Bird Sightings Week 16
April 16-22*
Rarities for Week 16:
Whimbrel |
22-Apr-22 |
Two on grass/gravel parking lot. Photographed by Barry Brugman |
Great Egret |
17-Apr-12 |
Reported by a couple of dog walkers - well described. Apparently it landed in the heronry |
Townsend's Solitaire |
16-Apr-17 |
Photos - Lillian Reis |
Sage Thrasher |
16-Apr-15 |
Compost Piles, Viewing Mound |
Sage Thrasher |
17-Apr-02 |
Compost Piles |
Sage Thrasher |
19-Apr-23 |
Near Viewing Mound. Seen through at least 2023-04-24 |
Grasshopper Sparrow |
18-Apr-22 |
East Meadow. Seen daily until at least 2022-04-23 |
Brewer's Sparrow |
20-Apr-17 |
Douglas Squirrel |
21-Apr-11 |
fide Bob Schmidt |
Report for April 18, 2024 Birding at Marymoor
It started out a frosty 32 degrees, but once the sun came up, so did the temperature. By the end, it was about 56 degrees, so a huge swing in a few hours. It was pretty birdy, though we haven't hit the big push of spring migration yet.
- Cackling Goose - One flock (maybe two) of about 50
- Cinnamon Teal - Very nice looking drake just below the weir. First of Year (FOY)
- Eurasian Collared-Dove - One near the Pea Patch at 7:00 a.m. (FOY)
- Osprey - Either 2 or 4 birds. Geese are nesting on all of the old OSPR nests, so one pair is building a new nest in the NE
- Sharp-shinned Hawk - One seen from our cars at 6:30 a.m.
- Pileated Woodpecker - Pair at snag nest in Big Cottonwood Forest
- Hutton's Vireo - Singing away near the windmill
- Hermit Thrush - One heard on edge of Dog Meadow, unseen (FOY)
- Fox Sparrow - Only one, singing near the madrona along the slough
- Western Meadowlark - One in the East Meadow
- BREWER'S BLACKBIRD - One male near the Viewing Mound (FOY)
- Common Yellowthroat - Quite a few heard, a couple seen
- Orange-crowned Warbler - One, singing, heard-only
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - Dozens
Kathy Kuyper photographed two male and one female BREWER'S BLACKBIRD on Sunday. It was nice to get one on the survey today, as we only get about one report a year for them.
Misses today included Violet-green Swallow, Cliff Swallow, House Finch, and Lincoln's Sparrow.
For the day, 67 species. We're up to 100 species for the year.
On Saturday, April 13th, a LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE was found in the park, and seen/photographed by many people.
= Michael Hobbs |

Brewer's Blackbirds, 2024-04-14. Photo by Kathy Kuyper
Report for April 20, 2023 Birding at Marymoor
With Michael away, Brian Bell and I led the weekly Marymoor walk today. While we haven’t yet seen a sunny warm Thursday , this week’s weather was decent - cool and overcast, but we were done before the rain started - we’ll take it.
The big highlight for the day was early on. Yesterday a SAGE THRASHER was reported at Marymoor by the east meadow viewing mound. An early crew of KC birders over there - about 7:15, word reached our main group that it was still present and we opted to go there right away. Great looks for all. I was surprised to find this was at least Sage Thrasher #7 for Marymoor — still quite a fun eastside bird to see!
We opted complete the loop in reverse direction from there, and the birding was decent throughout.
- SAGE THRASHER - First of Year (FOY) - see above
- PURPLE MARTIN - several perched on a small tree in the east meadow (our FOY)
- GREATER YELLOWLEGS - 2 along the slough below the weir (FOY)
- ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER - 2 [one seen, one singing] (FOY)
- GREAT-BLUE HERON - many hatched eggs on ground below heronry, the first audible ‘grum-grum-grum’ing from the nests
- LINCOLN’S SPARROW - 2 or 3 still lingering/passing
- FOX SPARROW - only one left today
- OSPREY - several around, but so far the 2 Canada Goose pairs have maintained their hold on last year’s 2 Osprey nests - looks like a new nest is going up on a light pole near the east nest [looks pretty flimsy tho]
On the mammal side, we got nice looks at our first Long-tailed Weasel of the year too
Misses today: Cackling Goose (gone for season?), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (likewise?), Red-tailed Hawk (maybe too overcast to soar, or just on nests?), Killdeer (probably quiet on nests somewhere)
In all we tallied 62 species for the day - bring on spring!
Matt Bartels [& Brian Bell]
Sage Thrasher, 2023-04-20. Photo by Kazuto Shibata
Report for April 21, 2022 Birding at Marymoor
It was colder and darker that we would have hoped for this morning, but the rain stopped at about 5:30 a.m. (before the walk), and we never got more than a few drops after that. It was pretty birdy, with a good mix of lingering winter birds and spring arrivals, but the birds were not always terribly cooperative.
Highlights: (FOY) = First of Year for the survey. Most of our FOY birds had been seen in the park already before today
- Cackling Goose – low flyover of a flock of 50+. We’ve only ever had 5 later sightings in April, and none in May
- American Wigeon – several on grass soccier fields. Still 9 species of wintering ducks total
- Wilson’s Snipe – about 5 in the slough below the weir. These might stick around 1-2 more weeks
- Great Blue Herons – eggshells on the ground under the heronry, “grum grum grum” baby noises from the nests
- Northern Harrier – one over the East Meadow – (FOY)
- Purple Martin – one in a gourd – (FOY)
- Cliff Swallow – several over the lake, seen from the Lake Platform (FOY)
- American Pipit – eleven flew over the Viewing Mound and landed in the East Meadow (FOY)
- GRASSHOPPER SPARROW – still returning to the mowed grass trail, NE part of the East Meadow – New for the park Tuesday.
- Fox Sparrow – down to just one, heard only
- White-crowned Sparrow – quite numerous (25+), with all but one or two being Gambelii
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – one in the Pea Patch (FOY)
- Western Meadowlark – two in the East Meadow
- Brown-headed Cowbird – at least four or five (FOY)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 50+, with about 1-in-8 being Myrtle, the rest Audubon’s. They were everywhere
- Black-throated Gray Warbler – one heard singing across the slough from the windmill (FOY)
Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe, Hairy Woodpecker, Belted Kingfisher, and Hermit Thrush.
For the day, 69 species.
= Michael Hobbs

