Friends of Marymoor Park

May 25th, 2005 Meeting Summary

-- see also the April 2005 meeting summary

1. Welcome and Introductions

  • Michael Hobbs (FOMP Secretary), Norah Gaynor, Mike Dunwiddie (filling in for Margaret as Parks head, and head of Aquatic Center), Harley Sheffield (MVA - velodrome racing season has started), John Stevenson with SkiForAll, Melanie Burton with the Community Gardeners Association, Barbara Dickson, Bill Illi, Stu Konzen

2. Updates

  • The velodrome track is finished, though the logo is going to be repainted shortly.
  • Event and Concert Schedule - concert schedule has been announced; has the complete listing.  10 of the 12 are "Picnic in the Park" shows with reduced price tickets. The other two are Prairie Home Companion, and Allison Krauss. Kelly Jo Phelps and Doug MacLeod's show is free (but you must get tickets in advance). Norah does not think there will be any additions to the concert schedule, but there could be one or two.
  • A pre-concert-series Public Meeting, especially for neighbors and other interested people, will be Thursday, May 26th, at the Clise Mansion at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Pet Garden is underway. The comfrey-contaminated soil is almost all hauled away, being disposed of at a soil recycling company. (~100 truckloads) New soil will be brought in (Norah thinks from somewhere else in the park, but she's not certain where). FOMP has gotten a $24,000 grant for plants (a small amount of that is for signs). Bobbi is looking for one or more FOMP members to do the plant shopping. Norah mentioned Michelle with the Community Gardens, and Michael. Planting is to start in June; finished by the end of June. Barbara raised the issue that this is a terrible time to plant, but one mitigating factor is that it will be irrigated. Another issue with timing is limitations of the grant. Melanie is worried about the timing of wall construction, which Norah indicated will follow all soil and planting work. Barbara also asked about guarantees for the plants. That could be a good idea.

3. Dasani Proposal

  • CocaCola's bottled water brand, Dasani, has proposed to supply bicycles for free use at Marymoor as part of a support plan for Rails to Trails.  Installation would involve construction of 10 lockers, each holding two bikes, probably at the velodrome. Access to the bikes would be through electronic key cards, available at the park office in exchange for some kind of "collateral" - e.g. a driver's license. Under discussion is the extent of ongoing operations funds that Dasani would provide (i.e. for maintenance on the bikes). The lockers and bikes would have Dasani's logo on them. The Marymoor Velodrome Association is also interested in having lockers for their own use, and may try to coordinate locker construction.

4. Artificial Turf Field Development - Design Review

  • Norah displayed a conceptual plan for the 4 new 110x75 yard artificial turf (FieldTurf or SportsTurf) soccer fields which will go where the existing all-weather fields. Sizes and orientation are slightly different than the current fields, but they are basically in the same set-up. Space between fields will be slightly increased to allow maintenance vehicles. A couple of grass areas are provided in a couple of corners (great for families waiting on players). Some turf warm-up areas are included, as well as some covered seating. Bushes will be planted along the edges and between some fields; trees will edge the grass areas. Existing lighting will remain as-is, though some of the older light bulbs might be replaced by partially shielded ones (but they would still be the tall, upright lights. The entire facility will be surrounded by a black, vinyl, 6' chain-link fence to allow special events to charge admission. There will also be fencing behind at least some of the goals to prevent cross-shots onto other fields. Fields would be striped for soccer; maybe one or more might also be striped for lacrosse.

    Stu brought up the question of padding thickness under the turf - football and rugby typically want more padding. Norah says she has notified those sports teams about the project; she will look into the padding question and may ask them more specifically.

    Stu brought up the question of field fees; Norah responded that they are discussing that question. Rates will be similar to other fields in the area. Differential rates for youth and adults will probably continue. There may be a prime/non-prime rate differential. Stu offered to provide information on his experiences with fee structures.

    Stu also asked for more spectator space (both sides of each field); slightly smaller fields might be satisfactory and that would allow more space on the edges.

    Other comments: Access for fetching balls kicked over fences. Are gates needed? Would gates in perimeter fencing be needed for emergency exiting? Whole site should be non-smoking, since lit cigarette butts could severely damage the fields (as well as because cigarette smoke is bad for players). Can fields burn (lightning, fireworks)? Can berms be used between fields?

    Stu suggested sponsor logos on the middle of the field; Norah mentioned that blue logos can be mistaken for water by ducks.

    Construction goal is to start Spring 2006.

    Comments need to be in IMMEDIATELY - by Thursday, May 26, before 11:00 a.m. to Norah -

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5. Other
  • Barbara wanted to bring to mind the messiness of the signage, especially at the first intersection. Can something be done to consolidate? Also an issue at Marymoor West...

Next meeting: Wednesday, June 22, 2005

These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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