Friends of Marymoor Park


Bird Sightings Week 8
February 19-25


Rarities for Week 8:

...Barrow's Goldeneye 22-Feb-07 Continuing from 08-Feb-07
Barrow's Goldeneye 23-Feb-12  
Iceland Gull 21-Feb-13 Thayer's subspecies
Bobcat 23-Feb-13 On the local news

Report for February 20, 2025                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

Today felt so different from last week, and it felt like a real beginning to Spring. Birds were singing, and not just a few; many songs from many species.  The weather wasn't too bad either, with temps in the mid-40's and come-and-go overcast. It was a touch breezy at times, but nothing too bad at all.

  • Greater White-fronted Goose - Seven at the weir
  • Anna's Hummingbird - Some singing, though no display flights noted today
  • Great Blue Heron - 35+ birds seen at the heronry
  • Bald Eagle - My best estimate was 5 adults
  • Black-capped Chickadee - quite a bit of singing
  • Brown Creeper - Heard one song
  • Pacific Wren - Spontaneous song from two birds
  • Bewick's Wren - Many singing
  • American Robin - A few songs, and many birds total
  • Cedar Waxwing - Seven near the Dog Area portapotties
  • House Finch - One song
  • Dark-eyed Junco - Many, many singing
  • Song Sparrow - Many singing
  • Spotted Towhee - At least two heard singing
  • Red-winged Blackbird - Quite a few Okalee songs
We had a large, mixed flock of gulls that never landed where we could see them.  Short-billed Gull calls were heard, and I believe that's what most of them were.  There were also a couple of GWGUs.  A Ring-billed Gull showed up during my late scan of the lake.  Most years, all of these gulls have been easy to view every week; this winter, they aren't always spending time in the park, causing us to "miss" normally regular species.

That late scan of the lake also turned up two HORNED GREBE, and in the trees at the NW corner of the lake at least two RED-CROSSBILLS, First of Year (FOY).

Misses today included Virginia Rail, American Coot (1st miss for Week 8 ever), Cooper's Hawk, and Marsh Wren (may have heard, but couldn't confirm because of too many singing Bewick's).  

For the day, 55 species.  With the addition of RED CROSSBILL, we're at 75 species for 2025.

= Michael Hobbs

Report for February 22, 2024                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

For a change, the nicest weather of the week arrived on a Thursday.  Yay.  Sunny, temps quickly heading to the high 40s, and no wind - delightful.  And it was birdy!  So much singing!

  • Greater White-fronted Goose - Two swimming in the slough just below the weir
  • HERRING GULL - One on Fields 7-8-9 with other gulls.  First of Year (FOY) and first in just over a year
  • Great Blue Herons - Nearly 70 at the nests, with some nest building observed
  • Pileated Woodpecker - Low flyover in near Dog Swim Beach #2
  • Northern Shrike - Excellent looks, East Meadow.  Also saw it north of Fields 7-8-9 at 7:00 a.m.
  • COMMON RAVEN - Two flying north over the Pea Patch, calling.  First for the survey since 2021 (FOY)
  • White-throated Sparrow - Seen again, though briefly.  This bird has been near Dog Swim Beaches #2-#3
  • Western Meadowlark - Two between Viewing Mound and model airplane field, singing (FOY)
Singing birds included Anna's Hummingbird, Black-capped Chickadee, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, Bewick's Wren, Pacific Wren, American Robin, House Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, Song Sparrow, Spotted Towhee, Western Meadowlark, and Red-winged Blackbird.

Misses today were limited to just Hooded Merganser and Killdeer.

For the day, a year's best, 61 species.  For the year, we're at 75 species.

= Michael Hobbs

One of the Red-tailed Hawks banded and wing-tagged at SeaTac airport.
The airport catches and relocates birds away from the airfield to try to
prevent collisons between airplanes and birds.

Photo by Jordan Roderick

Northern Shrike. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Adult Herring Gull. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Report for February 23, 2023                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

It was a nippy 28 degrees yesterday when we started out, and it only got to 31 degrees by the end.  Throw in a biting breeze, and it felt downright cold at times.  We barely ventured onto the Lake Platform because it was just too painful.  Not very birdy yesterday, though we did find more birds around the mansion and at the Rowing Club.

