Friends of Marymoor Park |
January 26th, 2005 Meeting Summary-- see also the November 2004 meeting summary
FOMP 1/26/2005
1. Special Events
Neighbors raised issues about traffic,
noise, dust, etc. associated with ALL of these events (individually and
cumulatively). This will be something that FOMP focuses on.
2. Chinook Book Fundraising -
Community Garden group entered into an agreement with FOMP and Chinook Books
for fundraising, and sold 40 books, making over $300.
3. Starbuck's Grant - Offering
a neighborhood parks grant program ($1,000,000 total). Previously, FOMP has
realized several thousand $$$ from Starbuck's over the last few years.
Organizations can apply for and receive grants for a large variety of
projects. March 25th deadline. See and
contact Greg Helland to coordinate.
4. Pet Garden - A pet memorial
garden would be installed at the east end of the Community Garden area.
Large demand exists from the hundreds of off-leash dog area users whose
dogs loved Marymoor. FOMP & KC Parks grant has been applied for - $24,000
to cover development of the garden - with a Urban Reforestation Grant
program (county/state/federal)
5. East Lake Audubon Society ADOP
Presentation - Tim McGruder - ELWAS is working with KC Parks on an
ADOP agreement to adopt the East Meadow, Interpretive Trail, and the slough
trail to form a Marymoor Park Birding Loop. ELWAS is interested in this
loop because of the high number of bird species seen along the loop (~180
species), the rich diversity of habitats along the loop, and the general
interest level among the birding community. Marymoor has recently been
featured in two guides to birdfinding in Washington.
ELWAS would like to install interpretive signs,
extend the boardwalk approximately 100-150 feet to cover the section of
trail that is frequently under water in winter. ELWAS would also like to
upgrade the boardwalk to barrier-free accessibility for wheelchairs (ADA
compliant). Additionally, ELWAS would like to expand the lake viewing
platform to about 200 sq. ft. with one or more benches. An informational
kiosk in or near the Interpretive Lot and another in the South Lot and a
series of directional signs to guide walkers around the loop would also be
part of the proposal. Additional protections for the East Meadow would also
be included, with changes of status, new fencing, and work to remove
non-native plants and replace them with natives.
Greg asked about prioritizing these tasks, since
this is a lot of work. Tim replied that some of these items may fall
outside of the realm of an ADOP and may be handled through CIP or other
channels. The above-mentioned Starbuck's grant is something that should be
looked into. Starbuck's also has employee work-group parties that might be
available for deveg-reveg projects in the East Meadow. Jobs for the
Environment was also mentioned (or other similar orgs) as possible resources
for "heavy lifting". The boardwalk improvements and lake platform work, if
started soon, may be able to leverage the recent environmental reviews done
for the recent platform reconstruction.
Bobbi suggested that ELWAS may want to find a
corporate sponsor who would be recognized on some of the signs in exchange
for a yearly contribution to the upkeep of the birding loop.
6. Capital Projects
7. Other business
The next meeting will be February 23, 2005. These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting. They may have inaccuracies and omissions. If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them. |
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