Bird Sightings Week 48
November 26 - December 2*
Rarities for Week 48:
Brant |
26-Nov-08 |
With Cacklers, 26-Nov and 05-Dec |
Brant |
02-Dec-09 |
With Cacklers in NE corner, 02-Dec, 03-Dec, 17-Dec |
Redhead |
27-Nov-97 |
Dunlin |
30-Nov-09 |
Franklin's Gull |
27-Nov-13 |
Juvenile with large flock of Mew Gulls |
Mountain Chickadee |
27-Nov-24 |
South of the mansion. Seen through 2-Dec-24 |
Bohemian Waxwing |
01-Dec-16 |
Two with robins, SE edge of East Meadow |
Swamp Sparrow |
26-Nov-10 |
Photographed |
Swamp Sparrow |
19-Nov-18 |
Below Viewing Mound, photographs |
Report for November 27, 2024 Birding at Marymoor
Matt had to work today, and that meant he got to miss the most serious rain we've had during the survey in a long time. From about 8:00 - 8:45, it rained. Not drizzle or light rain, but also not torrents/deluges. Just rain. Much of the rest of the morning had mizzle and drizzle, though we did have a good hour or more of sunshine. So weirdly variable weather, and not so weirdly variable birdiness.
- Eleven species of duck - Though three of these were only during my late scan of the lake: Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, and Green-winged Teal
- Common Goldeneye - Only some high flybys around 7:30 a.m. First of Fall (FOF)
- American Coot - Five near the cabana - our first in 4 weeks!
- Short-billed Gull - Maybe 200!
- Cooper's Hawk - At least 1 adult and 2 different juveniles, but even more sightings. One of the juvies looked especially wet and unhappy, and then was mobbed by crows. A miserable morning
- Pileated Woodpecker - One gave nice close looks in the Dog Area during the rain
- Northern Shrike - One in the East Meadow
- MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE - One south of the mansion, west of the stage, at the fringe of a large group of "littles". First of Year (FOY)
- Varied Thrush - Male at the south end of the East Meadow
- Western Meadowlark - One in the East Meadow; was flushed by one of the juvie Cooper's Hawks
This is just the 3rd sighting that I know of for MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE from Marymoor Park. The previous two were in late October, 2004. (A 2009 report of MOCH was later determined to be an aberrant-plumaged BCCH). Neither of those earlier sightings was on a Marymoor Survey, and this is a new park bird for me!
The MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE was at the edge of a large group of birds near the mansion. The ground there is absolutely covered in downed twigs, branches, leaves, and cones that fell during the wind storm. There were BLACK-CAPPED and CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEES, RUBY-CROWNED and GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLETS, PINE SISKINS, and DARK-EYED JUNCOS feeding on the ground. A BROWN CREEPER was seen as low as 3 inches off the ground at the base of a tree. Dozens of very active birds in all, and then Emily spotted the Mountain Chickadee which was also dropping from a branch to the ground and returning to the tree about 15 feet away from us!
For the day, 63 species!
= Michael Hobbs |

Mountain Chickadee. Photo by Mason Flint
Report for November 30, 2023 Birding at Marymoor
Cloudy and windless, temps just above freezing to start. The rain held off, but we often experience what we had today: forecast of an imminent big storm and the birding rather poor. You'd think they'd be frantically active before the deluge, but no; maybe they're moving to better locations to weather the storm? Some notable sightings today, but many of them extremely fleeting.
- Greater White-fronted Goose - Eric saw two with Cacklers, but an eagle flushed the geese before the rest of us got a look. First of Year (FOY)
- Cackling Goose - Many, many large flocks, some landing for a while. Maybe 2000?
- Ring-necked Duck - A late scan of the lake turned up a few, First of Fall (FOF)
- Hooded Merganser - Three males and two females at the Rowing Club, with the males doing lots of head-bobbing
- Northern Harrier - High flyover above the boardwalk (FOY)
- Peregrine Falcon - One glimpsed at grass soccer fields
- Varied Thrush - A couple near the mansion
- American Robin - Less than a third as many as last week; maybe less than a quarter...
- White-throated Sparrow - One with other zonos near 2nd Dog Swim Beach, probably the same bird from other recent weeks
Misses today included Common Goldeneye (though one may have sped by us headed to the lake), Rock Pigeon, Short-billed Gull, Pine Siskin, American Goldfinch, and Lincoln's Sparrow.
For the day, 51 species.
= Michael Hobbs |