  • Virginia Rail - heard at least four from the boardwalk
  • Hairy Woodpecker - one from the Rowing Club dock
  • Merlin- flying fast downstream past the weir
  • Varied Thrush - a couple near the mansion
  • Purple Finch - one singing at the Rowing Club was our only finch of any kind
  • Fox Sparrow - about a dozen, after having been a rare Miss last week
  • White-crowned Sparrow - ditto
Very little singing yesterday, following a week with a great many birds and species singing.  Must have been the cold.

We did have 4 or 5 RIVER OTTERS in the slough.
Misses included Short-billed Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Cooper's Hawk, Marsh Wren, and House Finch.

For the day, 51 species, and nothing new for the year.

= Michael Hobbs

Report for February 24, 2022                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

The bitter cold (25 degrees at the start, rising to about 35 degrees by the Rowing Club) was pretty easy to tolerate after dawn due to dry air, windless conditions, and SUNSHINE.  Not a bad day at Marymoor, but nothing new for the year.
  • 12 species of duck – including a Ruddy Duck seen on my late scan of the lake
  • Horned Grebe – one, also seen on my late scan of the lake
  • Wilson’s Snipe – excellent views of around a dozen along the near edge of the slough below the weir
  • Varied Thrush – one or two seen
  • Purple Finch – one or two heard singing
  • White-throated Sparrow – again, one in the NW corner of the Dog Area
  • Western Meadowlark – several near the Viewing Mound, with a few songs heard
We had two male HOODED MERGANSERS in a dancing competition to impress one of the ladies.  At least one or two NORTHERN FLICKERS were drumming.  And Dark-eyed Juncos were singing non-stop.
Venus was very bright and large, predawn.
Misses today included Virginia Rail, identifiable black-wingtipped gulls, Cooper’s Hawk, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, and Pine Siskin.
For the day, 58 species.
= Michael Hobbs

Report for February 25, 2021                                                                                                                      Birding at Marymoor

Gray, a bit blustery to start, and little bits of mist and mizzle early, but not too bad.  Sometimes felt quite birdy for February.  The most notable thing was the amount of singing, and the large number of species singing.
  • American Wigeon – about a dozen below the weir.  We seldom see these when the park is not flooded (and it’s currently not flooded)
  • Great Blue Heron – nest building at the heronry, many herons about.  There are at least 40 nests in the heronry, with several possible starts of more
  • Western Screech-Owl – Matt *saw* one pre-dawn, just sitting there beyond the East Footbridge south of the East Meadow
  • PEREGRINE FALCON – one seen flying east over the Dog Meadow; later seen flying NW towards the mansion for a much better view – First of Year
  • Varied Thrush – several seen singing
  • Northern Shrike – at model airplane field, seen from Viewing Mound thanks to a sharp-eyed Lee Crawford
  • Cedar Waxwing – 20-25 just east of the weir
A late scan of the lake turned up HORNED GREBE and RING-BILLED GULL.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Rock Pigeon, Cooper’s Hawk, Bushtit, and White-crowned Sparrow.
For the day, 55 species, with Peregrine Falcon new for the year.
= Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Matt Bartels

Report for February 20, 2020                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

It was a frosty 29 degrees to start the walk, but it warmed due to no wind and bright sunshine.  It feels unfamiliar to even type “sun”.  Pretty birdy at times too.  The water has mostly receded, though the southern end of the off-leash Dog Area is still closed.  But we were able to get to the boardwalk from the east end.  The boardwalk had only a little water over one section (2”), but had a fair amount of debris left from the flooding.  Luckily, while much of it was actually floating for about a week, it managed to settle relatively level.
  • Cackling Goose – probably 2000 total, with many landing on the grass soccer fields
  • American Wigeon – still a half-dozen in the slough; the remaining interior ponds were iced over
  • Common Merganser – 1 or 2 female-type
  • Green Heron – one at the Rowing Club
  • Cooper’s Hawk – several sightings, at least 2 birds
  • Barn Owl – distant views from the Viewing Mound
  • Short-eared/Long-eared Owl – since we’ve had sightings of both species this year already, I can’t presume the species from the brief views we had from the Viewing Mound
  • Hairy Woodpecker – male at Rowing Club
  • Northern Shrike – juvenile in East Meadow
  • House Finch – Three flyovers – probably at least 4 birds!  Shocking that that’s shocking
  • Pine Siskin – small flock(s), making for a 2-finch day!
  • Western Meadowlark – 7-10 in the East Meadow, with singing heard
  • TOWNSEND’S WARBLER – one flycatching NE of the Clise Mansion (over the Art Barn).  First of Year
We also saw American Beaver predawn, and a dead possum in the Dog Meadow.  At the Rowing Club, we had our first RED-EARED SLIDER of the year (first turtle of any kind).
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Hooded Merganser, and Purple Finch.
For the day, 57 species.
= Michael

