Bird Sightings Week 18
April 30 - May 6*
Rarities for Week 18:
Blue-winged Teal x
Cinnamon Teal hybrid |
06-May-99 |
Male at Rowing Club pond |
Eurasian Wigeon |
06-May-21 |
Male, seen from Lake Platform |
Barrow's Goldeneye |
04-May-05 |
Female, probably 1st year |
Sora |
30-Apr-09 |
Sora |
01-May-14 |
Sora |
02-May-11 |
Reported by Sharon Aagaard |
Western Sandpiper |
05-May-11 |
With LESAs in Lot B |
Solitary Sandpiper |
With LESA below weir |
Solitary Sandpiper |
With LESAs in Lot B |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
05-May-11 |
With LESAs in Lot B before 6:00 am |
Gray Flycatcher |
30-Apr-15 |
Heard near "Mysterious Thicket" pre-dawn |
Loggerhead Shrike |
03-May-22 |
East Meadow, Kazuto Shibata, photo |
Townsend's Solitaire |
04-May-20 |
East Meadow |
Townsend's Solitaire |
05-May-11 |
Near windmill |
Sage Thrasher |
03-May-07 |
Two birds, Compost Piles and then Fields 7-8-9 |
Brewer's Sparrow |
30-Apr-00 |
East Meadow. First reported by Gene Hunn |
Bobcat |
03-May-12 |
In Barbara Dickson's yard, directly across WLSP from the Rowing Club |
Report for May 2, 2024 Birding at Marymoor
This is the time of year with peak diversity. Some wintering birds are lingering in the lowlands. Some summer birds are arriving already. And pass-through migrants are passing through. So we were very eager setting out this morning, and were not disappointed. We WERE a bit cold at first, though, as the day started out at 35 degrees (warming to 55 by the time we were done). No wind, sunny skies. Birds.
- American Wigeon - One below the weir. We've only had wigeon later twice in spring
- Green-winged Teal - Two below the weir. Almost as late as the wigeon
- Ring-necked Duck - One at the Rowing Club - Ditto
- Mourning Dove - One at the south end of the East Meadow pre-dawn
- Anna's Hummingbird - Female on a nest near the start of the boardwalk
- SOLITARY SANDPIPER - One landed right next to us in the slough below the weir. Stayed a while for good looks (FOY)
- LEAST SANDPIPER - Came in with the SOSA and landed 6 feet away from it, also lingering for good looks (FOY)
- Barn Owl - Eric saw one pre-dawn
- Barred Owl - Tony heard one pre-dawn, west of the boardwalk
- California Scrub-Jay - One clearly heard between the Dog Meadow and the East Meadow. First of Year (FOY)
- American Robin - Juvenile making very strange calls at the Rowing Club
- American Pipit - Ten on the grass/gravel lot in the NE part of the park. (FOY) for the survey
- Black-throated Gray Warbler - One near the windmill (FOY)
- Wilson's Warbler - Two heard singing, neither seen (FOY)
- Black-headed Grosbeak - Perhaps two heard singing, one of which we eventually saw, near the boardwalk (FOY)
Misses today included Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, Green Heron, and Western Tanager.
For the day, 68 species. For the year, adding seven, we're at 112.
= Michael Hobbs |

Least Sandpiper. Photo by Tony Ernst

Solitary Sandpiper. Photo by Tony Ernst

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo by Tony Ernst

Female Anna's Hummingbird on her nest. Photo by Tony Ernst
Report for May 4, 2023 Birding at Marymoor
Typically, the first week in May is the peak for diversity at Marymoor, leading to our largest list of the year. But this is not a normal year. It was rather cold this morning, with a fairly dark overcast for most of it, and rain seemed to be threatening (though the night's rain ended before 5 a.m.). It was NOT very birdy, and while we had a good number of First of Spring birds (FOS), we had a very large list of Misses. Numbers seemed very low too, for the most part.
- Canada Goose - Still nesting on both Osprey platforms, as well as on the new (but not used) Bald Eagle nest visible from the Lake Platform
- Ring-necked Duck - Two males in the slough; I'm surprised they are still here
- Mourning Dove - One flew by where we park (FOS) just before we headed to the Rowing Club
- Vaux's Swift - 2-4 over the slough below the weir after we walked the main loop (FOS)
- Least (???) Sandpiper - Two flew above tree-height downslough. Looked good for Least, but can't say for sure
- Cooper's Hawk - One, our first in more than two months
- Warbling Vireo - Several singing, but our only looks were at the Rowing Club (FOS)
- Swainson's Thrush - Heard calling pre-dawn, but none singing and none seen. Still early for them.
- CHIPPING SPARROW - One from the Viewing Mound in the area just cleared of blackberries (FOS)
- Bullock's Oriole - First-year male(s?) along the slough. Several sightings. Singing
- Yellow Warbler - Several singing males (FOS), some even seen well (a quality not present in quite a few species today)
- Black-headed Grosbeak - 2-3 males, and maybe heard some singing (FOS)
A late scan of the lake revealed two RED-NECKED GREBE (FOS), about where we'd had two mystery birds from the lake platform, and a fairly large flock of GREEN-WINGED TEAL, which may have been one of the two mystery flocks of ducks seen flying lakeward earlier.
Misses included Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Rock Pigeon, Killdeer, Glaucous-winged Gull, Green Heron, Red-tailed Hawk, Belted Kingfisher Cliff Swallow, Brown Creeper (might have heard), Pine Siskin, Lincoln's Sparrow, Orange-crowned Warbler (might have glimpsed one), Wilson's Warbler (!), and Western Tanager. All of those species have been present in half or more of previous years for this week. That's a long list of Misses!
Despite seven new species for the year, we managed just 59 species for the day, plus the Sandpiper sp. I'm hoping next week will bring some flycatchers, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Nashville and Black-throated Gray Warblers, and Western Tanager...
= Michael Hobbs |