Grasshopper Sparrow, first seen 2022-04-19,
Report for April 22, 2021 Birding at Marymoor
An overcast morning with warmer low temps and cooler high temps than we’ve been having. Also more breeze than is ideal, but not bad. In some ways is was kind of dark and quiet, especially early on. The species mix is slowly shifting away from “winter” birds. Not many surprises, but a good mix of birds. We again split into two groups, due to a large number of people, with Jordan leading the others in reverse.
- Cackling Goose – only one small flock of ~20
- American Wigeon – five at the lake; these will be leaving soon
- GREATER SCAUP – barely seen from Lake Platform, confirmed later. These were First of Year (FOY) for use
- Common Goldeneye – just one female, probably our last
- VAUX’S SWIFT – at least two, with a large mixed flock of Violet-green and Tree Swallows over the Pea Patch and slough – FOY
- American Coot – only one
- GREATER YELLOWLEGS – two landed just before the weir – FOY
- COMMON LOON – two on the lake, calling – FOY. This week and next are historically the best for COLO at Marymoor
- Pileated Woodpecker – one landed across the slough
- Merlin – seen by Jordan’s group
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – two – FOY
- Hermit Thrush – one at the Rowing Club south pond – FOY. This week, and the next two, are the best week for HETH at Marymoor
- Red Crossbill – a couple of very small flyovers
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – one near the Viewing Mound
- White-crowned Sparrow – both Pugetenis and Gambelii singing
- Orange-crowned Warbler – pretty good numbers, with singing
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – dozens, nearly equally Myrtle and Audubon’s
- Black-throated Gray Warbler – some near the mansion
A good day for brief critter views, with Virginia Opossum, Eastern Gray Squirrel, American Beaver (predawn), Eastern Cottontail, River Otter, Mule Deer (Black-tailed), and a single Red-eared Slider at the Rowing Club.
A late scan of the lake, besides confirming the species of scaup, also turned up about five BARN SWALLOWS – FOY, and a HORNED GREBE.
Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe, Rock Pigeon, Double-crested Cormorant, Belted Kingfisher, Hairy Woodpecker, Cliff Swallow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Fox Sparrow. Despite that, my group had 68 species and Jordan’s group had 55 species. Combining those with the Matt’s pre-dawn adventures and my late scan of the lake, and we came up with a combined 74 species with six new for the year!!!
= Michael Hobbs

Northern Rough-winged Swallow and Tree Swallow. Photo by Michael Hobbs
Common Loon. Photo by Michael Hobbs
Report for April 21, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
I had seen that I might be able to rescue the flotsam Purple Martin gourds by walking from the boardwalk. Lake levels are unusually low right now. Rain is coming. I was afraid if I didn’t rescue them now, they’d be lost when the lake rises in the next week.
So I loaded a backpack with tall rubber boots and tools and I went straight from the NE corner of Marymoor to the Lake Platform. I successfully rescued the gourds on their crosspieces, the vertical pole (they’d become separated), and the Wood Duck box that someone had screwed onto that same piling.
I took the gourds home, replaced the tee pipe junction (where the threading of the vertical bar had broken off), and cleaned them up somewhat. I gathered a different set of tools, went back to Marymoor, walked straight to the Lake Platform, drilled a mounting hole in the washed up dock piece, and mounted the gourds. Luckily, the threading on the other end of the vertical pole screwed into the new tee, despite the rust.
I also screwed the Wood Duck box to a nearby willow – maybe not high enough to attract them, but no worse than when it was on the piling.
Then I gathered trash (1/2 a garbage bag) on my way back. Much of that was from around the Lake Platform.
Highlights from 2020-04-20, when I did a walk starting at 9:00 a.m.:
- Lesser Scaup – six from Lake Platform - First of Year (FOY)
- Lincoln's Sparrow - at least eight
- Black-throated Gray Warbler - one heard - FOY
Highlights from 2020-04-21:
- Cackling Goose – at least 100; we’ve only had 3 sightings later than this
- Northern Shoveler – three at the lake, with Buffleheads and two Ring-necked Ducks
- Common Goldeneye – one first year male
- Vaux’s Swift – about 5, amid large flocks of swallows – FOY
- Common Loon – one ridiculously far out on the lake, but it was preening and that allowed me to confirm – FOY
- HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER – one seen just a little south of the East Footbridge – calling with that loud, clear note – FOY
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – one over the lake – FOY
- Cliff Swallow – one or two over the lake – FOY
- Hermit Thrush – one just south of the East Footbridge
- CHIPPING SPARROW – one on the Viewing Mound fence – FOY
- YELLOW WARBLER – at least one gorgeous singing male just a little south of the East Footbridge – FOY, and over a week earlier than ever before at Marymoor!
Between the visits on the 16th, 20th, and 21st, a total of 85 SPECIES, with FOURTEEN new species for 2020, THIS WEEK!
= Michael Hobbs

