November 15, 2017 Meeting
-- see also the
October 25, 2017 meeting summary
1) Introductions
Norah Robinson, King County Parks – Marymoor Park
lead; Greg Helland, FOMP President; Michael Hobbs, FOMP Secretary, Webmaster;
Shane Berry,
AEG Live; Steve Guty, MAR/C; Brandy Rinck,
King County Parks Archeologist;
Hall, Marymoor Community Gardener's Association, FOMP Board;
2) Cultural Resources Maintenance and
Stewardship Protocols – Brandy Rinck
Brandy has a degree in Geoarcheology
from Boston University.
Understands how to assess soil
stratigraphy, etc., so she can
understand where and how deep to search
for artifacts based on what is being
looked for. She has worked for a
private firm, including when working locally on the
Bear Creek realignment project.
With KC Parks,
Brandy has been focusing on maintenance
projects, rather than on Capital
projects. This has involved
tree planting and fence posts, etc.,
with much of her time spent at Marymoor. The
headwaters of the Sammamish Slough have some very old artifacts,
dating back as far as 12000 years ago!
This area was a gathering point for many
tribes, which is why notice must be given to the tribes who
regularly visited this area: Muckleshoot Indian Tribe,
Snoqualmie Tribe, Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians, Tulalip
Tribes, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Suquamish Tribe, and
Duwamish Tribe (through a community group, since they do not
have Federal status), as part of any permitting processes.
There have been 20 substantive cultural
resources assessments at Marymoor,
dating back to 1964. Some
parts of the park are especially
sensitive, with many artifacts. Indeed,
some resources are so close to the
surface that even mole hills contain
artifacts. The identified cultural
sites include13 pre-contact sites
(prior to 1850), one historical site,
and a King County Landmark District.
More sites are immediately adjacent to the
Park (i.e. the East Lake Sammamish Trail
runs on the right-of-way of an old
railroad, and is thus a historic site).
On most county land, any digging or soil
disturbance within 0.15 miles of an
identified site is subject to increased
scrutiny. Typically, this would
consist of applying for a permit (even
the application requires an
archeologist). This is a lengthy
Marymoor Park, however, has special
status due to the large number of sites
already found. At Marymoor, any
disturbance not in an area already
found not to contain artifacts is immediately under the
highest level of scrutiny.
Brandy has
done a lot of work recently, which has
found that many of the areas, where fencing
and replanting work has been stalled
within the Dog Area and the Audubon Bird
Loop, did not contain artifacts.
General rules for
Marymoor: If you want to do
something that would disturb the soil
(even a little bit),
submit a proposal to Norah with an
aerial photo with very specific
disturbance sites marked, and with
accurate disturbance depths. This will go to
Brandy, who will either come back
immediately with clearance because the
sites have been previously surveyed, or
else things proceed to Tier 2 or 3,
which can take a while. Brandy
will submit the request to the Historic
Preservation Program (HPP) when
necessary, and the determination will be
made about how much surveying needs to
be done. If the diggings would be
within known archeological sites, things
get much slower and more expensive.
But often Brandy will be able to work
closely with the applicants, including being on-site during
work. This may require a project to be done in phases;
with SODA, they worked out a process where during one work
party, old posts would be pulled. At a later work
party, new posts would be installed. In between the
work parties, Brandy would work alongside a small team
enlarging the post holes to accommodate the new posts.
3) R/C Field Markers &
Steve gave a run-down of some of the current activities
at the MAR/C model airplane field. They are replacing
the old field boundary markers:

with new ones:

The new markers are scaled to show the dimensions of a
large (80" wingspan) gas model at the outer edges of the
black border, and the wingspan of a large (~70" wingspan)
glow-powered model as the inner dimensions of the black
border. By matching or comparing their own aircraft's
apparent size to the diagram, it is hoped pilots will be
better able to judge when their aircraft are at the flying
zone borders.
The East marker has already been replaced; the west
marker will require a new mounting structure, and that is in
the works. MAR/C is very concerned with being good
neighbors to both the Audubon Bird Loop in the East Meadow,
and the condos to the west and northwest of their field.
They are very aware that bad behavior could be detrimental
to their group, so they are being proactive in trying to
avoid conflicts. They are improving signage and
training, and will be making sure aircraft do not exceed the
sound limits.
g) New parking fee collection
machines: Norah floated the idea
of switching to something like the Orca
Card to replace the long-term parking
passes, and to use license plate
recognition to check for day use payment
(i.e. you put in your dollar and enter
the license number, and enforcement
checks license plates to see of you’ve
paid). The east end booth would
also use the license recognition, with
an actual gate.
4) CIP/Project/Facilities Updates
a) Community Gardens – water is off, as the season is
officially over. Still no final number of pounds of
veggies to Hopelink. Apiary is moving to the SE corner of
the Pea Patch.
b) Lake Hills/NW Lake Sammamish Sewer Upgrade Project
– drop-in public information sessions were held November 16th.
for information about this project.
c) Sound Transit - Downtown Redmond Link Extension (DRLE)
– There was an Open House on November 16th. See
for information about this project.
d) Cut-through traffic / New parking fee collection
machines – Parks will be installing a second generation of
parking machines to replace the old ones which are no longer
supported by the manufacturers. The new machines will
require you to put in your dollar AND enter the license number
of the car. This will allow license plate based
Norah floated the idea of switching to something like the
Orca Card to replace the long-term parking passes. These
cards would be tied to a particular license plate, and would
need to be tapped against a ticket machine each visit.
This would enable complete license-based parking enforcement.
Such technology may also be useful in addressing cut-through
traffic. Perhaps an automated east-entrance booth, with a
gates and license recognition, could mean only those who had
paid for that day could exit to the east. And possibly
people entering from the east would be required to buy or tap to
5) Other
The Friends of Marymoor Park was honored with a Certificate
of Appreciation by King County Parks recently:

There is no December meeting of FOMP. Our
first meeting for 2018 will be on Wednesday,
January 24th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Art Barn
These notes do not constitute an official record of the
meeting. They may have inaccuracies and omissions. If anyone has
any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to
Michael Hobbs at,
and he will endeavor to correct them. |