Female Belted Kingfisher. Photo by Tony Ernst

Fox Sparrow. Photo by Tony Ernst

Female Spotted Towhee. Photo by Tony Ernst

Male Northern Harrier. Photo by Tony Ernst
Report for December 1, 2022 Birding at Marymoor
We started out at 32 degrees and snowing, but the morning's weather quickly improved to above-freezing with occasional blue sky patches. It was windless, but everything was quite gray for most of the morning. The park has a crust of frozen snow on the ground, so birding by ear was hampered by the constant crunch-crunch-crunch of our feet and the swish-swish of our coats and snow pants.
All in all, it was quite pleasant and quite birdy. The only downside was that the vast majority of those many birds were just American Robins, American Crows, and Dark-eyed Juncos. Surprises were few but nice. But nothing really rare; very similar to last week.
- Swans - Two flying south were probably Trumpeters
- Pied-billed Grebe - Somewhere around 35 on the lake!
- MOURNING DOVE - One in the Pea Patch. Only our 8th sighting for December through March
- Virginia Rail - At least one spontaneously making extensive squawking sounds next to the boardwalk
- Wilson's Snipe - Around a dozen along the slough edge below the weir
- Accipiters - Several sightings, with both Cooper's and Sharpie
- VARIED THRUSH - Many around the mansion, more in a few other places. At least 15, in my estimation
We had four RIVER OTTERS in the slough.
Misses today (species seen in at least half of previous years during Week 48, but not today): Short-billed Gull, Ring-Billed Gull (though we had one 2nd-winter gull that was probably RBGU), Bushtit, Marsh Wren, Pine Siskin, and Lincoln's Sparrow.
For the day, 51 species.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for December 2, 2021 Birding at Marymoor
We were supposed to get a break from the rain by 8 or by 9 or by 10 according to various hourly weather forecasts, but that never happened. We had on-and-off drizzle all morning. For the first hour-and-a-half, the world was dominated by AMERICAN ROBINS on every tree and bush. Otherwise, birds were a bit hard to come up with, but small surprises kept popping up.
- TRUMPETER SWAN – seven flew south over the Lake Platform
- American Wigeon – one male below the weir
- SHORT-BILLED GULL – approximately 160 flew south as we approached the Viewing Mound
- Sharp-shinned Hawk – one dove under the blackberries below the Viewing Mound and emerged with prey
- RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER – 1 or 2 before the start of the boardwalk. First in 10 weeks
- PILEATED WOODPECKER – one flew up the Dog Meadow. First in 6 weeks
- American Crow – hundreds emerged from night roosts just before sunrise. Debatable whether we had more crows or more robins, but around 400 each I’d say
- Cedar Waxwing – a few (probably less than 10) mixed in with the robins
- WHITE-THROATED SPARROW – two together in the NW part of the Dog Area
- Western Meadowlark – one flew over the Pea Patch
We had at least 1 Downy, a heard-only Hairy east of the East Meadow and one seen from the Rowing Club dock, and a handful of Northern Flickers, to give us a FIVE WOODPECKER DAY.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Northern Shrike, Bushtit, Pine Siskin (might have heard one), American Goldfinch (might have heard one or two), and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
We wished Ruth Godding a Happy 75th Birthday today, in absentia since she just moved to Scotland. We all miss her presence after 10 years of Marymoor surveys together.
Next week starts the seven weeks of 8:00 a.m. starts, the darkest eighth of the year. Also quite likely the coldest and wettest. But these are good weeks for waterfowl, Dunlin, loons, owls, shrike, Varied Thrush, etc. All one needs are sweaters, full rain gear, tall rubber boots, gloves, Li’l Hotties, and a touch of intrepid spirit.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for November 29, 2018 Birding at Marymoor
We had views of Venus and the moon in the early pre-dawn, but then the fog rolled in from about 7am-9am, before rising, and then clearing. More overcast moved in later in the morning, but we never had wind or precipitation, and we did have birds! Many of our common winter birds seemed especially numerous, and gave us some really fantastic looks. Best Bird of the day was a SWAMP SPARROW that really showed off below the Viewing Mound.
- Cackling Goose – hard to count, but maybe 2500, on grass soccer fields
- Horned Grebe – one or two very far out on the lake
- Virginia Rail – one responded from along the boardwalk
- California Gull – 1 or 2, seen late
- Green Heron – 1 on beaver lodge across the slough from Dog Central
- Western Screech-Owl – one heard east of boardwalk around 6:30 a.m.
- Great Horned Owl – Matt heard one west of the park entrance just after 5 a.m.
- Hairy Woodpecker – pair came in right near us, for awkwardly close looks
- PILEATED WOODPECKER – two flew north far across slough; later one very close near Park Office
- Northern Shrike – First seen inside a hawthorn pre-dawn; roost tree? Adult seen near Viewing Mound during the regular walk
- Bushtit – one flock of 20-25
- Kinglets – many seen in mixed flocks, GCKI and RCKI both plentiful and giving us excellent eye-level views
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – one seen briefly below Viewing Mound
- SWAMP SPARROW – one gave fabulous looks below Viewing Mound
- Western Meadowlark - 10+ near Viewing
Mound Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, mergansers, Ring-billed Gull (probable, but fog-obscured), Pine Siskin.
This winter is unusual. Duck numbers, both of species and of individuals, are remarkably low. Diving ducks have been almost completely absent. Even adding in a late scan of the whole north end of the lake today, I could only find about 2 dozen BUFFLEHEAD and 2 COMMON GOLDENEYE. We’ve had no more than 4 Ring-necked Ducks on any day, no Scaup at all, and only 1-2 mergansers at most each week. Only twice have we had a Hooded Merganser since the end of August.
Besides Scaup, we’ve also had no Swans, Greater White-fronted Geeese, Ruddy Duck, large gulls besides GWGU, no Kestrel, Raven, Hermit Thrush, Varied Thrush, Red Crossbill, or Pine Siskin. And we’ve only had Northern Shoveler once (mid-October), one Short-eared Owl (mid October), one Northern Saw-whet Owl (mid-October), one flock of Evening Grosbeak (late September), one White-throated Sparrow (in early October), and one Townsend’s Warbler (early November).
An ebird report dated 2018-11-25 from Hank Heiberg includes photos of a BRANT with Cackling Geese, and a PALM WARBLER in the Pea Patch. The later is a new bird for Marymoor Park!!! We were not able to find either species today.
For today, we ended up with 57 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Inset shows Green Heron on a favorite perch on the beaver lodge.
Photos by Bob Asonoma