Purple Martin gourds; two still on post to the right of the platform. Salvaged ones on floating dock debris to the left of the platform.
Report for April 16, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
Tracy joined me today for another COVID-19 surreptitious survey. We were, again, almost totally alone in the park: Bushtits outnumbered humans, if you don’t count park workers. Like last week, at 10:00, a small(er) convoy of gardeners came in to work their plots in the Pea Patch.
The day was gorgeous, starting a little cold (40 degrees), but warming to 60 degrees, with full sun and no wind. The leaves are beginning to come out, but are mostly still pretty bare. Strangely similar to last week.
- Cackling Goose – 1500+ flew by large flocks. This is getting quite late for them, especially for getting large numbers
- Northern Shoveler – one in slough. First of Year (FOY)
- American Wigeon – one at lake; getting late
- Ring-necked Duck – four under long dock from Lake Platform – first in 6 weeks
- Band-tailed Pigeon – two sightings of single birds – FOY
- Eurasian Collared-Dove – one quick look of one quick bird – FOY
- Greater Yellowlegs – one below weir
- Double-crested Cormorant – only 1
- Osprey – two seemly weaving branches atop the new nest pole
- Sharp-shinned Hawk – one in NW corner – FOY
- Purple Martin – Four at gourds again, this time with one going in
- Cedar Waxwing – maybe 6, maybe more. Usual arrival is not until mid-May
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – two
- Western Meadowlark – two at north end of East Meadow
- Brown-headed Cowbird – at least a couple of males – FOY
- Orange-crowned Warbler – still only three or so
- Common Yellowthroat – 25+, with much singing
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – two Myrtle, many Audubon’s; all males
I was hoping for more returning migrants, but maybe next week. Instead, we did pretty well with species that should be heading out quite soon (two FOX SPARROW, for instance).
Misses today included Belted Kingfisher, Hairy Woodpecker (might have heard), Cliff Swallow, Barn Swallow, Marsh Wren (might have heard), and House Finch.
For the day, 65 species, with four new for the year.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for April 18, 2019 Birding at Marymoor
We were beset by a hour of unmitigated rain, followed by almost another hour of drizzle. The precipitation didn’t let up until we were at the lake platform. So the morning was pretty quiet. We’re not sure if some of the birds we missed are gone for the season, or were simply hiding. The rest of the morning was pleasant, but not tremendously birdy. Great birds *next week*.
- Cackling Goose – should be leaving very soon, but we still had several flocks of 50+. 200+ birds total
- Green-winged Teal – pair copulating below weir
- Ring-necked Pheasant – he was in the Compost Piles area, and earlier heard southeast of the Viewing Mound
- Pied-billed Grebe – only 1 seen
- American Coot – only 1 seen
- Wilson’s Snipe – still 2-3 below the weir
- Osprey – two seen at new nest, two seen at old nest
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – at least 1 from Lake Platform
- BARN SWALLOW – 1 from Lake Platform. New for our 2019 list
- American Pipit – good looks at 4 in grass/gravel lot north of Viewing Mound
- Western Meadowlark – 1 at north end of East Meadow
- Orange-crowned Warbler – only 1, heard singing, unseen
Misses today included Bufflehead (may have been out-of-sight to the east of the Lake Platform), Band-tailed Pigeon (still waiting on our first of the year), Belted Kingfisher (one may have been heard), Red-breasted Sapsucker, Cliff Swallow (still waiting on our first of the year), Fox Sparrow (it was raining hard when we went past the best locations for them, but they’ve often just left by Week 16), and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
For the day, 59 species. Only BARN SWALLOW was new for our 2019 list.
== Michael Hobbs

Canada Geese Photo by Hugh Jennings
Male Rufous Hummingbird. Photo by Hugh Jennings

American Robin and Western Meadowlark. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Savannah Sparrow. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Report for April 19, 2018 Birding at Marymoor
The weather report looked so promising, but instead we had fog for most of the morning. Nothing but grayness. As we finished up at the mansion, and then over at the Rowing Club, we finally had the forecast sunshine. Also, water levels were high, with even a little water over the boardwalk. Things were pretty quiet.
- Eurasian Collared Dove – still a notable species, though sightings are increasing
- VAUX’S SWIFT – one over the slough once it became sunny. First of 2018
- Western Screech-Owl – Matt heard one near “The Mysterious Thicket” around 5am
- Great Horned Owl – Scott Ramos heard one pre-dawn from the model airplane field
- - All 5 common woodpeckers
- “Black” Merlin – flushed the American Pipits and Killdeer from the grass/gravel field
- Hutton’s Vireo – singing north of windmill. Apparently resident there this year
- - All 5 common swallows
- American Pipit – maybe as many as a dozen all told, on mowed fields
- Fox Sparrow – just one; maybe our last until fall
- Orange-crowned Warbler – just one, at Rowing Club
Since the day had gotten sunny, I did much of the walk again, hoping to find any of the myriad of rarities that can show up this time of year. Pretty much nada. I did verify the HUTTON’S VIREO, which had been heard-only before, and being able to see out from the Lake Platform, I added AMERICAN COOT, BUFFLEHEAD, and DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT. Other than that, there were many more Rufous Hummingbirds apparent, and much more singing of Purple Finch. I also had a flock of 11 Steller’s Jay, and got to actually see a PILEATED WOODPECKER.
Misses today included Gadwall, Green-winged Teal, Band-tailed Pigeon, Wilson’s Snipe, Belted Kingfisher, and American Goldfinch. The high water levels and fog probably account for most of those.
For the day, 68 species (65 on the regular walk). New for the year was VAUX’S SWIFT. In addition, some birders saw and photographed a SAGE THRASHER at the park on 2018-04-15, bringing the 2018 total to 110 species.
== Michael Hobbs

American Crow in the fog. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Barn Swallow. Photo by Gary Luhm

Almost ready to fledge Anna's Hummingbirds. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Same Anna's. Photo by Gary Luhm

Even when we got to the Viewing Mound, it was still nothing but fog. Photo by Michael Hobbs

When the sun came out, it was really nice though. Golden-crowned Sparrow in breeding plumage. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Steller's Jay. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Jordan Roderick |

