon            One in the slough
Northern Shoveler           One with Mallards on "SODA Lake"
GREEN HERON            Atop the beaver lodge at the Rowing Club
American Kestrel             Female this week, hunting the model airplane field
Barn Owl                         Scott and Matt had 2 early, windmill and East Meadow
Pileated Woodpecker      Flew up the slough as we approached the weir
Northern Shrike               Hunting in the Dog Meadow
Red-winged Blackbird     Quite a few males with starlings and crows
Purple Finch                    Good looks at S end of Dog Meadow

This was just our 5th-ever January sighting of Green Heron.  We've seen Green Heron every week of the year except for 3 weeks in January and February.  But these winter sightings are quite uncommon and quite a treat.

For the day, 47 species (same as last week).

Just got a note from KC Parks:

Due to flooding and standing water, Soccer fields # 2 and # 3 are closed tonight, Thursday January 8. User groups have been notified.

Flooding in the off-leash area has increased throughout the day. Access will be restricted in some portions of the off-leash park. Park Maintenance staff and SODA volunteers will erect signs and barricades after evaluating the site tomorrow morning.

The Clise Mansion, Maintenance shops and administrative buildings are not impacted by flooding at this time.

== Michael

Swollen slough below the weir

Female Northern Shoveler in flooded Dog Meadow area

"SODA Lake" - named for

Crossing the first west footbridge

Bewick's Wrens were SINGING

The boardwalk, approaching the lake platform from the east

Failing to get to the Rowing Club dock

Ollie Oliver's photo of a Bewick's Wren

Ollie's photo of the female Northern Shoveler

Ollie's photo of the Green Heron on the beaver lodge at the Rowing Club

Report for January 10, 2008   

Fourteen of us were out today, on a day that turned out nicer that it looked at first.  We were admittedly beset by random drizzle squalls, but the wind seemed to blow mostly over us, and there were long periods of clearing.  The light could have been better, and the birds seemed unhappy with the weather, but we didn't get soaked, and it wasn't too cold, and we did see some birds.

The biggest highlight was one or two COMMON REDPOLL among a large flock of PINE SISKINS near the windmill.  Unfortunately, just as Brian was trying to get the rest of us on the bird he'd been looking at, the whole flock flew across the river to the east.

Other highlights:

Wilson's Snipe           3-4 flew east from ~ East Meadow
Barn Owl                   Scott had great looks early in the East Meadow
Anna's Hummingbird  Two along east trail
Northern Shrike         Distant but well-seen, to the southeast
Townsend's Warbler  2+ NE and west of the mansion

Other than that, it was a lot of the usual suspects - three accipiter sigthings, hundreds of flying Mew Gulls, several Cackling Geese, at least 5-6 Bald Eagles, all the usual sparrows, etc.

For the day, 55 species.  For 2008, already up to 66 species.

== Michael

Brian Bell found a Common Redpoll in this large flock of
Pine Siskins near the windmill. 


Report for January 10, 2007

We had a nicer morning at Marymoor than I was expecting.  While cold and sometimes windy, it
remained well above freezing and didn't snow except for a few flakes.  No rain either, and moments
of blue skies.  It was even birdy in spots.  Still, nothing truly notable showed up.


Trumpeter Swan          Family of 4 flew over early, trumpeting
Gadwall                 16 in a large puddle in the Dog Meadow
Red-breasted Sapsucker  One near the windmill
Hairy Woodpecker        One at the base of a tree, calling incessantly
Northern Shrike         One atop a small tree in the Dog Meadow
Purple Finch            2 males, 2 females opposite Rowing Club
Western Meadowlark      2 near grass soccer fields

The GADWALL count is at least a recent High Count for Marymoor, by a long shot.  They've been
relatively scarce the past few years.

There was a huge flock (200+) of AMERICAN ROBINS on the grass soccer fields, mixed with about
100 starlings.

The only geese we had was a mixed flock of CANADA and CACKLING that circled around for a long
time.  They may have landed for a few minutes, but they didn't stay.

For the day, 54 species, bringing the 2007 total to 59.

= Michael


Bird Sightings Week 2
January 8-14



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