Friends of Marymoor Park


Bird Sightings Week 15
April 9-15*


Rarities for Week 15:

Surf Scoter 12-Apr-00 Mike West.  On lake, seen from dock.


10-Apr-02 Rowing Club pond.  Two seen 11-Apr-02 along slough
Sandhill Crane 11-Apr-10 Two over Rowing Club - Charlie/Ryan/Evan
one 'Greater' one 'Lesser' - photo by Ryan Merrill
Burrowing Owl 10-Apr-08 We accidentally flushed it from the edge of Fields 7-8-9.  Ended up perching in Aspens and a larch, 25 feet up!

..Anna's Hummingbird x
Rufous Hummingbird hybrid

15-Apr-10  First reported 30-Mar-10
Red-naped Sapsucker 13-Apr-08 Reported by Brien Meilleur
Loggerhead Shrike 11-Apr-10  
Loggerhead Shrike 10-Apr-17 Seen through 14-Apr-17, with two birds reported on 11th-12th
Loggerhead Shrike 13-Apr-24 Seen by many, originally near the Viewing Mound
Loggerhead Shrike 14-Apr-18 Sravanthi Yalamanchili, photos
Sage Thrasher 12-Apr-12 Compost Piles
Sage Thrasher 15-Apr-18 Jeff Deems, photos
Townsend's Solitaire 09-Apr-11 Reported by April Wilkinson
Townsend's Solitaire 08-Apr-16 Photographs by Shibata Kazuto
...Bohemian Waxwing 10-Apr-12 One bird with a large flock of Cedar Waxwings.
Observed 28-Feb through 10-Apr
Brewer's Sparrow 12-Apr-12 Community Gardens
Brewer's Sparrow 11-Apr-18 Gloria Conrad photo, also 12-Apr

Report for April 11, 2024                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

We had dark overcast for most of the morning today.  There was lots of singing, but bird sightings were in short supply.  About 8 species were heard-only, with another two seen pre-dawn only, and two more seen only on a late scan of the lake.

  • Greater White-fronted Goose - The two hung out with Canadas near the Viewing Mound
  • Cackling Goose - Two flocks of ~75 each, flying north
  • Mourning Dove - Tony photographed one before sunrise, First of Year (FOY)
  • Great Blue Heron - A low chorus of "grum grum grum", indicating multiple young in the nests
  • Osprey - They're Back - Probably at least 4 birds (FOY).  Canada Geese continue to occupy the nests, though
  • Cooper's Hawk - One flyby, first in a month
  • Purple Martin - Male and female, each in a gourd (FOY), and the 3rd-earliest we've had them in spring
  • Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Perhaps four, seen from the Lake Platform (FOY)
  • Barn Swallow - Two, one at the lake, one at the Pea Patch (FOY)
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler - Quite numerous, and the only warbler seen.  Heard about 7 COMMON YELLOWTHROAT and 1 ORANGE-CROWNED
The only sightings of GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE later in the spring than today's are three times that large flocks were seen flying overhead.  Dates of these late flyovers were 4/17/2014, 4/24/2023, and 5/2/2010.  So today's were the latest seen on the ground at the park.

Excluding Song Sparrow and Dark-eyed Junco, sparrow numbers were notably low.  We had fewer than 5 each of FOX, WHITE-CROWNED, and GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROWS, and of SPOTTED TOWHEE.  SAVANNAH SPARROWS might have been fewer than 10.  We did not find the White-throated Sparrow that has been with the flock of Golden-crowned Sparrows that we also did not find.

A late scan of the lake turned up the only VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW and  PIED-BILLED GREBES.

Mammals seen today included two COYOTE near the model airplane field just before sunrise.

Misses today included Common Goldeneye, Virginia Rail, Glaucous-winged Gull, Red-tailed Hawk, American Goldfinch, and Lincoln's Sparrow.

For the day, 62 species.  Adding 5 species, we're at 96 species for the year.

= Michael Hobbs

Pre-dawn Mourning Dove. Photo by Tony Ernst

"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Tony Ernst

Loggerhead Shrike, 2024-04-13. Photo by Jason Vassallo

Loggerhead Shrike, 2024-04-13. Photo by Jason Vassallo

Report for April 13, 2023                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

Temperatures remain well below normal, but even so we had a spring-like day today.  Finally.  We had some sunshine to start, though it clouded up and got breezy by mid-walk.  But the birds were singing, and we saw lots of nesting behaviors.  We had five First of Year (FOY) birds, and a few surprises.

  • Cackling Goose - Small flock at 6:30; first in three weeks and quite possibly our last until fall
  • Northern Pintail - Flyover of a pair.  Only our 2nd sighting since February
  • Chestnut-backed Chickadee - Notably many, notably widespread.  Outnumbered Black-caps!
  • Barn Swallow - At least one (FOY)
  • Cliff Swallow - At least one (FOY)
  • American Pipit - Small flock at model airplane field; we saw them from the Viewing Mound, then Brian drove over and verified (FOY)
  • White-crowned Sparrow - Pugetensis and Gambelii subspecies singing at the Pea Patch
  • Lincoln's Sparrow - Again, one in the Pea Patch visible for a few of us
  • Western Meadowlark - Two in the East Meadow
  • Brewer's Blackbird - Two at south end of East Meadow (FOY)
  • Common Yellowthroat - At least a dozen singing, two or three glimpsed (FOY)
  • Townsend's Warbler - At least two near the Concert Venue ticket booth / south picnic shelter
CANADA GEESE remain nesting on both Osprey platforms, despite the presence of at least three OSPREY.  The Ospreys appear to be trying to start a new nest on a different light pole in the NE ballfields, having (we heard from another birder) tried and failed to dislodge the geese earlier in the week.

GREAT BLUE HERONS continue to sit on, and enhance, their nests.  A BALD EAGLE was in the nest south of the model airplane field.  A CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEE brought nest materials into a box in the Pea Patch.   TREE SWALLOWS were laying claim to other boxes.  We found two BUSHTIT nests, one being built, the other looking finished.  We saw a BROWN CREEPER disappear into a nest in peeled bark on a snag.  At least 20 species were heard singing today, along with DOWNY and FLICKER drumming, and ANNA'S and RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRDS displaying.