American Crow. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Cackling Geese. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Swamp Sparrow. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Swamp Sparrow. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Brown Creeper. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Report for November 30, 2017 Birding at Marymoor
It was decidedly wet today, with steady rain from before sunrise through the end of the main loop for us. Dark and wet, but not TOO cold, and not windy. Not birdy either. About half the group called it a day after the main loop, at which point the rain eased up and we picked up several more species. A few birds of interest, but not many good views.
- Cackling Goose – flock of ~800 on fields 7-8-9; 2+ subspecies, but no other geese mixed in
- Green-winged Teal – one male in slough below weir, first since August
- Common Goldeneye – 2 males, first confirmed for Fall
- Northern Harrier – one in East Meadow
- Sharp-shinned Hawk – one at Rowing Club
- Northern Saw-whet Owl – Matt heard one south of the East Meadow early
- Pileated Woodpecker – one at Rowing Club
- Merlin – One west of Rowing Club parking lot
- Four HOUSE FINCHES were our only finches
Misses included Gadwall, Ring-necked Duck, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser, Rock Pigeon, Downy Woodpecker, Pine Siskin, American Goldfinch, Lincoln’s Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird, all of which we’ve had this week of the year in at least 12 of the last 23 years. Anna’s Hummingbirds didn’t show up at Marymoor until 2004, but we’ve had them 7 of the previous 13 years, also missing them today.
Yesterday, I had a RED CROSSBILL near the mansion, first for the year at Marymoor.
For the day, 45 species. My hands are still cold.
== Michael Hobbs

