Friends of Marymoor Park

April 28th, 2010 Meeting Summary

-- see also the March 24, 2010 meeting summary

  1. Introductions:

Norah Gaynor (King County Parks), Barbara Dickson (neighbor), Herb Bone (MAR/C, FOMP Board), Christina Merten (Marymoor Community Gardener's Association, FOMP Board), Jack MacKinnon (Marymoor Community Gardener's Association), Michael Hobbs (Eastside Audubon, FOMP Secretary)

2.     Park Tree Inventory and Plan  - Whole Foods 5% March presentation:   Feedback from Whole Foods indicated they want to partner with FOMP, but they didn't like the tree plan - it apparently wasn't exciting.  Michael remembered some survey done several years ago, as part of a prioritization of CIP funding, in which planting trees was the #1 request.  There was a general feeling that it was unlikely that we'll be successful.

      Urban Reforestation Grant Application – Michael hand-delivered the grant application on April 9.  We should hear something next month.

3.   CIP / Project Updates:

a.      Park signs:   The blue slat signs will be updated with arrows on each slat.  The “Interpretive Trail” sign will be changed to “Audubon Bird Loop Trail”

b.       Maintenance and Art Barn Renovation – exterior painting prep work underway

c.      NE Marymoor Way Paving Work – Work order in for extension of center line east, and updating the yellow paint on the speed bumps - no new update

d.   Community Garden - New water connection will be installed when plumber is available (sometime in May). MCGA had a great kick-off party and clean-up day.

f.        Electrical Work – Project to upgrade food court – in progress.  Trench is in, and wires are laid. Waiting on inspection.

g.      Garden Loosestrife Control Project – Coordination meeting on Friday to figure out logistics.

i.        Tennis Court Repairs – Project is funded, and Norah will make a bid decision soon.  Court #3 closed for now.

4.    Events:  Concert schedule has been announced, though there are still a few additional concerts later.

5.       Other:

a.      Christina has a concern about the intersection at the east end of the Dog Area.  People have not been treating the two roads into Lot D as one-way roads, as would make sense.  This leads to multiple cars trying to leave the lot simultaneously and abreast of each other.  Norah believes the problems are related to increased usage.  Some formal traffic management might be in order - perhaps simply some arrows implying a one-way nature to the roadways.

      On a related note, Michael has noted people driving in to the "compost piles" maintenance area adjacent to that lot.  Perhaps an "Official Vehicles Only" sign would be appropriate.

b.       A rare hybrid hummingbird has been at the Rowing Club - see
Also, last week was a great week for birds in the park, with 77 species noted, including 70 on the Thursday walk.

 Next Meeting:  Wednesday May 26, 2010, 7:00 – 9:00pm. Marymoor Art Barn.  

These notes were made by Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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