Report for February 21, 2019                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

The day started with cold crunchy snow and fog, and it took a long while to clear and warm up. The recent glut of ducks is gone, presumably indicating that fields and ponds are melting. It wasn’t terribly birdy, but still not a bad day.


  • Only 8 species of duck, including a pair of wigeon seen late
  • CALIFORNIA QUAIL – at least 3, across the slough from the 1st Dog Beach – First of Year (FOF)
  • Horned Grebe – one on lake, seen late
  • Green Heron – on beaver lodge as usual
  • Virginia Rail – distant response to clapping from the boardwalk
  • BARN OWL – one flying the model airplane field and East Meadow 6-6:30ish
  • Owl spp.? – can’t really count anything, but Matt had indistinct responses to Screech and Saw-whet playbacks
  • American Goldfinch – at least a couple; not terribly reliable at Marymoor in winter
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler – one at Rowing Club

For the first time since October, we failed to find a Hairy Woodpecker. Only 3 woodpecker species today.

Mammal sightings included AMERICAN BEAVER near the lodge with the Green Heron, and RIVER OTTERS on the lake.

At least 10 species were heard singing today, including the first-of-year PURPLE FINCH songs that were the regular song, not the vireo-like one.

Misses included Ring-necked Duck, Rock Pigeon, Mew Gull, a definitive Glaucous-winged Gull or hybrid, and Cooper’s Hawk. No Northern Shrike either (easy to have missed in the fog).

For the day, 54 species, with CALIFORNIA QUAIL new for the year.

== Michael Hobbs

Canada Geese in the slough.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Pine Siskin.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Male Bufflehead.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female Common Goldeneye.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Adult White-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Pacific Wren.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Black-capped Chickadee.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

American Crow.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Double-crested Cormorant.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for February 22, 2018                                                                                                                 Birding at Marymoor

Brrrr. It was a frigid 22 degrees at 7am. Our saving graces were sunshine and a lack of wind. A dusting of snow made it a beautiful morning; pre-dawn was amazing too, with great scope view of Saturn and Jupiter again. The day slowly warmed to 32 degrees. Birds were somewhat scarce.


  • Cackling Goose – huge flocks swirling overhead at 7:15; don’t know if any landed
  • Ring-necked Duck – two in the slough below the weir; New for 2018
  • Greater Scaup – two females in slough; only 4th week with scaup in 2018
  • Cooper’s Hawk – one near 1st Dog Swim Beach, first in a month
  • Red-tailed Hawk – notably numerous, probably at least 7
  • Barn Owl – long looks at around 6:35 am from Viewing Mound
  • Great Horned Owl – Matt heard one west of the windmill across the slough – First for 2018
  • BARRED OWL – Matt saw one at east end of boardwalk, around 6am; First of 2018
  • Hairy Woodpecker – close looks at female at start of boardwalk
  • Pileated Woodpecker – one seen from Rowing Club dock
  • Townsend’s Warbler – female near mansion area rest rooms – First of 2018

This is only our 8th record of BARRED OWL for Marymoor; dates of sightings are broadly scattered across the months.

For the day, we hit 50 species. I made a quick check of the lake afterwards, and added two more: a single HORNED GREBE, and our only BALD EAGLES of the day, for a revised total of 52 species.

For 2018, we added 4 to reach 79 species.

== Michael Hobbs

This was about a third of the flock, maybe only a quarter.  I thought this might be 400 geese, but Matt counted 812 geese in the photo!  Photo by Bob Asanoma

We did have a pretty dusting of snow.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Cooper's Hawk.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Female Hairy Woodpecker along boardwalk.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Same Hairy Woodpecker.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Song Sparrow.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for February 23, 2017                                                                                       Birding at Marymoor

Marymoor today was showing some signs of spring, with many of the birds singing. Overcast and cool temperatures, but no rain. The river is still quite high and water over some of the paths. Short a few ducks, and missed Bushtit, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Pacific Wren and Barn Owl. But did have Short-eared Owl and Western Screech-Owl.