Finally a little high water at the weir. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Wet birders finding few birds. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Small flock of birders. Large flock of Cackling Geese. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Cackling Geese. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Cackling Geese. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Merlin. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Report for December 1, 2016 Birding at Marymoor
It was our coldest morning of the winter yet – there was even a touch of frost. November was notably warm, but at least there’s some hint of winter this month :) Mostly a thin overcast, some sun, a brief bit of drizzle. Pretty nice. And the birding was really good.
American Wigeon Heard pre-dawn, then had a flock fly out
Greater Scaup Lone female in slough with Buffleheads
Common Goldeneye About 4 at the lake – First Of Fall
Eurasiam Collared-Dove One flyby near concert venue
SHORT-EARED OWL Great looks, East Meadow, 7-7:20
N. SAW-WHET OWL Nice look, 6:30ish, north of “Mysterious Thicket”
Common Raven First of the year – two different flybys
BOHEMIAN WAXWING Two, SE corner of East Meadow
Lincoln’s Sparrow 3-4 at Compost Piles
Western Meadowlark A dozen north of Fields 7-8-9
Purple Finch Nice flock of around a dozen along slough
Our only previous confirmed sighting of BOHEMIAN WAXWING at Marymoor was a single bird hanging out with Cedar Waxwings from late-February through early April, 2012. Today, we had very good looks at two along the east edge of the southern tip of the East Meadow. They were feeding on berries with American Robins, and were sticking close to each other.
It was a really nice day, with lots of good looks at birds, and some nice surprises. For the day, 58 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Male Bufflehead taking off. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Gynandromorphic female Mallard showing male characteristics.
Bill color identifies her true gender. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female and male Common Goldeneye. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch eating Oregon Ash seed. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Common Raven. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bohemian Waxwings. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bohemian Waxwing. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bohemian Waxwing. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bohemian Waxwing. Photo by Hugh Jennings

European Starlings. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Meadowlarks often associate with European Starlings. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Meadowlark. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hooded Merganser swallowing a fish. Photos by Ollie Oliver
Report for November 30, 2015 Birding at Marymoor
I calculate the week of the year differently than, say, Microsoft Excel. Their calculation tells you which row on the year's calendar you are on. This means that, if the year starts on a Saturday, Week 1 has only 1 day. For the purposes of trying to figure out seasonality of birds based on the weeks they have appeared, their calculation isn't useful. With my method, the first seven days of the year are Week 1, the second seven days are Week 2, and so on.
I relate this, because we were in danger of missing Week 48 entirely this year. The year started on a Thursday. Since we birded the Wednesday before Thanksgiving instead of doing our usual Thursday walk, there would have been no survey for the week starting Thanksgiving. I couldn't have that, so I headed down to Marymoor early on Monday, November 30.
As it turns out, Ollie & Grace went down on the 29th too, so we have pretty good coverage for Week 48 after all.
From the photos, it looks like Sunday the 29th was a nice, warmish, sunny day. Monday the 30th, however, was frigid. It was a balmy 23 degrees at 7:00 a.m. !!! The frost was so thick that it looked almost as if it had snowed. It took its time warming up, too, but it was a pretty nice day in the end.
Greater White-fronted Goose At least 1 with Cacklers
Green-winged Teal Dozens in slough below weir
Horned Grebe Far out on lake
Western Grebe Two, far out on lake
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1 or 2 "Audubon's" subspecies
TOWNSEND'S WARBLER 1 near South Shelter, first since August
I also had 2 COYOTE, one of which chased off some of the geese.
Grace & Ollie had SHORT-EARED OWL and the NORTHERN SHRIKE, as well as a few more species I didn't have, so my list was 52, and the week's list was closer to 58.

