Bird Sightings Week 17
April 23-29*
Rarities for Week 17:
Mallard x Gadwall hybrid |
24-Apr-12 |
Male near weir |
Great Egret |
24-Apr-05 |
Seen by Laura Pinter and Ajay Ramachandran. The egret was flying north west of the slough(?) |
Solitary Sandpiper |
28-Apr-22 |
Two |
Dusky Flycatcher |
28-Apr-22 |
Continued until at least 2022-04-29 near the windmill. Shamik Ghosh, photo |
Loggerhead Shrike |
23-Apr-18 |
Kazuto Shibata, photos |
Loggerhead Shrike |
28-Apr-11 |
East Meadow |
Sage Thrasher |
23-Apr-16 |
Sage Thrasher |
23-Apr-23 |
First seen 19-Apr, last seen 24-Apr, near the Viewing Mound |
Brewer's Sparrow |
27-Apr-17 |
Vesper Sparrow |
28-Apr-22 |
Pea Patch and Pet Memorial Garden |
Northern Flying Squirrel |
25-Apr-03 |
Found inside a birdhouse at Rowing Club during cleanout |
Bobcat |
25-Apr-19 |
Atop cedar near windmill |
Report for April 25, 2024 Birding at Marymoor
The day started gray and misty, and every hour the weather got worse. Darker, WETTER, windier. Matt & I even skipped the loop around the mansion, since we were pretty sure we'd add nothing new for the day. But the day was not a total waste.
- Common Goldeneye - Three females at the weir, after a two week absence. Getting late for them
- Vaux's Swift - One or two, First of Year (FOY) for us
- Common Loon - One on the lake (FOY); the first since January 2023!
- Five Woodpecker Day
- Warbling Vireo - One heard singing several times, Dog Meadow (FOY). Our second-earliest sighting ever (earliest 2015-04-23)
- Cliff Swallow - One from the Lake Platform (FOY)
- Hermit Thrush - One heard and glimpsed by Matt pre-dawn
- White-crowned Sparrow - Tight flock of 20 Gambeli-type across Marymoor Way from the Viewing Mound; also 5-10 Pugetensis scattered
- Lincoln's Sparrow - Two at the Viewing Mound, first since January
- Nashville Warbler - One seen briefly south of the East Meadow; (FOY) for us
Misses included Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Rock Pigeon, Double-crested Cormorant, Red-tailed Hawk, Barn Owl, Belted Kingfisher, and House Finch.
Despite those many misses, we managed 62 species for the day. We're up to 105 for the year.
= Michael Hobbs |

Female Common Goldeneye. Photo by Tony Ernst

Red-breasted Sapsucker. Photo by Tony Ernst

Orange-crowned Warbler Warbler. Photo by Tony Ernst
Report for April 27, 2023 Birding at Marymoor
Brian & I led another round of Thursday birding at Marymoor Park. For I think the first time this year…. we had a Thursday with sun and warm weather! Spring for real. It was mighty pleasant, and there was lots of singing among the birds.
- Virginia Rail - after hearing them a bit, part of the crew stuck around and got looks at a baby Rail poking around- nice!
- Belted Kingfisher - first in several weeks, as they seem to mostly be further up the river/slough at nest burrows this time of year.
- Swainson’s Thrush - First of Season (FOS) - I heard several whitting predawn, and as a group later we were pleasantly surprised to get looks at 2 different Swainson’s poking around. They are getting back!
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - while we totally missed them last week, they were thick this week, with many singing away in the sun.
- Evening Grosbeak - FOS - a flock flew over , frustratingly not seen but heard well
- Bullock’s Oriole - FOS - seen by some of the group, apparantly male
- Orange-crowned Warbler - 2-3 heard singing, but no views this week
- Wilson’s Warbler - FOS - 1 singing loudly.
- mystery sparrow - the east meadow east trail group got brief looks at a sparrow that looked possible for a Clay-colored or Brewer’s - unfortunately, it disappeared before more could be settled on the id
Cackling Goose, Killdeer, Double-crested Cormorant, accipiters, falcons. In addition, this is about the best week at the park for Hammond’s Flycatcher, & Nashville Warbler in the park, and we dipped there too.
For the day, we had 64 species - and a lot of fun in the weather
Matt Bartels