Misses today included Rock Pigeon, Pine Siskin, and Orange-crowned Warbler.  The latter are distinctly late this year, but by my recollection, they don't show up until the leaves come out, and the trees are still leafless.

For the day, 67 species, including Lonesome George.

= Michael Hobbs

Canada Goose defending its nest on an Osprey platform, 2023-04-12.
Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Say's Phoebe, 2023-04-08. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Report for April 14, 2022                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

Today was not what we might have expected for April – cold, overcast, slightly rainy, and most important it was very slow birding.

In spite of that, we had a good day, even if many of the birds came slowly and in low numbers (in some cases only one or two).

We wound up with 62 species for the day, with much effort.


  • Cackling Goose
  • Green-winged Teal (decent numbers)
  • Wilson’s Snipe
  • Bald Eagle
  • Osprey
  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Belted Kingfisher (first in 5 weeks)
  • Pileated Woodpecker (heard)
  • White-crowned Sparrow (both pugentensis and gambelli)
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow (a few still around)
  • Savannah Sparrow

Misses: American Wigeon, Golden-crowned Kinglet, American Coot, Steller’s Jay

Brian H. Bell
Woodinville Wa

Female Mountain Bluebird seen later on 2022-04-14
Photo by Gloria Conrad

Report for April 15, 2021                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

A gorgeous day at Marymoor this morning; not a cloud in the sky, just a few puffs of wind, and while the morning started at just 37 degrees at 6:30, temps rose to 62 degrees before we were done.  Mt. Rainier stood shining to the south.  Jupiter was a bright orb to the east before sunrise.  It was good.  Though this will sound rather strange given the list of species, it wasn’t really that birdy today.  There were quite a few one-offs, and the skies were often empty.
We did, again, split into two groups, with Jordan leading the second reverse-direction group.
  • Cackling Goose – probably at least 2000 streamed by heading NW around 6:00 a.m.
  • American Wigeon – small flock overhead, with more at the lake.  Uncommon at this time of year at Marymoor
  • Band-tailed Pigeon – just one for my group, but our best look of the year so far
  • Great Blue Heron – heronry is expanding into additional nearby trees
  • Cooper’s Hawk – my group had a brief look of one at the south end of the Dog Meadow.  First in a month
  • PURPLE MARTIN – probably at least 6, with some in snags south of the Rowing Club, more at the Lake Platform gourds.  First of Year (FOY)
  • American Pipit – my group had three, Fields 7-8-9
  • RED CROSSBILL – Jordan’s group had 20 near the mansion; my group only heard them (FOY)
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow – my group had two separate sightings of single birds.  Only our 3rd record for the year
  • WHITE-THROATED SPARROW – Jordan’s group had one at the south end of the Dog Meadow.  5th latest spring sighting ever
  • BREWER’S BLACKBIRD – at least 21 on the grass soccer fields next to where we park. This is a new High Count for the park.  FOY for us.
  • BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER – one SW of the windmill, another heard near the park entrance.  FOY, and 3rd earliest spring sighting ever
In a late scan of the lake, I found a pair of NORTHERN SHOVELER (FOY)
This was our 3rd earliest sighting for PURPLE MARTIN.
Based on my experience at Discovery Park on Tuesday, I had anticipated we’d have many Orange-crowned Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.  But we completely dipped on Orange-crowns, and had just a single RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET.  I had found two Black-throated Gray Warblers at Disco on Tuesday, and was very happy to have a repeat of that today at Marymoor.
Big misses today were limited to just Rock Pigeon and Orange-crowned Warbler, as we managed 71 species between the two groups!
= Michael Hobbs

Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Male Rufous Hummingbird.  Photo by Karen Snepp

Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photos by Bob Asanoma

Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photos by Bob Asanoma

Report for April 9, 2020                                                                                                                 Birding at Marymoor

Tracy joined me today for another COVID-19 surreptitious survey.  The park is closed down even more than before, with the dog area ribboned-off, and some new signage.  We were almost totally alone in the park: one couple brought in their dog, no other walkers on the trail or dog area, only a few bicycles/joggers on the Marymoor Connector Trail.  There were some park workers, and at 10:00, a convoy of gardeners came in to work their plots in the Pea Patch.
The day was gorgeous, starting a little cold (39 degrees), but warming to 60 degrees, with full sun and no wind.  The leaves are beginning to come out, but are mostly still pretty bare.  Lots of surprises today.
  • Cackling Goose – 200-225 flew by in a 6:30 a.m. flock
  • Hooded Merganser – pair in slough
  • CALIFORNIA QUAIL – male on boardwalk railing!
  • Wilson’s Snipe – notably many below the weir
  • Osprey – they’re back – First of Year (FOY)
  • Pileated Woodpecker – several great looks – 2 birds?
  • MERLIN – “black”; arrival caused the pipits to take flight
  • CALIFORNIA SCRUB-JAY – Flew basically NE across Dog Meadow; poor views in flight, but sufficient for ID –  First since 2018
  • PURPLE MARTIN – Four from Lake Platform! – FOY
  • American Pipit – 19 or 20 on Cirque parking area – FOY
  • American Goldfinch – two sightings of single males.  FOY, amazingly
  • AMERICAN TREE SPARROW – Pea Patch.  First since 2012
  • Orange-crowned Warbler – 2-3 heard singing, one seen singing.  FOY
  • Common Yellowthroat – Several heard singing, one or two seen.  FOY
One ANNA’S HUMMINGBIRD nest is still occupied along the slough (Kazuto documented the fledging of young from the other nest, Tuesday).  We also found a third ANHU nest in the parking lot adjacent to the park near where we left the car.  (I forgot to check the RUHU nest at the Rowing Club).
I was not able to find any OSPREY in a 10 minute search on Tuesday afternoon, but this morning they were definitely back.  At 6:00 a.m., we saw and heard two near the site of the old nest.  We later saw at least 1 bird visit the recently built nest on the NE ball field lights.  Around 10:30 a.m., we saw an Osprey land on the brand new nest platform.
We had two COOPER’S HAWKS, both looking like juveniles but acting like a breeding pair.  The spent a lot of time flying around together, with some intermittent calling, and with some fluttery display-like flight.
This was just our 10th CALIFORNIA SCRUB-JAY sighting, and our first Spring sighting ever.  We’ve had one June sighting, and the other 8 are from August-October.
This was our 2nd-earliest spring sighting for PURPLE MARTIN, beaten only by 2016-04-07.  Purple Martin were reported at a couple of other locations in King County yesterday and today though.
This was just our 8th occurrence (rather a lot, really) for AMERICAN TREE SPARROW.  Several of the previous birds stuck around for several weeks.  Sightings are split 50-50 between winter/spring and fall sightings.
Misses today included Virginia Rail, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
For mammals, no Eastern Gray Squirrel, but we did have EASTERN COTTONTAIL, MUSKRAT (at least 2), and great looks at a RIVER OTTER along the slough south of the Dog Area.  Both of the last were FOY.
For the day, 65 species, with EIGHT new for the year!
= Michael Hobbs

