Friends of Marymoor Park

October 26th, 2011 Meeting Summary

-- see also the September 28, 2011 meeting summary

1. Welcome and Introductions:

Glenn Eades – Eastside Audubon, Jack McKinnon – MCGA, Christina Merten – FOMP Board, Greg Helland – FOMP Board, Norah Gaynor – King County, Herb Bone – FOMP Board

2. Day of Caring Tree Planting projects:

Volunteers planted about 18 trees in the Historic area. Three cedars were planted in a sensitive area and will need to be re-planted. The Park staff is looking for recommendations for tree re-location. FOMP recommended looking at the Marymoor Park Master Tree Plan Zone H5 according to the recommendations in the plan. If the recommended area doesn’t work, then they will update the Conceptual Planting Plan Map 4 to exclude the area. Norah requested FOMP’s assistance in paying for the surveys for proper planting areas. Norah will get an estimate on having this work done. She’ll bring this to the group and we’ll review funding.

Christina requested that FOMP add the Master Tree Plan to the FOMP website on the left side of the main page.

Greg has requested the Master Tree Plan files of EarthCorps - they should be sending the electronic shortly. The Park will be able to do a comparison of their GIS files with the GIS maps of the Tree Plan to be sure we aren’t recommending plantings in sensitive areas in the future.

Christina worked on a tree tracking spreadsheet for park maintenance crew. The group looked over the spreadsheet and discussed the potential of making a spreadsheet for each of the sub-zones that were identified in the Master Tree Plan and focusing work on the Historical Zone first.

Christina also recommended that FOMP do an annual check-in audit on the management of data and planting of trees and see how things were progressing in the park versus the Master Tree Plan.

3. CIP/Project/Facility Updates: Norah Gaynor, Parks

a. Birdloop – North end of the meadow trail has been re-mowed and adjusted. Deterrent signs aren’t up yet on the old trail location. The MAR/C club said the trail location is in the correct location now. There is concern about the trail ending near the safety zone and wondering if the trail needs marking in this area. The Audubon group has noticed that folks are starting to stick to the mowed trail. The MAR/C club may think about suggesting some appropriate sign locations concerning the safety zone. This may be just a single sign at the bird trailhead stating that if pedestrians stick to the trail they will be avoiding RCA planes. Norah will walk the area with Herb and might look at replanting or how to address the issue.

b. Garden Loosestrife Control Project – Spraying done early September.

c. Community Garden – Food Bank garden has been put to bed. More leaves are needed to finish the food bank. In 2007 the garden donated 6700 pounds to HopeLink. In 2011 MCGA has surpassed 6700 pounds and still counting.

d. Boathouse projectsee

e. East Lake Sammamish Trail – see  Redmond section is almost complete. Norah handed out the October 21, 2011 news release about the trail opening ahead of schedule and under budget. There is a new 77 spot parking lot that has been opened as part of this new construction. The lot is outside of park boundaries and therefore will not be subject to the parking fee.

f. Interpretive Lot (Lot G) improvements – no action. The park doesn’t have funds and personnel to do anything in this area at this time. The group is concerned about the invasive weeds in this area. Greg had a recommendation of getting weed block fabric and installing as a short term answer to the invasives. The north end is smoother, so this may lend itself to weed block effectiveness. Norah is open to ideas and plans. Glenn will check with Audubon to see if there is interest in working with the park on an interim approach for this area.

g. Paved path improvements – done.

h. North playground – Improvements scheduled for Winter 2011. Some updates/repairs to existing. Possible addition of tot-section and adult fitness equipment if funds allow. Norah has submitted FOMPs recommendations from the last meeting. They are revising the design draft based on the recommendations.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 16, 7 PM, Art Barn.

Thanks to Christina Merten for these notes.  These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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