Bird Sightings Week 9
February 26-March 4*
Rarities for Week 9:
Glaucous Gull |
03-Mar-07 |
Observed by Charlie Wright |
...Iceland Gull |
28-Feb-13 |
Continuing from 21-Feb-13 |
Bohemian Waxwing |
28-Feb-12 |
One bird with a large flock of Cedar Waxwings. Observed 28-Feb through 10-Apr |
...Bohemian Waxwing
01-Mar-12 |
...Bohemian Waxwing
03-Mar-12 |
Reported by Lillian Reis |
Report for February 27, 2025 Birding at Marymoor
It was a gorgeous day, and while it was cold to start (33 degrees), it warmed up too fast and too much. It was 53 degrees when we finished at 11, so 20 degrees in 4 hours. Impossible to dress for that! There was a lot of singing today, but it was mostly AMERICAN ROBINS. Everything else was spread rather thinly. It was a somewhat disappointing day.
- Great Blue Heron - At least 60 birds on the nests simultaneously, with several others around
- Red-breasted Sapsucker - Suddenly several sightings; almost certainly multiple birds. We've only had one bird once previously this year
- Gull sp. - One distant, flying gull was our only larid. That's VERY unusual for this time of year
- Northern Shrike - One popped up at the south end of the East Meadow just after I confidently declared that shrikes had likely moved north already
- TREE SWALLOW - They're back (I had a few yesterday, we had more today). Probably a little fewer than 10 birds, but hard to say. Overhead several times
- American Robin - Approximately 193 of them, all over everywhere all morning. They presented a full choir predawn chorus as well
A late scan of the lake turned up the only Ring-necked Ducks (2 drakes). There was also a female LESSER SCAUP which gave sufficient looks for positive ID. First (confirmed) of Year (FOY). There was also a falcon that flew low over the lake. Had me thinking Peregrine Falcon, but I could not rule out Merlin.
Displaying/etc. birds today: Bufflehead (some head bobbing), Common Goldeneye (extended displays ending with the head thrown back), Great Blue Heron bringing sticks to the nest, Northern Flicker drumming. Singing today: Anna's Hummingbird, Black-capped Chickadee, [Ruby-crowned Kinglet yesterday but not today], Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, Pacific Wren, Marsh Wren, Bewick's Wren, American Robin, House Finch, Fox Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, White-crowned Sparrow (gambelii), Golden-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Spotted Towhee, and Red-winged Blackbird.
The mammal list was better than usual, unlike the bird list. Eastern Gray Squirrel, American Beaver, Muskrat (FOY), Eastern Cottontail, and Mule Deer (FOY). All but the squirrel were only seen before 7 a.m.
Misses today were Green-winged Teal, Hooded Merganser, American Coot (never missed before during Week 9), Wilson's Snipe, Short-billed Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Glaucous-winged Gull (though I think that's what the larus sp. actually was), Purple Finch (may have heard), and Western Meadowlark (though I had one yesterday around 3 p.m.).
For the day, just 50 species plus the gull and falcon.
= Michael Hobbs |
Report for February 29, 2024 Birding at Marymoor
Today was just our 2nd Leap Day Marymoor Survey. The last one was 28 years ago, when the survey was still a baby, and I did that one solo (Brian Bell had only just started coming out with me, and was on an every-other-week schedule then). I had a mere 35 species. My notes indicate it was frosty, but sunny and without much wind.
Well, it wasn't actually frosty this morning, nor was it sunny, nor windless. Assurances that the overnight wind would end before morning were, shall I say, over blown. It was dark, wet, windy, and rather chilly, but I will say that the birding got better later in the morning.
- Greater White-fronted Goose - Probably the same two as last week, with Canadas, Fields 7-8-9
- Cackling Goose - NONE - First survey without them since mid-September
- HERRING GULL - Almost certainly the same bird as last week, grass soccer fields
- Bald Eagle - Lots of activity, including two taking turns eating what looked like a coot on the far shore below the weir
- Barn Owl - One at the model airplane field being harassed by a couple of crows at about 6:35 a.m.
- American Robin - Notably abundant and widespread
- White-throated Sparrow - Same bird in the same place as other recent sightings
Last week, misses were limited to just Hooded Merganser and Killdeer. We saw a couple of Killdeer today, but again no Hoodies. Other misses today were Cooper's Hawk, Belted Kingfisher, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Northern Shrike, Purple Finch, Pine Siskin, and Western Meadowlark.
Tree Swallows are likely to show up next week or the week after!
For the day, 54 species. Nothing new for the year, but the park's Leap Day list is now at 57 species. :)
= Michael Hobbs
Report for March 2, 2023 Birding at Marymoor