Report for April 11, 2019                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

Today was yet another day when paying little attention to the gloom and doom weather report paid off. We were pretty much precipitation-free for all but the Rowing Club, with just a few sprinkles beforehand. It turned out to be a nice, if overcast day, and the birds were fairly cooperative. Lots of new birds for the year for us.


  • Cackling Goose – still had several hundred fly by right around sunrise. Getting late for them
  • Common Goldeneye – at least 5; they should be heading out soon
  • Great Blue Heron – maybe it was just the weather, but adults seemed to be sitting in the nests today for the first time this year. Eggs?
  • OSPREY - 2 at the velodrome nest, 1 at the Bellefield nest, but could have been one of the velodrome birds.  First of the year for us.
  • Five woodpecker day – Again
  • MERLIN – one flyby heading towards the mansion area
  • NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW – at least one seen from the Lake Platform amongst hundreds of Violet-greens – New for 2019
  • Bushtit – we now know of two nests
  • MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD – female in southern part of the East Meadow – probably the same bird reported on 4/9 and 4/10 – New for our 2019 list
  • AMERICAN PIPIT – probably at least a couple of birds, in flight. New for our 2019 list, though one was photographed back in February in the park
  • Western Meadowlark – five in East Meadow
  • ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER – at least a couple, singing. New for our 2019 list
  • Common Yellowthroat – back in numbers now, though still waiting to see a female

In the afternoon, I needed to return to the park for a meeting about future surveys of Marymoor West. Highlight for me was hearing at least one CALIFORNIA QUAIL near the Rowing Club parking lot.

Lots of singing today – 21 species heard.

The only real miss today was Rock Pigeon, but while we had 68 species today (counting my afternoon quail), Week 15 has the 3rd-best cumulative species list for any week of the year. Only Week 16 and Week 18 have higher. So we had 68 out of the 133 ever seen for this week. Our highest total of the year, but our 3rd lowest percentage. :)

We’re up to 98 species for the year. A few additional species have been reported by others on eBird.

== Michael Hobbs

Bewick's Wren.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Male Rufous Hummingbird.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Female Mountain Bluebird.  Photo by Jordan Roderick

Golden-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for April 12, 2018                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

We had about 5 hours without rain, from around 5:15-10:15 a.m., and we managed to fit most of a complete Marymoor visit within that period. Matt got rained on when he first got to the park hours before dawn, and we got chased out by rain by 11:00 a.m. It was not terribly birdy, being dark and a bit breezy, and the winter birds are thinning out. But this time of year, even a not-terribly-birdy day has a lot to see, and there are plenty of species that might be found. We found some.


  • Cackling Goose – a few distant flocks at sunrise to show they haven’t all moved on
  • Wood Duck – had a flock of about 10, which is pretty high for Marymoor
  • Band-tailed Pigeon – first time we’ve had them on a survey this year
  • Eurasian Collared-Dove – 1 at the south edge of the East Meadow. First for 2018
  • Anna’s Hummingbird – two nests, one with at least 1 baby
  • TURKEY VULTURE – one yesterday, a distant one today – First of 2018
  • Osprey – pair at nest, so both are back now
  • Western Screech-Owl – Matt and I had brief views pre-dawn
  • Merlin – Sharon saw one
  • SAY’S PHOEBE – two in East Meadow, one in Pea Patch both yesterday and today
  • Barn Swallow – one yesterday, at least 3 today – First of 2018
  • Hermit Thrush – one near start of boardwalk, maybe one more
  • AMERICAN PIPIT – five on grass soccer fields, gravel parking lot – First of 2018
  • BREWER’S SPARROW – one in East Meadow. This is the 6 or 7th sighting ever for Marymoor. First of 2018.  Turns out the bird was present on April 11th as well, and Gloria Conrad got photos (see below).

It was a great day for mammal sightings as well:

  • Eastern Gray Squirrel – of course
  • American Beaver – three seen swimming to the lodge, their broad heads like wedges on the surface
  • Muskrat – one in the slough
  • Eastern Cottontail – pretty much of course
  • MINK – one working the far shore from the Lake Platform gave us long looks. First confirmed sighting since June, 2015

So not a bad day... 68 species, and adding Eurasian Collared-Dove, Turkey Vulture, Barn Swallow, American Pipit, and Brewer’s Sparrow, we’re up to 108 species for 2018.

== Michael Hobbs

Canada Geese.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Juvenile Bald Eagle.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Red-breasted Sapsucker.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Anna's Hummingbird on nest.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female Downy Woodpecker excavating a nest hole.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Savannah Sparrow.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Brewer's Sparrow, 2018-04-11.  Photo by Gloria Conrad

Brewer's Sparrow, 2018-04-11.  Photo by Gloria Conrad

Report for April 13, 2017                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

We had a fine morning at Marymoor today. There was a bit of sun, especially early, quite a bit of overcast, but just a touch of mizzle at about 8:30. Really not too bad, and while not warm, it wasn’t too chilly either. It was fairly birdy. Our big group found a lot of birds.