Overall a good day, even if we missed Michael (down in Costa Rica).

Townsend’s Warbler – first of year
Pine Siskin – first of year
Green Heron – at beaver lodge on river
Pileated Woodpeckers – 2

Good Birding

Brian H. Bell
Woodinville WA

Subadult Bald Eagle.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Song Sparrow.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Townsend's Warbler.  Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Red-breasted Nuthatch.  Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Red-breasted Nuthatch.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Anna's Hummingbird.  Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Anna's Hummingbird.  Photo by Bob Asanoma.  Angle changes everything

Horned Lark, 2017-02-19.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Horned Lark, 2017-02-19.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for February 25, 2016                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

We had a wonderful day at Marymoor on a gorgeous sunny day, Thursday. It was nippy to start, but balmy by the time we left. And there were some birds.


Virginia Rail                      Doing their kik-kadik song pre-dawn
Barn Owl                          Matt saw one near the windmill
Pileated Woodpecker       One seen, maybe another heard, west of slough
PEREGRINE FALCON  Quick flyby near the weir
Tree Swallow                   4-6 – First of Year*
Violet-green Swallow       1 – First of Year, early
Western Meadowlark       13 or 14, north of fields 7-8-9 like last week

*Might not be the first Tree Swallows of the year, as Lillian Reis had a swallow back on February 12 that was probably a Tree.

ALL of the GREAT BLUE HERONS were at the new nesting trees – the old heronry was completely empty. More nests are being built at the new site (100 yards north of the old heronry). Curious.

We have NOT been having BARN OWLS flying around the meadows; our morning vigils at the Viewing Mound have been owl-less. But at least there are still Barn Owls in the park. The windmill birds probably feed mostly west of the slough.

For the day, we had 59 species – quite good for February.

== Michael Hobbs

Dawn.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Pileated Woodpecker west of the slough at dawn.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Goldeneye.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female Common Goldeneye.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Scaup.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Green Heron (lower center) dwarfed by beaver lodge.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Great Blue Herons very active in new trees.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Meadowlark.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Meadowlarks.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Ring-billed Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for February 19, 2015                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

The unreasonably warm weather continues, even with rain threatening throughout the morning. We were warm(ish) and dry until about 10:30, when very light drizzle began. And it was birdy!


Cackling Goose                   One small flock; they get less common after January
Wood Duck                        Male in slough almost out at Lake Platform
Horned Grebe                     A couple well out from Lake Platform
Northern Saw-whet Owl     Matt again heard 2, about 5:20 a.m.
Red-breasted Sapsucker     2 sightings, but probably the same bird
Merlin                                 Far to the east atop a cottonwood
TREE SWALLOW             8+ over Dog Meadow – First of Year (FOY)
Varied Thrush                     Heard singing on far side of slough – FOY
Yellow-rumped Warbler     Increasing numbers, both Myrtle’s and Audubon’s
RED CROSSBILL             In firs around mansion all morning

I saw eBird reports of TREE SWALLOWS at Marymoor from Monday, February 16th. That date ties the earliest sighting ever for Marymoor (1996). Even today’s sighting is the 4th earliest.

There were over 40 GREAT BLUE HERONS sitting in the heronry, with more in other places: probably 50 for the park today! I expect there will be more nests built this year. Many of the birds were bringing in twigs, though that is mostly (completely?) upkeep on existing nests at this point.

PURPLE FINCHES were singing (first of the season). BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEES were seen fluttering wings, though it may be a few days before they get past the flirting.

For the day, an astounding (for February) 63 species. That’s our 2nd-highest species count ever for a February walk, beaten only by 2014-02-27 when we had 65. I believe we’re at 81 species for the year.

== Michael Hobbs

Male Green-winged Teal.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Pacific Wren.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Pacific Wren.  Photo by Marvin Hoekstra

This Merlin was so far away that identification was only confirmed with this photo by Marvin Hoekstra.

Fox Sparrow.  Photo by Marvin Hoekstra

Male Red Crossbill.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Red Crossbill.  Photo by Marvin Hoekstra

Male Ring-necked Duck.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Spring blooms already.  Photo by Ollie Oliver.

