Friends of Marymoor Park

January 26, 2022 Meeting Summary

-- see also the November 17, 2021  meeting summary

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  1. Welcome and Introductions

    Introductions – Greg Helland, SODA representative, FOMP President; Michael Hobbs, FOMP Secretary, webmaster; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon; Shai Hinitz, MAR/C representative

  2. CIP/Projects/Facilities Updates
    • MAR/C Model Airplane Field – The model airplane club is still trying to upgrade their facilities, but the project is subject to the general projects hold awaiting the Marymoor Park Master Plan.  However, the county has basically agreed the can go ahead, but without financial support from the county.  MAR/C can proceed if they can fund it themselves.  They are still awaiting information about specifically how to move forward with the approval process, however.  Greg suggested to Shai that MAR/C include Greg on an email asking to proceed, and if no satisfactory answer is forthcoming, Greg can contact Parks to try to make some progress.
    • Sound Transit - Laura asked (via email), "What is the effect of the concrete strike on the Link Light Rail project along the north edge of Marymoor Park.  Answer: - A Big Effect.  ST is pretty much shut down now during the concrete drivers' strike, having mostly run out of tasks that do not require concrete.  Every month the strike continues will delay the project by a month at this point.
    • Sewer Replacement Project – Shai noted that the updated proposal for bicycle/pedestrian detours involves closure or lane restrictions on West Lake Sammamish Parkway from ~Marymoor Way to Leary Way.  This is very likely to cause traffic delays on that thoroughfare, and Shai raised the concert that this could lead to an increase in traffic taking a shortcut through the park, to the great detriment of the park.  He wants to make sure this remains a topic of focus for Parks and for the Sewer Project.  How do we discourage/prevent large numbers of cars from [illegally] using Marymoor Way as a through street?

    • Sammamish Slough Reconfiguration for flood control and salmon Greg saw an RFP for "Engineering Services for the Sammamish River", and indication that the potential project to reroute the slough around the weir (or other possible solutions) is still alive and being worked on.  Greg figures this contract will not be awarded for 6+ months, with months/years more before we'll have proposals to review.

  3. Event Updates

    • Cirque Du Soliel - Alegria Runs January 18th - March 10th (unless extended) under the big top on the Event Pad.  See

      Parking for Cirque is $25, though free with a Marymoor parking pass.  Show times, generally, are 8:00 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sundays.  Expect heavy traffic in the two hours before showtimes.

Next meeting Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.

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