Male Black-headed Grosbeak, East Meadow. Photo by Michael Hobbs
Report for May 5, 2022 Birding at Marymoor
It was a miserable Mayvember morning today, with temps dropping from 50 to 47 degrees while the mizzle turned to drizzle and then steady rain. The first-week-of-May survey is usually the best survey of the entire year (at least, the one with the highest species count). And we did have a lot species by the end, but sometimes we weren’t having much fun.  There were good birds and some surprises.
- SNOW GEESE – Distant flock of ~150 flying north. Our latest spring sighting for Snow Geese ever, though we did have a large flock 2018-05-03
- Cinnamon Teal – Male seen from the Lake Platform, and (probably the same) one seen at the Rowing Club
- Green-winged Teal – Getting late – maybe 5 at the mitigation ponds seen from the Rowing Club
- Ring-necked Duck – Getting late – pair seen from the Lake Platform
- Eurasian Collared-Dove – One flew north from the East Meadow
- Mourning Dove – Matt heard one singing pre-dawn. First of Year (FOY)
- LEAST SANDPIPER – Matt heard a few small flocks fly up the slough predawn (FOY)
- Caspian Tern – Two over lake (FOY)
- Hammond’s Flycatcher – One calling and posing, east edge of Dog Meadow (FOY)
- Swainson’s Thrush – One calling unseen from the east edge of Dog Meadow. Matt heard more “whit” calls predawn (FOY)
- American Pipit – 4-5 in the Dog Meadow
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – One singing! predawn near the Viewing Mound
- Bullock’s Oriole – Male singing, calling, near weir
- Yellow Warbler – Several heard singing, one seen (FOY)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – Many, many, many
- Townsend’s Warbler – Surprised to see one in the cottonwoods near the east end of the boardwalk
- Western Tanager – Two silent males at the south end of the Dog Meadow (FOY)
- Black-headed Grosbeak – Female with the tanagers, singing male from the boardwalk (FOY)
Kazuto Shibata photographed a LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE at the park on Tuesday, 5/3.
Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe, Rock Pigeon, Band-tailed Pigeon, Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher, and Warbling Vireo.
A few winter birds were missed for the first time this spring, and have probably moved on: Cackling Goose, Wilson’s Snipe, Fox Sparrow, and Western Meadowlark (actually not seen last week either).
Despite the misses and the weather, we managed 75 species today.
= Michael Hobbs

Loggerhead Shrike
located and photographed by Kazuto Shibata, 2022-05-03
Report for May 6, 2021 Birding at Marymoor
Today is the last day of Week 18*, the week of the year with the greatest diversity of birds at Marymoor over the years (at least 148 species!), so we were expecting a good day today. Despite the unsettled weather (variable winds, occasional drizzle-squalls, one bout of hail), things really weren’t too bad. The birds did seem to be slow in getting active today, but things definitely picked up. Quite a day. We again split into two groups, traveling in opposite directions.
- CINNAMON TEAL – Male in slough, and seen at the lake. This, and next week, are the best weeks of the year for this species at Marymoor
- Northern Shoveler – about 2 dozen in a mixed flock of ducks far out on the lake
- Green-winged Teal – getting late for them, but still quite a few
- Common Goldeneye – our group had a flyby bird – 2nd latest ever spring sighting
- MOURNING DOVE – Jordan’s group had four; my group had only one, First of Year (FOY)
- Great Horned Owl – Matt saw one predawn (FOY)
- Merlin – both groups saw one
- WESTERN KINGBIRD – Jordan’s group saw two over near the Model Airplane Field
- SWAINSON’S THRUSH – Matt heard them doing two different calls, predawn (FOY)
- Western Meadowlark – my group had one north of Fields 7-8-9
- BULLOCK’S ORIOLE – at least 3, including both males and a female (FOY)
- NASHVILLE WARBLER – Jordan’s team saw one near the Dog Area portapotties (FOY)
- Western Tanager – pretty good showing for both groups
- BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK – several singing males (FOY)
Combined, we had a SEVEN WARBLER DAY, with Orange-crowned, Nashville, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow, Yellow-rumped (both Myrtle and Audubon’s), Black-throated Gray, and Wilson’s Warblers.
From the Lake Platform, we saw a large, distant, mixed flock of ducks on the lake. We were able to pick out quite a few male NORTHERN SHOVELER, but I was eager to see if I could scope this flock after the walk. It was a bit of a shocker. The flock totaled about 72 birds:
- Northern Shoveler ~ 25
- Gadwall ~ 12
- American Wigeon ~ 12
- Green-winged Teal ~ 10
- LESSER SCAUP ~ 12 – Latest spring sighting ever
I also had two HORNED GREBE, latest spring sighting ever, and two GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULLS.
Tuesday, just 2 days ago, I went to Marymoor for 4 hours starting at 9 a.m., and found NINE SPECIES WE DIDN’T SEE TODAY!
- Rock Pigeon – two
- Vaux’s Swift – about 10
- Virginia Rail – adult and a tiny black fluff ball baby along the boardwalk
- American Coot – just one; last until fall?
- LEAST SANDPIPER – two below the weir
- Wilson’s Snipe – one below the weir; last until fall?
- GREATER YELLOWLEGS – one below the weir
- COMMON LOON – one on the lake
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – two
Misses today, besides Rock Pigeon, Vaux’s Swift and Lincoln’s Sparrow, were Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher, and Cliff Swallow.
Today, Jordan’s team had 58 species. Mine had 69. Adding in the predawn birds and the birds I found on the late scan of the lake, and we had a COMBINED 81 SPECIES for the day!
Dan Bormann photographed a YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD yesterday, and I had the nine additional species on Tuesday. eBird shows a few more sightings, so definitely more than 90 species at Marymoor THIS WEEK.
With seven new species today, our year list is at 130, I believe.
* New Years Day is Day 1 of Week 1 in my reckoning. Calendar weeks aren’t comparable year-to-year, since if the year starts on Saturday, Week 1 has just one day. 2021 started on a Friday, so we’re just finishing Week 18 today.
Michael Hobbs |