Common Goldeneyes, 2015-02-21.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Green-winged Teal, 2015-02-21.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Killdeer, 2015-02-21.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Townsend's Warbler, 2015-02-21.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for February 20, 2014                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

It was overcast, with quite a bit of wind early on, though the wind faded during the day. No precip, but no great warming either. It was a quiet day for birds.


Wood Duck                     At least 2 (male and female, not together)
Greater Scaup                  Female at weir, 5 more flying at lake
Lesser Scaup                    Female above weir – First of Year
Great Blue Heron             Several herons at nests
HERRING GULL            At least 1 on grass soccer fields
Barn Owl                         Matt heard one ~6:00 a.m.
Hairy Woodpecker          Pair seen twice (or 4?)
Yellow-rumped Warbler   Both Audubon’s and Myrtle’s at Rowing Club (FOY)

We missed several common species such as Green-winged Teal (thought we heard at Rowing Club, but not confirmed), Hooded Merganser, Wilson’s Snipe, Bushtit, and Red-breasted Nuthatch, but still managed 49 species for the day.

Adding Lesser Scaup and Yellow-rumped Warbler, our year list is at 77 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Great Blue Heron.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female Common Goldeneyes with Buffleheads and Scaup.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Ring-necked .  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Downy Woodpecker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Hairy Woodpecker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Herring Gull.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Herring Gull (right) with Glaucous-winged Gull .  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-tailed Hawk.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Myrtle's" Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for February 21, 2013                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

Dark, drizzly, and breezy. Not very pleasant, and not very many birds. This is February; we don’t expect much, and we didn’t get much. Still, even a pretty crappy day at Marymoor isn’t too bad.


Gadwall                           ~18 just below the weir
Green-winged Teal           ~18 at Rowing Club pond
Greater Scaup                  Lone female in slough
Great Blue Heron             On nests. Some nest building yesterday
Western Gull                    One, Lot B with GWGUs and hybrids
ICELAND GULL            Adult "Thayer's". Lot B, Grass soccer fields with above
Belted Kingfisher              One near weir
Red-breasted Sapsucker  One at Rowing Club
Northern Shrike               One, East Meadow
Red Crossbill                    Still a few around mansion

This is just our 3rd "THAYER’S" ICELAND GULL, but many of our unusual pink-legged gulls have turned up in Weeks 7, 8, and 9 (this is Week 8). We spent quite a bit of time chasing this bird around trying to get good looks, but we left feeling pretty confident of our ID. Some Thayer’s are relatively easy to ID – this was not one of those...

Singing birds included BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE, PACIFIC WREN, MARSH WREN, BEWICK’S WREN, AMERICAN ROBIN, SONG SPARROW, DARK-EYED JUNCO, and RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD. When I played the nyuck-nyuck-nyuck call of VIRGINIA RAIL from the boardwalk, one responded in kind but another began singing the tiDik-tiDik-tiDik song.

For mammals, we had a MUSKRAT at the Rowing Club, besides the usual squirrels and cottontails.

Misses today included Cooper’s Hawk, Mew Gull, any owls, Downy Woodpecker, Lincoln’s Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, and Purple Finch.

Still, we managed a fairly respectable 53 species. Iceland Gull was new for the year, of course, bringing our total to 82.

== Michael Hobbs

Hooded Merganser pair in slough above the weir.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red Crossbills near the mansion.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Gull.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Thayer's" Iceland Gull.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Thayer's" Iceland Gull.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Thayer's" Iceland Gull.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

One of the pairs of Green-winged Teal at the Rowing Club pond.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Ring-necked Ducks.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Muskrat.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay, Thursday afternoon.  Photo by Mike Hamilton

Great Blue Herons at the heronry, Thursday afternoon.  Photo by Mike Hamilton

Great Blue Heron, Thursday afternoon.  Photo by Mike Hamilton

Male Anna's Hummingbird, Thursday afternoon.  Photo by Mike Hamilton

Northern Shrike, 2013-02-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Great Blue Heron, 2013-02-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Great Blue Herons, 2013-02-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Male Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2013-02-15.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Male Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2013-02-15.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Male Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2013-02-15.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Brown Creeper, 2013-02-15.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Report for February 23, 2012                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

We had a really good day at Marymoor, under mostly cloudless skies, and with no wind and not too cold. The water levels were just below where there would be flooding on the trail. All day long, there were good birdsto look at.


