Friends of Marymoor Park

November 28th, 2012 Meeting Summary

-- see also the October 24, 2012  meeting summary 

1.    Welcome and Introductions: 

Norah Gaynor Robinson (now at – King County Parks; Greg Helland - FOMP President, SODA representative; Christina Merten – FOMP Board Member and Marymoor Community Gardeners representative; Michael Hobbs – FOMP Secretary and Eastside Audubon; Herb Bone - FOMP Board Member and MAR/C Representative; Jack MacKinnon, MCGA.

2.  Sammamish River Work

We again spent a long time reviewing the flood-control work that has been done and which is planned for the "Transition Zone" section of the Sammamish Slough, which is just downstream of the weir and entirely within Marymoor Park.

A major study was released (this is a large file, so please be patient:  full report - STZ_FeasibilityStudy - Sept 20.pdf ), which estimates water flow with different levels of clearing of the Transition Zone.  The impetus for this study is a proposal to dredge out sediment from the transition zone down to the cobble rocks that line that channel.  The study's results indicate that this would have a minimal effect on the water levels in Lake Sammamish, and that the dredging (including permitting costs) would be over a half a million dollars.  From what we have heard, however, there is funding for this project in the 2013 county budget!

We also discussed a meeting ( FINAL 2012_1_31 Sammamish TZ meeting notes.pdf ) held January 21, 2012, with the various stakeholders, in which possible transition zone management alternatives were discussed.  The list of attendees in notable in the lack of anyone from Marymoor Park.  Norah does not recollect any such meeting notice – that is, Marymoor Park staff probably was not notified of the entire issue. FOMP was also not notified, nor Eastside Audubon (the Audubon Birdloop, which was designated in conjunction with KC Parks, run adjacent to the transition zone), nor SODA (the off-leash dog area is adjacent to the transition zone).

3.  Clise Mansion and Concert Venue:  Norah Gaynor

There will be new management partners for Clise Mansion and Concert Venue, starting in 2013. Two companies have submitted a joint proposal to manage Clise and the venue, but negotiations with each company are on-going. Parks is asking for similar terms to the expiring contract, though tweaked based on their past experience. Some interior aesthetic improvements to Clise might be part of the deal; these might include a new restroom, remodeled kitchens, brick work, repainting of wood trim, etc. Landmarks Commission will be reviewing possible changes to the main entrance, to make it closer to the original configuration.

Concert Venue Fencing – Norah apologized that it’s still up. Parks is acquiring new equipment that will roll up the fencing in a safer way, which should lengthen the life of the fencing. Equipment arrival was due December 17; work will follow after the holiday season presumably.

4.  CIP/Project/Facility Updates:  Norah Gaynor

a) Birdloop - Overlook and fencing still in progress.  Michael reiterated how much his group is enjoying the view from this platform, especially the ability to watch for owls about an hour before sunrise.

b) Garden Loosestrife Control Project - ( Garden Loosestrife Control Trials summary-July2012 follow-up.docx )

c) Community Gardens:  MCGA is applying for a Community Partnerships Grant for replacing plumbing and standpipes, as well as removal of any materials that might leech toxins into the soil. They’d like to have pipe material other than PVC. County may fund some of the work.

MGCA 2012 - 6603 lbs of donations to Hopelink. Numbers are down a little because of bad spring weather up through middle of July, but this is still a tremendous donation of fresh, healthy produce to needy families in our community!

d) SRA Boathouse Project:  See Work continues with the last bits of exterior siding, and some interior work being done over the winter.

e)  Interpretive Lot (Lot G):  Split-rail fencing is 1/2 done, but still has not been completed.  There will be two metal gates allowing access to the maintenance area, with split-rail closing that entire area off from the parking lot and the viewing mound.

f) Velodrome Restroom Plumbing:  A major upgrade of the plumbing of the restrooms in the Velodrome parking lot has become necessary.  Parks will be replacing pumps and pipes, moving up to 3” sewer pipes, and improving the type of pump to avoid future troubles. Hoping to have done before Cirque, but they have a contingency plan to get old system patched in time for Cirque if absolutely necessary.

4.  Events

5. Other

  • This was the last meeting for outgoing FOMP Board Member Christina Merten.  We'll miss you!  Best wishes in Seattle.
  • There is no December meeting.

Next Meeting: Wednesday October 23, 2012, 6:30 pm Clise Mansion

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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