Red-breasted Sapsuckers, 2023-04-22. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Sage Thrasher, 2023-04-24. Photo by Kazuto Shibata
Report for April 28, 2022 Birding at Marymoor
Today didn’t play out like I thought it would. First, the day was cold and dark, and really didn’t feel very spring-like. But secondly, I was expecting many common returning species that have already been seen around King County. For the most part, we DIDN’T get these. But we made up for them with uncommon birds. Still, it wasn’t very birdy in many ways (except we ended up with a high number of total species, so maybe I’m full of it).
- Cackling Goose – Several flocks, 40+ birds total. Only once have we seen them later in spring (one reported 2010-05-02)
- Cinnamon Teal – Drake below the weir
- Ring-necked Duck – Pair seen on late scan of lake. Getting late
- Vaux’s Swift – At least two, First of Year (FOY)
- SOLITARY SANDPIPER – One seen below the weir soon after 6 a.m. Two seen at mitigation ponds south of Rowing Club about 11:00 a.m. (FOY)
- Greater Yellowlegs – One heard
- Barred Owl – One heard calling from the west side of the slough early
- DUSKY FLYCATCHER – Matt and I heard one (and I saw most of it), in rose thicket near windmill. NEW BIRD FOR THE PARK
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – Two conveniently perched on poles at the Pea Patch (FOY)
- Hermit Thrush – One along east edge of Dog Meadow (FOY)
- VESPER SPARROW - One in the Pea Patch, which then flew to the Pet Memorial Garden (FOY)
- Bullock’s Oriole – Matt’s group heard and saw a male along west edge of the East Meadow while the rest of us were on the east edge. (FOY)
- Wilson’s Warbler – Matt and I had one with the Dusky Flycatcher (distractingly in the same bush at the same time) (FOY)
This was only the 8th time we’ve had SOLITARY SANDPIPER and the 9th time for VESPER SPARROW at Marymoor. This was the 2nd earliest BULLOCK’S ORIOLE.
Most years, we’ve had HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHERS at the park during spring migration. We’ve been anticipating a DUSKY as well, and several times we’ve been aggravatingly uncertain whether a particular empid was Hammond’s or Dusky. But this year Matt has been preparing especially for Dusky including having refreshed his knowledge of their early-season calls. He even had some calls cued up on his phone so we could compare call notes in the field while hearing the Dusky still calling. So this time we felt confident in our identification despite not getting a look at primary projection.
Misses yesterday included Pied-billed Grebe, Rock Pigeon, Green Heron, and Belted Kingfisher.
And we’re still waiting for FOS Spotted Sandpiper, Caspian Tern, Common Loon, Hammond’s Flycatcher, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Western Kingbird, Cassin’s Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Evening Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow, Nashville Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Western Tanager, and Black-headed Grosbeak, all of which might have shown up yesterday. Maybe next week.
For the day, 75 species!
= Michael Hobbs