Western Screech-Owl, 2021-05-05. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Anna's Hummingbird on her nest, 2021-05-05.
Photo by Kazuto Shibata
Report for May 4, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
Well, I just had to make another run down to Marymoor, though not arriving until 6:30 this morning. The day was gorgeous, crisp at 41 to start, windless. Not birdless, though birds were hard to see, with many choosing to stay shrouded. Eventually, it both warmed to 60 degrees, and also clouded up a bit.
- Bufflehead – still at least 3, all females
- Common Goldeneye – possibly the same lone female as last Thursday – LATEST SPRING SIGHTING EVER
- American Coot – one – not seen Thursday
- SPOTTED SANDPIPER – two at the weir – First of Year (FOY)
- Steller’s Jay – one – not seen Thursday
- Cliff Swallow – one – not seen Thursday
- TOWNSEND’ SOLITAIRE – south end of East Meadow. Ties for latest sighting ever with 2011-05-05 (not a leap year). FOY, and only our 9th sighting ever
- Black-throated Gray Warbler – two – not seen Thursday
I had absolutely zero flycatchers. Lots and lots of Wilson’s Warblers, though I only saw two. Warbling Vireo were also notably common, but again only about 3 seen. Only a few Black-headed Grosbeaks and Western Tanagers (one seen each).
I was surprised to have only two First of Year (FOY) species, but the Townsend’s Solitaire was notable enough to make that okay.
= Michael Hobbs

Townsend's Solitaire, East Meadow. Cell photo by Michael Hobbs
Report for April 30, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
Tracy and I avoided rain, and had some periods of sun and pleasant weather. But there was also a chilly, damp breeze most of the morning that made it quite hard to find birds amongst the moving leaves, and that hid the sounds of quiet birds. It was generally a birdy day, but that comprised mostly YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS, COMMON YELLOWTHROATS, WARBLING VIREOS, and WILSON’S WARBLERS. Especially the YRWAs. So there were almost always birds to look through and birds to hear, but the species total was down from the last 2 weeks, especially among water birds.
- Green-winged Teal – still three below the weir; very few spring sightings later than this
- Common Goldeneye – one female from the Lake Platform with the few remaining Bufflehead
- Hooded Merganser – male with two females
- Wilson’s Snipe – down to two; almost certainly last ones of spring
- Cooper’s Hawk – one continues in the trees west of the graffiti shelter; chased out a crow
- Bald Eagle – at least 3 juveniles, causing consternation amongst water birds, crows, herons, osprey
- Hairy Woodpecker – one at Rowing Club; first in four weeks
- Northern Flicker – nesting in ancient Ash tree at the Rowing Club
- MERLIN – saw one streak over Fields 7-8-9, continuing over the grass/gravel field
- Empidonax – silent. I think I can rule out Hammond’s, Least, and Willow. Can’t rule out Dusky, Pacific-slope, or Gray
- Warbling Vireo – Many, in many different places. Sometimes we’d find a group of 3+ in one bush
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – several in flock below weir
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – most abundant species of all; almost all Audubon’s, but maybe seven Myrtle - 120+ total
- Only 5 warbler species – included a couple of Yellows
- Western Tanager – two heard calling from boardwalk – I saw a female
- Black-headed Grosbeak – maybe 2 singing males – our only First of Year (FOY) bird
There was some positive activity at the new Osprey pole nest; just before heading to the Rowing Club, I saw two birds on the nest. Fifteen minutes later saw one return to the nest with a stick, while the other sat on the nest calling. So there is a pair, and they haven’t given up.
Water birds seen last Thursday but not yesterday: Cackling Goose, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, Common Loon, Double-crested Cormorant.
Misses and absences – (Misses seen at least 50% of the previous years for this week, absences* just notably not seen): Rock Pigeon, Green Heron, Barn Owl, Belted Kingfisher, Steller’s Jay, Cliff Swallow, Hermit Thrush*, American Pipit*, Fox Sparrow*, Nashville Warbler*, Black-throated Gray Warbler*.
The biggest miss was anything surprising. This week (Week 18) has the largest cumulative species total for any week of the year, at 147 (highest by at least 10 species!) So, disappointing to be blanked on rarities or the unexpected. Mason Flint did have a probable VESPER SPARROW. Kazuto Shibata shared photos of two WESTERN KINGBIRDS he had in the East Meadow just after noon. And then there was that EMPIDONAX...
For the day, counting Empidonax sp. but not counting VESP nor WEKI, 65 species.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for May 2, 2019 Birding at Marymoor
The weather was disappointing this morning, with a dark overcast that made viewing difficult, and a COLD breeze that chilled both us and the birds. Passerines weren’t singing much, and really didn’t want to come out into the open. It made for a trying morning. We had several species that were glimpsed or were possibly heard, but whose identities could not be confirmed. Several birds were seen only by a small number of people. The weather was improving a bit just as we were leaving, of course. Still, not a bad day, with a few surprises, a few new year birds, and a decent species tally.
- Mallard – first ducklings of the year, with seven tiny ones at the Rowing Club dock
- Green-winged Teal – still 4-6 hanging around. Getting late for them
- EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE – one flew NW. First for 2019
- Wilson’s Snipe – one seen below the weir – getting late
- Spotted Sandpiper – one below the weir
- GREATER YELLOWLEGS – two below the weir, seen very well
- Sharp-shinned Hawk – juvenile, first since February
- Barn Owl – Kazuto Shibata saw one in the East Meadow predawn
- Western Screech-Owl – seen, near east end of the boardwalk before 5am
- Hairy Woodpecker – one
- Pileated Woodpecker – two
- WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE – one seen very well from west end of the boardwalk – Earliest spring sighting ever for Marymoor
- HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER – one identified from poor looks, call notes. Second probable bird near the pewee must remain as Empidonax sp.
- WARBLING VIREO – at least 3. New for 2019
- Purple Martin – male in far right gourd; on eggs already?
- Pacific Wren – first since March, and a rather late sighting for Marymoor (they’ve never nested here)
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – two; getting late
- MACGILLIVRAY’S WARBLER – male in blackberries south of graffitied shelter – 2nd earliest spring sighting ever, new for the 2019 list
- BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK – maybe 4-5 males, singing – First for 2019
We did not find the VESPER SPARROW that was seen at least Sunday-Wednesday.
Birds we had last week but didn’t find this week, and which are probably gone until fall: American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Pied-billed Grebe (haven’t nested in the park in several years), American Coot, Double-crested Cormorant, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, and Fox Sparrow.
Misses included Rock Pigeon, Green Heron, Brown Creeper (might have heard), and Pine Siskin. Western Tanager has been seen this week in 14/25 previous years, but we have yet to get one this year; likely to be present very soon if not already.
Adding the Eurasian Collared-Dove, Western Wood-Pewee, Warbling Vireo, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, and counting the Vesper Sparrow, I believe we’re up to 115 species for the year. For the day, 69 species, which is not shabby by any measure.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for May 3, 2018 Birding at Marymoor
Statistics are funny. This week (Week 18) has the highest aggregate number of species of any week of the year. After adding one today, that’s 142 species over the last 25 years. But any given Week 18 day is not necessarily an amazingly birdy day. The aggregate species count is high because in some years winter birds linger, and in some years summer birds arrive early, and on any given day, any of a long list of possible migrants come through. But that doesn’t mean any random Week 18 trip is going to find a great combination of all three.
Today’s walk was notable for birds not seen. We had no flycatchers, barely 4 warbler species, and only 1 vireo. Additionally, many species were being particularly hard to get sightings of. We heard probably at least 10 BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAKS, but only saw one at the Rowing Club, for instance. And our final count for the day was a little disappointing. But it was still a really good day – mostly sunny, windless, warm (but not too hot), and there were birds.
- SNOW GOOSE – Flock of ~120 flying north!
- CINNAMON TEAL – two males and a female below weir. Later 2 males in slough. Male and female from Lake Platform. 3 birds? 5? 7? New for 2018
- Eurasian Collared-Dove – one along northeast edge of park
- Spotted Sandpiper – one below weir – First of 2018
- Green Heron – two along slough. Pair?
- Western Screech-Owl – one heard predawn
- Great Horned Owl – one heard west of park entrance predawn
- Pileated Woodpecker – one probably heard, one glimpsed
- Hutton’s Vireo – Margaret heard one singing
- Hermit Thrush – one heard predawn
- American Pipit – one over Fields 7-8-9
- Western Meadowlark – one near Fields 7-8-9
- BULLOCK’S ORIOLE – male singing SW of mansion just after 6:00am. First of 2018
- Orange-crowned Warbler – maybe 4 total
- Wilson’s Warbler – one heard
- Black-headed Grosbeak – heard about 10, saw one.
Before today, our latest Spring sighting of SNOW GOOSE was 2018-03-01. Prior to this year, we’d never had one later than FEBRUARY 10! Also, we’ve rarely had more than 10 Snow Geese on any one day, and have only had a flock of more than 50 five times before ever, twice in October, twice in November, and once in early January. So today’s sighting was exceptional for Marymoor. Looking on eBird, there are occasional large flocks in early May in the county, though.
This was our 4th earliest SPOTTED SANDPIPER; earlier ones were 2016-04-21, 2016-04-28, and 2005-05-01.
The BULLOCK’S ORIOLE was our 5th earliest ever. We’ve had them 3 times on May 1st previously, with our earliest on 2016-04-21.
Misses today included Gadwall, Bufflehead, Pied-billed Grebe, Band-tailed Pigeon, Vaux’s Swift, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Warbling Vireo, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and Western Tanager; all those species have been seen more than half of the past 25 years during Week 18.
Sunday, Matt & I had CALIFORNIA QUAIL (heard well from across the slough), PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER, and BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK, all then new for 2018.
For today, 64 species. For 2018, I believe we’re up to 122 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Spotted Sandpiper below weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Adult Bald Eagle in the morning light. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Cinnamon Teal across the slough, just below the weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Flock of around 120 Snow Geese. Photo by Hugh Jennings

