Friends of Marymoor Park

February 26, 2025 Meeting Summary

-- see also the January 22, 2025  meeting summary

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Justin Camputaro, Marymoor Park Administrator; Greg Helland, FOMP President; Michael Hobbs, Marymoor Bird Survey, FOMP Secretary; Shai Hinitz, MAR/C; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon Bird Loop, neighbor; Joe Inslee, Parks community engagement team; online: Kevin Killeen, King County Levy Oversight Board
  2. Gateway Trail:  Light Rail has a firm May 10th opening date, with a ribbon cutting at downtown station at noon.  Within Marymoor, the Gateway Trail construction starts mid-May, and it should be mostly finished by May 10th.   Trail runs from the station along the east edge of the velodrome, with two connections to the Marymoor Connector Trail.  Signage will include maps to Marymoor destination sites, and will include some walking time information.  BTW, for trail users, the connection between the East Lake Sammamish Trail and the continuation of the trail through Redmond and heading up towards Woodinville is complete.  This means those who are walking/biking from downtown Redmond will be able to stay on trails all the way to the ST station.

    OneRedmond will be heading the Grand Opening.

    At this time, dogs (except for service dogs) are NOT allowed on Sound Transit trains, but this may change.  So the off-leash Dog Area is not currently a target destination.  But MAR/C, birders and photographers, athletes playing on Fields 7-8-9, soccer players on the McNair Activity Field, Velodrome users, concert attendees, cricket players, users of the turf fields, tennis players, picnickers, people going to the Clise Mansion, and baseball/softball field players and audience may all be using this Gateway Trail.

    Phase 2 follows May 10th, and will include lighting along the pathway, and the new water line into the park.  Phase 2 should be done by September.

    FOMP members quickly pointed out that this only connects the station to the Marymoor Connector Trail, but many of the locations that people will want to get to are south of Marymoor Way.  We will need crosswalks across Marymoor Way, and walkways (i.e. one paralleling Pea Patch Rd.).  There needs to be a pedestrian-oriented network of trails through the park.  Most of this is missing.  Justin and Joe completely agree, but the crosswalk and internal trail network has not been designed nor funded.

  3. CIP/Project/Facility Updates:

    a.    Eastside Audubon Birdloop:
    – First Saturday party this Saturday.  Hawthorn removal remains their biggest issue, and they would like help from Parks, and this is being coordinated.  Michael also mentioned that the NW-most Tree Swallow box in the East Meadow (just south of the kiosk), has broken off at the ground.  It needs a new 4”x4” post.

    b.    Marymoor Community Gardens:
    – No report, except that they have gotten a CPG grant for a new shed.

    c.    R/C Field (MAR/C):
    – Unfortunately, some people parking in the MAR/C lot are sneaking over to the Cirque shows.  MAR/C is proceeding with their monthly programs: annual safety discussion in January.  February featured historic photos, documents, and artifacts, showing that model flying has been happening as far back as the 1960’s.  Swap Meet will be March 15th.  MAR/C’s training program was highlighted in a model airplane magazine recently.  The summer training program starts in May.  Shai also mentioned again that there possibly should be an ADA-accessible portapotty as part of the portapotty pair in the parking lot.  Michael pointed out that perhaps the Lot G and the Pea Patch portapotty pairs should also add or include an ADA unit.  The fencing that separates the airfield from the parking lot will need to be replaced soon, as it is rotting.

    d.    Off-leash area (SODA):
    – New trashcans will replace the existing ones.  SODA is also advocating for the culvert replacement project.   Road resurfacing was completed a couple of weeks ago, along with removal of the downed trees.  Fencing around the heronry should go up very soon; Justin asked that it be put up ASAP due to fears of avian flu.

    e.    Cascade Music Collective and Seattle Event Solutions (Concert venue):
    – 15 confirmed concerts, though not all have been made public yet.  Looking to get 20-25 in total, and a more diverse line-up.

    f.    Maintenance:
    • Off Leash Dog Area River Trail Surfacing Project complete
    • Baseball Field de-winterization happening now
    • De-winterization of closed restrooms happening now
    • Misc. Spring projects coming up including:
    • Re-staining the Windmill
    • Pressure washing and painting speed bumps, curbs, gates, etc.
    • Misc. asphalt fixes along Marymoor way and other service roads
    • Striping Marymoor Way and other service roads
    • Repairing the Reflexology Pad
    • And much, much more…

    g.    Event Update:
    – Concerts as noted above.  Festival of Color April 5th.  Electrify July 12/13.  After concerts get booked, movies will get booked; they are looking to have drive-in movies back in the fall.  CHOMP is August 16th.

    h.    Cricket Facility Proposal: – Greg is hoping to get a call with Warren on this topic.

    i.     Capital Site Planning: –
    Lots of projects are starting.  Looking for a pilot program for a parking payment system.  In the meantime, existing pay machines may be replaced.  For accessibility, there will always be cash-accepting machines for parking, since not everyone has the ability to pay by phone.

    j.     Other:
    • Rain Garden: Will follow close on the heels of the Gateway Trail.
    • Puget Sound Birds study – grant to study the Great Blue Heronry.  Will be at the FOMP meeting March 26th.

  4. Next meeting Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 in Clise Mansion

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    These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.

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