Dusky Flycatcher, first seen 2022-04-28,

One of two Whimbrel, 2022-04-22 on grass/gravel parking lot.
Photograph by Barry Brugman
Report for April 29, 2021 Birding at Marymoor
A fabulous day at Marymoor this morning, as expected. This week, Week 17, is one of the top-3 for total number of species ever reported (though well short of Week 18). It’s also historically been a week where many species show up as First of Year (FOY). With the light overcast, comfortable temperatures (48-63), and no wind, the weather was just about perfect. We had many participants, and so again split into Team Jordan and Team Michael.
- SNOW GOOSE – fairly sizable flock (120?) flying north
- Vaux’s Swift – my group had one, but this is still early-ish for them. More will arrive by mid-May
- VIRGINIA RAIL – Jordan’s group got to see an adult with two tiny fluffball babies along the boardwalk! I AM SO JEALOUS
- Wilson’s Snipe – each group saw one, maybe the same one
- LEAST SANDPIPER – Jordan’s group had 4 at the weir. Unfortunately they soon flew, before my group could see them (FOY)
- SOLITARY SANDPIPER – my group had great looks at one below the weir. Unfortunately it flew towards the lake before Jordan’s group could arrive (FOY)
- Greater Yellowlegs – one below weir
- Common Loon – my group had one from the Lake Platform
- Cooper’s Hawk – one near the Viewing Mound before 6 a.m.
- Barn Owl – one from the Viewing Mound at about 5:25 a.m.
- 5 Woodpecker Day – though my group missed Hairy Woodpecker. Red-breasted Sapsucker was excavating a hole at the Rowing Club dock
- Merlin – Team Jordan scored one
- WESTERN KINGBIRD – one in the East Meadow (FOY)
- Warbling Vireo – Each group saw two (FOY)
- Hermit Thrush – Team Jordan scored one. Historically, this is the best week of the year for Hermits
- American Pipit – my group had a couple fly over
- Evening Grosbeak – my group had a couple fly over
- Red Crossbill – my group had about 15 fly over
- CHIPPING SPARROW – John Puschock found one which my group enjoyed, NE of the mansion (FOY)
- Western Meadowlark – Jordan’s group had two near Field 9
- YELLOW WARBLER – both groups at least heard one singing at the south end of the East Meadow. This is the 4th earliest spring record for the Marymoor survey (FOY)
- Black-throated Gray Warbler – both groups at least heard one singing west of the windmill
- WILSON’S WARBLER – one near the Dog Area portapotties (FOY)
- WESTERN TANAGER – Team Jordan saw one. This is the 3rd earliest spring sighting for the survey (FOY)
A late scan of the lake turned up BUFFLEHEAD (Jordan’s group had a couple, the late scan turned up dozens), and at least 5 LESSER SCAUP.
We thought the goose flock was Cacklers (we were looking through wispy fog towards the sun), but John Puschock took a photo which clearly showed they were all SNOW GEESE. It's very rare to see Snow Geese at Marymoor after mid-February, but we did have a very similar sized flock flying north on May 3, 2018.
This was just the 7th sighting of SOLITARY SANDPIPER, and the earliest. We’ve had three May sightings (May 5th, 8th, and 10th), one late-July sighting, and two late-August sightings previously. LEAST SANDPIPERS have been seen a little more commonly, but this was still only about our 15th sighting. We’ve now seen them in 12 years out of the 28 years of the survey.
So, a 5 shorebird day (counting Killdeer); a 5 woodpecker day; a 6 finch day (Evening Grosbeak, House Finch, Purple Finch, Red Crossbill, Pine Siskin, American Goldfinch); a 7 sparrow day (Spotted Towhee, Chipping, Savannah, Song, White-crowned, and Golden-crowned Sparrows, and Dark-eyed Junco); and a 6 warbler day (Orange-crowned, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Gray, and Wilson’s Warbler, and Common Yellowthroat).
Misses included Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Cliff Swallow, Barn Swallow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Lincoln’s Sparrow, all seen at least half of the previous years for this week.
Today, Team Jordan notched 64 species, Team Michael reached 69 species, there were two species pre-dawn, and one added in the late scan of the lake, to make AN EVEN 80 SPECIES for the day. Yesterday, I had two COMMON GOLDENEYE to make 81 for the week.
Adding EIGHT SPECIES to our 2021 list, we’re now at 123 species for the year.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for April 28, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
I couldn’t help myself, and I went down for a full-on Marymoor visit today, arriving 6:00 a.m. Cloudy, cool, and a bit of fog to start, though it eventually warmed up to 60 and nearly sunny. It seemed really quiet today, especially early, but there were definitely birds to be found.
- Canada Goose – Two proud parents of at least 5 small goslings, below the weir
- Ring-necked Duck – pair, still
- Hooded Merganser – male at Rowing Club, looking sharp but alone
- Band-tailed Pigeon – several sightings
- American Coot – still a couple
- Wilson’s Snipe – still at least four
- TURKEY VULTURE – one over the mansion area, 10:45am. 2nd for the year
- Cooper’s Hawk – one calling from near graffiti shelter both at 6:20 and 11:00. Nesting?
- Pileated Woodpecker – one heard, one seen, one bird probably
- WESTSERN KINGBIRD – two at Viewing Mound (on fences) – First of Year (FOY)
- WARBLING VIREO – at least one at the Rowing Club, pretty typical first date for year – FOY
- Purple Martin – actively using one of the two gourds I reinstalled last week
- Marsh Wren – one, but only one, bend in the boardwalk
- Hermit Thrush – two. This is their peak week of the year, rivaled only by last week and next
- Cedar Waxwing – four, at least. Usual first arrival not for 2-3 more weeks, but this is already our 3rd week this year
- American Pipit – 12-14 landed on the grass/gravel field per usual
- Fox Sparrow – one near madrone below weir. 5th latest spring sighting ever (latest 2007-05-04)
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – 4 or 5
- Yellow Warbler – one singing not far from last 2 sightings
- Only a 6 warbler day – OCWA, COYE, YEWA (1 heard only), YRWA, BTYW (1 heard only), WIWA
- WESTERN TANAGER – male, two sightings or two birds. Second-earliest spring sighting ever (earliest 2018-04-26) – FOY
Two juvenile BALD EAGLES strafed the new Osprey nest platform (empty) at about 6:15 a.m, one even lowering its talons and knocking off a stick. An Osprey did come to investigate, but went back and sat alone on a light tower near the velodrome. Two Osprey at the NE light nest, but only 3 total Osprey seen, none on the new tower.
Had the first DEER of the year.
Misses and absences – (Misses seen at least 50% of the previous years for this week, absences* just notably not seen): Cackling Goose*, Pied-billed Grebe*, Double-crested Cormorant*, Green Heron, Barn Owl, Hammond’s Flycatcher*, Cliff Swallow, Gambelii White-crowned Sparrow*.
For the day, 73 species. For 2020 Week 17: 85 species!
= Michael Hobbs
Report for April 23, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
In so many ways, today wasn’t the greatest day. It was dark and damp, with a dank breeze. Temps ranged from 50 all the way up to 53. It was dark and misty, though we pretty much completely lucked out on rain.
The sky was almost constantly filled with VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOWS to the point it was hard to see movement in tree tops because of all of the swallows flying around. The place was noisy with the sounds of AMERICAN ROBIN , COMMON YELLOWTHROATS, and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBERS, and the trees were filled with RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS and those ubiquitous Butterbutts.
But we kept finding birds. And more birds.
- Cackling Goose – flock of around 30; they really ought to be going soon
- Wood Duck – six males on the Rowing Club pond, plus a couple of pairs
- American Wigeon – flock of 14 on the lake – getting late for them
- Ring-necked Duck – three in the slough – getting late for them
- Vaux’s Swift – about 6
- Common Loon – one near the cabana
- Double-crested Cormorant – still one
- Great Blue Heron – babies seen in some nests, as well as heard grum-grum-grum
- Osprey – at least 6 birds (seen simultaneously)
- Cooper’s Hawk – Two together, maybe a pair
- Belted Kingfisher – one after a couple of weeks without
- HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER – two birds, both silent, but got decent looks
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – maybe 2
- Cliff Swallow – one, maybe more
- Barn Swallow – at least 1, for a 6 SWALLOW DAY
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet – I’m eBirding 35, but that is very conservative. Quite a bit of singing too
- American Pipit – flock of 12
- Savannah Sparrow – unusually numerous
- Fox Sparrow – still one Sooty around, and he was singing
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – 6
- WHITE-THROATED SPARROW – gorgeous, bright, white-stripe bird north of east end of the boardwalk. First ever for Week 17, and only two previous later spring sightings
- White-crowned Sparrow – many Gambelii, singing and seen, probably outnumbering the Pugetensis (which we also heard and saw)
- Western Meadowlark – four in the East Meadow
- Orange-crowned Warbler – many, with much singing
- NASHVILLE WARBLER – one heard singing in Mysterious Thicket, one seen at the Rowing Club – First of Year (FOY)
- Common Yellowthroat – many, with much singing
- YELLOW WARBLER – singing male in same spot as Tuesday, at the zag past the East Footbridge
- Black-throated Gray Warbler – two seen, one heard-only
- Townsend’s Warbler – one in Mysterious Thicket area, silent
- Wilson’s Warbler – Two seen, maybe another 8 heard – FOY
We had a VIRGINIA OPOSSUM in Snag Row at sunrise, and many Eastern Cottontails.
Misses today: Green Heron, Barn Owl, and Hermit Thrush.
With 9 sparrows, 9 ducks, 8 warblers, and 6 swallows, the count has to be good, right? Try 76 SPECIES FOR THE DAY!!! (though only two new for the year, because of my visits Monday and Tuesday).
= Michael Hobbs
Report for April 25, 2019 Birding at Marymoor
Today was magical. After yesterday’s brief visit, which added 4 species to the year list, I was very eager to bird leisurely today. I was not expecting the cold (36 degrees at the start, but warming fairly quickly), but the birds out-did themselves. We had all four of the new species I saw yesterday, plus SEVEN MORE!
- American Wigeon – flyby of three. Getting very late for them at Marymoor
- Ring-necked Duck – pair at the Rowing Club ponds probably last until fall
- Common Merganser – especially numerous – flock of 12 flyby, plus *many* other sightings
- BAND-TAILED PIGEON – 2 or 3, New for 2019
- VAUX’S SWIFT – 3+ today. New for 2019 yesterday
- Wilson’s Snipe – still 3+ below weir. Will be leaving very soon
- SPOTTED SANDPIPER – one below weir, calling. New for 2019
- Common Loon – one well out on lake
- Double-crested Cormorant – 3 or 4 in a high flyby. Also likely heading away from Marymoor soon
- Western Screech-Owl – Matt saw one pre-dawn
- All five woodpeckers – Hairy excavating a hole in tree in Big Cottonwood Forest
- WESTERN KINGBIRD – one reported Tuesday, not seen yesterday. Today, one in East Meadow moving to Model Airplane Field. New for 2019
- HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER – one at south end of the dog area, calling, and with a partial song
- PURPLE MARTIN – One or two seen, more heard overhead. New for 2019 yesterday
- CLIFF SWALLOW – at least one from the Lake Platform. New for 2019 yesterday
- Hermit Thrush – three yesterday, at least that many today
- American Pipit – some flyovers, and a couple seen well north of the Compost Piles
- EVENING GROSBEAK – flyover of 2, calling. New for 2019
- CHIPPING SPARROW – One at the Compost Piles may have been the same bird seen later NE of there. Another bird seen near mansion. New for 2019
- Fox Sparrow – one seen, heard singing. Missed them last week in the rain. Getting late for them.
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – No repeat of yesterday’s singing, but a big movement coming through. At least 8-10. We hadn’t had a Lincoln’s for the 5 weeks prior.
- Orange-crowned Warbler – quite a few singing
- NASHVILLE WARBLER – One in “Mysterious Thicket” seen well, heard singing; one at Rowing Club. New for 2019 yesterday
- BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER – One near dog beach 2, one at Rowing Club New for 2019
- WILSON’S WARBLER – Two at Rowing Club. New for 2019
- Five warbler day total, counting Common Yellowthroat and Yellow-rumped Warbler (both Audubon’s and Myrtle types).
Biggest bonus of the day was a BOBCAT just southwest of the windmill lounging at the very top of a cedar while all kinds of birds harassed it. While not new for the park list, this was the first time for the Marymoor Survey, and for me personally. Fabulous looks. Nobody had any camera beyond their phones :(
Earlier, Eric saw (and the rest of us heard) a LONG-TAILED WEASEL dispatch some squealing mammal.
Our biggest misses were Rock Pigeon, American Coot (one seen yesterday, though), Green Heron, and Glaucous-winged Gull (though we did have gull spp.).
Counting Gull sp., our tally of bird species today was 76! One of our very best days ever. For the year, I think we’re up to 110.
If the weather is good next week, it should be a really good walk. It would be very difficult for it to be better than today. But next week is Week 18, which has by far the highest total number of species seen over the years of any week of the year (145 species across 25 years).
== Michael Hobbs
Report for April 26, 2018 Birding at Marymoor
A great day at Marymoor this morning, with sunshine and blue skies. The real rarities seem unwilling to show up on Thursdays, but we had some good birds even so.
- Ring-necked Duck – A pair on the Rowing Club pond might be the ones Mark had spotted earlier. Probably our last until fall.
- Virginia Rail – at least two heard predawn from boardwalk
- Common Loon – two calling while flying just before 6am, and 1 on the lake. One on Monday was the First of 2018
- Great Blue Heron – babies heard doing grum-grum-grum calls, also heard last week
- Turkey Vulture – one off to the west
- Osprey – four, I believe
- Barn Owl – Matt saw one at the windmill ridiculously early
- Western Screech-Owl – Mason heard one pre-dawn
- Great Horned Owl – Michael had one at the model airplane field pre-dawn
- - All 5 common woodpeckers
- WARBLING VIREO – Several. First of 2018 and 2nd earliest date ever, beaten only by a 23-Apr-15 sighting
- American Pipit – about 20 in grass/gravel lot near Climbing Rock
- American Goldfinch – finally seeing/hearing several birds
- Western Meadowlark – two north of fields 7-8-9
- Orange-crowned Warbler – finally seen/heard in large numbers
- NASHVILLE WARBLER – just as we were about to leave the Rowing Club – First of 2018
- WILSON’S WARBLER – two heard singing. First of 2018, and earliest record ever by a day (though 7 years we’ve had them one day later!)
- WESTERN TANAGER – two males at Rowing Club. First of 2018, and earliest sighting ever by 4 days!
After the main walk, a late lake view turned up three additional species for the count:
- Common Goldeneye – one or maybe two females. We’ve had only 2 sightings later in spring.
- Pied-billed Grebe – one
- Cliff Swallow – at least 2
We also had a nice look at a RIVER OTTER from the 2nd Dog Swim Beach.
This week had a lot of birders and photographers out, and we/they found many additional birds, some of which were reported on Tweeters and/or Facebook:
- Hooded Merganser on Monday
- WESTERN KINGBIRD – 1 on Wednesday, photographed by Kazuto Shibata
- LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE – 1 on Monday, photographed by Kazuto, and 1 Wednesday as well, also seen by him! That makes 3 or 4 LOSH for 2018, with only 5 sightings ever noted before.
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet – 1 on Monday may be last until fall
- MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD – 2 on Sunday (technically last week), photographed by Kazuto
- Hermit Thrush – 1 on Tuesday
- Lincoln’s Sparrow – 1 on Monday
So that’s 69 species today, plus at least 6 more earlier in the week (75 for Week 17 so far). Our year list is up to 115 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Adult Bald Eagle. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Red-tailed Hawk. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Anna's Hummingbird reusing a nest built last year. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Male Purple Martin at the gourds at the Lake Platform. Photo by Jordan Roderick

