Eastside Audubon
Society has entered into a partnership with King County to become
stewards of a major portion of the trail where Michael Hobbs leads his
weekly birding walks at Marymoor Park. EAS plans to build a kiosk,
improve and enhance the boardwalk, add signage, and enhance habitat along
the trail. EAS welcomes volunteers to help with this project. All skill
levels are welcome….from ideas and design, to digging out invasive plants,
to joining a construction crew, to helping spread the word in the
surrounding community.
There are a lot of opportunities to help! Please contact EAS if you’d
like to volunteer. You don’t need to commit to any specific job or date. To
join our e-mail list and learn about upcoming opportunities, please contact
EAS at our office (425-576-8805) or visit our website (www.eastsideaudubon.org).
Work parties are held the first Saturday of each month from 9 am to noon
(please check our website for schedule changes). We meet in Parking Lot G.