April 22nd, 2009 Meeting Summary
-- see also the
March 25, 2009 meeting summary
1) Introductions: Greg Helland (FOMP President,
SODA representative), Michael Hobbs (FOMP Secretary, Eastside Audubon
representative), Herb Bone (FOMP Board, Marymoor R/C Club representative), Norah
Gaynor (King County Parks), Steve Isaac (Sammamish Rowing Association), Jack
MacKinnon (Marymoor Gardener's Association), Barbara Dickson (neighbor)
2) Sammamish Rowing Association New Boathouse
Steve gave a brief report on the Hearing Examiner's
hearing of the Conditional Use permit application. The Hearing
Examiner was very professional, and she appeared to have very good knowledge
of the relevant laws, and she seemed very fair and open to everyone's
comments. The record was held open for a couple of weeks in order for
the City and for the Sammamish Rowing Association to provide some additional
details. The last of those responses is due 4/23.09, and the Hearing
Examiner has indicated that she'll reach a decision within a couple of
3) CIP/Project updates
- Marymoor Connector Trail - Complete!
Grand opening mid-May
- Ballfields 1-2 Multiuse Project - Fields are
open, but there are still a couple of work items waiting on better weather.
- Pet Garden - still not finished... Fencing
still needs to be installed.
- Birdloop - About 350 volunteers from Microsoft
split into large groups for projects organized by Eastside Audubon.
LOTS of blackberry were cleared, and other projects were carried out around
the park. The weather was mostly cool and cloudy, with just a bit of
rain, almost perfect for working. It was a great success.
- Clise Electrical - complete!
- Maintenance & Art Barn Roof Replacement
- Recycled roof-tile product (fake shake look) has been approved by the
Landmarks Commission. Work is scheduled for July
- Stage Seating Area - It looks like they will
be proceeding with a paved center aisle down the middle of the stage seating
area. This will allow chair carts to be wheeled down the aisle, which
will make distribution of chairs simpler and cheaper. Paving will
likely be asphalt, but Karl would prefer concrete. Here's a diagram:

Since no permitting is required, they are hoping to construct this within a
couple of weeks.
- NE Marymoor Way - Patching done, catch basin
work in progress. Overlay, from west entrance to the velodrome or
Interpretive Lot (Lot G) will take place in July. Lane closures will be
required during paving. Paving will probably be intermittent, as the project
will be squeezed in between other, bigger projects.
- Velodrome Lighting - Replacement of existing
lamps with energy efficient ones will begin 4/28
4) Marymoor Map - 10000 copies are being printed
this week. Greg will be a resource (they want a quote) for the planned Map
news release.
5) Other:
- Norah notified Jack that there has been some apparent
confusion among some Community Gardeners about their preferred
parking passes. These passes allow them to park in the reserved
Garden lot (and it gives them special parking close to the Gardens during
some special events). However, some gardeners have mistakenly believed
that the pass also lets them park for free. Jack will make sure the
gardeners know that they still have to pay.
- A Parking fee enforcement ordinance has gone
to the King County Council. If approved, the Parks department would be
authorized to fine violators who have failed to pay the $1 for parking.
Their intent is not to raise money through fines, but to increase
compliance. Any fine money would go straight to KC Parks, not to the court
system (since the courts wouldn't be involved). Parks have not budgeted for
any fine revenue from this, though they are assuming a significant increase
in parking revenue through increased compliance.
The ordinance would authorize a fine of up to $100.
The division policy that they are proposing, however, would be a $15 fine if
paid within 7 days, else a $35 fine. At the $35 level, though, you'd be sent
a two-month parking pass (normally $30). Alternatively, you could pay $105,
which would be a $5 fine and would get you an annual pass (normal price
$100). There would be an appeal process, where you could write an
explanation which would be adjudicated by someone within Parks. If they
ruled against you, you'd be able to take it to a Hearing Examiner. If you
failed to pay or respond at all, it would go straight to a collection
agency. More details about the ordinance are at
KC Council prefers to avoid antagonizing their
constituency, so Parks would appreciate letters of support for parking
enforcement that they can take to Council. SODA and LWYSA have already
sent supportive letters to Kevin Brown. If other user groups would be
willing, additional letters of support would be greatly appreciated.
After the general FOMP meeting, the FOMP Board
convened at 8:10 p.m. to consider a letter of support for parking
enforcement. Greg motioned to submit a letter of support. Herb
seconded. There was little discussion necessary, and the motion was approved
unanimously by the 3 board members present (Greg, Herb, and Michael).
Greg will compose the letter.
- Michael's Marymoor bird survey milestone: The
15th anniversary of Michael's weekly bird surveys at Marymoor was this past
Thursday, April 16. Michael, ironically, had to miss that week's walk,
but a large group of birders conducted the survey in his place. An
amazing 74 species of birds were seen that day, and a subsequent visit by
Michael added another 8 species, to make 82 species seen in a single week -
possibly a record.
Also, Michael mentioned that SEVEN species of owl have been seen in the park
in 2009: Barn, Great Horned, Barred, Short-eared, Long-eared, Western
Screech, and Northern Saw-whet Owls. An eight species was seen last
April - a Burrowing Owl.
More information about the birds of Marymoor is on this website at the
Birding page. Michael also posts a
Blog about his weekly trip.
meeting, Wednesday, May 27, 2009
These notes were made by
Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the
meeting. They may have inaccuracies and omissions. If anyone has any
complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael
Hobbs at fomp@marymoor.org, and he will endeavor to
correct them.