Sage Thrasher, 2018-04-15. Photo by Jeff Deem |

Sage Thrasher, 2018-04-15. Photo by Jeff Deem

Cooper's Hawk, 2018-04-14. Photo by Peter Zika |

Loggerhead Shrike, 2018-04-14. Photo by Sravanthi Yalamanchili
Report for April 20, 2017 Birding at Marymoor
It was an unexpectedly nice day. The forecast rain didn’t arrive, and a lot of the morning was sunny. After about 9, it did get cloudier and breezier, but if often felt like spring. The birds thought so too!
- Cackling Goose – single flock of 16 – 4th-latest spring sighting ever
- Wood Duck – pair up in trees near the start of the boardwalk
- Common Goldeneye – single female, 7th-latest spring sighting ever
- Horned Grebe – one near lake platform in breeding plumage – 3rd latest...
- Mourning Dove – one near concert venue – First of 2017
- Vaux’s Swift – First of 2017, and tied for 4th-earliest spring sighting ever
- Common Loon – one far out on lake
- Green Heron – pair at lake, one with nesting material
- Barn Owl – Matt heard baby in windmill, adult outside, very very early
- Western Screech-Owl – Matt saw one near east end of boardwalk very early
- N. Rough-winged Swallow – 1-2 or so, over slough – First of 2017
- Hermit Thrush – west edge of Dog Meadow
- NASHVILLE WARBLER – at least 3 – First of 2017, and 3rd-earliest spring sighting ever
- BREWER’S SPARROW – near 2nd and 3rd Dog Beaches, with Golden-crowned Sparrows. ONLY THE 4th-EVER sighting at Marymoor, and first since 2012. (Prev. dates: 2012-04-12, 2000-04-30, 2011-06-09).
Sunrise actually came a little after our 6:00 a.m. start time, and there were clouds along the eastern edge of the sky, so we weren’t in a great hurry to get started. Instead, we looked at VENUS through the scope, which was really cool as Venus is a crescent right now, something I don’t remember seeing before.
For the day, an amazing 73 species! New for the year were MODO, VASW, NRWS, NAWA, and BRSP, to bring us to 111 species for the year, I believe.
== Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Matt Bartels

Crescent Venus. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Common Merganser pair. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Female Common Merganser with fish too large to swallow. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Brewer's Sparrow. Photo by Mason Flint

Brewer's Sparrow. Note streaked nape. Photo by Mason Flint

Brewer's Sparrow. Photo by Mason Flint

Brewer's Sparrow with Golden-crowned Sparrow for size comparison.
Photo by Hugh Jennings

Horned Grebe in breeding plumage in slough. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Wood Duck. Photo by Milt Vine

Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Milt Vine

Male "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Bill Fletcher

Male "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Bill Fletcher

Nashville Warbler. Photo by Bill Fletcher

Nashville Warbler. Photo by Bill Fletcher

Townsend's Solitaire, 2017-04-16. Photo by Lillian Reis

Townsend's Solitaire, 2017-04-16. Photo by Lillian Reis
Report for April 21, 2016 Birding at Marymoor
A little cooler today than the past few scorchers, and breezy at first. I was hoping that the shift in weather would mean that *everything* would have flown in overnight and we’d have one of those phenomenal days today. No such luck. Instead, it seems that the weather convinced many species to *leave*. What stayed are species that are mostly busy breeding now, and are pretty quiet. That’s not *quite* true, as we did have a couple of new species, including a BULLOCKS’S ORIOLE that was a real surprise for this date.
Mosquitoes were fairly fierce today.
American Wigeon Pair below weir – getting late for them here
Mallard First ducklings – about 5 on far side of slough
Common Goldeneye Down to just 1 female in slough
COMMON LOON 1 flew over mansion just after 6, 1 at lake, FOY
Green Heron 1 at Rowing Club – first in 4 weeks
- all 5 woodpeckers -
Merlin Eating what looked like a Tree Swallow
American Pipit 10+ in NE corner fields
Golden-crowned Sparrow Down to just 1 sorry-looking bird
BULLOCK’S ORIOLE Brilliant male flew over lake platform
Evening Grosbeak A few heard-only/at most glimpsed flyovers
We’d not seen a GREEN HERON since March 24th, but today’s bird at the Rowing Club looked like it was probably the same juvenile that overwintered.
Lots of OSPREY action today, including tag-teaming BALD EAGLES forcing an Osprey to drop a fish at the lake.
This is still ridiculously early for SPOTTED SANDPIPER at Marymoor; we’ve never had one before May previously. Today’s bird had a spotted breast, unlike Grace&Ollie’s bird, 2016-04-08.
We were stunned to have a male BULLOCK’S ORIOLE fly over the lake platform and land at the tip-top of a distant cottonwood for longer viewing. This is WAY early for Bullock’s at Marymoor – we’ve never had one before May, so this was 9 days earlier than our previous earliest sighting. Our median arrival date is closer to May 10.
Birds that have probably cleared out for the season include Pied-billed Grebe, Double-crested Cormorant, American Coot, Wilson’s Snipe, most gulls, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Western Meadowlark, all missed for today (and several missed last week too).
For the day, 63 species. COMMON LOON and BULLOCK’S ORIOLE were new for the year, so our 2016 list should be at 109, I believe.
== Michael Hobbs

Dawn. Photo by Bob Asanoma

This Merlin just caught a Tree Swallow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Common Merganser pair. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Merganser. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Female Common Merganser. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Common Merganser. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wood Duck pair. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Osprey near weir. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Osprey near weir. Photo by Bob Asanoma

We can see just enough to make out both "Audubon's" (upper) and "Myrtle's"
Yellow-rumped Warblers in this shot. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hairy Woodpecker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Ollie Oliver

