Friends of Marymoor Park

November 20, 2013 Meeting Summary

-- see also the October 23, 2013  meeting summary 

1) Introductions -  Norah Robinson, King County Parks; Greg Helland, FOMP President and SODA representative; Herb Bone, Marymoor R/C Club, FOMP Board; Michael Hobbs, Eastside Audubon, FOMP Secretary; Jack MacKinnon, Marymoor Community Gardener's Association; Laura Hall, Marymoor Community Gardener's Association; Ollie Oliver, neighbors and Eastside Audubon.

2) CIP Project/Facility Updates:

  • Community Gardens - Laura Hall will be replacing Jack as the MCGA representative to FOMP. She has been a board member with MCGA for the last four years, and has done tasks such as coordinating the parking pass sales as well as several other projects.. Jane Boyce will be the new President. Michelle Raymond is VP. They will now have nine board members (up from seven), to provide more voices to reflect the views of the increased number (150) of gardeners. One project they are considering is 1-2 ADA accessible garden beds.. Improved water supply is also a top priority. 2013 was the best year for HopeLink donations of ~8200lbs.. Laura mentioned that there is a very large pothole in the Community Garden parking lot that needs to be addressed before spring.
  • Lot G and maintenance area - Gates and fencing to control access to the maintenance, bin, and compost area have been installed.  Curb stops to reconfigure parking still on hold.
  • BirdLoop - Norah has gotten approval for asphalt repair of the Interpretive Trail in 2014. Glenn also asked for suggestions for plants to get established on the slopes of the Viewing Mound, adjacent to Lot G, that will not impede views but will discourage blackberries.
  • Garden Loosestrife Control Project - Educational signs are ready. Norah hopes to have them installed somewhere along the boardwalk.. Michael suggested one be placed at the bend at the SE corner of the boardwalk, and the second perhaps near the west end of the boardwalk.
  • Boathouse project – SRA is actively involved in fundraising that will allow completion of the building. They are able to keep the boats in the new building now, but do not have occupancy permit yet, so they cannot use the building for anything other than boat storage etc.
  • Lighting Projects – Pedestrian lighting between the Subway restrooms and the soccer complex is scheduled to be completed in 2013.
  • Park Drainage – Bear Creek overflow – WSDOT has approved a valve. What will probably happen is that the culvert will be extended from the freeway into the park, so that the valve will be accessible to Parks maintenance from within the park. Installation is scheduled for 2013.
  • Sammamish River Transition Zone - Hopefully there will be a project website available to the public within a few weeks.
  • Sewer Pump Replacement - October planning – now likely after winter. They will have to go through a full non-emergency process for the upgrade.

.5) URGENT APPEAL for Board Members - The Friends of Marymoor Park will be down to just two board members, Greg and Michael, by early 2014, when Herb will be stepping down.  We need some new volunteers to come forward to sustain this organization.  Parks has made a big commitment to FOMP, and the various park users and user groups need to do their part.  Board Members are expected to attend as many FOMP meetings as possible (there are only eleven a year).  Occasionally, there will be a Board Meeting separate from the monthly FOMP meeting, but those are few and far between (typically less than 1 per year).  Board Members may also be called upon to help apply for and/or administer grants for projects within Marymoor Park.

Next Meeting: January 22, 2014, 7:00 pm at the Art Barn

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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