We put in a rather pro-forma visit to Marymoor today. It was rainy. It was gray and gloomy. It was not warm. We were done just over 3 hours after our 7:00 a.m. start time, despite my attempts to keep our pace slow and constant. Our typical time is four hours or more.
- Lesser Scaup - One female in the slough - First of Year (FOY)
- Short-billed Gull - One with a bunch of Ring-billed Gulls - First since January
- Great Blue Heron - 40 were standing on or near nests in the heronry
- Great Horned Owl - Matt had one a just after 5 a.m. at the windmill
- American Goldfinch - One, heard only, our only finch
- American Beaver - One swimming down the slough just south of the Dog Area was our only mammal
- Mason Flint - Told us stories about birding in Guyana. Sounded simultaneously wonderful and miserable
And that's about it.
Misses today included Cooper's Hawk, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Northern Shrike, Bushtit, Marsh Wren, House Finch, and Purple Finch
We had 51 species today plus George, the Ring-necked Pheasant.
Looking forward to next week, when we might get our first signs of real spring birds.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for March 3, 2022 Birding at Marymoor
Once again the weather forecasters failed us. The predicted daily deluge failed to deliver. We had a pretty nice morning with only a few minutes of mizzle; the rest of the morning was dry and quite pleasant. Not that it wasn’t wet in the park, though. Since last week the lake level is up about a foot-and-a-half, and the the boardwalk and adjacent trail were under a few inches of water (6” or so at the deepest). With American Robins singing their hearts out (ouch), it really starts to feel like spring.
- Horned Grebe – one visible from the Lake Platform, though distant
- Virginia Rail – an absolute chorus from east of the East Meadow before dawn
- California Gull – two adults on the grass fields – First of Year (FOY)
- HERRING GULL – nice adult on grass fields – (FOY)
- Great Blue Heron – I counted at least 91 herons in the heronry. Many sticks were being brought in. A least one heron was *sitting* on a nest, not just standing
- Barn Owl – one working the East Meadow and around to the model airplane field, 6:00-6:15 a.m.
- BARRED OWL – Matt heard one SW of the mansion very early (FOY)
- Pileated Woodpecker – one near the heronry
- Merlin – one landed NE of the Pea Patch (FOY)
- White-throated Sparrow – Brian had one at the Pea Patch
- Western Meadowlark – at least one singing from the model airplane field
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – three sightings, at least 2 birds (amazingly FOS)
Still no actual spring arrivals – maybe next week.
Predawn birds were hard to hear over the PACIFIC TREE FROGS in full chorus.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Hooded Merganser, Short-billed Gull, Cooper’s Hawk, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Northern Shrike, Purple Finch, and Pine Siskin.
Despite that long list of “misses” (birds seen at least 50% of previous years), we still managed 58 species. The survey is at 78 species for the year.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for March 4, 2021 Birding at Marymoor
Beautiful dawn, thin overcast after sunrise, no rain, little wind until the end, but rather chilly. Not nearly as spring-like as yesterday. Big group; had to split in two, going in opposite directions, and even then the groups were rather large. Spring is definitely happening, though.
- Cackling Goose – maybe 2000, mostly in long strings flying SE to the east of the park before 7:00 a.m.
- TRUMPETER SWAN – flock of 33 in a nice V, flying north over the East Meadow, calling
- Great Blue Heron – I counted 70 birds at the heronry, with maybe 15 more flying around. Much nest building going on.
- Barn Owl – one flew across the East Meadow a little after 6:00 a.m.
- Red-breasted Sapsucker – two sightings for my group. First of the Year (FOY)
- TREE SWALLOW – Maybe 4 at the Pea Patch and 4 at the East Meadow (FOY)
- VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW – two over fields 7-8-9 (FOY)
- Bushtit – at least a dozen at the Rowing Club. These have been hard to come by this winter at Marymoor
- Varied Thrush – quite a few heard, some people even saw a couple briefly
- Cedar Waxwing – three heard, glimpsed, near the stage
Today’s sighting of VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW is our 5th-earliest sighting ever, though still (just) over a week later than our earliest-ever sighting in 2016.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Cooper’s Hawk, Pacific Wren (though I heard one yesterday at the park), Western Meadowlark, and Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Eagerly awaiting our first Rufous Hummingbird and Savannah Sparrow; maybe next week. Say’s Phoebe and Mountain Bluebird are unlikely before the 3rd week in March, but possible sooner.
Between the two groups, we had 63 species today. With the two species of swallow, we’re up to 84 species for 2021.
= Michael Hobbs