Frosty view of the East Kiosk. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Double-crested Cormorant in slough near windmill. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Cackling Geese dislodged and/or melted the frost from the grass under and around the flock. Photo by Michael Hobbs

ONE Golden-crowned Sparrow, 2015-11-29. Photo by Ollie Oliver

TWO Golden-crowned Sparrows, 2015-11-29. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Short-eared Owl being harassed by a crow, 2015-11-29. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Short-eared Owl being harassed by a crow, 2015-11-29. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Note the wing pattern (upper and lower), 2015-11-29. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Short-eared Owl STILL being harassed by a crow, 2015-11-29. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for November 26, 2014 Birding at Marymoor
Following yesterday’s rain and last night’s stiff winds, I was surprised at how pleasant the weather was this morning. The wind died down right around sunrise, and we had clouds, a few patches of blue skies, and tropical temperatures: 57-60 degrees in the last week in November! It wasn’t terribly birdy, however.
Cackling Goose 800-1000 came in at sunrise, but didn’t land
Wood Duck 2 males, 1 female at mouth of slough
Barn Owl Sharon had one around 6:40 a.m.
Red-breasted Sapsucker 1 at start of boardwalk. First since early Oct.
American Kestrel Male between Compost Piles and airplane field
Common Raven Two flying west of the slough
That’s about it for highlights. Misses for the day included Ring-necked Duck, Common Goldeneye, Wilson’s Snipe, Northern Shrike, Bushtit, Lincoln’s Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, and American Goldfinch.
Even though the CACKLING GEESE never landed (well, a few may have lit for a minute or two before exploding back into the air), it’s quite a sight to see so many birds flying around. The huge flock fragmented into many small flocks. Many times during the morning, lines of geese (15-50) would pass overhead. There seemed no consensus as to destination.
It was very nice to see the gorgeous male AMERICAN KESTREL, which has been oft-photographed by others in the last few weeks, but never seen on our Thursday surveys until today.
I did catch a glimpse of the partially leucistic GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET south of the windmill.
After Marymoor, I headed down to LAKE SAMMAMISH STATE PARK to try for the American White Pelican. No luck with that, but in the hour or so I was down there, I did see 35 species. What surprised me most was that EIGHT of those were species not seen at Marymoor this morning: Northern Shoveler, Common Goldeneye, Common Loon, Western Grebe, California Gull, Herring Gull, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and American Goldfinch.
So, for the day, 52 species at Marymoor.

Mallard with some domestic duck influence. The red on the side might suggest a Mallard x Northern Shoveler hybrid, but the red would be lower on the breast for Shoveler, not high on the sides. The entire structure of the bird is Mallard, as are the curly tail feathers and the bill. It's slightly larger size also points to
domestic influence. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Green-winged Teal in front of a female Mallard. Note the great disparity in size. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch eating Oregon Ash seeds. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Pied-billed Grebe with fish (probably a sculpin). Photo by Ollie Oliver