  • Common Loon – one well out on lake
  • Western Grebe – about 3 well out on lake
  • Great Blue Heron – heard the "grum grum grum" of baby(s) in nest
  • Western Screech-Owl – Matt heard and saw one very early
  • Great Horned Owl – Matt heard 2 near mansion very, very early
  • Four woodpecker day – Missing Hairy
  • LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE – continues, East Meadow
  • Violet-green Swallow – several hundred, with some Tree, Cliff, and a couple of Barn
  • HERMIT THRUSH – one seen poorly, Big Cottonwood Forest; one seen well, Rowing Club.
  • American Pipit – one in East Meadow that flew to the Dog Meadow
  • Orange-crowned Warbler – finally, but only one, heard-only, south of Dog Meadow
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler – Mostly “Audubon’s”, numerous, mostly males
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow – several; migration pulse

Hermit Thrush and Orange-crowned Warbler were new for 2017.

For the day, 68 species, with a good number of additional species seen earlier in the week.

== Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl.  Photo by Matt Bartels

Golden-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Rufous Hummingbird.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Fungus.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Loggerhead Shrike.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Loggerhead Shrike.  Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Loggerhead Shrike, 2017-04-11.  Photos by Bob Asanoma

Loggerhead Shrike eating a beetle, 2017-04-11.  Photos by Bob Asanoma

Report for April 14, 2016                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

We had a pretty good day at Marymoor today, with the skies FILLED with swallows. The rest of the birds were a little thin, though, with only a few nice surprises. But even with a little chill to the air, and a dearth of sunshine, it is spring and it’s well worth being out there.


Canada Goose                    Nesting on an island below the weir?
American Wigeon               Still a pair hanging below the weir
Hooded Merganser             Back after a three-week absence
Pied-billed Grebe                Only one, down from dozens
Band-tailed Pigeon              THREE flybys of single birds
VAUX’S SWIFT               One over boardwalk; First of Year, earliest ever
Red-breasted Sapsucker     Excavating nesting hole?
PEREGRINE FALCON     Cruised over Rowing Club
Purple Martin                       Male sat atop gourds, mobbed by Tree Swallows
Tree Swallows                     Hundreds
Violet-green Swallows         Dozens
N. Rough-winged Swallow  At least 1 from Lake Platform, First of Year
Cliff Swallow                       2-3 from Lake Platform, FOY
Barn Swallow                      1-2 from Lake Platform to make 6 swallow species
Orange-crowned Warbler    A few heard, 1-2 seen
NASHVILLE WARBLER  Ollie photographed one - FOY, early
Yellow-rumped Warbler      Many male Audubon’s, 1-2 Myrtle’s
Pine Siskin                           Heard near mansion, only 2nd of 2016
American Goldfinch             2-3 seen and heard, First of Year, amazingly enough

There was also a TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE photographed at Marymoor yesterday, and a SPOTTED SANDPIPER April 8th, as well as an AMERICAN KESTREL photographed April 4th.

The SPOTTED SANPIPER was a VERY early sighting.  Grace & Ollie found it on  the NE corner of the lakeshore on April 8th.  That's a whopping THREE FULL WEEKS earlier than the previous early record of 2015-05-01 !!!

The VAUX'S SWIFT was 2 days earlier than the previous earliest, 2014-04-17.

The NASHVILLE WARBLER photographed by Ollie today is 4 days earlier than the previous early record, 2015-04-19. 

For the day, 65 species, with at 5 new for 2016 (Vaux’s Swift, N. Rough-winged & Cliff Swallows, Nashville Warbler, and American Goldfinch).  Adding in the Spotted Sandpiper, American Kestrel, and Townsend's Solitaire, the park year list stands at 107, I believe.

== Michael Hobbs

Canada Goose apparently sitting on a nest on an island below the weir.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Great Blue Heron.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Not Fu Manchu, despite the moustache.  Female Dark-eyed Junco gathering dog hair as nesting material.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Sparrow in breeding plumage.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Nashville Warbler.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

...Note the white near the legs.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Spotted Towhee.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Osprey with nesting material?.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker at possible nest hole.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker at possible nest hole.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Male Red-breasted Nuthatch.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Peregrine Falcon (right) and juvenile Red-tailed Hawk over the Rowing Club.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Townsend's Solitaire, 2016-04-13.  Photo by Shibata Kazuto

Townsend's Solitaire, 2016-04-13.  Photo by Shibata Kazuto

Townsend's Solitaire, 2016-04-13.  Photo by Shibata Kazuto

Bushtit, 2016-04-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bewick's Wren, 2016-04-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Spotted Sandpiper, 2016-04-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Rufous Hummingbird, 2016-04-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Kestrel, 2016-04-03.  Photo by Shibata Kazuto

Report for April 9, 2015                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

The weather was fabulous, if a bit chill to start (38 degrees, though it quickly warmed). Gorgeous pre-dawn, sunny skies later, not too much breeze. Unfortunately, the birding was rather quiet. Once you filtered out the incessant American Robin song, and ignored the ever-present Yellow-rumped Warblers and Dark-eyed Juncos, and once you were able to get beyond the Common Yellowthroat males who needed you to hear them, it was a rather mellow morning.


Mallard                            First ducklings (3 clutches) of the year
Green-winged Teal           Remain numerous below the weir
GREEN HERON             Across the slough from Lake Platform – FOY
Barn Owl                         Babies again heard inside windmill
Anna’s Hummingbird        Appear to have fledged from nest
Red-breasted Sapsucker  Many, esp. near start of boardwalk
Merlin                              Glimpse of a bird flying past mansion
Bushtit                              Nestbuilding underway
Pacific Wren                    One still singing, E of boardwalk
HERMIT THRUSH         East edge of Dog Meadow
Fox Sparrow                    One – will be leaving soon
Brown-headed Cowbird   1 to several males (hard to count) - First of Year
Red Crossbill                    A few around mansion

Misses today included Brown Creeper, Ruby-crowned Kinglet(!), Orange-crowned Warbler, and Lincoln’s Sparrow.

For the day, 60 species. For the year, adding GREEN HERON and BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD, we’re up to 97 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Male Green-winged Teal. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Bushtit nest under construction near the weir.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wilson's Snipe.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Year's first Green Heron, across slough from the lake platform.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Yellowthroat singing. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red Crossbills near the mansion.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Female Rufous Hummingbird.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Osprey.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Which sparrow is this?