Photo by Bob Asanoma

Northern Shrike near the Viewing Mound. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Report for February 27, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
A really gorgeous and birdy day today at the park. The lake level has dropped down to normal, but the south end of the Dog Area is still closed off, including a portion of the slough trail, requiring us to go out-and-back along the boardwalk from the east end. But the day was sunny and warm, and spring is really arriving.
- Greater White-fronted Goose – one in large flock of Cackling Geese on grass soccer fields. First of Year for us.
- American Wigeon – Maybe 6 total
- “EURASIAN” GREEN-WINGED TEAL – drake showing the horizontal white bars instead of vertical, along the slough well downstream of the weir
- Hooded Merganser – one male, seen from the Rowing Club dock. First after 5 week absence
- Western Screech-Owl – Matt heard one from fairly near the Lake Platform, predawn. First after 5 week absence
- Short-eared/Long-eared Owl – one seen very briefly from Viewing Mound, not too long before sunrise
- Northern Shrike – three very disparate sightings, but I think it was probably all the same bird
- TREE SWALLOW – at least 3, East Meadow. First of Year
- VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW – about 10 over the slough – First of Year
- Pacific Wren – 5-7 birds singing – a rather high count for Marymoor
- Varied Thrush – one heard singing west of the mansion – First of Year for us
- Purple Finch – finally, one seen calling south of the East Meadow – First of Year
- WHITE-THROATED SPARROW – Brian had one south of the Dog Area portapotties, with other Zonos. First of Year
- Western Meadowlark – Seven in East Meadow, calling and singing
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – flock of 11 south of East Meadow
To my recollection, this is only the 2nd time we’ve had a “EURASIAN” GREEN-WINGED TEAL. We had one for several weeks during the spring of 2001.
This is our second earliest date for VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW. Our earliest was 2016-02-25.
Singing birds included Anna’s Hummingbird, Bewick’s Wren, Pacific Wren (many), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (many), Golden-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Varied Thrush, Spotted Towhee, Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, “Pugetensis” White-crowned Sparrow, and Dark-eyed Junco. Downy and Flicker were drumming. Many Great Blue Herons were carrying sticks to the heronry. Spring is here.
For mammals, Matt had AMERICAN BEAVER pre-dawn from the Lake Platform, and we had a LONG-TAILED WEASEL toying with a crow (or vice versa) near the Pea Patch (First of Year). There were both RED-EARED SLIDERS and PAINTED TURTLES sunning themselves at the Rowing Club pond.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Virginia Rail, Mew Gull and Ring-billed Gull (we did have some unidentifiable flyby gulls that could have been these species), Red-breasted Sapsucker, Marsh Wren, and Pine Siskin.
For the day, 59 species.
= Michael
Report for February 28, 2019 Birding at Marymoor
Brian Bell & I subbed for Michael today, and had a good day at Marymoor — It was cold to begin with 26 degrees at 7:00 - but blue skies and sunny ! And by the end it was even not too cold. Birds were showing signs of enjoying the sunshine as well - lots of singing and some frolicking in pairs [or 3-somes].
- Red-breasted Sapsucker - first of year — we almost made it 2 months without one, so nice to finally get looks Also had 2 Pileated, 3 Hairy, several Downy & many Northern Flickers — for a 5 woodpecker day
- Green Heron - looking remarkably green in the bright sunlight, a little south of the usual beaver lodge perch
- Wilson’s Snipe - seven or so along the slough below the weir - decent looks at several
- Lincoln’s Sparrow - only our second sighting this year
- Ring-necked Pheasant - back in the Pea Patch after a month’s absence
Much singing from sparrows, Purple Finch, both kinglets, others.
Notable misses: Owls - despite a couple hours in good clear weather before dawn Ring-necked Duck Virginia Rail gulls other than Ring-billed American Goldfinch Western Meadowlark Mammals included just bunny & squirrel - I think this is the first week this year we’ve missed River Otter
For the day, we found 56 species.
Matt Bartels Seattle, WA