A close-up shows a good mix of adults (white underwings with black limited to a terminal triangle) and juveniles (slightly dusky underwings with black continuing into the secondaries). Indicated a successful breeding season last year. Photo by Hugh Jennings.

Male Common Merganser with a fish. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Anna's Hummingbird on a nest built last year near the start of the boardwalk, being reused this spring. Photo by Hugh Jennings.

Male Red-winged blackbird. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Western Meadowlark. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Report for May 4, 2017 Birding at Marymoor
Today should have been amazing, and it wasn’t. First warm day of the year, though we were underneath thick fog for most of the morning. Things didn’t liven up when the fog burned off though. It was just QUIET.
- Canada Goose – at least 3 clutches of goslings below the weir
- Spotted Sandpiper – two on far side of slough below weir – First of 2017
- Ring-billed Gull – one adult – getting late for them
- California Gull – two adults, one subadult – getting late for them
- Barn Owl – seen just south of Cirque du Soleil at about 5:10am
- Hairy Woodpecker – at least 2
- Merlin – one flew over us as we started the walk and landed NE of mansion
- American Pipit – six on grass soccer fields
- Black-headed Grosbeak – saw one, heard about two more – First of 2017
- For warblers, we had 1-2 ORANGE-CROWNED, a handful or two of “Audubon’s” YELLOW-RUMPS, one heard-only BLACK-THROATED GRAY, and one heard-only WILSON’S. Pathetic.
We did have a LONG-TAILED WEASEL that gave us a few glimpses.
Today, not amazing, with 58 species, and low counts for many birds. Two new species for the year. I believe we’re up to 127 species for 2017.
== Michael Hobbs

Female Anna's Hummingbird on a nest near the start of the boardwalk.
Photo by Bob Asanoma

Trying to find a warbler. Photo by Bob Asanoma |

Muskrat at Rowing Club ponds. Photo by Bob Asanoma |
Report for May 5, 2016 Birding at Marymoor
A very fine day at Marymoor. The weather really couldn’t have been much better, I don’t think, as it was cool but sunny to start, and it warmed up slowly without getting hot, and while the clouds came in, they remained just a few big puffy balls in the sky. Lots of bird song today, especially from BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAKS and WILSON’S WARBLERS.
Wood Ducks Many sightings, plus ducklings
Hooded Merganser One lone female, but 7 Hooded Merganser
ducklings with a Wood Duck female
Common Merganser Flock of ~17, maybe 20 total
Bald Eagle At least 5-6 juveniles and 3-4 adults
Sharp-shinned Hawk Juvenile, East Meadow. First of Year, surprisingly
American Coot One still there, a friendless waif
Spotted Sandpiper Only shorebird exc. Killdeer – 1 at weir, 1 at lake
Anna’s Hummingbird Nest near start of boardwalk has at least 1 baby
MERLIN Very quick flyby
HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER – one seen giving partial songs, Dog Meadow
Pacific-slope Flycatcher One near Hammond’s giving only 1 or 2 calls, FOY
Warbling Vireo Many, lots of singing
Savannah Sparrow My count - ~60 !
Western Tanager 3 seen just after 6:00 – FOY
Black-headed Grosbeak Ubiquitous, loud
Week 18 (ending today) has the highest cumulative species count of any week of the year at Marymoor, so we were anticipating a big species count. But we were a little disappointed. There’s what looks like possible shorebird habitat below the weir, but the only shorebirds we had today were KILLDEER and SPOTTED SANDPIPER. We’ve had 5 other species of shorebird in Week 18 in the past. And we only had 5 warbler species, with nothing new for the year – Nashville, MacGillivray’s, Yellow, Townsend’s have all been recorded previously in Week 18. And while we were happy to get two Empids, this is traditionally one of the 2 best weeks for Western Kingbird. But not today.
Still, it’s hard to complain too loudly. Nice weather, 64 species, and 4 new for 2016 to get us to 120.
== Michael Hobbs