...Two Savannah Sparrow photos by Bob Asanoma

Painted Turtles and Red-eared Sliders.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

The world is safe.  The birders are in containment.   Photo by Bob Asanoma

Osprey, 2014-04-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Osprey, 2014-04-08.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for April 10, 2014                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

Well, Marymoor is no Nisqually, but we did try our best to match the dazzling numbers from their walk yesterday. Alas, we managed “only” something like 23 or 24 people, instead of their 60. And we missed their species total by four, but still...

It was a gorgeous, slightly nippy, spring morning on what has, historically, been one of the best weeks of the year. The day lived up to its billing.


CINNAMON TEAL             Male at weir – First of Spring (FOS)
Green-winged Teal                 Pair, with Cinnamon Teal
Ring-necked Duck                 Pair in slough near windmill
Common Goldeneye              Down to just a single female
Northern Harrier                    High flyover – FOS
GREATER YELLOWLEGS One again in great muddy puddle, Lot B
Band-tailed Pigeon                 A few glimpses
BARN OWL                         Matt had 3, predawn, incl. 2 near windmill
Merlin                                    Sharon saw one at about 6:30 am
Barn Swallow                        One over lake
Bushtit                                   Several pairs, first nest building
Hermit Thrush                        One in riparian area east of slough
American Robin                     Two occupied nests found
AMERICAN PIPIT              One flew off from fields 7-8-9 – FOS
Orange-crowned Warbler     Two seen
Common Yellowthroat          Heard lots, saw 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler       Dozens, with loads of singing
Townsend’s Warbler             Two, not together, near mansion
CHIPPING SPARROW      At least 1 still near Viewing Mound
Lincoln’s Sparrow                 One, part of the spring migratory pulse

Misses for the day included Wood Duck and Fox Sparrow. We didn’t really miss anything else of the expected species.

For the day, we managed 69 species (which includes “black wing-tipped gull” and “accipiter sp.”)

Later, Grace & Ollie and Lillian went back and found FOX SPARROW, NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW, and SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, so over 70 species for the day.  We're up to 104 species for the year.

== Michael Hobbs

Male Cinnamon Teal, with male Green-winged Teal and female Common Merganser, across the river at the weir.  Photo by Ollie Oliver
Male Cinnamon Teal.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Cinnamon Teal with Green-winged Teal.  Photo by Lillian Reis

High-flying Northern Harrier.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Robin on the nest, plastered against a tree.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Who is that?

Ahh - Northern Flicker excavating a hole.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown Creeper with nest material.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Orange-crowned Warbler.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Lincoln's Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male House Finch.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Yellowthroat.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Chipping Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Sharp-shinned Hawk.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Northern Rough-winged Swallow.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Milbert's Tortoiseshell.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Chipping Sparrow, 2014-04-09.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Chipping Sparrow, 2014-04-09.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Greater Yellowlegs, 2014-04-07.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Greater Yellowlegs, 2014-04-07.  Photo by Ollie OliverPhoto by Ollie Oliver

Ospreys on the nest, 2014-04-05.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Ospreys copulating on the nest, 2014-04-05.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for April 11, 2013                                                                                                                              Birding at Marymoor

It never really got bright this morning, with thick overcast, drizzle, rain. There were times when it was breezy to boot. Generally unpleasant, and not terribly birdy most of the time. But just when the weather was at its worst, we started to find good stuff at the Compost Piles and model airplane field, and by the time we got over to the Rowing Club, it was just misting gently.


Osprey                                             One was near the nest all morning
Sharp-shinned Hawk                         One at Rowing Club
Killdeer                                             Baby noticeably larger than last week
Band-tailed Pigeon                            Once again, spotted two flying over
Red-breasted Sapsucker                    One came in next to us near Art Barn
Hairy Woodpecker                            One near windmill
AMERICAN KESTREL                   Male WAY OUT at model airplane field
Northern Rough-winged Swallow       2+ at lake, with many VGSWs
Bushtit                                               Found a nearly-complete nest
Pacific Wren                                      One singing, south end of Dog Area
Varied Thrush                                    One heard at Rowing Club
AMERICAN PIPIT                           Three at Compost Piles
ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER Heard a couple singing, never saw
Lincoln’s Sparrow                              Grace saw one at Rowing Club
WHITE-THROATED SPARROW    White-stripe bird singing at Rowing Club
WESTERN MEADOWLARK           Model airplane field
Red Crossbill                                      Pair seen SW of mansion


We’ve only had WHITE-THROATED SPARROW later than this twice before; our later records are 18-Apr-96 and 05-May-94.

This was our 20th straight week seeing RED CROSSBILL, a species seen only 3 times before August, 2011. Since then, we've had thirty-three sightings.

So, 66 species for the morning, and adding three, our year list is at 101 for 2013.

== Michael Hobbs

Bushtit nest east of heronry.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Anna's Hummingbird.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male American Kestrel in the rain at the model airplane field.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Meadowlark at model airplane field.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Red-breasted Sapsucker northeast of mansion.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Common Merganser pair in slough near windmill.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

"White-stripe" White-throated Sparrow at Rowing Club.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

"White-stripe" White-throated Sparrow at Rowing Club.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Spotted Towhee.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Steller's Jay, 2013-04-10.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Pied-billed Grebe, 2013-04-10.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Green-winged Teal, 2013-04-10.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-eared Sliders and a female Bufflehead, 2013-04-10.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult Bald Eagle with prey - maybe a coot or small duck, 2013-04-09.
Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for April 12, 2012                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

What a great week at Marymoor! This morning was gorgeous and sunny, with a bit of ground fog early, but clearing to a sunny, WARM day. The rain held off until after we all got home. It was fairly birdy, and we had some great surprises!


Wood Duck                         Several nice looks
Pileated Woodpecker           Near windmill - great look
SAGE THRASHER             1 at Compost Piles
American Pipit                      25+ on the parking field in the NE
Orange-crowned Warbler    Only 1 - quite yellow (lutescens?)
Yellow-rumped Warbler       15+, mostly Myrtle's, singing
BREWER'S SPARROW     1 at Pea Patch
Lincoln's Sparrow                At least 2
White-crowned Sparrow      Heard 1 gambelii, rest were pugetensis
Western Meadowlark           4+ in East Meadow
Evening Grosbeak                Flock of ~6 flew west over Dog Meadow

This was the 3rd record for SAGE THRASHER at Marymoor, the other two times being 17-Apr-2002 and 03-May-2007. This was also the 3rd record for BREWER'S SPARROW at Marymoor, the other two times being 30-Apr-2000 and 09-Jun-2011.  Both of these birds are very unusual to find in King County.

