Friends of Marymoor Park

January 25, 2017 Meeting Summary

-- see also the November 16, 2016  meeting summary

1) Introductions

Norah Robinson, King County Parks – Marymoor Park lead; Greg Helland, FOMP President and SODA rep; Michael Hobbs, Eastside Audubon, FOMP Secretary and webmaster; Laura Hall, Marymoor Community Gardener's Association, FOMP Board; Marceil Whitney, TOPS; Chick Hodge, TOPS; Travis Roach, TOPS; Shane Berry, AEG Live; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon, neighbor

2) Park Impact and Facility Use Alternative Study - in progress

A study is ongoing within King County Parks to assess the impact of Marymoor on the community.  Among many other things, they are assessing the  highest and best use of the Clise Mansion, and park in general.  The study is also analyzing the impact of the concert series, Cirque, etc., and the effects on local economy (both positive and negative).  Mostly conducted through questionnaires of municipal officials/employees.

Glenn expressed a desire to see the Scope of Work.  Greg was one of the interviewees for the first step.  Trying to quantify values and impacts.  Results could be useful in funding, grants, partnerships, etc.

Norah is particularly interested in the mansion; it currently needs a fairly high level of maintenance and programming support, and is underused.  Currently doing more than basic maintenance is not justified by current revenue generated. 

3) CIP/Project/Facilities Updates

a) Birdloop  – Dennis Burgart (Park district maintenance coordinator (replaced Andy)) is planning part 2 of the pavement project.  Part 2 will remove the crumbled pavement and replace it with gravel.  Moving forward, there will be a complete review of the trail system at Marymoor.

EAS is doing additional plantings along the Interpretive Trail.   EAS and Parks are also working on a formal agreement to have their own gator for EAS projects, as has been done with SODA.

b) Noxious Weeds – European Hawthorns are being eradicated in the East Meadow, and being replaced with native Douglas Hawthorn. 

Also, Mole Plant (a.k.a. spurge, a.k.a. Euphorbia Lathyris) has been found in and near the East Meadow.  This plant is toxic.  The juice causes serious skin irritation.  It will be carefully removed.

c) Community Gardens – The new pathway construction started 2017-01-26.  All four garden division paths will be excavated, sight lines straightened, borders constructed, and then filled with hogs fuel (heavy cedar chips).

Plot rental renewal going well, with good resubscription rate and 12 new gardeners.

Two big work parties are planned: Earth Day April 22, and May 6.

Shane again offered assistance from AEG for work parties etc.

d) Venue Seating area flooring – Replacing existing plastic, but no added wings on the side.  New surface will be better and more durable.  Work to be done in or around May.

e) TOPs Tennis Facility – Traffic study completed, and the quick summary is that the TOPS project should not make things significantly worse.  The number of additional vehicles is relatively small, and the timing does not tend to conflict with other users.

Interestingly, the traffic study found that a roundabout at the location of the first stop sign could make large improvements traffic delays.   They are exploring a variety of reconfigurations that might help alleviate many of the traffic issues that the park faces even without the tennis facility. 

Water availability is still a potentially stalling or blocking issue for the tennis facility project.  Also still to be negotiated is the legal agreement between Parks and TOPs.  This has many possible sticking points that need to be negotiated.

4) Events

Cirque du Soleil – “Luzia - A Waking Dream of Mexico”. Pre-sale tickets for March 30 – April 30 available now to Cirque Club Members

5) Other

  • Bear Creek Coffee – Now open in Lot D.   We received favorable reviews of the mini-donuts from those present.
  • AEG is working on small reconfigurations to try and improve the food service for concerts.  Last year, the food trucks were split into two locations.  This year, they’re looking to shrink back the the SE boundary and slightly increase the NW boundary.  This would make a single food court in the NW.

Next meeting: Wednesday, February 22, 2017, in the Art Barn.

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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