It's hard to tell the Pine Siskins from the leaves. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bufflehead in the slough. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker near the start of the boardwalk. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Our best look at a Fox Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male American Kestrel. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male American Kestrel. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for November 27, 2013 Birding at Marymoor
This weather is almost scary, it’s so nice. It was a bit chilly, and there was some ground fog, predawn. But certainly by about 8:30, it was warming up under partly cloudy skies showing a lot of blue. (You should have seen the moon and Jupiter in the wee hours, and Mt. Rainier at sunrise...) And we had some exciting birds to go with the delightful weather.
Right at 7:30, a large group of MEW GULLS (several hundred) landed on the grass soccer fields. We spent at least 10 minutes fruitlessly looking through them for Ring-billed or California, and only turned up some GLAUCOUS-WINGS and “Olympic” gulls. I gave up and started the stroll to the river, when I heard shouting back at the parking lot. Stan Wood had spotted a smaller gull. We managed to get close enough for some pretty good looks, and were amazed to find it was a juvenile FRANKLIN’S GULL. Ollie got some photos, which will be on the blog in a few days. This is just the third time we’ve had Franklin’s Gull at Marymoor, and this was by far our best look. The last time we had a Franklin’s was NOVEMBER 24, 2010 – a very similar date! The other sighting was in late May quite a few years ago. For me, personally, this was my first Franklin's Gull at Marymoor, my 209th species for the park for my personal list.
If anyone want to try and chase the Franklin’s Gull, I’d suggest being there from 7:30 to 8:30 tomorrow or Friday. The Mew Gull flocks fly in just around sunrise, and often (but by no means always) land on the grass soccer fields for breakfast. They typically leave within an hour of arrival.
Other highlights:
SNOW GOOSE Two flew over the Viewing Mound about 7:15
Cackling Goose Some nice big flocks landed in the park. 300 total?
Wood Duck At least 5 in the upper slough
Horned Grebe 1-2 visible from Lake Platform
FRANKLIN’S GULL See notes above
Hairy Woodpecker Near Dog Area storage shed
Pileated Woodpecker Seen far to the east of the east footbridge
Yellow-rumped Warbler One at Rowing Club
Townsend’s Warbler One at Rowing Club
Fox Sparrow Unusually plentiful
Purple Finch Male at Rowing Club
It was so warm, we heard PACIFIC TREE FROG, and saw a GARTER SNAKE – our first snake sighting ever for November-February.
For the day, 55 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Juvenile Franklin's Gull with Mew Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Franklin's Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Franklin's Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Possibly our first-ever Turkey sighting for Marymoor

Male Common Goldeneyes. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Goldeneyes. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch eating Oregon Ash seed. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch. Photo by Ollie Oliver

There were many American Coots in the slough. Photo by Ollie Oliver

We don't always get good looks. Townsend's Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for November 29, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
Thank goodness the wind died down at sunrise, for there was horizontal rain at times before that. We did get rained on, at times, but without the wind it wasn’t too bad. Temps around 50 degrees also tempered the discomfort. And we had long stretches without rain at all. Not a bad morning, weatherwise, considering what we could have had. For birds, it was a good day for ducks and geese, and we managed to find most of the other usual stuff.
In an attempt to catch the geese and gulls before they flew off, we ended up pulling a u-turn and doing the walk in reverse.
Best bird was a BARN OWL that we accidentally flushed out of Snag Row while walking between the Pea Patch and the grass soccer fields. Best bird for Matt was a NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL that he heard tooting near the mansion at 5 a.m.
Other highlights:
Greater White-fronted Goose Four with huge flock of Cacklers
Wood Duck Pair in slough
Northern Pintail Sharon had a couple fly over
Lesser Scaup One male, first for 2012!
Common Merganser Maybe 5-6
Western Grebe A couple out on the lake
Hairy Woodpecker On a branch over the boardwalk
Northern Shrike North of fields 7-8-9
Varied Thrush One near mansion
Yellow-rumped Warbler Amit had two in Snag Row
For the day, I think we came up with 59 species total.
== Michael Hobbs

On the Viewing Mound. Note that 6 of us are wearing the same rain hat.
Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female Belted Kingfisher at the Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hooded Mergansers at the Rowing Club, 2012-11-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Pileated Woodpecker, 2012-11-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Pied-billed Grebe, 2012-11-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Greater White-fronted Geese with Cackling Geese, 2012-11-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Goldfinch, 2012-11-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Leucistic House FInch, 2012-11-21. Photo by Lillian Reis |
Report for December 1, 2011 Birding at Marymoor
The sighting of the day was fog, as in, that's mostly what we sighted. It didn't lift, really at all, until we got to the Rowing Club. Otherwise, things weren't too bad - no rain, no wind, not too cold. But gray, gray, gray, gray, and fairly birdless.
Cackling Goose Several hundred on grass fields
Great Blue Heron More than usual - 10?
Virginia Rail Responded to clapping
Wilson's Snipe 1 at Rowing Club
Hairy Woodpecker Male at Rowing Club
Cedar Waxwing 5-10, getting late for them
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1 near windmill
Pine Siskin Notably numerous - 200+
Matt had no owls early, but did hear a BEAVER. We also saw a MUSKRAT at the Rowing Club.
I made a late run to the condos at the northwest end of the lake (I have special permission to do quick surveys from there) to see if there was anything on the lake - it had been completely fogged in when we were at the lake platform. There were four adult BALD EAGLES visible, along with 12 PIED-BILLED GREBES and a COMMON MERGANSER male.
For the day, 52 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Pacific Wren on a Madrone Tree. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Pine Siskins in flight, showing their distinctive wing stripe.
Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