There were very few ducks and geese - maybe 30 birds total, comprising 7 species. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, were especially numerous, with probably 8 or more of each of ANNA'S and RUFOUS.

New for the year today were SAGE THRASHER, AMERICAN PIPIT, ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER, and BREWER'S SPARROW. Adding in the GREEN HERON, AMERICAN KESTREL, CASPIAN TERN, and COMMON YELLOWTHROAT from Tuesday, that's 8 new species for the week, bringing the year list to 104.

For the day, 65 species. We've had 84 species so far this April.

== Michael Hobbs

Pileated Woodpecker near the windmill.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Orange-crowned Warbler.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Purple Finch.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Great Blue Heron nests - there are about 10 now.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Common Yellowthroat.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Coot.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Killdeer on eggs.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Sage Thrasher.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Sage Thrasher.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-tailed Hawk.  Photo by Lillian Reis

American Pipit.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Pipit.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Crow diving on a Sharp-shinned Hawk.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Two Painted Turtles flanking a Red-eared Slider.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Long-tailed Weasel.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Long-tailed Weasel with Black Rat prey.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Grooming behavior of nesting Great Blue Herons, 2012-04-10.
Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

First Garter Snake of the spring, 2012-04-10. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Report for April 10, 2012                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

I know it's not Thursday, but it's Spring, and I reserve the right to make extra visits to Marymoor. I didn't get down there today until about 7:45, and I left at 11:00 because I'd neglected to make lunch. There was high overcast, but the temps were mostly in the 50's, with no wind and no rain. And there were birds!


GREEN HERON                   Lake platform - First Of Spring
AMERICAN KESTREL       Female at model airplane field - FOS
CASPIAN TERN                 1 flew north over the slough - FOS
Rufous Hummingbird              Maybe 6 males - more than Anna's
Red-breasted Sapsucker        Great looks, maybe 4 birds
Bushtit                                   Scattered pairs all over, 1 nest noted
Pacific Wren                          1 singing at east end of boardwalk
Varied Thrush                        1 singing in Snag Row
BOHEMIAN WAXWING   Once more, in with Cedars, East Meadow
Common Yellowthroat           2 seen, more heard singing - FOS
Yellow.-rumped Warbler       Many, both Audubon's and Myrtle's
Savannah Sparrow                 Huge numbers - 60+ noted
Lincoln's Sparrow                  One in East Meadow
Western Meadowlark            One north of fields 7-8-9

Geese and ducks getting much less numerous, with fewer species. RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET and FOX SPARROW numbers down significantly, and neither was heard singing.

For the day, on which I skipped the Rowing Club entirely, 62 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Bewick's Wren, 2012-04-09.  Photo by Dave Templeton

Male Spotted Towhee, 2012-04-09.  Photo by Dave Templeton

Report for April 14, 2011                                                                                                                           Birding at Marymoor

The weather wasn't exactly the nice spring day that we'd all hoped for.  It rained hard, especially before 7:00.  But after that, we really didn't have any precipitation.  The wind died down frequently, and there were a few moments of sun, so really not bad at all.  It was birdy, too, though the birds could have been more cooperative.  Several heard-only or seen-poorly or seen-only-by-a-few on the list.

Common Loon                            One on lake
Bald Eagle                                   At least 5 birds, many sightings
Northern Harrier                          Sharp-looking male flew high to the NE
Sharp-shinned Hawk                   One flying lazy circles over Dog Meadow
MERLIN                                    Sharon saw one around 7:00
Virginia Rail                                 Heard east of East Meadow
Barn Owl                                    Matt & Brian, early, model airplane field
Great Horned Owl                      Matt had one early - first since Feb.
4 woodpecker day                      Missed Pileated.  Pretty R.-breasted Sapsuckers
SAY'S PHOEBE                        NE corner of East Meadow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2+ seen
Pacific Wren                                Still 3 singing
Townsend's Warbler                    2+, NE of mansion
C. Yellowthroat                           Many back, singing, not being seen
Lincoln's Sparrow                       1 along west edge of Dog Meadow

BUSHTITS were seen building 2 or 3 nests; there's another completed nest at the Rowing Club.  CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEES were excavating two nests.  One is on the underside of a branch on a Big-leafed Maple NE of the mansion. The other is on the end of the upraised vane of the windmill.  Odd locations both.

YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS (both races) and VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOWS were everywhere and abundant.

A juvenile BALD EAGLE flew too close to the odd-snag nest.  The adult RED-TAILED HAWK came down off the nest in hot pursuit.  We wondered if the Red-tail would be as eager to chase and attack an adult eagle...

I noted 21 species of bird singing.  Additionally, we had drumming Red-breasted Sapsuckers and Downy Woodpecker, winnowing Wilson's Snipe, and a display flight from Pine Siskin.

New for the year were NORTHERN HARRIER, SAY'S PHOEBE, NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW, and COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, to bring the 2011 total to 103 species.

For the day, 69 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Uncredited photos by Michael Hobbs

Male Wood Duck in slough
Female Common Goldeneye.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male "Myrtle's" Yellow-rumped Warbler

Wilson's Snipe at the East Meadow.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Rufous Hummingbird at a Salmonberry blossom.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Distant shot of the Say's Phoebe at the East Meadow. Photo by Lillian Reis

Juvenile Bald Eagle.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Chestnut-backed Chickadee excavating a nest hole.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Margaret, in the penalty box :)

Chestnut-backed Chickadee excavating a nest hole.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Savannah Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Olier

Red-breasted Sapsucker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Intergrade male Yellow-rumped Warbler, showing attributes of both
"Audubon's" and "Myrtle's" races, 2011-04-07.  Photo by Ryan Merrill

American Crow chasing American Kestrel, 2011-04-08.
Photo by Lillian Reis

Dueling or flirting Tree Swallows, 2011-04-09.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Garter Snakes emerging for the spring, 2011-04-09.  Photo by Marc Hoffman

Report for April 15, 2010

We had a really nice morning (especially the first part) to close out a great week at Marymoor.  It was a gorgeous morning until around 7:30 or 8:00, when it clouded over.  The breeze really came up once we got to the East Meadow.  But the weather never got bad.