They usually skulk down low, but during spring, you can sometimes find male Common Yellowthroats up higher in trees. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for April 16, 2015 Birding at Marymoor
It was chilly this morning, with touches of frost. But the sun’s beams hit us right as we left the parking lot, and there was no wind and just a trace of fog, so it warmed somewhat in just an hour or two. Never really needed to shed too many layers though. It wasn’t super birdy, but it was certainly a day with some nice highlights, and a gorgeous day to be out. Matt and Sharon are both out-of-town; we had nobody around in the wee hours to check for owls. Also missed Virginia Rail and Wilson’s Snipe, both of which are often heard pre-dawn.
Common Goldeneye Getting late – 1 at weir
Bald Eagle Very visible; 4-6 adults
Cooper’s Hawk Close encounter along north edge of Snag Row
Red-tailed Hawk 6+ adults. Saw nest exchange at odd-snag nest
GREATER YELLOWLEGS 1 on far side of slough below weir
Barn Swallow 6+ flying over lake – First of Year
Cliff Swallow 2 over new maintenance bldg. – FOY
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2+ singing males, after none noted last week
SAGE THRASHER 1 at Compost Piles/Viewing Mound
Orange-crowned Warbler Heard about 6 singing, saw 2 (very yellow birds)
Fox Sparrow Two singing quietly. Will be leaving soon
Red Crossbill Numbers seem to be dropping. Maybe 3-4,
mostly heard
This was only our 6th-ever Spring sighting of GREATER YELLOWLEGS. It walked the far shore of the slough and called several times before flying off towards the lake. (We also have 6 fall sightings; Marymoor isn’t a great shorebirding site).
Saw a violent interaction/chase between an OSPREY and a GREAT BLUE HERON at the weir that lasted for at least 30 seconds. The Osprey did not seem pleased to have the GBH around, though who started it, I’m not sure. The Osprey certainly had the advantage in maneuverability.
When we got to the Compost Piles, Mason Flint noted a bird walking on the ground next to some American Robins. From the back and somewhat back-lit, I thought at first that it was just another robin, but when I got a bit of a profile view, I realized it was a SAGE THRASHER. Remarkably, this our our FOURTH Sage Thrasher sighting for Marymoor, and right on schedule. Previous sightings have been 2012-04-12, 2002-04-17, and 2007-05-03, and all sightings have been within about 50 yards of the middle of the Compost Piles. Today's bird flew around a bit, including landing on the Viewing Mound fencing.
There were also 3 (!) AMERICAN BEAVER seen swimming in the slough near the weir.
Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe and House Finch.
For the day, 62 species. Adding GRYE, CLSW, BARS, and SATH, we’re now at 101 species for the year.
== Michael Hobbs

Greater Yellowlegs on the far shore of the slough. Photo by Ollie Oliver

We have some very strange-looking domestic-type Mallards. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Tree Swallow near Pea Patch nest box. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Nuthatch. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Downy Woodpecker at nest hole. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Downy Woodpecker. Hole is in cottonwood in heronry. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Tail spots are a key identifier for Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Myrtle's" Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Last Fox Sparrow of the season? Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Lutescens" subspecies Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Sage Thrasher at Viewing Mound. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Sage Thrasher at Viewing Mound. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bald Eagle pair at lake. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Chestnut-backed Chickadee excavating a hole in a cedar. Photo by Bob Asanoma

American Beaver in slough. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Beaver in slough. Photo by Bob Asanoma
Report for April 17, 2014 Birding at Marymoor
After all of the glorious weather we’ve had recently, it was a little disappointing to have pretty much steady drizzle all day under rather dark gray clouds. But April birding, even when it’s not great, is wonderful. The most notable thing about the day was that the sky was FILLED WITH SWALLOWS. We had ~200 VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOWS in a constant swirl over the slough just below the weir. Then, at the lake, the number of swallows (again, mostly Violet-green) was astonishing. The East Meadow had a slightly sparser cloud of swallows, but still the sky was notably busy. There, TREE SWALLOWS were at least as common as Violet-greens.
Other highlights (FOS – First of Spring):
GR. WH.-FRONTED GOOSE Flock of ~120 flew west over East Meadow
CINNAMON TEAL Male with Green-winged Teal below weir
COMMON LOON One pretty far out, southwest part of the lake – FOS Great Blue Heron Adults huddled tight on their nests
Barn Owl Matt heard a couple, East Meadow, pre-dawn
VAUX’S SWIFT 2-3, mixed in the swallow hoards – FOS
PURPLE MARTIN One male at Viewing Mound – FOS
CLIFF SWALLOW I had 2 from the cabana, late – FOS
Barn Swallow Probably fewer than a dozen
Orange-crowned Warbler A few, singing
Yellow-rumped Warbler Fewer than last couple of weeks
Common Yellowthroat Ubiquitous, loud, and mostly invisible
Townsend’s Warbler Female near windmill
The flock of GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE was amazing and unexpected. Normally, when we get GWFG, it’s 1-5 birds mixed in with Cacklers and/or Canadas. Our previous high count was 10. Also, it’s very late for GWFG, so these are assuredly migrants from further south passing over the park in a hurry. We’ve never had White-fronts later than April 5th! But Evan Houston reported that he saw 200 Greater White-fronted Geese fly over the park on May 2, 2010, which was probably a very similar flock. So our sighting was not completely unprecedented.
Today’s VAUX’S SWIFTS tie 2008 for earliest spring sighting. Actually, today’s was earlier, since 2008 was a leap year. The PURPLE MARTIN is five days earlier than the previous early sighting from 2010.
We also had a five mammal day, with deer, muskrat, and river otter as well as the usual bunnies and squirrels.
We had 60 species for the day. The four new for the year brings our 2014 list to 108 species I believe.
I will miss the next two Thursday at Marymoor, as I’m heading to Texas. But Brian and Matt will be ably leading in my stead.
== Michael Hobbs

Male Common Yellowthroat, 2014-04-18. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Red-breasted Nuthatch, 2014-04-18. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Two of ~11 American Pipits, 2014-04-14. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Pipit, 2014-04-14. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Pipit, 2014-04-14. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Mourning Dove, 2014-04-13. Photo by Lillian Reis
Report for April 18, 2013 Birding at Marymoor
Marymoor was dark and cloudy early, did lighten up later, but no rain. Michael was absent on the east coast, so Matt & I substituted. None of this kept the birds from singing - lots and lots of singing today, particularly early.
Matt did have Barn Owl early, first time since March 14th. We also had a high flying Short-eared Owl at about 8 AM over in the direction of the East Meadow, and at the same time a high flying (and then perched) American Kestrel.
Barn Owl
Short-eared Owl
American Kestrel
California Quail (singing from within the Great Blue Heron enclosure, probably the most unusual quail sighting in the park)
Hairy Woodpecker from 10 feet
Violet-green Swallows - at least 50
Western Meadowlark
It was a good day with 66 species for the day, but nothing new for the year.
Brian H. Bell Woodinville, WA