American Pipit. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Warbling Vireo. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Nashville Warbler. Photo by Jordan Roderick

Western Kingbird, 2018-04-25. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Loggerhead Shrike, 2018-04-23. Photo by Kazuto Shibata
Report for April 27, 2017 Birding at Marymoor
It was a magical day, in terms of birds. One of the best ever at Marymoor. Unfortunately, I was very, very sick, AND I was also missing the services of Brian Bell, Matt Bartels, and Sharon Aagaard, all of whom were absent. So I shuffled around trying to bird and not pass out, mostly unable to talk.
Cackling Goose – one flock – late for them
Horned Grebe – we saw a dozen or so. I verified the ID after from the north end of the lake, where I was able to count 44!
Red-necked Grebe – seen late from north end of lake – New for 2017
Western Screech-Owl – Joanne was able to see two, early
HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER – at least 4, and I believe all were calling – New for 2017
Dusky Flycatcher ??? – almost certain, but I couldn’t nail down ID. Was calling and singing, but my ears were plugged - would have been a new park bird
Warbling Vireo – a few, New for 2017
Hermit Thrush – two
Orange-crowned Warbler – maybe 20
Nashville Warbler – about 8, saw most of them, most were singing! Very high count
Black-throated Gray Warbler – one seen by some, one heard by some – First of 2017
Wilson’s Warbler – one below weir – First of 2017
BREWER'S SPARROW – probably the same one seen a couple of days before, with Savannah Sparrows at NE corner of Fields 7-8-9
Lincoln’s Sparrow – *SINGING* – two of the ~4 we had were singing full songs
White-crowned Sparrow – Around 50, many of them singing, all songs being the Gambeli type song! Included one flock of 20-30 on a patch of grass
Evening Grosbeak – a small flyover flock – New for 2017
Western Meadowlark – two north of Fields 7-8-9
At least 69 species, and large numbers of many of the birds. Six new species for the year.
== Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Female Gadwall. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Black-capped Chickadee. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Nashville Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hammond's Flycatcher. Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Hammond's Flycatcher. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hammond's Flycatcher. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hammond's Flycatcher. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown-headed Cowbirds. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown-headed Cowbirds. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Anna's Hummingbird on the nest. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Wood Duck looking for cavities. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Male Wood Duck. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Wood Duck. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Wood Duck. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Tree Swallow. Photo by Joanne Iskierka

Black-throated Gray Warbler, 2017-04-23. Photo by Bill Fletcher
Report for April 28, 2016 Birding at Marymoor
A nice enough spring day, though surprisingly quiet at times. A few species were abundant, but we had to work rather hard to pick up more. Luckily, with the big group, and quite a few good birders, we were able to track down a good list of species.
Wood Duck Pair at lake with mixed duckling clutch
Mallard I believe 3 clutches of ducklings total
Common Merganser Nine around weir
Great Blue Heron Baby “grum grum grum” calls from heronry
Band-tailed Pigeon Nice flyby over fields 7-8-9
Barn Owl Matt had one at windmill very early
Great Horned Owl Matt heard one to the west of the park entrance
- all 5 woodpeckers - Pileated heard-only
Warbling Vireo 1 east of Dog Meadow, 1 at Rowing Club – FOY
- six swallow species – Including 3 N. Rough-winged at Viewing Mound
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2 lingering birds
American Pipit Single flyover
Or.-crowned Warbler Not too many, not very cooperative
Common Yellowthroat MANY singing birds
Yellow-rumped Warbler MANY flocks, almost all “Audubon’s”
Bl.-thr. Gray Warbler One singing across slough from windmill – FOY
Wilson’s Warbler One silent male in Dog Meadow – FOY
Wh.-crowned Sparrow Gambelii subspecies heard,
as well as expected Pugetensis
Black-headed Grosbeak 1-2 singing west of slough – FOY
The WOOD DUCKS at the lake had 8-9 ducklings, a majority of which were HOODED MERGANSER ducklings.
We were a little disappointed to have no flycatchers, and to have such low warbler numbers (excluding the ubiquitous Yellowthroats and Yellow-rumps).
A good mammal day helped though: Besides the introduced Eastern Gray Squirrels and Eastern Cottontails, we also had two DEER, two AMERICAN BEAVER at the weir, a COYOTE, and a MUSKRAT.
For the day, 65 species of birds. For the year, adding Warbling Vireo, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Wilson’s Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, and Black-headed Grosbeak, we’re at 120 species for the year.
== Michael Hobbs