Common Goldeneye            Down to 1 female remaining
Bald Eagle                           Usually high numbers - maybe 8+
Northern Harrier                  2 sightings
Merlin                                  2 sightings
Orange-crowned Warbler   Not many, just 1 or 2
Lincoln's Sparrow               Just our 3rd for 2010
Brown-headed Cowbird     ~6, FOY
Evening Grosbeak               Maybe the same 6 from Sunday???

Lots of species were building nests or at least gathering nest materials, including AMERICAN CROW, BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE, BUSHTIT, AMERICAN ROBIN, and PINE SISKIN.

For mammals, we had Black-tailed Deer, Eastern Gray Squirrel, Eastern Cottontail, and I saw one of the Beavers at the Rowing Club early. Non-mammals: one of the garter snake species, Red-eared Slider and Painted Turtles, Bullfrog, and Pacific Chorus Frog (yesterday).

For the day, 61 species.  For the week, 77 SPECIES.  For the year, 97

== Michael

A great start to the morning

Hairy Woodpecker male just east of the weir

Male 'Audubon's' Yellow-rumped Warbler

Drake Wood Duck from the lake platform

Marsh Wren gathering fluff.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Tree Swallow in the box, Savannah Sparrow on the box

Northern Harrier.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Lillian's nice portrait of an apple blossom

It's a guy.  No - it's a girl (look at the bill).  The odd Mallard at the Rowing Club

Bushtit padding the nest.  Photo by Lillian Reis at the Rowing Club

Possible nest location for Black-capped Chickadee.  Photo by Lillian Reis at the RC

Report for April 14, 2010

Been a busy week at Marymoor, so I'm putting up a blog posting in advance of tomorrow's regular survey.

Spring brings a bunch of new birds that we haven't seen all winter.

Occasionally, it brings something that hasn't been seen at the park at all.

The new park bird was SANDHILL CRANES.

There were two reports, actually.  First, I received a belated report that Jan McGruder had seen two on the grass soccer fields on Saturday, April 3.  Before I'd even had a chance to digest that report, I heard that Charlie Wright, Ryan Merrill, and Evan Houston had two fly over the Rowing Club on April 11.  Ryan got a couple of photos of those.

Other new birds for the year found by Charlie, Ryan, and Evan:

Northern Harrier
Barn Swallow
Orange-crowned Warbler
Evening Grosbeak (fly-over)

I've also seen a couple of new birds for the year:

4/11: American Pipit - flock of 25 near model airplane field
4/12: California Quail - heard calling at the Rowing Club

Other good birds seen:

4/10: Sharp-shinned Hawk and Merlin - Charlie et. al. at the Rowing Club
4/11: Northern Shoveler - small flock flyby
4/11: Western Meadowlark - at the model airplane field
4/12: Cooper's Hawk
4/12: Townsend's Warbler

== Michael

Based on size disparity, these appear to be a 'Lesser' and a 'Greater' Sandhill Crane

Two quick shots by Ryan Merrill documented this rare species for King County

LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE looking fine...

...East Meadow, 2010-04-11

Fox Sparrow, 2010-04-09.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Pine Siskin 2010-04-13

Savannah Sparrow, 2010-04-13

Orange-crowned Warbler, 2010-04-14

Wait, is that a Golden Eagle????

Crap, no.  It's a model airplane!  !@#@$%

Report for April 11, 2009

Just a few nice photos from Ollie Oliver,
who made a Saturday visit to Marymoor.

Male Common Yellowthroat

Female Mountain Bluebird at the Compost Piles.  There was at least 1 male too.

Black-capped Chickadee

Pair of Common Mergansers

Male Spotted Towhee

Report for April 9, 2009

What a great day at Marymoor.  We had overcast, but just a bit of very fine mist early on, and then no further precipitation, despite the forecast of rain.  Mostly no wind either, and it wasn't so cold.  Much better weather than I feared.  The birding was sort of slow at first, but it picked up - Boy, did it.  People came and went from the group throughout the day.  I think there were at least 18 people that birded at least a little with us, though we were mostly about a dozen at any one time.


HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHER, between the east end of the boardwalk and the East Meadow.  Very gray, small bill, clear wing bars, short-appearing tail, silent.  This is a new bird for the park list!

MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD, 4 females, 1 male, at the south end of the East Meadow

BARRED OWL, in the big Weeping Willow, along the Rowing Club path

Wood Duck                      Several, with a pair near a nest box
California Quail                 Two south of the windmill
Western Gull                     Our only gull.  On the grass soccer fields
Barn Owl                          Three, including one in the box
Western Screech-Owl       Scott heard 1 early to the west
Rufous Hummingbird          Many, especially lots of females
Red-breasted Sapsucker    Several great sightings, drumming
Hairy Woodpecker            Pair flew east s. of East Meadow
Hermit Thrush                    One near the flycatcher
Orange-crowned Warbler  2-3, all very yellow
Townsend's Warbler          Great views south of mansion
Common Yellowthroat       Many singing
Lincoln's Sparrow              1 at Compost Piles
White-crowned Sparrow    Both pugetensis and gambelii

For the day, 64 species.  For the year, I think this puts us at 105.

== Michael

Red-breasted Sapsucker in the Big Cottonwood Forest

Pied-billed Grebe entangled in green nylon mesh

Ollie Oliver witnessed one of our resident Bald Eagles
hoping to catch the ensnared Pied-billed Grebe

The eagle, maneuvering for attack

The eagle watches as the grebe hides in the weeds, safe from attack for now

Ollie's photo of Common Goldeneyes at the lake

Steller's Jay gathering nest material just east of the boardwalk

Steller's Jay gathering nest material just east of the boardwalk

Hermit Thrush, with red tail contrasting with brown back.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Ollie got the closest thing to a photo of the Hammond's Flycatcher

One of four female Mountain Bluebirds at the south end of the East Meadow

The male Mountain Bluebird at the south end of the East Meadow

Gambelii subspecies White-crowned Sparrow at the Compost Piles

Bushtit building a nest in a cherry behind the park office.  Photo by Ollie

Salmonberry in bloom

Barn Owl roosting near windmill

Townsend's Warbler in a cherry south of the mansion

Barred Owl in the large Weeping Willow along the path at the Rowing Club

Ollie's photo of the Barred Owl

Dave Templeton's photo

Report for April 14, 2008

Tried the Rowing Club (Marymoor West), looking for the Red-naped Sapsucker and Black-throated Gray Warbler found on 4/13.  Didn't find either of those, but did have Northern Rough-winged Swallows an a great look at the Beaver.