Short-eared Owl. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Short-eared Owl. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Kestrel. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown Creeper. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler, male. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Rufous Hummingbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Rufous Hummingbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male California Quail. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male California Quail. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Red-breasted Sapsucker. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Common Mergansers. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Common Mergansers. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Common Goldeneye female. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Muskrat. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Trying to increase blog traffic with cute dog picture. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Photo by Hugh Jennings

Western Meadowlark, 2013-04-17. Photo by Lillian Reis |

American Pipit, 2013-04-14. Photo by Lillian Reis

Red-tailed Hawk, carrying what looks like a snake... |
...3 photos, 2013-04-14 by Lillian Reis

Bushtit, 2013-04-14. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Orange-crowned Warbler, 2013-04-14. Photo by Lillian Reis

American Robin, 2013-04-14. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Black-capped Chickadee, 2013-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bushtit nest, 2013-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Another Bushtit nest? Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Sparrow, 2013-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

White-crowned Sparrow, 2013-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for April 19, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
We were a big group today, out on a nice morning (no rain threatening). But it seemed REALLY quiet. It also didn't feel much like spring - we had more interesting ducks than we did migrants. But by the end of the morning, our list was pretty long.
Mallard x Gadwall hybrid Male below weir
Common Loon One well out on lake
Mourning Dove Heard repeatedly from boardwalk
Belted Kingfisher First on our walks since January
Pileated Woodpecker Near mansion again
Cliff Swallow Several near model airplane field
Barn Swallow 2+ at lake
Townsend's Warbler 1 near concert area restroom
Red Crossbill At least 2 near mansion
Several dog walkers (including some carrying binoculars) reported a GREAT EGRET in the heronry on Tuesday, April 17. This is just the 2nd report ever for Great Egret at Marymoor.
Evan Houston reported several interesting birds last Friday, April 13, including TURKEY VULTURE, BONAPARTE'S GULL, COMMON LOON, and WESTERN GREBE.
For the day, we had 65 species. For the year, adding MOURNING DOVE, CLIFF SWALLOW, and BARN SWALLOW, plus counting Evan's gull and grebe, plus the Great Egret, I think the park year list is at 111.
== Michael Hobbs

Hybrid Gadwall x Mallard male. Photo by Josh Adams 
Hybrid Gadwall x Mallard male. Photo by Josh Adams

Great Blue Herons on the nest together. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

European Starling in possible nest hole. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

"Myrtle's"-race Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Josh Adams |

"Audubon's"-race Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Purple Finch. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male House Finch. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Red Crossbill. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Red Crosbill. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Black-capped Chickadee excavating possible nest hole. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Josh Adams |

Cooper's Hawk with prey. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Cooper's Hawk harassed by American Crow. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

American Beaver holding its tail cocked. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

American Crow, 2012-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Killdeer nest, 2012-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver.
Eggs had disappeared by 2012-04-19 |

Killdeer nest, 2012-04-13. Photo by Ollie Oliver.
Eggs had disappeared by 2012-04-19 |

Northern Flicker showing yellow flight feathers of a "Yellow-shafted", but with too much gray on the face, and missing the red nape of a pure bird of that subspecies. |

Intergrade "Yellow-shafted" x "Red-shafted" Northern Flicker, 2012-04-13.
Two photos by Ollie Oliver |
Report for April 21, 2011 Birding at Marymoor
It wasn't exactly spring out there - cold, damp (though with only a trace of precip.), dark much of the time, and a bit breezy. But the leaves are starting to come out, and some of the spring birds are arriving. It was actually a really good day for birds.
Still 8 species of duck Mallard with 2 ducklings, Rowing Club
American Kestrel Male in East Meadow, gorgeous
Merlin Eating Song Sparrow in Dog Area cottonwood
Wilson's Snipe Saw 4. Matt heard winnowing early
VAUX'S SWIFT Two with swallows over Dog Area
Black-capped Chickadee Nest hole just south of Dog Area
Brown Creeper Nest in snag near boardwalk
MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD Female flew from Snag Row south
Hermit Thrush One in NW corner of Dog Area
Varied Thrush Several singing (unseen)
Orange-crowned Warbler Only 1, SE of mansion
Yellow-rumped Warbler Abundant, singing, Audubon's & Myrtle's
Lincoln's Sparrow Maybe 7 - migration pulse
For the day, 67 species. Vaux's Swift, Hermit Thrush, and Orange-crowned Warbler were new for the year.
== Michael Hobbs
Uncredited photos by Michael Hobbs

The red tail of the Hermit Thrush was obvious. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Merlin eating what looked like a Song Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Savannah Sparrow along west edge of the Dog Meadow. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male American Kestrel in East Meadow. Photo by Ollie Olliver |