Common Mergansers at the weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Anna's Hummingbird on her nest. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Anna's Hummingbird on her nest. Photo by Jordan Roderick |

Anna's Hummingbird, 2016-04-23. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Black-headed Grosbeak. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Female Wood Duck with ducklings. The ones with whitish faces with a black eye stripe are her own ducklings. The ones with two-tone black-and-yellow faces are Hooded Merganser chicks that were the result of egg dumping (the female Hoodie laid her eggs in the Wood Duck's nest). Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Purple Martin. Photo by Bob Asanoma |

Female Purple Martin. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Chipping Sparrow in the Pea Patch. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Chipping Sparrow in the Pea Patch. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male House Finch. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

This part-domestic Mallard duckling looks just like the father. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Beaver. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Coyote. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Sage Thrasher, 2016-04-23. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Sage Thrasher, 2016-04-23. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Black-capped Chickadee, 2016-04-22. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

American Coot, 2016-04-22. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Brown Creeper, 2016-04-22. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Grove Snail. Photo by Bob Asanoma |
Report for April 23, 2015 Birding at Marymoor
A rather cold, cloudy, breezy, and quiet morning. I think the birds were anticipating the incoming bad weather and were heavily in feeding mode, not sitting-on-exposed-perch-singing mode. Winter birds are definitely on the decline or have moved on altogether, but migrants and new summer arrivals are taking their places.
Double-crested Cormorant Down to just 1
Bald Eagle Rather over-common. 7 or more, I believe
GREATER YELLOWLEGS Slough to Pet Memorial Gardens and back
Barn Owl Flew past Viewing Mound around 5:20 a.m.
Vaux’s Swift 2 at Lake Platform – First Of Year
HAMMOND’S FLYCATCHER SW part of Dog Area; gave us elusive views
WARBLING VIREO 1-2 at Rowing Club, singing
Hermit Thrush One along southeast edge of Dog Meadow
Orange-crowned Warbler Many - 15+
NASHVILLE WARBLER At least 1; more elusive views
Black-throated Gray Warbler Rowing Club – very elusive views
Lincoln’s Sparrow 1 SANG at Compost Piles early, 2 there later
Dark-eyed Junco Nest w/babies in hanging flowers, Park Office
Brian also reported a possible COMMON POORWILL before 5:00 a.m., flushed from the trail leading towards the east end of the boardwalk. He saw eyeshine before the bird popped into the air in a very goatsucker manner. By dates, Common Nighthawk is impossible. We have one fall record of poorwill from Marymoor; a freshly deceased bird from 2010-09-23.
This is by far the earliest WARBLING VIREO we’ve ever had at Marymoor; the earliest date before today was April 26 (three years).
Only the 3rd time we’ve had LINCOLN’S SPARROW actually singing at Marymoor. I expect this means the birds will be heading to breeding grounds especially soon.
Last night, I had a little time to bird starting at about 6:15 p.m. In the willows just east of the EAS shed (southwest edge of the East Meadow), I came across a warbler fall-out that featured at least 20 Orange-crowned Warblers, 2-3 Yellow-rumped Warblers, 2 Black-throated Gray Warblers, and at least one Nashville Warbler, all in three adjacent trees. They slowly moved to the southwest. With them were 3-4 Black-capped Chickadees and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Last night’s BLACK-THROATED GRAY was First Of Year, and the 3rd earliest ever at Marymoor.
Brian and I each saw a COYOTE in the pre-dawn hours – far enough apart that they were probably different dogs.
Misses today were numerous: Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, Northern Flicker, Violet-green Swallow, Cliff Swallow, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet (all seen at least 15 previous years during Week 17). Also, our first week without Red Crossbill since February.
For the day, 59 species. For the year, adding Vaux’s Swift, Hammond’s Flycatcher, and Black-throated Gray Warbler, and including EVENING GROSBEAK that Grace&Ollie found a few days ago, I believe we’re at 110 species.
= Michael Hobbs

Female Mallard with ducklings. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Wood Duck pair. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Greater Yellowlegs. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Greater Yellowlegs in alert posture. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Oh the embarrassment of dandelion fluff on your beak.
Golden-crowned Sparrow in breeding plumage. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bird's-eye view of a Golden-crowned Sparrow.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Nuthatch. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown Creeper. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Warbling Vireo. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Anna's Hummingbird feeding at Black Twinberry (Lonicera involucrata)

