Friends of Marymoor Park

October 28, 2015 Meeting Summary

-- see also the September 23, 2015  meeting summary

1) Introductions – Norah Robinson, King County Parks; Greg Helland, FOMP President, SODA representative; Michael Hobbs, Eastside Audubon, FOMP Secretary; Herb Bone, Marymoor R/C Club, FOMP Board; Glen Eades, Eastside Audubon; Ann Oneha, King County Parks; Jessica Canyon, King County Parks;  Dave Tuchek, City of Redmond

2) Taiwan Friendship Garden – Parks personnel will be having a luncheon November 12 with the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office, who would like a Taiwan Friendship Garden.  Trees, place to sit and reflect, artwork. Somewhere between 3-10 native trees, bench(es), a plaque, art. Location possibilities: 1) Over by the windmill,  or 2) Just north of the concert-area restroom where the three recently-planted trees failed to survive the drought.   #2 might be preferable due to a lesser degree of archeological issues. Site 1 or 2 would need to be reviewed by the Landmarks Commission. Michael threw out another suggestion of just east of the “new” maintenance facility on the north side of the Marymoor Connector Trail, on the east side of the park. There may be a preliminary plan by the November meeting. Regardless of when plans are available, Norah will make them available by email.

3) Concert Noise – Redmond City Council Meeting October 6:  Greg made comments at the meeting, detailing the discussions within FOMP about the subject of concert noise over the last decade plus, where he stressed that KC Parks has made strong and effective efforts to deal with these issues. At the meeting, King County Parks presented some suggestions to help reduce sound issues, including possibly installing a new sound-absorbing surface for the preferred seating area, and planting new trees. Redmond Council suggested requiring that bands use AEG’s amps and speakers, with AEG personnel being in control of sound levels. Parks recognizes that bands who have their own equipment would like to use their equipment; they are looking to technologies that would allow them to govern the sound levels regardless of equipment. In discussion, including with a sound engineer, it appears that the sound ordinance may not be appropriate for concert sounds. They standards are based on sound frequencies that could harm hearing, but neighbors complain about the low thumping base sounds that are not covered by the standards. Another issue is that weather is a significant part of the sound problem; noise complaints are tightly correlated with overcast conditions. Bottom line is that AEG should require that they have control over bands on sound issues; measurement of bass volume must be regulated, and perhaps levels should be lowered when weather conditions require.

4) Velodrome Dedication as the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome – Jerry died, fairly suddenly, on September 10th. The bicycle community gathered together and asked King County (Dow Constantine) to memorialize Jerry Baker by renaming the velodrome in his honor. This was approved, and signage, etc., will be changing over time. There will be a naming ceremony sometime.

5) CIP/Project/Facilities Updates:

a) Birdloop – Trail asphalt repair (phase 1 south to the bridge) work in progress. Estimated completion 11/6/15. Michael suggested that they start paving at the southern end so that the Meadow Loop trail could be opened sooner, if additional delays might come up. Glenn reminded Norah that the Eastside Audubon monthly work party is Saturday, November 7. It would be possible for them to access their tool shed from the Meadow Loop trail, but it would be much easier if the paving were complete.

b) Community Gardens – The Marymoor Community Gardeners Association elected a new board this month, for two-year terms.  The new board will be: President (and Volunteer Coordinator): Gia Parsons VP: Laura Hall Secretary: Bev MacKinzie Treasurer: Tiffany Gray At-Large Members: Mary Lou Colwell, Michelle Raymond (Food Bank Manager and mentor), Hannah, Bronwyn, Robin, Amanda

The Apiary is going well. Apparently a jar of honey (quart size?) was donated to the Food Bank this year.

Significant progress is happening with the Plumbing and Pathway grant. Michelle Raymond, Gia, and Laura are the MCGA board contacts for CJ.   They send big thanks to Norah for her help with this project.

Finally, an update on Jack MacKinnon (who has attended many FOMP meetings over the last decade), who is doing better after his back surgery! He has a strong-willed, and caring, physical therapist who is keeping him on-task and focused on getting stronger. He says, 'Hello,' in his great Boston accent, and hopes that you all are doing well.

c)  East Lake Sammamish Trail – King County has appealed 19 permit conditions required by the City of Sammamish.  The City would like the trail reduced in width in places, mostly to preserve trees.  King County has already reduced the number of trees that they are asking to be removed significantly.  The appeals process may delay the start of construction on this first of 2 City of Sammamish segments.

d) Sammamish River Transition Zone – The final meeting of the Stakeholders Advisory Committee was on October 14th.  It was delayed due to extensive contacts with government branches (including the Corps of Engineers), and native tribes.  Comments and recommendations were gathered from stakeholders, but there was no attempt to find a consensus.  Planning continues; the project team will present its proposals to the Board of Supervisors of the King County Flood Control District (the Board consists of the King County Council members), along with the stakeholder feedback received.  Further public meetings will occur as the project advances.

e) Concert Venue – Parks has a meeting scheduled with AEG early in November.

6) Other:

  • MAR/C reported that upgrades to their electrical system are complete.  With the increasing use of electrical model airplanes, they were blowing fuses.  Now, they are no longer having this problem.  Michael spoke up encouraging the use of electric motors, as they are significantly quieter.
  • In related news, Norah indicated that charging stations for electric cars may be coming to Marymoor.
  • Norah also notified FOMP that they would like to extend fencing around the outdoor storage areas on the east side of the Art Barn.  Plans will be forthcoming later. 

Next Meeting: November 18, 2015, at the Art Barn

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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