= Michael

Northern Rough-winged Swallows on a branch sticking out of the pond at the RC.

Beaver in main Rowing Club pond.

The Beaver gave two tail slaps and swam around before diving and disappearing.

Report for April 11, 2008

This morning around 10:00 a.m., Kraig Kemper found a EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE at Marymoor Park.  I raced down and saw it, and several other people came down and were able to find the bird.  It was last seen in the early afternoon near the velodrome (next to the restroom building), but it was originally found in a tree along the road a bit west of there.

I also had a SAY'S PHOEBE, last seen at 12:45 p.m. in the blackberries between the Compost Piles and the East Meadow.

Nobody has seen the Burrowing Owl today to my knowledge.

== Michael

Eurasian Collared-Dove.  Note the white underside of the tail, and the neck collar.

Say's Phobe near Compost Piles.  Later seen in Snag Row near the Pea Patch

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Report for April 10, 2008

There were fourteen of us, not counting the extras who responded to the calls and emails about the Burrowing Owl (see below).  The weather could have been more spring-like - still cold, quite blowy, but not rainy.  We're still stuck in winter mode; only a couple of new birds for the year, and still some late lingerering winterers.


Cooper's Hawk                  Quite probably nesting near mansion
Wilson's Snipe                    Good looks below the weir
Virginia Rail                        One visible in response to tape
Barn Owl                            2+ babies in the box
Short-eared Owl                 Flushed from east edge of East Meadow
BURROWING OWL         See below
Barn Swallow                     A handful back finally
NORTHERN SHRIKE      Latest date for Marymoor ever
Common Yellowthroat        Many heard, one male seen
Western Meadowlark         One *west* of the slough, 1 in NE corner of park

The BURROWING OWL was initially flushed from the tall grass north of fields
7-8-9, then flew to near the restoom at the east side of the park (Marybelle Meadow), then it flew west to the west edge of field #13 (see the map at

It was was still present at about 2:30 p.m., last seen about 25 feet up a Larch in the grove of Aspen trees along the west edge of the grass soccer fields.

For the day, we ended up at 65 species, though several of those were seen by only one person: Scott had some White-crowned Sparrows, Ollie had Downy Woodpecker and House Finch, and I had some Pied-billed Grebe late.  Nobody managed American Coot, Lincoln's Sparrow,  nor Brown-headed Cowbird (which should have returned *last* week, but have yet to arrive).

== Michael Hobbs

Composite photo of the Burrowing Owl

Composite photo of the Short-eared Owl

Ollie Oliver's photo of the Burrowing Owl

Ollie Oliver's photo of the Burrowing Owl 25 feet up a tree

Another composite photo of the Short-eared Owl

Ollie Oliver's photo of Wilson's Snipe below the weir

Ollie Oliver's photo of the Western Meadowlark

For the 2nd week in a row we had Cooper's Hawk with American Robin prey in the large deciduous trees east of the mansion.  For the 2nd straight week, we had paired display flights with two Coops over the meadows.  They're probably nesting somewhere.

Report for April 12, 2007

We were 15 birders total, and we enjoyed a fun day under mostly cloudy skies.  The weather was really quite nice until late when the wind picked up a bit.  It was pretty birdy, but there were many birds seen only by one or two people.  Sometimes things just work out that way.


Hooded Merganser            Copulating in the slough
Bald Eagle                         Pair at new nest
Barn Owl                           Tom had good looks at about 6:10 a.m.
Red-breasted Sapsucker    I had one drumming at the mansion early
Pileated Woodpecker        One flyover
Cliff Swallow                    1-2 over the lake
Bushtit                                Building a nest near the Rowing Club
Varied Thrush                    I heard several near the entrance early
Orange-crowned Warbler  1 singing, which we worked hard to see
Common Yellowthroat       Actually got to see a couple
AM. TREE SPARROW     Very active bird at Compost Piles

The AMERICAN TREE SPARROW was glimpsed a couple of times at the northeast corner of the compost piles.  It disappeared to the north, but later flew to the south side of the dirt piles.  Nobody got very good looks at it until it landed at Matt's feet, then hopped to an exposed area where we could all see it for a minute.  Then it flew back to the northeast again.  Very active, and perhaps that indicates it won't stick around.  This is just our 3rd Marymoor ATSP sighting.

We had several frustrating sightings.  Three times (at least) we had hummingbirds that we couldn't identify.  Finally we saw a male ANNA'S perched at it's usual spot south of the windmill.  The Rowing Club yielded our only sure RUFOUS sighting for the day.  We had 2+ sightings of accipiters, the last almost certainly an adult COOPER'S HAWK.  We also had one sighting from the boardwalk that may well have been a MERLIN.  Matt had some black wing-tipped gulls that might have been CALIFORNIA. And then the were the PURPLE FINCH and ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER "sightings" that were difficult, though-the-trees looks not shared by all.

In any case, a long list of 65-67 species, with CLIFF SWALLOW and AMERICAN TREE SPARROW being new for the 2007 list.

== Michael

Mt. Rainier at sunrise.

Male "Myrtle's"-race Yellow-rumped Warbler

Ollie Oliver's fleeting shot of the American Tree Sparrow.

Singing White-crowned Sparrow


Ollie Oliver's Lincoln's Sparrow.

April 10, 2007 - Mid-week Report

Tom Mansfield caught this very odd, partially leucistic Fox Sparrow 4/5/2007

David Margrave's photo of a pair of Northern Flickers,
taken near the windmill, 4/5/2007


Bird Sightings Week 15
April 9-15*      *adjust by 1 day in leap years



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