Adult Bald Eagle. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Wilson's Snipe. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Green Heron. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Bewick's Wren. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Spotted Towhee. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Male Downy Woodpecker. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Adult Cooper's Hawk. Photo by Jordan Roderick
Report for March 1, 2018 Birding at Marymoor
We were mostly under glorious clear skies, and the setting full moon was bright pre-dawn. A great day for walking, with no wind and no rain, and mostly sunny conditions. Fairly warm too, getting into the low 40’s pretty fast. It was quieter at times than I’d thought it would be, but maybe birds were just busy getting warm and dry, and eating up after days of less-good weather. We were joined by Jim McCoy, previously a Marymoor regular who moved out of state several years ago. Great to see him again, and to help him get a good collection of west coast specialties he doesn’t get in his current home.
- SNOW GOOSE – First for 2018, one with a few Canadas, on the lake!
- Cackling Goose – Three flocks overhead, maybe 650 birds total
- Scaup sp. – one in the slough that disappeared before ID’d
- California Gull – only 2nd for 2018
- Barn Owl – flying the East Meadow from 6:38 until 6:50-something
- - All 5 common woodpeckers – 2 Red-breasted Sapsuckers were first since Jan.
- House Finch – again the only finch, and few of those to boot.
The SNOW GOOSE was our first March sighting, and by far the latest winter sighting ever. Also, none of us could remember seeing a Snow Goose actually *on* Lake Sammamish; they usually show up either flying overhead, or landing with other geese on the grass fields.
The GREAT BLUE HERONS were adding twigs to nests. The heronry is really active right now; Brian counted 41 birds in the heronry tree and its immediate neighbors. I’d expect we’ll see some additional nests this year.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Rock Pigeon, Virginia Rail, Northern Shrike, Purple Finch, Pine Siskin, and Western Meadowlark, all of which have been seen at least 12 of the last 24 years for this week. Most of these species have been notably absent or rare this winter though, so (except for the pigeon) it wasn’t a surprise to miss them today.
No swallows today, unless a single bird I saw flying north was one.
A late look at the lake added HOODED MERGANSER and HORNED GREBE to the day’s list, raising the total to 57 species, best so far for 2018. The year list is up to 81 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Killdeer below the weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Green-winged Teal pair. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Common Mergansers. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Cooper's Hawk. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Hairy Woodpecker. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Male Hairy Woodpecker. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Snow Goose on lake with Canada Geese. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Bufflehead. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Report for March 2, 2017 Birding at Marymoor
The rain never got beyond spizzle (sort of a spitting drizzle that barely wetted us), though the overcast was pretty dark all morning. A touch of breeze now and then would have made things cold, but the temps were in the low 40’s, so we were pretty comfortable. It was moderately birdy.
Cackling Goose Many small to middling flocks flying by
SWAN SP. Two in a somewhat distant flyby, probably Trumpeter
American Wigeon At least 2 below the weir
Horned Grebe Two well out on the lake
Green Heron Very dependable upon the beaver lodge
Bald Eagle I believe they lost their nest; building a new one nearby
Red-tailed Hawk Building a new nest near the site of the old odd-snag nest
BARN OWL Matt saw and adult, heard babies inside windmill, early
Great Horned Owl Heard up the hill west of the entrance
Western Screech-Owl Matt heard, early, boardwalk
Short-eared Owl East Meadow – third straight week
Hairy Woodpecker Had a 4 woodpecker day, missing only Pileated
Tree Swallow One seen
Bushtit First of 2017 – maybe a half-dozen along slough
Varied Thrush Heard and finally seen. First confirmed for 2017
Westerm Meadowlark Still hanging out around model airplane field
We *might* have seen a Rufous Hummingbird, and Sara though she heard one, but we can’t confirm. This would be about as early as we’ve EVER had one, but it’s plausible. They should be arriving very soon if not already.
Matt also saw American Beaver at the lake platform, pre-dawn.
Misses included Ring-billed Gull, Steller’s Jay, Brown Creeper, Marsh Wren, and House Finch.
For the day, 61 species. I believe we’re at 85 species for the year.
After the walk, we had an Au Revoir party for Grace & Ollie Oliver, who are moving to Poulsbo. We will miss them, and I will greatly miss Ollie’s photographs which have constituted much of the Bird Blog for the last many years.
== Michael Hobbs

Killdeer in slough below weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Wilson's Snipe in slough below weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Green Heron on the beaver lodge. Photo by Hugh Jennings

American Coots. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Red-winged Blackbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Varied Thrush. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Coots. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Nesting Anna's Hummingbird at the Rowing Club. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Report for March 3, 2016 Birding at Marymoor
Despite somewhat dire weather forecasts, this morning was amazingly pleasant. There was some thunder and lightning long before dawn, but for our walk, we had several hours of SUNSHINE. No, really. And then, while it did start getting a touch blustery, and while Big Dark Clouds blew past, we had only a few moments of sprinkles. And the birds were out and about enjoying it all, as we were.
Cackling Goose 1 flock twice, or 2 flocks of ~25
American Wigeon Four, well below weir
Greater Scaup Appear to be the same 3 we’ve been seeing
Green Heron Juvenile on beaver lodge yet again
Virginia Rail Heard “singing” east of East Meadow
Wilson’s Snipe Four east of East Meadow
California Gull Three in very bright breeding plumage
Band-tailed Pigeon Flyover, 1 bird – First Of Year
Barn Owl Sharon saw one pre-dawn at windmill
Red-breasted Sapsucker At least 2 birds, at least 3 sightings – FOY
Merlin Seen twice along slough
Northern Shrike Juvenile seen just before 7
-Swallows- Mix of TREE and VIOLET-GREEN 50-60
Varied Thrush Two singing near mansion just after 7 a.m.
Townsend’s Warbler Male near mansion – FOY
Lincoln’s Sparrow One below slough, briefly seen – FOY
Western Meadowlark Flock of a dozen plus again north of Fields 7-8-9
Coyote Two walked past the Viewing Mound ~6:45
The first SALMONBERRY blossoms of the year were seen, so after the Rowing Club, I made a quick swing back down through the Dog Area. Sure enough, at the very southern tip of the Dog Meadow, I found a male RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD – First Of Year. This is the earliest we’ve ever had Rufous Hummingbird; the previous early date was 2015-03-05 (which is only 1 day later, since this year is a leap year). OF NOTE IS THE FOLLOWING: This is the 9th time we’ve had a RUHU prior to March 15th. Six of the 9 early sightings are from the last 3 years!
For the day, a phenomenal 65 species. And FIVE new species for the year to bring our year total to 84 species.
== Michael Hobbs

2nd-winter Ring-billed Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Wigeon, including a male with a lot of coppery tones in his green head stripe. This is probably not an indication of hybridization with Eurasian Wigeon; for certainly the bird looks like an American in all other respects. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Downy Woodpecker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Goldeneye. Photo by Ollie Oliver

New heronry. On March 5, I counted 22 nests started. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Great Blue Heron choosing just the right stick. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Juvenile Green Heron streeeeeeeeeetches out...