Male American Goldfinch. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Spotted Sandpiper. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Killdeer. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bewick's Wren. Photos by Bob Asanoma

Female Wood Duck with 2 Wood Duck ducklings, and 5 of 7 of the Hooded Merganser ducklings she hatched. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Wood Duck - dazzlingly gorgeous, or overly gaudy. You decide.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Band-tailed Pigeon. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Band-tailed Pigeon reminding us how they got their name. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Anna's Hummingbird feeding young at the nest. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Anna's Hummingbird at the nest. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult and two juvenile Bald Eagles in a thermal. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Sharp-shinned Hawk. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Brown-headed Cowbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker at the nest hole. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Singing Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Bewick's Wren, 2016-05-01. Photo by Lillian Reis

Short-eared Owl with American Crow, 2016-05-01. Photo by Kathryn Speirs

Short-eared Owl, 2016-05-01. Photo by Kathryn Speirs
Report for April 30, 2015 Birding at Marymoor
A fabulous and frustrating day, with great birds, some poorly seen. The morning started under heavy overcast, but steadily improved.
The predawn was great. I got to the Viewing Mound at about 5:15, and immediately had a BARN OWL fly right past me. Sharon arrived just in time to see the bird fly off to the east. We kept searching for another glimpse, but what we found instead was our first-of-year SHORT-EARED OWL. It was much harder to see than the Barn, being closer in tones to the grasses and bushes it was flying over. It’s flight pattern was quite different (more butterfly-like, instead of the steady, slow flight of the Barn Owl). We got good looks at the wing markings to confirm it. Sharon and I were very happy, but wondered where Matt was, since we were parked next to his car. Just then, he called out from the darkness, urging us to follow him. We racewalked towards the boardwalk, stopping at the willows at the north edge of the “Mysterious Thicket” area, where a GRAY FLYCATCHER could still be heard singing a few phrases. Frustration #1: We never saw the flycatcher. But Matt had heard full songs, and the phrases Sharon and I heard were definitive for Gray. Gray Flycatcher is NEW FOR MARYMOOR PARK, our 229th species!
Green-winged Teal Pair below weir; getting late for them
Common Loon 1 high over East Meadow, 1 far out on lake. Same? Great Blue Heron Grum, Grum, Grum sounds from heronry. Chicks?
LEAST SANDPIPER 3 on far side of slough below weir. First of Year
Eurasian Collared-Dove One flying east from Climbing Rock
SHORT-EARED OWL Flushed later from edge of East Meadow – FOY
GRAY FLYCATCHER See above. Obviously FOY :)
N. Rough-winged Swallow 2 just above weir, 1 perched on branch – FOY
Orange-crowned Warbler About a dozen that we were able to see or hear
NASHVILLE WARBLER 1 behind new Rowing Club building
MACGILLIVRAY’S WARBLER 1 singing at “Mysterious Thicket” – FOY
Yellow Warbler Saw 1 singing male, heard at least 1 more – FOY
Yellow-rumped Warbler Probably in the area of 200 !
Wilson’s Warbler 2 singing males, seen by few – FOY
Black-headed Grosbeak Saw 1 male, heard at least 1 more – FOY
Western Meadowlark 1 at East Meadow
Species continue to arrive early, or at the early end of things. Today’s was our earliest MACGILLIVRAY’S WARBLER – our previous earliest was 08-May-97! Our YELLOW WARBLER ties for 2nd earliest, beaten only by 29-Apr-05. Our BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK is 3rd earliest, with our earliest being 24-Apr-05.
The huge numbers of YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS made the day frustrating, since there were scores of birds to look at, and virtually all were the same species. NONE of the birds responded to recordings (except for Golden-crowned Kinglet); all of the warblers were very busy feeding and kept moving at quite a pace through the leaves. As I said, we never saw the Gray Flycatcher. I managed to see both the Wilson’s Warblers, but they both disappeared before I could give directions. Only Sharon saw the MacGillivray’s Warbler, though it sang from very close to the trail. It took us probably 20 minutes before all of us saw the Nashville Warbler. Birds were singing sporadically, with few teed up nicely where we could see them.
But it’s hard to stay frustrated when there were so many great birds that we did find. For the day, 70 species. For the year, adding EIGHT species, we’re up to 118 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Northern Rough-winged Swallow. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Barn Swallow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Rufous Hummingbird showing green feathers at the shoulder. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Anna's Hummingbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Black-headed Grosbeak. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Meadowlark. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Mule Deer at the Rowing Club parking lot. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Spiny Baskettail damselfly, newly emerged. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for May 1, 2014 Birding at Marymoor
It was a pretty fabulous day at Marymoor Park today. Michael is still out of town, so Brian, Sharon & I led a group of up to twenty on a day full of highlight first of year birds with the weather going from pleasant right up through sunny and into the beginnings of warm.
Highlights for the day:
Nine first-of-year birds:
Yellow-headed Blackbird - I think only the 3rd for the park, seen early flying from the southernmost conifers by the mansion towards the soccer fields north of the pea patch.
Bullock's Oriole - one flew over from near the normal nesting area in dog central [where the herons are nesting] -- it flew towards the mansion and we didn't see it again.
Black-headed Grosbeak - several singing, good views of one or two males.
Western Tanager - after struggling to get glimpses of one way up in a cottonwood, we found a small tree with four of five in the middle of the dog area.
Yellow Warbler - one posed, singing for extended periods. Maybe another one singing later
Black-throated Gray Warbler - one at the southeast end of the off-leash area.
Wilson's Warbler - a few singing, one seen decently.
Warbling Vireo - several singing, great looks at a couple
Sora - one 'queeping' at us from the marsh boardwalk [along with a couple very close Virginia Rail that managed to remain invisible despite being at our feet].
Other fun birds:
Evening Grosbeaks - several fly-overs, eventually I think most everyone got looks at them.
Cinnamon Teal - one bright male in near the south end of the slough.
American Pipits - a couple early in the fields near the climbing rock
Barn Owl - one hunting early, seen from the model airplane field and the viewing mound.
Out on the lake, we had a Western Grebe and a probable loon [most likely Common, given history] waaaay out there.
Baby Great Blue Herons are in at least one or more of the nests at the heronry. Baby Anna's Hummingbirds at the Rowing Club nest. Baby Mallard clutches in a few places. Osprey, Bald Eagle & Red-tailed Hawk all seen on nests, as well as Black-capped Chickadee and Northern Flicker at nest holes.
Five mammals [deer, bunny, squirrel, beaver, coyote]
All five woodpeckers, six warblers, fun crowd .....
I believe our total for the day was 72 species ---
Throw in first of year Cassin's Vireo & Evening Grosbeak seen over the past week by Sharon, and I think our year total is at 122.
Yeah, a good day.
Matt Bartels Seattle, WA