BARROW'S GOLDENEYE      Male at lake platform
Northern Harrier                        One flew across the north end of the lake
Barn Owl                                   5 birds sighted
Hairy Woodpecker                    1 near east end of boardwalk
Pileated Woodpecker                1 west of the weir
Northern Shrike                         As usual, north of fields 7-8-9
Brown Creeper                          4+, scattered
CEDAR WAXWING                20 near Dog Central, + at Rowing Club
Yellow-rumped Warbler            Myrtle's-type at Rowing Club
SAVANNAH SPARROW       One at Compost Piles
Lincoln's Sparrow                      One at RC parking lot

This was just our 10th sighting of BARROW'S GOLDENEYE. He was right next to the platform when we arrived.

My visit began with a BARN OWL flying across the road towards the windmill
at 6:30.

There appears to be a new active RED-TAILED HAWK nest in a cottonwood far to the west of the slough out near the lake. A CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEE was excavating a hole in a snag near the mansion. We heard a MARSH WREN singing  for the first time this spring.

Brian and I saw a MUSKRAT in the slough.

For the day, 57 species. For the year, adding Barrow's Goldeneye, Northern Harrier, Pileated Woodpecker, Cedar Waxwing, and Savannah Sparrow, we're up to 81 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Gadwall pair near weir.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Barrow's Goldeneye at the lake platform.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Cedar Waxwing.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Cedar Waxwings.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Savannah Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 2012-02-17.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Northern Pintail, 2012-02-17.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Northern Pintail, 2012-02-17.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for February 24, 2011                                                                                                                           Birding at Marymoor

It was like old times today at Marymoor, as it was just Brian Bell and myself for most of the walk.  We were joined by Lillian when we got to the East Meadow.  It was cold (23 degrees) when we started, but it was above freezing by the end.  The park was gorgeous, covered in 1-2+ inches of snow, and lit by the sun peeking out from the clouds (our shadows joined the walk about half the time).  It seemed fairly birdy, but a lack of gulls, owls (nobody got there early to go owling), and a few other misses kept our species count fairly low.


Greater Wh.-fronted Goose     4 with a large flock of mostly Cacklers
TURKEY VULTURE             One over the windmill at about 11, heading S
MERLIN                                One streaked south, W of the slough early
Red-breasted Sapsucker         One DRUMMING east of the mansion
Hairy Woodpecker                 Female near the Rowing Club dock
Northern Shrike                      A couple of sightings, incl. in Dog Meadow
Golden-crowned Kinglets       Ubiquitous
Townsend's Warbler               Two+ beauties NE of the mansion - great show
Purple Finch                           Many sightings;  nice male at the park office feeders

We also had a COYOTE south of the windmill at 7:30.

This is the first Marymoor record of TURKEY VULTURE in the winter.  We have multiple sightings as late as the first week in October, but nothing previously before the 4th week of March.

For the day, just 50 species.  Townsend's Warbler and Turkey Vulture were new for the year.

== Michael Hobbs

Uncredited photos by Michael Hobbs
Female Bufflehead, and the tail of a diving male

Male Hooded Merganser.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Mallard pair in the snow.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  Photo by Lillian Reis

One of the Townsend's Warblers NE of the mansion

Townsend's Warbler

Townsend's Warbler

Turkey Vulture flying down the slough

American Robin eating Holly berries

Downy Woodpecker male.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  Photo by Lillian Reis

River Otter in slough.  Photo by Lillian Reis

River Otter in slough.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Bewick's Wren singing, 2011-02-19.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Wood Duck, 2011-02-18.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for February 25, 2010

The skies couldn't decide what to do today, so we had overcast and sun, clearing and drizzle, in alternation.  It was a touch breezy at times, though other times not bad at all.  And the temps were mild; 45 degrees at the coldest.

We're slowly losing winter birds - we had only Canada geese today, and only 1.5 species of gull (I.e. Glaucous-winged, plus one back-tipped gull not identified to species).  But there are signs of spring.