...and catches a tiny morsel of breakfast. Photos by Ollie Oliver

California Gull in breeding plumage. Photo by Ollie Oliver

California Gull in breeding plumage. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Glaucous-winged Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult Glaucous-winged Gull. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Western Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Double-crested Cormorant. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Townsend's Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Dawn. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Report for February 26, 2015 Birding at Marymoor
Another fine day for February; though today was gray and misty, it was warm (44-50) and fairly birdy.
Red-tailed Hawk One at odd-snag nest west of park entrance
California Gull Two adults
HERRING GULL 3rd-winter bird with GWGU and GWGUxWEGUs
Northern Saw-whet Owl Matt heard one very early
Northern Shrike Adult in East Meadow
Tree Swallow 6 over Dog Meadow
Red Crossbill ~30 in mansion firs
American Goldfinch Large flock, 10-20 birds !
We’d done pretty well for species count by the time we got to the Rowing Club, though the only woodpecker we’d had was NORTHERN FLICKER. But down near the old boathouse, we suddenly had a RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER, two male DOWNY WOODPECKERS, and a pair of HAIRY WOODPECKERS. Couldn’t turn up a Pileated though.
So, for the day, 60 species. We averaged 60.25 species/week for February, after averaging 57 in January. Low count for the year: 56 (thrice). 2015 is starting well!
Nothing new for the year except MUSKRAT.
== Michael Hobbs

Bewick's Wren. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult California Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Third-winter Herring Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Third-winter Herring Gull. Photo by Marvin Hoekstra

Hairy Woodpecker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Downy Woodpecker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker. Photo by Marvin Hoekstra

Male Northern Pintail, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Double-crested Cormorant, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Double-crested Cormorant, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Green-winged Teal pair, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Black-capped Chickadee, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Robin, 2015-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for February 27, 2014 Birding at Marymoor
What a glorious day today! It felt like spring, with temps quickly rising from the low 40’s to the mid-50’s, and with the thin overcast clearing to mostly sunshine. It was WAY birdy. We passed last week’s total by the time we got to Dog Central!
TRUMPETER SWAN Four flew north
Wood Duck Pair in slough south of Dog Area
American Wigeon Matt had 17 early, we had a pair
Lesser Scaup 1-2 females
Great Blue Heron 26 on or near nests. One brought twigs
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 near windmill
Cooper’s Hawk Several sightings. Not sure how many birds
Wilson’s Snipe 1 on far shore of slough at Dog Central
6 Gull Species Including Western, California, and HERRING
Red-breasted Sapsucker Drumming near mansion, + at RC
Pileated Woodpecker 1 flew into mansion area
Northern Shrike East Meadow
TREE SWALLOW 3+, East Meadow
Townsend’s Warbler Male south of mansion
Lincoln’s Sparrow One glimpsed early at Compost Piles
W. MEADOWLARK One just before 7 a.m. at Compost Piles
Purple Finch Pair near mansion, singing
We also had a MYSTERY BIRD THAT GOT AWAY. As we walked the grass soccer fields looking at gulls, a small bird took off unseen from the grass somewhere near us. The flight call initially had me thinking American Pipit, but it soon became clear that it wasn’t. Matt spotted the bird first in flight; eventually most of us got increasingly distant views of the bird as it flew off to the north. Based on flight calls and what little we could see, it was probably either a SNOW BUNTING or LAPLAND(?) LONGSPUR. Whatever it was, it would have been a GREAT bird, if we could only have had a real look. Matt saw it best, and thought the breast looked quite yellow/orange. More distantly it appeared quite white underneath, and it seemed to have significant white patches on the wings.
This afternoon, I did my annual garbage cleanup of the park. The only additional bird I got for the day was HAIRY WOODPECKER. But that made it a 5 woodpecker day. So, for the day, we had 65 species, plus the Mystery Bird That Got Away. For the walk itself, 61 species in just 4.5 hours (7-11:30), equaling the 61 on our Long Day three weeks ago with a LOT more birding effort.
There were a bunch of year birds: Trumpeter Swan, Western Gull, California Gull, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Tree Swallow, Townsend’s Warbler, and Western Meadowlark. (Purple Finch was also new for the Thursday surveys, though I’d had one on a visit during Week 1). So with seven new year birds, I believe that brings us to 84 species for the year.
== Michael Hobbs

Western Meadowlark before sunrise. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Female Pileated Woodpecker. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Pied-billed Grebe. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Common Goldeneyes . Photo by Ollie Oliver

Trumpeter Swans. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wilson's Snipe. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Northern Shrike. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Herring Gull with Glaucous-winged Gull . Photo by Ollie Oliver

California Gull with Glaucous-winged x Western hybrids. Photo by Ollie Oliver

California Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Herring Gull and juvenile GWGU x WEGU hybrid. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch demonstrating his abilities to both sing and to gather nesting materials. A female was with him. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker drumming near mansion. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Snowdrops near park office. Photo by Hugh Jennings

