Friends of Marymoor Park

August 26, 2015 Meeting Summary

-- see also the July 22, 2015  meeting summary

1) Introductions:   Norah Robinson, King County Parks; Greg Helland, FOMP President, SODA representative; Michael Hobbs, Eastside Audubon, FOMP Secretary; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon Society; Jim Mackey, Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park and Lake Sammamish Yacht Club; Ollie Oliver, birdwatcher and neighbor

2) CIP/Project/Facilities Updates:

a) Birdloop – Trail asphalt repair ( to bridge ) work will happen in fall 2015. Norah and Glenn will make sure repairs won’t conflict with major EAS work party projects.

b) Noxious Weeds – Ollie reported damage to a Garden Loosestrife sign, and the Lake Platform decking that it was attached to.   Nprah said she'd have someone see to it, since it was a hazard.

c) Community Gardens – Food Bank deliveries as of August 11, 2015 compared to August 11, 2014 (our best year):
    AUG. 11, 2014-----1896 LBS.
    AUG. 11, 2015-----2162 LBS.

We are ahead of 2014 by 266 lbs.

d) East Lake Sammamish Trail construction – South Sammamish Segment A - SE 43rd Way to SE 33rd St - approx. 1.2 miles is currently in final design and permit review.  Construction of the trail and removal of encroachments will not begin until all permits are issued, administrative appeals are exhausted, and a contract is awarded pursuant to the County's procurement process.  The earliest date that construction of Segment A could begin is October 2015.

e) Sammamish River Transition Zone – The final meeting of the Stakeholders Advisory Committee will be October 14th.  I gather that our role as advisors has run its course; there have always been other factors and factions that will contribute to the final design proposal.  Further public meetings will occur as the project advances.

f) Clise Mansion – WIndow repairs, kitchen and porch remodel – some funding has been identified.  Currently working on permits to redo porch and kitchen.   Some work will begin in fall.

g) Concert Venue – For 2016 season, the reserved seating area will have to be replaced.  The existing plastic panels have disintegrated to the point that they can not be used again.

3) Other – SODA replaced 700 feet of split-rail fence along the east edge of the Dog Area. Looks great.

Next Meeting: September 23, 2015, at the Art Barn

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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