Sunrise. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Yellowthroat, 2015-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Yellowthroat, 2015-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Mule Deer, 2015-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Muskrat dragging leaf, 2015-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for April 24, 2014 Birding at Marymoor
Michael is down at the ABA Convention, so Matt and I got to get wet. Today started out miserable – wet and windy – a day that Michael would say is not for wimps. Eventually it stopped raining and cleared and was a pretty good day.
Lots of bird singing, and two FOY birds – Hammond’s Flycatcher and Nashville Warbler. Total for the day was 64 species and that brings us to 111 for the year.
Good birds for the day:
Hammond’s Flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warblers – Tons of both Audubon’s and Myrtle’s
with brilliant males
Barn Owl
Probable Short-eared Owl
Wilson’s Snipe
Cliff Swallow
Purple Martin
Turkey Vulture
Brian H. Bell, Woodinville WA

Red-breasted Sapsucker pulling something out of the bark of a tree.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Tree Swallows at a nesting gourd at the lake platform. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bald Eagle pair. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Lillian Reis

Your lawn doesn't have nasty, weedy dandelions, it has sparrow food!
White-crowned Sparrow photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Osprey. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Turkey Vulture. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Anna's Hummingbird on the nest. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Band-tailed Pigeon. Photo by Lillian Reis

Orange-crowned Warbler, 2014-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Orange-crowned Warbler, 2014-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Turkey Vulture, 2014-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Red-breasted Sapsucker, 2014-04-18. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Common Yellowthroate, 2014-04-18. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Definitely not from this week. Bobcat at the Rowing Club Ponds, 2013-11-03.
Photo by Natalie Doerr
Report for April 25, 2013 Birding at Marymoor
A clear, full-moon night followed by a chilly but sunny morning... It was really pretty, and this time of year there ought to be a lot of birds about, but the morning was amazingly quiet, especially for the first three hours. It was as if all of the birds who were thinking of leaving their wintering grounds decided that the last couple of days and nights were perfect for migration, while everything that was already migrating found no reason to stop. But sometime after about 10 a.m., we started to find some “good” species and more of them. We were a big group today – 17 I think!
Highlights: (LOS – probable last sighting for this spring)
Ring-necked Duck Still a pair at the Rowing Club – LOS?
Scaup sp. After the walk, a few, north end of the lake – LOS? Common Goldeneye Still one female in the slough – LOS?
COMMON LOON One pretty far out on the lake
TURKEY VULTURE One over grass soccer fields around 11:00 a.m.
LEAST SANDPIPER Eleven(!) at the puddles in Lot B
Hairy Woodpecker One male Merlin, quick flyby
Pac.-slope(?) Flycatcher Silent empid, poor looks, tear-drop eye ring
American Pipit Four with Least Sandpipers
NASHVILLE WARBLER One west of south end of East Meadow
BL.-THR GRAY WARBLER One a couple of trees over from Nashville
The best early highlight was a MUSKRAT swimming around the slough below the weir, followed by getting great looks at a BEAVER eating willows nearby. The beaver was hugely plump, and we wondered if it might be a pregnant female.
We’re still searching for our first Green Heron of the year, and we haven’t had a Belted Kingfisher for the last eight weeks. Also, no owls this morning, but otherwise we found all of the usual birds for this time of year. Even so, it didn’t seem very birdy much of the time; many species were heard-only, glimpsed-only, seen-by-only-a-few, or seen in small numbers. And there were 11 species seen Monday or Tuesday that we didn’t have today.
But there were lots of new species this week: Since last Thursday, we’d had GREATER YELLOWLEGS, DUNLIN, CASSIN’S VIREO, HERMIT THRUSH, CHIPPING SPARROW, and BREWER’S BLACKBIRD. Today, we added COMMON LOON, TURKEY VULTURE, LEAST SANDPIPER, NASHVILLE WARBLER, and BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER, which I believe brings the 2013 total to 107.
For the day, 67 species; and if I add in Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s birds, it totals 78 species!
== Michael Hobbs

Beaver eating willows. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Beaver eating willows. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Double-crested Cormorant. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Great Blue Heron on nest. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Black-capped Chickadee excavating nest hole. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Common Loon on the lake. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Tree Swallows. Photo by Michael Hobbs |

Tree Swallow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Olllie Oliver

Cliff Swallows. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Cliff Swallows. No matter the angle of the body, the head stays level.
Left photo by Ollie Oliver, right by Lillian Reis

White-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Least Sandpipers. Photo by Ollie Oliver

All eleven Least Sandpipers. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Least Sandpiper. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Least Sandpipers. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Turkey Vulture. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Muskrat. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Tree Swallow, 2013-04-24. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Mallard ducklings, 2013-04-23. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Female Brewer's Blackbird, 2013-04-23. Photo by Michael Hobbs |

Tree Swallow bringing nesting material to new nest box in East Meadow
2013-04-23. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Brown-headed Cowbirds, 2013-04-23. Photo by Michael Hobbs |

Hermit Thrush, 2013-04-22. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Hermit Thrush, 2013-04-22. Photo by Michael Hobbs |