"Myrtle's" Yellow-rumped Warbler at Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker at Rowing Club. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Report for February 28, 2013 Birding at Marymoor
Despite the rain, which got moderately heavy for a while there, we had a great morning at Marymoor today. The mist started a little after 7:00, and got slowly but steadily worse for a few hours before tapering off again. But with warmish temps, and no wind, it was certainly manageable. And it never really got that heavy.
The birds were singing and even somewhat active!
American Wigeon A few on puddle in grass/gravel parking lot
Horned Grebe One well out on the lake
Virginia Rail Heard from bend in the boardwalk
Western Gull One looked pretty pure
ICELAND GULL "Thayer's" Same as last week, maybe a 2nd as well
Barn Owl 1, good show, East Meadow, after 6 a.m.
Red-breasted Sapsucker 1 at Rowing Club
MERLIN One landed just SW of mansion
Northern Shrike One north of main road
Varied Thrush At least 1 singing near mansion
Western Meadowlark One, East Meadow
Red Crossbill Still about a dozen near mansion
ALL of the AMERICAN ROBINS seemed to be singing today. PACIFIC WRENS and MARSH WRENS were also in full song, as were most of the species noted last week. Seemly a bit early for them, a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET was singing complete songs near the Rowing Club building. I counted at least 27 GREAT BLUE HERONS at the heronry, so I’d expect there will be more nests built this spring.
After the walk, I stopped by the cabana on the lake, since we’d seen what could have been a Common Loon when viewing from the lake platform. I couldn’t confirm a loon, but I did see a WESTERN GREBE. There were also TWO pairs of BALD EAGLES.
Sometime a little after 6 a.m., when we were looking for owls from the Viewing Mound, Matt & I noticed a couple of EASTERN COTTONTAIL RABBITS. For quite a while, they seemed to peacefully chomping on grass next to each other. But then, after a short bit of chasing, the two faced off, about 2 feet apart. They seemed to glare at each other, and then they each bounced straight up into the air about 2-3 feet several times. This was a pure bounce – from a sitting position, they suddenly popped into the air moving neither forward nor backward. They even seemed stay level front-to-back. After a few bounces each, they went back to being peaceful bunnies. ???
Big misses for the day: Either accipiter, Downy Woodpecker, Lincoln’s Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Purple Finch, Pine Siskin, and American Goldfinch. Additionally, House Finch was heard-only. We’re still waiting on our first warbler of any kind for 2013. White-crowned Sparrows have been virtually absent this winter (VERY unusual). I think the 5 times we’ve had them this year, it’s mostly just been a single juvenile. Where are the Gambellii hordes?
For the day, 58 species! For the year, adding WESTERN MEADOWLARK, we’re at 83 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Male Varied Thrush singing near mansion. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Merlin southwest of the mansion. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Common Goldeneye pair. Photo by Hugh Jennings |

Common Merganser pair. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Western Meadowlark. Photo by Lillian Reis |

"Olympic Gull" - Glaucous-winged x Western hybrid. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

"Thayer's" Iceland Gull. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

"Thayer's" Iceland Gull. Photo by Lillian Reis
Report for March 1, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
It misted a bit, and there was an occasional stiff cold breeze, but otherwise the weather was okay. Everybody was pretty excited to look for the BOHEMIAN WAXWING, first seen on Tuesday, and that lead to us scurrying back and forth chasing waxwing flocks. When we finally got to the tree where I saw the bird on Tuesday, voila - there it was, amongst 50 or so Cedar Waxwings. The rest of the day was pretty good too.
Northern Pintail Pair in slough below weir
MERLIN One landed in a fir near the mansion
Virginia Rail Matt heard rail(s) from the boardwalk early
Great Horned Owl Matt heard one near the mansion early
Red-breasted Sapsucker One near the graffitied picnic shelter
Northern Shrike As usual, north of field 7, then in Snag Row
Varied Thrush Heard near windmill
BOHEMIAN WAXWING Again, 100 yds. south of Dog Central
Cedar Waxwing 100+ birds - very notable numbers
Yellow-rumped Warbler Audubon's & Myrtle's types
Not very many ducks, gulls, or sparrows today, which kept the day list down, though we still managed 56 species.
Ollie Oliver had a BAND-TAILED PIGEON on 2012-02-27, new for the year list. That, plus the Bohemian, brings the year list to 85 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Red-breasted Sapsucker near the mansion. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bohemian Waxwing (the big, gray one) with Cedar Waxwing. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Merlin. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Goldfinch. Photo by Hugh Jennings |

Bohemian Waxwing, 2012-02-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Bohemian Waxwing, 2012-02-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Snowy Cascades, 2012-02-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Cedar Waxwings, 2012-02-28 |

White-crowned Sparrow, 2012-02-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Killdeer, 2012-02-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Crow, 2012-02-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Rock Pigeons, 2012-02-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Anna's Hummingbird, 2012-02-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

