May 24, 2023 Meeting Summary
-- see also the April 26, 2023 meeting summary
- Welcome and Introductions: Greg Helland, FOMP President; Chris Jordan, Marymoor Park Administration, King County Parks; Shane Berry, Cascade Music Collective; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon Bird Loop, neighbor; Shai Hinitz, MAR/C; Nancy Logan, Marymoor Community Gardeners Association; Heidi Kandathil (via MS Teams), Warren Jimenez (via MS Teams)
- King County Leadership – Mayor Major League Cricket Discussion: King County Division Director, Warren Jimenez & Special Projects Coordinator, Heidi Kandathil
Introductory discussion about existing Parks levy (approved for $850M in 20189, runs through 2025). Provides considerable funding for operating and maintaining KC Parks Division (excluding CAPEX).
Just passed the mid-point of the current levy. Expect to see additional communication regarding accomplishments and goals in advance of the next levy vote.
Levy provides ~ 85% of total KC Parks budget. Remaining 15% comes from revenue, real estate excise tax, other minor sources.,/p>
FOMP has a long history of providing objective input to KC Parks regarding revenue generation ideas and proposals, and the benefits and impacts to Marymoor’s users.
Cricket discussion:
Demand and popularity is growing within the County. Pickle ball is likely the only more popular, growing recreational sport.
KC Parks leadership referenced a community group that has raised the prospect of major league cricket.
Comments from FOMP that recreational cricket is not supported by, nor does it benefit from, a professional cricket facility. If recreational cricket is growing, then KC Parks should use the Master Plan process to assess the demand and evaluate a reasonable community response specific to recreational cricket.
There is belief within the community (fueled by published articles in the media and statements from council members) is that a professional cricket facility is a done deal. KC Parks was asked to address that perception.
KC Parks replied that they have been transparent with cricket proponents that a dedicated facility does not align with KC Parks’ mission. Additionally, other challenges exist, such as infrastructure, regulatory process, etc. KC Parks’ position is that a professional cricket facility is not a done deal. The Bellevue property (softball fields where the professional cricket facility is proposed) would need to be acquired by King County before anything could realistically proceed; KC Parks leadership noted that the property acquisition is mired in complexity and uncertain.
KC Parks was asked if Major League Cricket proponents would come to a FOMP meeting to discuss proposal and process in a more transparent manner?
KC Parks offered to extend the invitation.
KC Parks was asked if there is market research information that can be shared that demonstrates the growing demand for recreational cricket (specifically in our area)? FOMP pointed out that many recreational sports organizations have requested space in Marymoor and other parks.
Shai described information about the existing professional cricket facility in Texas (may be the only comparable to the facility proposed for Marymoor). The Texas facility has a central field that is only used for professionals. Outside surrounding facilities are available for recreational users via reservations and fees for instructors through the professional cricket organization.
FOMP pointed out that the Texas facility represents an example showing that recreational cricket would have no access to the primary field, just like recreational soccer player don’t get access to the Sounders’ field.
FOMP attendees all reiterated concern that the professional cricket facility would be detrimental to Marymoor and would cause significant impact to the park users and infrastructure.
KC Parks expressed the desire to continue discussion and attend meetings to maintain the dialogue.
Director Jimenez thanked FOMP for the partnership and input.
- Vandalism and Prevention Measures:
- Survey issued today looking for information about a Parks Ranger program. Would like to get as much feedback as possible. Will ask Michael to forward to FOMP mailing list.
- Additional vehicle damage to turf the past two weeks. Generally, though, damage has diminished compared to earlier this year.
- Recent car break-ins reported, as well..
- CIP/Project/Facility Updates:
a. Eastside Audubon: No work party in July (first weekend). Organization is well staffed for volunteer parties.
b. Community Garden (MCGA): Plant sale last weekend. Food bank plots looking good.
c. R/C Field (MAR/C): Annual warbird (military style) fly-in was successful, with over half of the participants new visitors. Summer training program underway – going well. Hope to submit permit applications this week. Schedule for actual facility improvement construction uncertain. Reminder that drones are only allowed in Marymoor at the RC facility. Pothole issues in parking lot.
d. Off-leash area (SODA): Replacement fencing. Herons are hatching. Reported attempted dog knapping on May 13. KC Sheriff notified.
e. Cascade Mountain Collective (Concert venue): Have internet service – will have good service for concert venue. Box office finished. ADA facilities under construction. Other infrastructure arriving in preparation for first show (June 4th). Park user pushed into the construction area and acted belligerent, Sheriff called. Fire permit obtained.
f. Events Update: See Events Calendar.
g. Sound Transit Update: Track construction next to Marymoor finished. Fencing next to event pad needs to be completed.
h. Storm Water Project: Design nearly completed
- FYI: Lake Hills/NW Lk Sammamish Sewer Upgrade Project - See updates at:
- Other: Sad news: Lonesome George the pheasant was hit by a speeding car and killed.

Next meeting Wednesday, June 28th 2023 in the Art Barn
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These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting. They may have inaccuracies and omissions. If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.