"Barbs and toenails". Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Lincoln's Sparrow - photo by Ollie Oliver |

Lincoln's Sparrow. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Cackling Geese in the fog. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Steller's Jay on the park office. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Muskrat at the Rowing Club north pond. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Hooded Merganser, 2011-11-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Red-naped Sapsucker, 2011-11-25. Photo by Darrel DeNune |

Possible Herring Gull x Glaucous-winged Gull, 2011-11-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for December 2, 2010 Birding at Marymoor
We swam through rather thick fog for much of the morning. As we walked the slough, it was pretty well impossible to see birds on the far shore. At the lake we couldn't see beyond the docks. But by the time we got to the East Meadow, the sun was shining and the skies were blue. Not too cold. Not a bad day, even if it was quiet at times.
Greater White-fronted Goose Two at the far side of the weir
Wood Duck Still one drake hanging around
Virginia Rail Clapped from boardwalk - 4 answered
Killdeer 35 on grass fields - a lot for December
Western Gull 1 in a mixed flock on grass fields early
Barn Owl Seen as late as 7:10, with prey
Hairy Woodpecker East Meadow and Rowing Club
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2+ at Rowing Club
Evening Grosbeak Heard some over Big Cottonwood Forest
Our big misses today were Bald Eagle, Rock Pigeon, and Bushtit.
Grace & Ollie Oliver visited the park last Friday (which counts as "this" week). They saw 4 species we didn't see today:
Snow Goose 1 juvenile
Hermit Thrush 1
Varied Thrush 4
So, for the day, 57 species. For the "week", 61 species.
For 2010, I think we're at 145, which is a dozen species fewer than last year, and would be the lowest year total since 2004 if we don't get several more.
== Michael


Bufflehead pair in fog

Song Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Hairy Woodpecker. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Witch Hazel |

Adult Greater White-fronted Goose with Cackling Geese |

About 1/3 of the Cackling Geese on two softball fields |

Moss on the boardwalk |

Dark-eyed Junco, 2010-11-26. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Swamp Sparrow, 2010-11-26. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Swamp Sparrow again. It was in about the same location on 2010-11-26 as it had been on 2010-11-18. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for November 30, 2009
I made an impromptu trip out to Marymoor this morning. It was interesting to do the loop solo for a change, instead of with a dozen people. I missed the extra ears and eyes. There was a heavy overcast, and a steady breeze. No rain, but the air was damp. The barometer was probably falling, and birds were scarce and hard to see.
Cackling Goose 1000-1500, none landing
Western Grebe One on the lake
Green Heron Hidden along east shore at Rowing Club
DUNLIN 4 on floating dock seen from lake platform
Mew Gull About 1000 flew in at dawn to soccer fields
Hairy Woodpecker South end of East Meadow
Winter Wren Once again, singing at 2 locations
The Cackling Geese came over in about 10 flocks between 8:00 and 9:00
Dunlin are new for the year list.
Duck numbers remain absurdly low, with only a few Mallards, 4 Bufflehead and
one Hooded Merganser at the Rowing Club, a and a flyby small flock of
wigeon. And no American Coots at all.
Oh - I should mention... Water levels are high. There's about 6" of water
over the slough trail on the way to the boardwalk, and about 3" of water
over the boardwalk in places. No problem wearing tall rubber boots, but too
much water for ankle boots.
== Michael
UPDATE 12/1/2009: There was a single BRANT with a flock of Cackling and Canada Geese in the NE part of the park, near the baseball diamonds. The geese flew out around 12:30. I also had a NORTHERN SHRIKE. A couple of Lincoln's Sparrows, and four American Coots were the other species I had there today that I did not see Monday.