"Slate-colored" Dark-eyed Junco, 2012-02-25. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for February 28, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
Ollie Oliver called me this afternoon, saying that he'd photographed a BOHEMIAN WAXWING at Marymoor this morning. I rushed down and had about 30 waxwings fly past, not stopping as they whirled north. But I then heard more waxwing calls. Moving forward, I caught a glimpse of another 25 waxwings fly off following the first group. I was getting really frustrated, but then noticed I was still hearing waxwing calls.
About 100 yards south of Dog Central (the dog swim beach with the bulletin board, along the slough trail), I found another 50 waxwings that included one Bohemian.
This is a new bird for the Marymoor Park list, bringing the list up to 221.
It was still there when I left at 2:30.
== Michael Hobbs

Bohemian Waxwing. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for March 3, 2011 Birding at Marymoor
It wasn't exactly warm, and it rained lightly for the first 2 hours or more this morning. Even after it stopped raining, it was very damp and chill; I declared the day to be an honorary addition to February. And for the most part, the birds agreed. But there are a few weak signs of spring, and the species count was not down in February depths.
Cackling Goose Still hundreds
Ring-necked Pheasant Heard for the 1st time in 2011
Wilson's Snipe 8-10 east of East Meadow
Anna's Hummingbird I counted at least 7
Red.-breasted Sapsucker 2, one drumming
Northern Shrike Near slough, west of slough for a bit
Golden-crowned Kinglet Ubiquitous, some singing
Varied Thrush At least 2 at Dog Central, mansion
Townsend's Warbler 3+ just east of park office
Western Meadowlark One north of 7-8-9; new for 2011
Singing/displaying birds: Anna's Hummingbird, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Bewick's Wren, Marsh Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Varied Thrush, Spotted Towhee, Song Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Red-winged Blackbird, Purple Finch, House Finch.
For the day, 57 species. For the year, we're up to 84 species.
== Michael Hobbs
March 3 was not photogenic...
Male Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2011-02-27. Photo by Lillian Reis.

Red-tailed Hawk pair, not far from odd-snag nest, 2011-02-26. Photo by Lillian Reis.
Report for March 4, 2010
We had a big group of birders (20+) sorting through the birds at Marymoor today, despite the damp and the mist. No swallows today, and it otherwise didn't feel particularly spring-like, except for the quantity and variety of bird song. Lots of (mostly ornamental) fruit trees in bloom, though.
Wood Duck Pair in slough
Gr. White-fronted Goose 1 with a small flock of Canadas
Brown Creeper Notably many sightings
Cedar Waxwing About a dozen at Rowing Club
Western Meadowlark 2 near Compost Piles
Purple Finch LARGE flock at Rowing Club (20+)
Coyote 1 on grass soccer fields at 7:00
At the Rowing Club, there was a pair of HOUSE FINCH, and the male appeared to be ripping strips of bark off of a branch, presumably for use as nesting material.
We had a dozen species of bird singing, including RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, FOX and GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROWS, and PURPLE FINCH.
For the day, 57-58 species. For the year, 78 species.
== Michael
P.S. I went to Seattle Opera's FALSTAFF last night, and it was great. Everyone should go!

Knut Hansen found the Western Screech-Owl posed where he could take flash photos |

Here are its feet as it took off from the branch... |

Knut Hansen got a great shot of a Golden-crowned Kinglet |

Western Gull. Or "Olympic"? Wing-tips look black... Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Coot in front of a pair of Green-winged Teal, from the Rowing Club dock |

Lillian Reis caught this Yellow-rumped Warbler in the act of landing |

The lake platform is WAY too small for our large group. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Lillian Reis caught the Bushtit working on the nest |

Cherry(?) blossoms. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Ollie Oliver got a photo of the Western Meadowlarks... |

...and of the Killdeer |

Marsh Wren singing. Photo by Lillian Reis, 3/5 |

Bald Eagle carrying stick (presumed nest material). Photo by Lillian Reis, 3/5 |
Report for February 26, 2009
Isn't it getting kind of late in the winter for snow? We had a couple of inches on the ground, and for a while we had heavy snow falling too. Much of the morning, big snow clouds were threatening, even if snow wasn't falling. Later, it got sunny, and the trees started shedding their snow coats all over us. Not windy most of the time, though, and no rain, so the cold was tolerable. And beautiful. Can't forget to mention that. It was gorgeous. Not terribly birdy, but not bad either. A small group of us today - 3 to start, growing to about 6. Nice to have a small, compatible group.
Cackling Goose Getting late for them, but at least 1 flock overhead
Barn Owl Again visible in its day roost near the windmill
Northern Shrike East Meadow and west of the mansion. 2 birds?
Winter Wren Gave us a GREAT show a the Rowing Club
American Robin 100's on the ground everywhere that wasn't snowcovered
Yellow-rumped Warbler Maybe 10 or more at Rowing Club - great looks
Fox Sparrow Good comparison views with Song Sparrow - lots too
Western Meadowlark One singing east of the mansion
Ollie also found us a RIVER OTTER on the lake, our only mammal for the day, though we did see bunny tracks.
For the day, 51 species. The Meadowlark brings our year total to 80.
== Michael

American Robin in a snowy European Hawthorn

Golden-crowned Sparrows under the same hawthorn

Double-crested Cormorant in the snow in the slough

Sure was pretty

The Barn Owl was a bit less visible this week

Male Anna's Hummingbird on watch southwest of the mansion

Northern Shrike west of the mansion

The Western Meadowlark flew in front of us...

