December 18, 2024 Meeting Summary
-- see also the October 23, 2024 meeting summary
- Welcome and Introductions: Justin Camputaro, Marymoor Park Administrator; Greg Helland, FOMP President; Chris Jordan, outgoing Marymoor Park Administrator; Michael Hobbs, Marymoor Bird Survey, FOMP Secretary; Shai Hinitz, MAR/C; Emily Alexander, Marymoor Velodrome Association; online: Kevin Killeen, King County Levy Oversight Board
- New Marymoor Park Administrator: Justin Took over November 25th, but Chris is helping with the transition. He has worked in Higher Education, most recently at UW, but working with organizations etc.
- Storm Impacts to the park: About 80% of the cleanup is complete. Dozens of major trees came down, including trees that damaged Clise fencing , the concert-area restroom roof, and other assets. Cleanup has progressed really well after Thanksgiving. Michael noted that three trees in the Great Blue Heron heronry came down, with the loss of around 25 nests (1/3 of the colony or more), but that herons are already investigating a nearby tree. Also, many snags near the lake broke off very short; these snags had been used by nesting woodpeckers, starlings, and Purple Martin.
- Year End Summary with a few 2025 Priorities: Parks has been working on future plans, but have also been supporting the many major events and park users. Chris is happy with the dynamic nature of the Park Plan, that can be adjusted as things happen. Shai asked about the traffic survey, but the data has not been fully analyzed. Still waiting on the resulting memo from the consultant. Greg brought up the question of cut-through traffic once again. This problem is going to be exacerbated when Light Rail opens. Greg asked Chris about 2025 Priorities, and he responded that Light Rail is a major issue. The August 2025 Parks Levy is also a topic; including what should the potential funding be spent on. Also high on the list is an upgrade to the parking ticket kiosk issue. The kiosks need to be replaced or updated, and modernized.
- CIP/Project/Facility Updates:
a. Eastside Audubon Birdloop: EAS is still working on a master plan for the East Meadow, Interpretive Trail, plus Snag Row. This includes a major declaration of war against European Hawthorn.
b. Marymoor Community Gardens: In 2024, MCGA donated over 7000 lbs of vegetables to HopeLink.
c. R/C Field (MAR/C): Shai thanked Parks for grading the parking lot and repairing the donut damage. He also mentioned their wind damage. Furthermore, they found someone to donate their excess shed to someone. So their major project is completed (except for some data cables that still need to be pulled waiting on the electrician to find a solution). They have ended the year in deficit, but that was expected. MAR/C has been featured in a national model airplane magazine. 2025 event calendar has been drawn up.
d. Off-leash area (SODA): Lots of storm cleanup including fence repairs. Greg asked about the culvert replacement, which is on the list of priorities for Parks. Chris said the project is probably not going to be expanded to the additional three culverts that might need replacement.
e. Cascade Music Collective and Seattle Event Solutions (Concert venue): Parks will have a debrief with CMC and SES tomorrow. Pretty much all the tear-down and cleanup has been completed. SES will be shifting focus to liquor vending at Cirque du Soleil.
f. Velodrome: 2024 was very successful, including Junior Track Nationals, which will be repeated in 2025. Parks helped remove graffiti tagging during last spring. Later, the county helped with reseeding the in-field and in repainting the track. For 2025, the 50th year of the track, there will be a celebration of that event in the summer.
g. Maintenance: Leaf and storm cleanup ongoing, as well as set-up for Cirque. Also, parking lot maintenance. Cirque is priming the situation for a quick set-up in early 2025, with the premier show on January 19th.
h. Event Update: Ann should be sending out an initial 2025 events calendar next week. Festival of Color in early April. CHOMP is planned for August 16th.
i. Sound Transit Light Rail: Probably arriving in Redmond in March, though the dates have not officially been set. The Gateway Trail is striving to be ready in time for ST opening.
j. Cricket Facility Proposal: No update. Shai and Greg will try to construct a response to the Cricket presentation from mid-summer.
k. Capital Site Planning: Parks is still processing the very useful public comments that were received.
- Other: Vendors: There will be a new vendor selling snacks in the Lot K space that formerly held a micro SUBWAY shop. Dog Hair Dont Care will be adding a coffee stand in April to replace the former old trailer coffee stand.
Next meeting Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
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These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting. They may have inaccuracies and omissions. If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.