Male American Kestrel in East Meadow. Photo by Ollie Olliver |

Male American Kestrel in East Meadow. Photo by Hugh Jennings |

Lillian Reis had a male Northern Harrier in the afternoon... |

...and she took this fabulous photo |
Report for April 22, 2010
We had a FABULOUS Earth Day at Marymoor today. The weather was cloudy and chilly, though there was a bit of clearing and warmth very late in the morning. But it was phenominally birdy, with little wind and no rain. The best birds were two NASHVILLE WARBLERS; and a WESTERN KINGBIRD at the Compost Piles.
Common Goldeneye 2 females - probably last 'til fall
Bald Eagle Large numbers - at least 13
Vaux's Swift 2 or 3, maybe. First of Year (FOY)
Five woodpecker species (Pileated was heard-only though)
Cliff Swallow FOY (though actually, I had one 4/20)
SWAINSON'S THRUSH Great looks, and came in to SWTH on iPod
Hermit Thrush 3-4 - FOY
NASHVILLE WARBLER 2, both with flocks of Yellow-rumps in willows
Yellow-rumped Warbler Tons, both races. Some females
Fox Sparrow Only 1 - maybe last 'til fall
Lincoln's Sparrow One at Pea Patch
White-crowned Sparrow Large movement of gambelii, some pugetensis
Western Meadowlark Three in East Meadow
Afterwards, I went to the 187th Ave. viewpoint off East Lake Samm Parkway, and walked north a bit up the East Lake Sammamish Trail along the east edge of the park. I added FIVE species:
Common Loon 2 on lake, also seen Tuesday
California Gull
Brown Creeper
House Sparrow
VAUX'S SWIFT was also seen Tuesday, 4/20, by Sharon Aagaard. The only earlier sighting was 4/17/2008
WESTERN KINGBIRD - this is our earliest sighting ever, beating last year's by a day.
PURPLE MARTIN - this is our earliest sighting ever. Previous first sightings 4/29/08, and 4/30/09
NASHVILLE WARBLER - this is our second earliest sighting, a day later than last year's record
YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER - large numbers (well over 50). Males outnumbered females about 10-1, though this represents an increase in the numbers of females from previous weeks. Audubon's outnumbered Myrtle's by about 3-1.
Our big miss today was RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, though both Sharon and I had them on 4/20. Ruby-crowns often stick around for *at least* one more week, though in 2004 our last one was on 4/21. We'll have to see if we get any more this year.
For the day, 70 species, plus the 5 extras after the walk! Also, from Tuesday, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Cooper's Hawk to make 77 for the week (or about 1/2 the species we'll get for the whole year).
For 2010 so far: 105 species (adding Common Loon, California Gull, Vaux's Swift, Western Kingbird, Purple Martin, Cliff Swallow, Swainson's Thrush, Hermit Thrush, and Nashville Warbler this week).
== Michael

Bad photo of the first Nashville Warbler of the morning

Western Kingbird at the Compost Piles

Western Kingbird

2 of 3 Western Meadowlarks at the East Meadow |

Savannah Sparrow in the East Meadow |

Golden-crowned Kinglet |

Same guy, different lighting, and with his crown mostly down |

Black-capped Chicadee |

Barn Owl in the nest box |

After the walk, Lillian Reis tried to find the Western Kingbird at the Compost Piles,
and instead found this American Pipit |

Lillian took this photo of a Red-tailed Hawk with what looks like a snake, 2010-04-16 |

More great photos of the Anna's X Rufous Hummingbird hybrid... |

...both taken by Michael Hamilton, 2010-04-18 |
Report for April 21, 2009
Having missed Stupendous Thursday on the 16th, I decided to head down to Marymoor this morning while the weather was still glorious.
Unfortunately, I did NOT get one of those magically birdy mornings where the species count climbs really high. I didn't get 74 species like they got on Thursday - only 56.
Also, I missed almost all of the unusual species they found on Thursday. SO I HAD TO FIND MY OWN ONES!
I had EIGHT species they didn't have Thursday:
Ring-necked Pheasant Male at Compost Piles
Cliff Swallow Several at the lake - FOS
Red-breasted Nuthatch 2 on new trail - First of 2009
Hermit Thrush 2 near 3rd dog swim beach
NASHVILLE WARBLER 1 near 3rd dog swim beach
CHIPPING SPARROW 1 east of mansion in firs
Lincoln's Sparrow 1-2 at the N end of the East Meadow
RED CROSSBILL Flock of 9 briefly in Dog Meadow
This is the earliest we've ever had Nashville at Marymoor.
Other things to mention - Tons of YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS and several ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLERS. Had a HAIRY WOODPECKER excavating a nest hole, and both DARK-EYED JUNCO and PINE SISKIN with nest materials.
So, 56 for the day, 82 for the week !!!, and with several new birds for 2009 this week, we're now at 116 for the year.
== Michael
BTW - sorry about how crappy today's photos are.
The birds were not cooperative with the camera...

Note the bright yellow throat on the Nashville Warbler

A slightly better view of the Nashville Warbler |

This is as good a look as I got at the Red Crossbills before they flew off |

Zooming in... |

Blurry, but it shows the red color of a male Red Crossbill, and a bit of the crossed bill |

Beautiful male Ring-necked Pheasant at the Compost Piles |

Out-of-focus shot of the Chipping Sparrow east of the mansion |

Slightly better focus, but the Chipping Sparrow was looking away :(\ |
Okay - nothing too exciting But there are nesting Rock Pigeons under the bridge at the main park entrance |
Report for April 16, 2009
Report from Brian Bell:
Today was the15th anniversary of his starting weekly walks at Marymoor Park. Michael couldn't be there today, but the day couldn't have been better. Started out cool (43F), with some overcast -but essentially nice. It only got better from there. Lots of bird activity all over the park today with birds singing, carrying nesting material, and constructing nest, and occupying nests.
It must have been in celebration of the day, but we had 21 people on the walk today and all enjoyed some great views of some very nice birds.
Some notable birds:
2 Ospreys at the nest
Savannah Sparrows singing all over the East Meadow
Barred Owl carrying a crow early at the south end of the East Meadow
Barn Owl on the nest box near the mansion
American Goldfinch - bright males showing up
Bushtits constructing at least three nests
Wilson's Snipe - at least 7 along the river
Great Blue Heron - one in park and 9 just north of the park
Cooper's Hawk - immature
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Downy Woodpecker pair
Hairy Woodpecker pair - with some interactions with the Downy pair
Red-breasted Sapsucker - at least 4 along the Cottonwood Forest trail
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 1st of year
American Pipit - on soccer fields
American Kestrel - male
Eurasian Collared-Dove - on Snag Row
Mountain Chickadee - probably only 2nd for park
Black-throated Gray Warbler - beautiful male, 1st for the year
Green Heron - two at Rowing Club Ponds
Hammond's Flycatcher
Matt Bartels and I enjoyed subbing for Michael today, and definitely enjoyed the 72 species we saw today.
Brian H. Bell, Woodinville, WA
Thanks to all the photographers who sent me photos! - Michael