...and landed in a Black Cottonwood near our cars

Yellow-rumped Warbler at the Rowing Club

Winter Wren gave us great looks at the Rowing Club

Ollie Oliver snapped this female Common Goldeneye in the snow |

Ollie Oliver's portrait of a pair of Mallards |

Ollie's Brown Creeper |

Ollie got a closer shot of the male Anna's Hummingbird |
Ollie caught a different angle on the Winter Wren. |
Report for February 28, 2008
It was misting gently almost the whole morning, occasionally letting up, and never even getting close to drizzle, so all in all the weather wasn't bad. Temps in the high 40's to low 50's also were pleasant. There was certainly a lot of bird song today, and quite a few bird individuals, but it often felt a bit "quiet". We had, basically, no
surprizes -- we saw pretty much what we expected to see, and had no new spring arrivals. Next week for sure.
Red-breasted Sapsucker 2 at Rowing Club, 1 drumming
Northern Shrike 1 along southeast edge of East Meadow
Bushtits EVERYWHERE, after missing them last week
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Constant chorus of song
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2+ at Rowing Club
Purple Finch MANY small groups seen, no red males
Singers included Black-capped Chickadee, Brown Creeper, Bewick's Wren, Marsh Wren, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Spotted Towhee, Song Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, and Purple Finch.
Another highlight were two RACCOONS in a tree on the east side of the slough. The warmth brought both Painted Turtle and Red-eared Slider onto the logs at the Rowing Club pond.
The Oso Berry (Indian Plum) is beginning to come out in full bloom. The hazelnuts are dropping catkins. Some of the willows are in full bloom. Snowdrops were blooming north of the windmill.
For the day, 55 species plus a maybe Lincoln's Sparrow and a maybe Winter Wren.
== Michael

Raccoons sleeping in birch trees on the west shore of the slough.
Photo by Ollie OIiver

Female Purple Finch. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Crows, probably a pair involved in allopreening.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay mobbing a Red-tailed Hawk near the Rowing Club

Closer look...
Report for March 01, 2007
Once again, my fears about the weather proved unfounded. There was about 1.5" of snow on the ground, and it was cold. But it was mostly a very pleasant, sunny, windless morning. My fingers and toes got cold for a bit, but warmed up after about 9:00. We had a few snow flakes drifting down lazily, but no real precipitation (i.e no rain). Really, it was gorgeous, with nice light. And birdy. We had a more-manageable group size of eight people today.
The morning began with Ryan spotting a MERLIN flying to a tall, slender snag near the mansion. After posing for over a minute (*just* long enough for Louise to get her scope set up) it then flew quickly low across the parking lot and down a trail, snagging a sparrow off of the path in front of us, before carrying its breakfast back to the trees around the mansion. We've seen this Merlin four times already this year. It is not a black Pacific Merlin, but probably a Taiga - quite pale breasted.
We had good looks at a male HAIRY WOODPECKER just a bit south of Dog Central, but across the slough. We've seen a male Hairy 7 weeks out of 9 so far in 2007. I think it's been all this same bird, as he's been hanging out in the same general area.
From the lake platform, we had two distant and unidentifiable SWALLOWS, probably TREE, but who knows. In any case, our first swallows of the year.
Not too far north of the east end of the boardwalk, I spotted a NORTHERN SHRIKE - further south than I've ever seen one at Marymoor. Later, probably the same adult shrike was in the East Meadow.
At the Compost Piles, Matt spotted 3 AMERICAN PIPITS. This is NOT the normal season for them. This is just our second pipit sighting outside the late-April to early May spring pulse and the September-November fall push. We had one sighting January 7, 2004, and now today's.
Northeast of the mansion, we had a RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER that gave us quick-but-good looks as it moved through the trees.
Also in those conifers was a GREAT HORNED OWL - we could find only one. In the last couple of weeks there have been 1-2 seen in those trees quite often, including one sitting atop a possible nest. Today the owl was in the tree next to the potential nest - about the same spot as it was last week. The "nest" was empty.
Lots of birds were singing today, including American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Dark-eyed Junco, Marsh Wren, Song Sparrow, Purple Finch, Bewick's Wren, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, and House Finch.
Today was our first day over 60 species this year - 62 to be specific, and the swallows and American Pipit were new for the year.

Purple Finches at the top of an Oregon Ash (note the trident branch tips).
Purple Finch are usually found in Ash trees at Marymoor. |

American Pipit

Downy Woodpecker

Cooper's Hawk
Bird Sightings Week 9
February 26-March 4* *adjust by 1 day in leap years
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