Lillian Reis photographed this Fox Sparrow, 2009-11-27

Some of the ~1000 Mew Gulls on the soccer fields |

Large flocks of (mostly) Cackling Geese were overhead... |

... for much of the morning |
"Slate-colored" Dark-eyed Junco |
Report for November 26, 2008
What a difference a week makes! We had a glorious, bird-filled day today, in extreme contrast with last week. It was cold and foggy to start, but the fog was thin and there was no wind. The sun flirted with us for the first 3 hours before the fog finally burned off revealing pretty much cloudless blue skies. Never really got warm, though.
The morning started with a Cooper's Hawk on the fence just as we got to the weir - as we were watching it, a Merlin flew overhead and landed on one of its favorite perches. Those were two of the 6 species of raptor we had. We had a Sharpie in the Cottonwood Forest, a Bald Eagle, and many sightings of Red-tailed Hawk, including the very cooperative juvenile several times.
The bigger excitement was the BRANT goose with hundreds of CACKLING GEESE inside one of the baseball fields in the northeast corner of the park. What the heck was it doing there? Congrats to Mark and Lee Crawford for predicting Brant as one of the "next birds for Marymoor" (I thought they were nuts when they nominated that one).
BRANT New bird for the park
Green Heron Juvenile at the Rowing Club
Northern Harrier North end of the East Meadow
MERLIN Two sightings, one early, one late
Anna's Hummingbird First sighting since late October
NORTHERN SHRIKE One east of East Meadow, one at Rowing Club
Townsend's Warbler One northeast of the mansion
Fox Sparrow Numerous, in large groups - maybe 20 overall
"Slate-colored" Junco Female at Compost Piles
At the Rowing Club we had the 3 RIVER OTTERS again.
For the day, 56 species.
== Michael

Cooper's Hawk below the weir in the early morning fog

Male Purple Finch eating Oregon Ash seeds

Fox Sparrow photo by Ollie Oliver

Dark-eyed Juncos - male "Oregon" at left, female "Slate-colored" on right.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Close-up of the female "Slate-colored" Dark-eyed Junco

Brant goose with Cackling Geese

Brant goose with Cackling Geese. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brant goose with Cackling Geese. Photo by Ollie Oliver

The photogenic juvenile Red-tailed Hawk near our cars once more

Ollie's photo of same

Female Hooded Merganser at the Rowing Club, with male Mallard

River Otter photo by Ollie Oliver, at the Rowing Club

Can you find the Wilson's Snipe? It's right there, plain as day. Really

Eastern Gray Squirrel near the mansion
Report for November 29, 2007
It was a bit chilly, but the threatened showers didn't happen, and the fog burned off fairly quickly. It turned out to be a nice morning to be out, even if the birds were a bit quiet.
We had four species of goose from the parking lot before we even got started. There were 300-500 CACKLING, at least one GREATER WHITE-FRONTED, and then in a flyby of CANADAs, we had a lone juvenile SNOW GOOSE. The juvenile Tundra Swan, present the last two visits, was not seen, but a dog person said it had been there yesterday.
Besides the 4 geese, it was a good day for ducks, with 8 species, including 14 NORTHERN SHOVELER at the Rowing Club, at least 6 HOODED MERGANSER, a lone LESSER SCAUP, and a GADWALL. For some reason, Gadwall have become quite uncommon at Marymoor.
The best bird of the day was a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW with juncos at the Art Barn and maintenance building northeast of the mansion. That was our first WTSP of 2007, and one of the rare times we've seen one that wasn't with Golden-crowned Sparrows.
Other Highlights:
Cooper's Hawk Both and adult and a juvenile Merlin Brief view of bird flying north chased by a crow Hairy Woodpecker One on the far side of the slough at the lake platform Fox Sparrow Several nice looks Townsend's Warbler One NE of mansion Pine Siskin 100+
For the day, 55 species.
== Michael

Cackling Geese fly in at about 7:15 a.m.

White-throated Sparrow on the Maintenance Barn roof

Ollie Oliver's better photo of the White-throated Sparrow.
Bird Sightings Week 48
November 26 - December 2*
*adjust by 1 day in leap years