Mallard                              An unusually large flock of over 60
Ring-necked Pheasant        Heard by the early crew at Compost Piles
Barn Owl                           2 at windmill early, 3rd in nest box
Western Screech-Owl        Matt & Scott got to see it this morning
Red-breasted Sapsucker    One near first footbridge
Hairy Woodpecker             3-4 seen, at several locations
Northern Shrike                  East Meadow
American Crow                  Allopreening observed
TREE SWALLOW            Several, flying overhead
Bushtit                                Several, incl. pair building a nest
Brown Creeper                  Several

Another sign of spring were several SALMONBERRY blossoms, at least 2 weeks before the usual start of flowering for Marymoor.

We had a few notable misses:  Cooper's Hawk, Wilson's Snipe, Mew Gull, Downy Woodpecker, White-crowned Sparrow, and American Goldfinch.

Even so, we managed 55 species for the day, with the Pheasant and the Tree Swallows new for the year.

== Michael

Northern Flickers.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Red-breasted Sapsucker.  Photo by Lillian Reis

My extremely out of focus shot of a Bushtit building a nest

Adult Bald Eagle.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Red-breasted Nuthatch near park office

Eastern Gray Squirrel.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Green-winged Teal and Hooded Mergansers at the Rowing Club

Male Green-winged Teal at the Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-tailed Hawk Pair

Red-tailed Hawk pair.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Hooded Merganser displaying to female.

Both photos by Ollie Oliver

Canada Geese.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Garter Snake photo by Ollie Oliver

Mew Gulls, with a juvenile Ring-billed Gull, center.  Photo by Lillian Reis, 2/27

Tree Swallow.  Photo by Lillian Reis, 2/27

Report for February 19, 2009

We had a really nice day at Marymoor today.  We didn't add any species to the Marymoor year list, and we only had 52 species of bird (which is kind of a ho-hum total for us).  But it was still a really nice day. Mostly sunny with a bit of very thin clouds and some wispy morning ground fog here and there but mostly not where we were trying to bird.  Cold to start, but gradually warming.


Matt, Scott, and I had a SHORT-EARED OWL at the south end of the East Meadow at about 6:30.

I had a PILEATED WOODPECKER fly past the Odd Snag hawk nest as I hurried to catch up with the rest of the party (after an emergency trip home because
I'd forgotten my binoculars).

We puzzled for a long time over a cricket-like chirping sound below the weir.  Remarkably, this quiet noise was being made by a RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD who would occasionally shift to the usual Okaleee call.

We had three WILSON'S SNIPE leapfrogging each other up the slough ahead of us as we approached the weir.

RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS were singing all over the park.  We also heard robin, junco, towhee, Bewick's and Marsh Wrens, and House Finches singing.

There were bunches of COMMON GOLDNEYE - probably 10 in the slough and 10 at the lake.  Couldn't find a Barrow's amongst them, unfortunately.

Across from the first dog swim area we heard some very strange calls that turned out to be a vocalizing NORTHERN SHRIKE.  There was also a RACCOON on
the far slough edge there.

We searched the compost piles thoroughly, but it wasn't until we got to the east end of Snag Row before we found the AMERICAN TREE SPARROW (for the 6th straight week).  After it gave us good looks, it flew back to the compost piles, to the exact spot we'd spent the most time searching for it before.

There were hundreds of AMERICAN ROBINS all over the grass soccer fields and the lawns around the mansion.  Right next to the mansion, Matt spotted a VARIED THRUSH amongst them.

The cedars next to the windmill again held a BARN OWL, seemingly on the same branch as last week.  The nest box that was used by owls last year appears to be a squirrel nest this year, though.

The Rowing Club featured about ten YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS and the day's only AMERICAN GOLDFINCH (and - Oh Joy - HOUSE SPARROW).

We had ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRDS at several locations around the park - at least 4 birds.

And we had the very first INDIAN PLUM blossoms of the year (aka Oso Berry).

As I said, 52 species for the day, still at 79 for the year.

== Michael

Great Blue Heron hunting in the early morning frost below the weir

Common Goldeneye, a male Ring-necked Duck, Gadwall, and Mallard at the weir

This Northern Shrike was vocalizing, across from the first dog swim beach

A Raccoon hunted the slough edge across from the first dog swim beach

Obligatory photo of the American Tree Sparrow, seen for the 6th week in a row

Varied Thrush male next to Clise Mansion amongst dozens of American Robins

Barn Owl in the cedars next to the windmill, like last week

Yellow-rumped Warbler at the Rowing Club, showing its namesake

As the bird turns. The yellow throat indicates this is an "Audubon's" race bird.