Male Common Yellowthroat singing. Photo by Jann Ledbetter

Male Yellow Warbler singing. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Great Blue Herons on the nest. Photo by Jann Ledbetter

Male Western Tanager. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Cinnamon Teal. Photo by Jann Ledbetter

Female Mallard with ducklings. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Black-headed Grosbeak. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Northern Flickers, 2014-04-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Northern Flicker, 2014-04-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler, 2014-04-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Young deer, 2014-04-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bewick's Wren, 2014-04-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Beaver, 2014-04-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for May 2, 2013 Birding at Marymoor
We stumbled around (four of us had done a King County Big Day on Wednesday, and had gotten VERY little sleep) for about 4 1/2 hours under too-beautiful sunny skies. It was freezing (literally) when we started, but it warmed up fast. There were definitely birds about, but there weren’t many perched up singing so we had to work at getting looks at just about everything. But it was a very good day.
Common Goldeneye 1 female. Latest spring sighting ever
Least Sandpiper Early, there were still 3 in Lot B
Osprey 3 (!) adults at nest
Red-tailed Hawk Definitely nesting on odd-snag nest again
Great Blue Heron Several young in nests, some with wing feathers
Virginia Rail One called along boardwalk
Band-tailed Pigeon Two flew over us
All 5 typical woodpeckers (Downy heard-only)
N. R.-winged Swallow A couple at lake
Warbling Vireo Many, with lots of singing
Hermit Thrush Saw a couple
American Pipit
Orange-crowned Warbler Many, with lots of singing
Wilson’s Warbler Heard several, none would let us see
Western Tanager At least 3 (males & female) in heronry cottonwoods
Lincoln’s Sparrow One east of boardwalk
Red Crossbill At least 1
For the day, 69 species. WESTERN TANAGER were new for the year.
== Michael Hobbs

Warbling Vireo. Photo by Brian Bell

Female Western Tanager. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Warbling Vireo. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Warbling Vireo. Photo by Ollie Oliver

"Myrtle's" Yellow-rumped Warbler. The white lower eye arc, the exact facial pattern,
and the touch of yellow at the wing corner distinguish this from a female
Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Song Sparrow singing. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Osprey with nest material. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Purple Finch at the park office feeder. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Bushtit. Photo by Lillian Reis

Hermit Thrush. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Long-tailed Weasel, 2013-05-01. Photo by Lillian Reis

Nashville Warbler, 2013-05-01. Photo by Graham Hutchinson |

Nashville Warbler, 2013-05-01. Photo by Graham Hutchinson

Least Sandpipers, 2013-04-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Least Sandpipers, 2013-04-28. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hairy Woodpecker, 2013-04-27. Photo by Dough Schurman |

Warbling Vireo, 2013-04-27. Photo by Dough Schurman

Male Red Crossbilll, 2013-04-27. Photo by Dough Schurman |

Great Blue Heron, 2013-04-27. Photo by Dough Schurman
Not quite from Marymoor Park, this Bobcat photo is from a neighbor directly
across West Lake Sammamish Parkway from Marymoor West on 2013-05-03.
Photo by Bill Dickson
Report for May 3, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
The rain was mostly just mist, and there was no wind. It was dark, but I really expected things to be more active at Marymoor than they were. It was quiet! We tried walking slowly, listening carefully, pishing, etc., but we couldn't come up with much.
Mallard Female with ~8 small ducklings
Northern Shoveler ~5 in a flyby with a dozen possible wigeon
Band-tailed Pigeon 4 flew over the windmill
Pileated Woodpecker Near start of boardwalk
WESTERN KINGBIRD East Meadow, briefly - thanks Lillian
Black-headed Grosbeak 1+ singing, seen poorly - First of Spring
Evening Grosbeak 1 heard flying overhead
For warblers, we had only a few YELLOW-RUMPED, 2+ ORANGE CROWNED, and several COMMON YELLOWTHROAT. Besides that, not even a Wilson's today.
This was just the 4th time EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE has been seen at Marymoor, the other three times being 2008-04-11, 2009-04-16, and 2012-04-11. So all of the sightings have been in the April/May timeframe.
For mammals, Matt saw deer, and we had muskrat and RACCOON (Rowing Club) along with the usual cottontails and gray squirrels.
Back on April 23, Dasha Gudalewicz had a PURPLE MARTIN.
For the day, nearly 60 species. For the year, I think we're up to 124, adding the martin, collared-dove, and Black-headed Grosbeak.
== Michael Hobbs

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo by Hugh Jennings 
Western Kingbird in the East Meadow. Photo by Lillian Reis

Raccoon at the Rowing Club. Photo by Hugh Jennings |

Male Hairy Woodpecker, 2012-05-01. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Mallard with ducklings, 2012-05-01. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Mallard with ducklings, 2012-05-01. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Orange-crowned Warbler, 2012-04-29. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Western Kingbird, 2012-04-28. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Hooded Merganser pair, 2012-04-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Hermit Thrush, 2012-04-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Crow harassing Cooper's Hawk with prey, 2012-04-27. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Black-capped Chickadee in nest hole, 2012-04-27. Lillian Reis |

Osprey, 2012-04-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Rufous Hummingbird at Salmonberry blossoms, 2012-04-27.
Photo by Chuck Burgess |