Scott Ramos' sunrise photo

Knut Hansen caught this Marsh Wren singing |

Knut Hansen caught some interactions between a Downy Woodpecker and... |

...a Tree Swallow that seemed to want to nest in the same tree |

Ollie Oliver got some photographs of a Mountain Chickadee |

This is only the 2nd or 3rd time Mountain Chickadee has been seen at Marymoor |

Ollie's photo of the Eurasian Collared-Dove in Snag Row |

David Maloney's gem of a photo of a pair of Tree Swallows |

Ollie caught this front view of the Hammond's Flycatcher |

...and this side view |

Knut Hansen's portrait of the Hammond's |

Ollie's back view of the Hammond's shows the long wings and long primary extension |

A gorgeous male Black-throated Gray Warbler... |

...two photos by Knut Hansen |

Knut also caught this Black-capped Chickadee... |

...excavating a nest hole |

David Maloney's male "Audubon"-race Yellow-rumped Warbler.. |

...and a male "Myrtle's"-race Yellow-rumped Warbler to go with it. |

David's photo of a Golden-crowned Sparrow shows just how spiffy these get
before they leave for their breeding grounds |

Another one by David Maloney - a Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Report for April 17, 2008
We had a fabulous day at Marymoor today. Overcast, but not windy and not too cold. And birds - lots of birds. Now, about a million of those birds were YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS, but even trying our best to ignore them (which was difficult since there were many absolutely gorgeous ones that kept demanding our attention), there were a lot of birds. And a lot of "good" birds too.
Cinnamon Teal Pair at weir
California Quail Male calling (unseen) from Dog Central
Common Loon Flying south over Dog Meadow
AMERICAN BITTERN Flying south over weir
Green Heron Two pair-flying all over the park
MERLIN Flew in from R/C field over East Meadow
Band-tailed Pigeon Several sightings
Vaux's Swift One over Fields 7-8-9
N. Rough-winged Swallow Several at weir and at lake
Cliff Swallow One at lake
Orange-crowned Warbler Several heard, one seen
Brewer's Blackbird Male in Snag Row at 6:30
Brown-headed.Cowbird Several, at least 1 female
We also had male WOOD DUCK; both immature and adult COOPER'S HAWK; RED-TAILED HAWK including a couple of immatures, and of course a bird on the odd-snag nest; baby BARN OWLS at the nest box; both male and female ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD and RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD, including a male Rufous that flew right at my face (I *had* to duck); a pair of RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKERS at the Rowing Club, RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH at the nest; a semi-cooperative COMMON YELLOWTHROAT singing from a red elderberry in the Dog Meadow; singing FOX SPARROW; singing gambeli WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW; gorgeous breeding-plumage GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROWS; a couple of LINCOLN'S SPARROWS, including one that was caught in netting in the Pea Patch (it freed itself when Jim walked towards it); and WESTERN MEADOWLARK at the Compost Piles.
The Cinnamon Teal, American Bittern, Green Heron, Merlin, Vaux's Swift, and Cliff Swallow were all new for the year. I think we're up to 109 species for 2008.
FOR THE DAY, 71 SPECIES. Not bad at all...
== Michael

Male Cinnamon Teal just below the weir. Seconds later, a female joined him

This photo doesn't do justice to the beauty of the dozens of Yellow-rumped Warblers

Green Herons pair-flying around the park

Marsh Wren singing from near the boardwalk

The Merlin landed in a bush across the East Meadow from us

Savannah Sparrow singing in the East Meadow
Report for April 19, 2007
Fifteen of us birded this morning under mostly cloudy skies. There was even a bit of drizzle for a while, but mostly the morning was nice, if a touch chilly. It was birdy too. We were done before noon, so I birded the main areas a bit more, coming up with a couple more species.
Canada Goose Adult on nest at Rowing Club
California Quail Pair near east entrance late
Common Loon 1 at lake
Horned Grebe 3 in breeding plumage at lake
Western Grebe 2, distantly, at lake
Green Heron Several sightings, incl. 2 at lake
Red-tailed Hawk Hunkered down low on odd-snag nest
Red-breasted Sapsucker One near first footbridge
American Pipit 3+ in fenced-off part of Dog Meadow late
Yellow-rumped Warbler Many, mostly males, both races
Orange-crowned Warbler 2-3 NE of east end of boardwalk
Common Yellowthroat Many, some visible, all over
Fox Sparrow Still 1-2 around
Brown-headed Cowbird First females of the year
Purple Finch Many singing, one seen well
An AMERICAN ROBIN is now 4-weeks on the nest next to the Rowing Club
A GREEN HERON was seen landing in the trees separating the Dog Meadow from the East Meadow. They nested in that general area in previous years.
There was a male BUFFLEHEAD that must have been a 1st year male in the slough with 2 females and an adult male. They young guy looked like a female, only with more white on his sides and a larger white spot on the face. He was trying desperately to catch the eye of the females, doing the whole head bobbing thing, and the very short flight that ends with a vertical belly rush and a flapping of the wings. The females seemed unimpressed.
For the day, 65 species. For the year, we're up to 105 species, with today's additions of CAQU, COLO, and WEGR.
== Michael

Song Sparrow

Raccoon roosting at east end of Snag Row

Male Common Merganser near windmill.

Tree Swallow near windmill.

Male Purple Finch

First-year male Bufflehead (right), who was performing a full range of displays
trying to attract the attentions of females.

Barn Swallow gathering mud at a puddle in the R/C Model Airfield parking lot.

Savannah Sparrow.
Bird Sightings Week 16
April 16-22* *adjust by 1 day in leap years