Friends of Marymoor Park

September 26, 2018 Meeting Summary

-- see also the August 22, 2018  meeting summary

  1. Welcome and Introductions. Attendees: Greg Helland, FOMP President; Ben Mefford, NW Stone Association; Norah Robinson, King County Parks; Scott Thomas, King County Parks; Amy Dunn, AEG; Shane Berry, Seattle Event Solutions

  2. Stone Sculpture Proposal Presentation by Scott Thomas. Community partnership grants from King County Parks facilitates partnerships (usually with non-profits) for projects within parks. Stone sculpture discussion started at the August FOMP meeting, and continued to obtain input from attendees for prospective art locations (probably 2 locations). The idea is to place stone sculptures in visible areas within Marymoor Park. NW Stone Association is a non-profit organization with the goal of encouraging stone art and sculpture. Pieces that would go in Marymoor would be available for sale. A concrete base would be installed, on which the various pieces of art would be placed. Norah pointed out that most of the vehicle traffic occurs on the west side of the park, west of the Pea Patch Road. Locations 6 (near entrance to turf soccer fields) and 8 (at intersection of Marymoor Way and Pea Patch Road) were identified by the attendees as the preferred locations. NW Stone Assoc membership will be solicited for proposed pieces. Art would be selected partially based on the locations that were preferred. King County Parks and NW Stone Association have more work to do before any project moves forward, so we won’t see any art for several months.

  3. CIP/Project/Facility Updates

    1. Maintenance Items - Working on fence design for the river, preferably a design that would be easier to remove in November when the water level is higher.

    2. Sound Transit – Moving the Osprey nest platform requires a permit. As a result, the current plan is to move the nest with other project activities start along the north edge of the park.

    3. New Parking Machines - Procurement challenges will delay the new parking machines. Installation now TBD.

    4. Dudley Carter Sculpture Renovation – The sculpture restorations are in progress. The restored sculptures should be ready for installation by the end of the year.

    5. Willowmoor Floodplain Restoration Project – The King County project team is convening a meeting of the Stakeholders Advisory Committee (SAC) to provide an update about the design process. The SAC meeting will start at 4:00 PM on Thursday, Oct 4th. A public workshop will be held after the SAC meeting the same evening. During the workshop, public input will be solicited regarding recreational opportunities as part of the Willowmoor project.

  4. Events Update Cirque has started. Nothing new on the Events schedule.

  5. Other

    • All the remaining concert equipment should be removed from the park by early October.

    • November meeting schedule will need to be decided at the October meeting. The fourth Wednesday in November is after Thanksgiving this year.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

Thanks to Greg Helland for these notes!

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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