Scott Ramos caught a beautiful sunrise moment.

Fox Sparrow in the early morning light. Photo by Scott Ramos

Ollie Oliver's photo of a Bushtit

This photo by Ollie shows the distinctive lobed (not webbed) feet of the American Coot

Another nice American Coot portrait by Ollie

Ollie lingered to get a closer photo of the male Varied Thrus

Ollie's flight photo shows the distinctive longitudinal wing stripe of this species, which can be used to distinguish Varied Thrush from American Robin in flight.  It is an unusual field mark among passerines, but Townsend's Solitaires and Pine Siskin are also noted for their wing stripes

Report for February 21, 2008   

Fifteen of us waded through fog out to the lake, but then the fog cleared.  It was an interesting day, with most of the best birding coming later in the morning.  Signs of spring everywhere, from the birds singing to the birds fighting to the first Oso Berry blossoms (Indian Plum) of the year.  One of the ornamental fruit trees near the mansion was also beginning to bloom.

The biggest surprise was a NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW perched at the Compost Piles.  This is about a month earlier than we've ever had a NRWS.

Other Highlights:

Common Goldeneye            Especially nice looks at the lake
Virginia Rail                         Spontaneous calls heard from boardwalk
Wilson's Snipe                     One very cooperative bird below weir
Red-breasted Sapsucker      Very red one at the Rowing Club
Pileated Woodpecker          Pair gave us great looks near Mansion
Yellow-rumped Warbler      Finally got one for 2008
Western Meadowlark          Singing in East Meadow

For the morning, 55 species.  For the year, NRWS and Yellow-rumped Warbler new for 2008, bringing the total to 76 species.

== Michael

Very early Northern Rough-winged Swallow, in a tree by the Compost Piles
Photo by Ollie OIiver

Northern Rough-winged Swallow with Dark-eyed Junco

Northern Rough-winged Swallow photo by Scott Ramos

Northern Rough-winged Swallow with American Goldfinches and a junco

Foggy start to the morning

Pair of Pileated Woodpeckers atop a broken Douglas Fir east of the mansion.
Male at left, female at top of trunk.  Photo by Ollie Oliver. 

Close-up of male.  Note that the red cap extends forward to the beak, and the
moustache stripe is red.  Female forehead is gray and the moustache is black.

Oso Berry aka Indian Plum - first blossom of 2008 

Male Red-winged Blackbird on cattail

Winter Wren north of the windmill 

Buffleheads at the lake 

Great Blue Heron photo by Scott Ramos

Report for February 22, 2007

The weather report sucked, but the day wasn't bad at all.  We essentially had no precipitation, and the heavy clouds of the early morning gradually cleared to a bit of sunshine.  Cold, but not too cold, and not too windy either.  Huge group of birders - 17 at least, and I could have missed a few :)


Barrow's Goldeneye        Same female as last week at the lake platform
Great Horned Owl           In the Doug Firs NE of the mansion
Northern Shrike               Adult in Dog and East Meadows, imm at RC
Varied Thrush                  South end of Dog Area
Townsend's Warbler       1-2 at RC parking lot
Dark-eyed Junco              Many, incl. 1 Slate-colored at Dog Central

Ollie had seen 2 GREAT HORNED OWLS near the mansion on Monday morning, so we were actively looking when we started walking through the Doug Firs northeast of the mansion.  Owls nested there 2 years ago.  Matt very quickly found a GHOW, but we could not find more than one.

We had a 5 WOODPECKER DAY, with a PILEATED flying south early, a HAIRY WOODPECKER south of Dog Central, a DOWNY at the south end of the Dog Area, a NORTHERN FLICKER at a possible nest hole near the park office (and a group of 5-8 more at the Rowing Club), and a RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER near the park office.

We got many looks at the adult NORTHERN SHRIKE at several locations in the Dog Meadow and East Meadow.  Then, at the Rowing Club, we walked the new trail back through the meadow there and had a brown-tinged shrike. 

For the morning, 56 species, with the Great Horned Owl bringing the year list up to 82.

== Michael

Great Horned Owl photo by Tom Mansfield

Northern Shrike



Northern Flicker, Brown Creeper, and Golden-crowned Kinglet


Bird Sightings Week 8
February 19-25



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