Friends of Marymoor Park

March 26th, 2008 Meeting Summary

-- see also the January 23, 2008 meeting summary

1) In attendance

Norah Gaynor, KC Parks; Herb Bone, Marymoor R/C Club; Barbara Dickson, neighbor and salmon watcher; Jack MacKinnon, Community Gardens; Steve Isaac, Sammamish Rowing Club; Brain Vander Stoop, Marymoor Velodrome Association.

2) Sammamish Rowing Association - Project Update

In the middle of the City of Redmond prep process (currently at the mid-prep step) to get approval of the new boathouse.

Redmond requires that trees be removed if construction impinges within five feet of the drip line of any construction.  SRA is hoping to be able to use an arborist in an attempt to save some of the trees that would otherwise have to come down.

The proposed boathouse site is in the buffer of a class 1 wetland.  Since building in the buffer puts the wetland at severe risk, Redmond is requiring a mitigation that would include 1.0 acres of wetland creation, creating an artificial pond-like area, plus almost 17 acres of wetland buffer enhancement.  SRA is proposing to do all of this mitigation within Marymoor, with about 8 acres total in Marymoor West and 12 acres east of the East Meadow in the wild lands south of the model airplane field.  "Wetland creation" involves removing a couple of feet of soil to create a local low area that will collect water.  "Wetland buffer enhancement" involves removal of non-native species, and replanting with natives.

SRA has proposed to substitute stream enhancement for some portion of the mitigation.  There is a stream that runs to the north of the Rowing Club which currently runs in a ditch all the way from Lake Samm Parkway to the slough.   It is a salmon-bearing stream and has been previously identified as deserving enhancement.

Jack asked about the wetland creation "pond" - 2 to 3 feet of soil will be removed from the site;  the Community Gardens would love good, local top-soil, and if that's what would be removed, they'd wish to have it.

If the project is accepted, mitigation work will begin this fall.

3) Possible Sculpture Donation

A local sculptor has a sculpture he'd like to donate.  He has not yet provided a proposal, so discussion will have to wait until another meeting.

4) Parking Fee Enforcement

Parks is working on an ordinance proposal that they may send to King County council.  It would allow Parks staff to ticket parking fee violators.  The fee might be in the range of $35, with an appeals process, with a way to reduce the fee through quick payment and/or other considerations.  Parking ticket revenue would be retained by Marymoor Park, but the primary goal is to increase purchase of daily, monthly, and yearly parking permits.  Beyond revenue enhancement, this is also a matter of fairness to those who already pay.

Jack asked about whether there's some way to enforce the restriction that only gardeners are supposed to park in the garden lot.  They have tried talking to non-gardeners that have tried parking there, but often get less-than-civil responses.  Norah didn't have any great ideas, but she did suggest a locked gate, perhaps with a push-button combination lock.  That would be expensive, though.

5) Project Updates

  • Marymoor Connector Trail - Going to bid soon.  R/C field realignment in progress.  Estimated trail construction: July 1, 2008 - January 2009.

  • Ballfields 1&2 Multi-use Project - Bid package nearly ready.  Estimated construction August 1, 2008 - January 2009.

  • Both of these projects require some mitigation due to wetland buffer infringement.  The mitigation will be along the east side of the slough north of the west entrance road all the way up to SR-520.

  • Clise Electrical - still waiting on some parts, so quite done yet.

  • Pet Garden - Norah has asked the contractor to put some kind of barrier to close the gaps in the wall.  Jack has complained of dogs getting into the Pet Garden and then going through the gaps in to the gardens.  Paver installation is essentially complete, except for a bit around the kiosk.  The capstones still need to be installed atop the wall.  There is also planting still to be done

  • Birdloop - Jim Rettig, with East Lake Washington Audubon Society, has proposed a shorter extention to the boardwalk.  A 300 foot extension was proposed and approved, however elevation surveys have shown that only 104 feet is needed.

  • Velodrome building - The contractor is almost done with the exterior.  MVA will then finish the interior of the building themselves.  Once that work is complete, the temporary storage containers can be removed.  They hope to have the building finished by May 30th.

6) Event/Activities Updates

  • Softball/Baseball games start April 1

  • Youth soccer starts April 7

  • Cirque du Soleil - set-up begins March 31.  Runs April 24-May 18

  • Concert-series parking fee will be $5/car (new for 2008).  Again, Marymoor Seasonal Pass holders park for free.

  • Wine Notes - the Woodinville wineries have gotten together to put together a wine-tasting and entertainment event, July 26-27.

  • City of Redmond Health Fair, April 19th, includes a walk-a-thon, which will be routed down the Sammamish River Trail, looping down to Marymoor Park.

7) Other

  • The subject of off-leash dogs outside the off-leash area came up.  Norah says that there has been some enforcement, and it will continue on a periodic basis.  Animal Control has a small staff but can respond sometimes.  Violators can be reported by calling 206-296-PETS

  • If you buy your Concert-series tickets at the Marymoor Park office, you can avoid some ticket-service fees, and the ticket fees you do pay support Marymoor Park.

 Next meeting, Wednesday, April 23, 2008.

These notes were made by Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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