Friends of Marymoor Park

October 24th, 2007 Meeting Summary

-- see also the September 26, 2007 meeting summary

Introductions - Greg Helland, Michael Hobbs, Brian Vander Stoep (Marymoor Velodrome Association), Herb Bone, Jack MacKinnon

  1. New Marymoor Park Map – Frana Milan, Parks Strategic Partnership and Enterprise Initiative Section. She is looking at leveraging Redmond’s tourism promotions funds to produce a new park map. The last Marymoor map was printed in 2000, and desperately needs updating. The Redmond money would be best leveraged utilizing a partnership between King County and FOMP.

    Creation of the map will take ~$10,000. Frana suggested requesting $5000. Other revenue might be available from Redmond Town Center and/or area hotels.

    Frana’s goal would be to have the map available by the start of Cirque du Soleil in April, 2008.

    Frana is also hoping to avoid advertizing on the map, utilizing instead more discrete acknowledgements.

    She was also interested if any FOMP members would be able to do in-kind donation of GIS or printing services.

    Greg called an impromptu FOMP Board meeting, and a resolution was passed stating that FOMP act as the non-profit partner with the King County Parks division to pursue tourism grant dollars from the city of Redmond to support the mapping project.
  2. Marymoor Velodrome Association – Harley has stepped down from his previous position with MVA, but he is remaining in getting the new building constructed. The building site is currently fenced off, with soon-to-be-commenced construction to be completed (hopefully) in 2 months.

    MVA is revamping its organizational structure to incorporate member teams more fully, and is hoping to build tighter cooperation with neighboring tracks in B.C. and Oregon.
  3. Marymoor Connector Trail – Herb brought the most recent plan of the trail area near the velodrome. He compared what they’re currently proposing with what Herb had requested. They appear to have accommodated Herb’s recommendations at the west end of the critical area, but they have left the alignment of the boardwalk unchanged, thus continuing to encroach on the fly zone at the extreme eastern edge. This appears to be an attempt to keep the boardwalk section short, which would undoubtedly save money.

    Michael pointed out that flight zone stretches all the way from the park property line to the east all the way to portions of the East Meadow, which East Lake Washington Audubon has adopted as a bird sanctuary. He asked if the flight zone shape could be changed to a more circular area. After all, most fliers don’t fly all the way out to the property line trees, nor all the way west to the East Meadow. Instead, they fly further to the south over the uninhabited area in the direction of the lake. Herb stated that the size and shape of the flight zone is based on a recommended practice published by the national r/c model association, the AMA.

    Herb admitted that the larger size of today’s models (up to 40% of full size), has led the AMA to increase the size of courses for established competitions. These kinds of competitions already no longer fit the Marymoor field, and MAR/C no longer holds those events (i.e. the pylon races).

    Even if the Flight Zone could be reshaped, the consensus was that routing the Connector Trail to provide extra clearance was probably a good idea.

    Michael will notify ELWAS of this issue of possible encroachment over the East Meadow, and the possible safety issues that might affect the proposed ELWAS East Meadow trail.
  4. Marymoor Community Gardeners Association – Jack reported on the MCGA food bank project. MCGA donates food, especially from their food bank plots, to the local food bank. Gardeners also contribute portions of their produce through MCGA. In 2004, they donated 2800 lbs.; in 2005, 3075 lbs.; in 2006 3886 lbs. In 2007, having added 2 more plots, they donated an amazing 6540 lbs. FOMP grants supported the food bank plots, and helped build new bean frames. MCGA got a donation of seed potatoes from Irish Eyes. 100 lbs of seed potatoes produced 860 lbs of potatoes for the food bank. Many volunteers, including several groups from outside organizations, donated time to help with the food bank plots.
  5. Wash Spot dog wash facility - The construction trailer will be removed this week. Interior work still needs to be done. Opening should be some time in November, perhaps.
  6. Sammamish Rowing Club – Anne talked to Steve Isaac. They have decided to place the boathouse immediately west of the current site, south of the access path. All of the big trees will be saved. Steve will come to the November meeting with plans. The new permit application is going to Redmond currently.
  7. Clise Mansion Electrical Upgrade - The mansion lighting situation is dismal. There are basically no light switches, so they have to use the circuit breakers to turn lights on and off. New lighting will be installed, hopefully by February. Wireless light switches will be used in some locations where running wires wouldn’t be possible. The main lighting will be oriented along the beams, and will light both up towards the ceiling and down, with separate controls. Exterior lights will also be replaced – the existing ones are an eclectic mix of very utilitarian designs. The new exterior lighting fixtures, which are a great improvement, were approved by the Landmarks commission.
  8. Quick notes:
            • Wind storm damage from the blow last week was minimal.
            • Cirque du Soleil has announced they will be coming in April/May 2008. Move in will start March 31.
               The announced end date is in late May.
            • The Evergreen Hospital Foundation Gala will be held on the recreation event pad, utilizing a tent.
               It will feature a sit-down banquet for 700 people. They are planning for March 9.

 Next meeting, Wednesday, November 28, 2007.

These notes were made by Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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