2012-04-27. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for May 5, 2011 Birding at Marymoor
The weather was less than ideal, with solid overcast, and long stretches of light rain, but it was about as birdy as Marymoor has ever been. It was a phenomenal day that started with shorebirds - 6 species by the end of the day, which is unprecedented for the park. Most of them were at the two muddy puddle-ponds in the grass-and-gravel parking lot north of the grass soccer fields. They were not the only special birds, though. Passerine spring migration was in full swing too.
Cooper's Hawk Adult near Compost Piles
Killdeer Several
LESSER YELLOWLEGS 1 with the peeps before 6:00am
SOLITARY SANDPIPER 1 with the peeps
WESTERN SANDPIPER 1 with the Least Sandpipers
Wilson's Snipe 1 flyby. Getting late for snipe
Vaux's Swift Maybe 30. Rather a lot, really
Empidonax sp. Two. Maybe Hammond's and Willow???
Cassin's Vireo One, silent
Warbling Vireo 2, not together, silent
Pacific Wren Still one - latest spring sighting ever
TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE One near windmill
Hermit Thrush 2, not together
American Robin First fledgling of the year
American Pipit Megan and Ollie had about 28
Orange-crowned Warbler Quite a few, most silent
Yellow-rumped Warbler Numbers down a tad perhaps but still lots
Black-throated Gray Warbler 2 or more in maples
Wilson's Warbler Saw 2, heard several more
Western Tanager 3 males
Black-headed Grosbeak 1 male singing at Rowing Club
Evening Grosbeak Twice heard overhead
Amazing to get a new park bird (WESTERN SANDPIPER - park bird #218), two birds seen only twice before (SOLITARY SANDPIPER and TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE), a 5th-ever sighting (LESSER YELLOWLEGS), a 6th-ever sighting (LEAST SANDPIPER), and just the 10th-ever spring sighting of BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER, all in the same day! For that matter, CASSIN'S VIREO has been seen fewer than 20 times, and Tuesday Sharon Aagaard had a SORA, another sub-20 species.
And I was just noting that I have records from just about exactly 1000 visits to Marymoor Park now.
For the day, a whopping 77 species in 5 hours. For the week, counting my scouting trip on Sunday, Sharon's scouting trip on Monday, and our King County Big Day visit on Tuesday, another 11 species to get us to 88 species for the week!
Oh, and 17 species added to the park year list, bringing the 2011 total to 124 species (Sora (5/2), Solitary Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Mourning Dove (5/3), Cassin's Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Purple Martin (5/1), Townsend's Solitaire, American Pipit, Nashville Warbler (5/3), Black-throated Gray Warbler, Wilson's Warbler (5/3), Western Tanager (5/3), Black-headed Grosbeak (5/2) )
== Michael Hobbs

Western Sandpiper. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Sandpiper. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Solitary Sandpiper with Killdeer. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Solitary Sandpiper. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Solitary Sandpiper with Least Sandpiper. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Western Tanager on Himalayan Blackberry. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Anna's Hummingbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Townsend's Solitaire, near the windmill. Photos by Ollie Oliver |

A male Anna's Hummingbird chased it further south through the mansion area. |

Adult Red-tailed Hawk lands on the odd-snag nest to join the two babies, 2011-05-01. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Male Common Yellowthroat, 2011-05-01. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Killdeer, 2011-05-04. Photo by Lillian Reis |

New fir growth. Photo by Lillian Reis |
Report for May 6, 2010
With Michael still back east, Matt Bartels and I got to substitute for him.
0600- 1230. The day started out cloudy and 43F. It stayed cloudy most of the day, but no wind. Later there were some sunbreaks. We finished at 52F. 4.20 water level. It was a good day with lots of bird activity, singing and calling.
70 species, 77 for week (see below), looks like 112 for the year
Green Heron 1 at river by rowing club
Bald Eagle A least 6 adults, at least 7 immatures
Barn Owl 2 adults early, 3 young in nest box
Vaux's Swift 1 flyover
Hammond's Flycatcher 1 early near dog central - much studied
Western Kingbird 1 at south end of East Meadow
Cassin's Vireo 1 heard and seen at the rowing club
Warbling Vireo At least 1 at RC
Purple Martin 1 male at compost piles
Cedar Waxwing 12 overhead
Orange-crowned Warbler At least 8 singing, 2 seen
Yellow Warbler 1 heard early, 1 at RC late
Yellow-rumped Warbler ~30, both Audubon's and Myrtle's
Common Yellowthroat ~12
Wilson's Warbler 1 singing near park office and mansion
Western Tanager 2 adult males in conifers NE of mansion
Lincoln's Sparrow 2
Black-headed Grosbeak 2 singing
Evening Grosbeak 8-10 in flyover
First of Year - Hammond's Flycatcher, Cassin's Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Western Tanager
Seen by Evan Houston on Sunday (same week)
Greater White-fronted Goose Flock of 200
Red-necked Grebe 11 on lake
California Gull 4 on soccer field
Band-tailed Pigeon 4 flyover
Short-eared Owl 1 in East Meadow
Hermit Thrush 2
Nashville Warbler 2
[From Tweeters post by Brian H. Bell]

Hammond's Flycatcher. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk. Photo by Scott Ramos

Female Hairy Woodpecker with a beak full of creepy crawlies. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

And she hammers for more. Photo by Ollie |

Western Kingbird photo by Hugh Jennings |

Male Wilson's Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Western Tanager. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Western Tanager. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Mother Wood Duck at the Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

