Friends of Marymoor Park

Marymoor Park is the largest active-use park in the King County Parks system.

It is located in Redmond, Washington, at the north end of Lake Sammamish and hugging the Sammamish River.

The Friends of Marymoor Park is a group of park users and neighbors of Marymoor Park who meet regularly
(usually 4th WEDNESDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Art Barn northeast of Clise Mansion in the park)
to share information and help enhance and better utilize the facilities and programs within the park.

There are a tremendous number of activities going on at Marymoor Park,and several well-organized groups who offer programs and services within the park.
See the Members and Events pages.

To schedule an event at Marymoor Park:
Park Office: 206-477-7275


Our Next Friends of Marymoor Park Meeting:

WEDNESDAY, March 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Art Barn

Call (206) 477-7275 for more information.  Everyone Welcome!

See the February 26, 2025 meeting summary

Virtual Option to Attend Meeting (Microsoft Teams)

Join the meeting
Meeting ID: 250 669 926 202
Passcode: Ud9mt9BF
Dial in by phone

+1 425-653-6586,,452831508#
United States, Bellevue

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 452 831 508#
Join on a video conferencing device
Tenant key:
Video ID: 112 691 537 9
More info (Alternate VTC instructions)

Read about recent bird sightings
at Marymoor on the Birds Blog

Photos of the
Amazing Coyote Display

Meeting Summaries
Marymoor Tree Plan

and get notifications of meetings and news:

 Visit hit JoinThisGroup.

Wildlife at Marymoor
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Wildlife at Marymoor | Birding at Marymoor Park

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