One of her ducklings. Photo by Ollie |

Bald Eagle with crows east of the boardwalk. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Yellow-rumped Warbler, 2010-05-07. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Male Common Yellowthroat, 2010-05-07. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Barn Owl chick in the nest box, 2010-05-07. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Northwestern Deermouse (?). Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Beaver. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for April 30, 2009
A cold morning warmed nicely to a gorgeous day. Only 37 degrees to start, though, and it didn't really get warm until we were nearly done. It wasn't all that birdy, but things are definitely switching over from winter to summer birds.
Matt heard and saw a SORA at the lake platform well before 6:00 a.m. We searched the area during the normal walk, and saw nothing. However we did get two whinny calls in reply to the iPod.
Other firsts for 2009:
Caspian Tern Matt heard 1 while watching the Sora
Vaux's Swift 1 or 2 over the East Meadow
Purple Martin 2 checking out the gourds
Yellow Warbler 2 singing males
Wilson's Warbler 2 singing males
We also had the first ducklings of the year, a female WOOD DUCK with 8-9 small ones, seen from the lake platform. (I was going to say they were at the "mouth of the slough", but isn't the mouth the place where a river flows *into* a lake? What's the name for the other end of a lake-to-lake river?)
Lots of BUSHTITS around nesting. We also had 3 looks at HAIRY WOODPECKER.
Otherwise, it was pretty quiet. Most of the ducks are gone, as well as the grebes, and cormorants. No Wilson's Snipe, and only one gull. No Ruby-crowned Kinglets.
Our last bird of the day, though, was a nice HERMIT THRUSH at the Rowing Club.
For the day, 58 species. For the year, we're at at 124.
== Michael

Ollie Oliver's photo of a male Common Merganser

Distant shot of the female Wood Duck with 8-9 ducklings
A slightly better view of the Nashville Warbler |

Hugh Jennings' photo of a male Anna's Hummingbird |

Maples and fruit trees were in full bloom |

Female Hairy Woodpecker in a blooming maple tree |

Ollie's photo of same |

Ollie's photo of the Red-tailed Hawk on the Odd Snag nest |

Ollie's photo of the only Bufflehead we saw all morning, at the Rowing Club |

Also at the Rowing Club, a Hermit Thrush |

Marc Hoffmann's nice portrait of a pair of Common Mergansers
Report for May 1, 2008
A really good day. The weather didn't quite live up to the billing, as it was often cloudy, and almost started drizzling. The birds were active.
A pair of COOPER'S HAWKS was seen near the mansion. She was still in sub-adult plumage, while he was a nice-looking adult. Sharon tracked her movements back to a nest, and we got to see her settled down in the nest.
Scott Ramos saw a SHORT-EARED OWL in the East Meadow early.
A PILEATED WOODPECKER was at the base of a six-inch, very lively-looking willow at the very edge of the slough. The woodpecker was practically standing in the mud, before hopping up the trunk and flying off across the river. Weird.
Ryan Merrill heard a CASSIN'S VIREO at the south end of the dog area, which eventually we got looks at. We also had one WARBLING VIREO.
We had at least 3 HERMIT THRUSH.
For warblers, we had 5+ ORANGE-CROWNEDS, at least 2 NASHVILLES, 100+ YELLOW-RUMPED, and quite a few WILSON'S WARBLERS, plus COMMON YELLOWTHROAT.
Along the boardwalk was a singing male BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK.
Ryan Merrill noted a BULLOCK'S ORIOLE which we watched fly north over the
Community Gardens. He also got us on a flying EVENING GROSBEAK.
Perhaps the strangest thing was after everyone else left. I went over to the 187th Ave viewpoint on East Lake Samm Parkway where I was scoping the north end of the lake, looking in vain for a reprise of the Purple Martin I'd seen early, and also in vain for the CASPIAN TERN I saw yesterday. What I did see, along the west side of the lake between the viewing platform and the new dock was a SWAN. I was too far to get an ID, but I wonder if it was the same Tundra Swan that was seen at Juanita Bay Park a week or two ago.
For the day, 70 species.
== Michael

Composite shot of one of the Nashville Warblers

Ryan Merrill's photo of a Nashville Warbler

Bewick's Wren

Savannah Sparrow

Ryan Merrill's shot of the Cassin's Virel

Adult Bald Eagle

Male Black-headed Grosbeak in a birch tree, from the boardwalk

Baby Mallards at the Rowing Club

Cooper's Hawk pair (male on right) northeast of mansion. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Cooper's Hawk at nest. She's still in subadult plumage. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Anna's Hummingbird (male), photo by Ollie Oliver

Pileated Woodpecker, photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for May 3, 2007
It was cold, blustery, occasionally damp. Actually not too much precipitation (stopped minutes after 6:00 a.m.), but definitely too much wind. There were 11 of us today, and we had to work hard for the birds because they were not often perched in the open to be seen (except for the goldfinches).
One HUGE SURPRISE today were 2 SAGE THRASHER. These were seen flying from the compost piles to the grass soccer fields 7-8-9, where they proceeded to run along the logs on the east edge of the field and then work the grass along the north edge. Later they flew back to the compost piles. I'm afraid I first identified these as American Pipit - hey, they're both medium-sized buffy birds that run along the ground, right? But something niggled at my mind, and when Sharon seemed interested in a closer look, I decided that we ought to approach. It took a second for the mind to come to grips with the mis-identification. "Hey, wait-a-minute..." They were first seen around 10:00, and were still at the compost piles a half hour later.
Other highlights:
CINNAMON TEAL 2 males, 1 female near weir
Common Merganser Several promenading down the slough
Cooper's Hawk Pair(?) flirting over mansion
Vaux's Swift Half-dozen or more at lake
Warbling Vireo Several seen
N. Rough-winged Swallow A couple at lake, 1 at Pea Patch
Swainson's Thrush One glimpsed, heard "whit"
Hermit Thrush Two beyond first footbridge
Orange-crowned Warbler Many seen, heard
Wilson's Warbler 3+ males seen
Western Tanager 1 male from Rowing Club dock
FOX SPARROW 1 in Pea Patch - latest spring date ever
Black-headed Grosbeak Abundant, males + 1 female
Tuesday, I had a PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER; we had no flycatchers at all today. And a previous note to Tweeters from Brian Meilleur on Monday listed Cassin's Vireo and Nashville Warbler.
So, 66 species today, and with the Cassin's Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Swainson's Thrush, Hermit Thrush, Sage Thrasher, Nashville Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Western Tanager, and Black-headed Grosbeak all new for the week, the 2007 list is up to 119 species.
== Michael

Cinnamon Teal nestled into the reeds across the weir.

Ollie Oliver's photo of one of the Sage Thrashers.

Louise Rutter's photo of a Sage Thrasher at the Compost Piles

American Goldfinch

Female Rufous Hummingbird in the Pea Patch

Louise Rutter's photo of a Lincoln's Sparrow at the Pea Patch

Pair of Common Mergansers on the slough

Garter Snake at the Rowing Club
Bird Sightings Week 18
April 30 - May 6* *adjust by 1 day in leap years