Killdeer, 2013-04-22. Photo by Lillian Reis

Chipping Sparrow, 2013-04-21. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Killdeer, 2013-04-20. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Dunlin, 2013-04-20. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Dunlin, 2013-04-20. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for April 26, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
The weather was inauspicious, with dark clouds and mist most of the morning, except when it was pouring rain. It wasn't terribly warm either, mostly staying below 50 degrees. At least there wasn't wind. There were, however, birds. Migration is in full swing, to say the least.
Common Loon One out on lake
Merlin One atop tall Doug Fir south of mansion
Mourning Dove 2 at Compost Piles
Barn Owl Matt & Scott had 3 at model airplane park, 5:30ish
Vaux's Swift At least 3, First of Spring - (FOS)
Hammond's Flycatcher One seen calling, maybe another, FOS
Cassin's Vireo Singing bird seen at Rowing Club - FOS
Warbling Vireo Singing bird seen across from RC dock - FOS
Hermit Thrush 2-3 birds, FOS
Orange-crowned Warbler A dozen or more, mostly dull green (celata?)
NASHVILLE WARBLER 3+ birds, including 2 at once - FOS
Yellow-rumped Warbler More than 50, mostly Aud. with some Myrtle's
CHIPPING SPARROW Lillian had one near Lot D (dog area parking lot)
This is the earliest we've ever had WARBLING VIREO, tying a sighting from 2004, and the earliest we've ever had CASSIN'S VIREO, tying a sighting from 2005 (2005-04-27, but 2005 was not a leap year).
Lillian's CHIPPING SPARROW comes on the heels of a report from Houston Flores of a chipper last Friday, April 20.
And I will also report (they way it would appear in a headline in The Onion), "Seattle-area Man Shocked, Horrified to Receive Mosquito Bite"
== Michael Hobbs

Birding from the lake platform. Photo by Hugh Jennings 
Male American Goldfinch. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Chipping Sparrow. Photo by Lillian Reis |

"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler, 2012-04-23. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Rufous Hummingbird, 2012-04-23. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Female Common Mergansers, 2012-04-23. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Orange-crowned Warbler, 2012-04-23. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Male Brown-headed Cowbird, 2012-04-23. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Common Merganser pair, 2012-04-23. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Green Heron, 2012-04-23. Photo by Marc Hoffman |
Report for April 28, 2011 Birding at Marymoor
It was dark and windy and cold. We were all grumpy, but it didn't rain, so we're all just a bunch of whiners. We're still waiting for the big rush of spring migrants to show up, but we had some excitement with the LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE in the East Meadow. This is just the 4th record of Loggerhead for the park, and the latest date. A very nice looking bird. But we had no other new arrivals for the week.
[ Any minute now, we should be getting our first flycatchers, vireos, martins, Swainson's Thrush, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, and Bullock's Oriole. ]
Highlights from today:
Green Heron 2 near Rowing Club dock
Red-tailed Hawk Baby(s) on odd-snag nest
Wilson's Snipe Matt heard them winnowing again
California Gull Unusual late spring sighting
Great Horned Owl Matt heard one west of the park entrance
Pacific Wren Matt heard one singing at dawn
Orange-crowned Warble Quite a few around, singing
Yellow-rumped Warbler MANY, both Audubon's and Myrtle's
Spotted Towhee Copulating at Rowing Club
Lincoln's Sparrow More in migration, 2-3 today
Brewer's Blackbird Ollie had a female on 4/23
For the day, 64 species. For the year, adding Loggerhead Shrike and Brewer's Blackbird, 109 species.
== Michael Hobbs
Uncredited photos by Michael Hobbs

Loggerhead Shrike in the East Meadow. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Loggerhead Shrike. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Lincoln's Sparrow photo by Ollie Oliver |

Baby Red-tailed Hawk atop odd-snag nest. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Female Anna's Hummingbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Great Blue Heron photo by Lillian Reis |

Male American Goldfinch. Photo by Hugh Jennings |

Shrew (Vagrant? Masked?). Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Rock Pigeon, 2011-04-23. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Female Brewer's Blackbird, 2011-04-23. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Golden-crowned Sparrow bathing, 2011-04-22. Photos by Ollie Oliver |

Tree Swallows and Savannah Sparrow, 2011-04-22. Photos by Ollie Oliver |

Tree Swallow photo by Ollie Oliver, 2011-04-22 |
Report for April 29, 2010
The day started out cloudy, but it never rained. The temperature was 43F to start and got all the way up to 63 by the end of the day, with some sun. No wind. It was a good spring morning with lots of singing and calling. Michael had to leave early for an out-of-town trip.
We wound up with 65 species. At least 107 for the year.
Notable birds:
Green Heron Flyby for Michael as he left
Cooper's Hawk Flyby for Michael as he left
Barn Owl Two downy young in the nest box
Western Kingbird One in the East Meadow
Warbling Vireo
Purple Martin 1 male at lake
Black-capped Chickadee At nest
Chestnut-backed Chickadee At nest
Hermit Thrush 2
Orange-crowned Warbler At least 20
Nashville Warbler 1 male singing along trail from East
Meadow to Alder/Cottonwood Forest
Yellow-rumped Warbler Everywhere, at least 100+, probably
60-70 Audubon's, about 30 Myrtles
Fox Sparrow 1 lingering
Black-headed Grosbeak 2 males singing - First of Year
Eastern Cottontail, E. Gray Squirrel, Muskrat
Notable misses: Barn Swallow, Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, Virginia Rail
Brian H. Bell and Matt Bartels (for Michael Hobbs)

No, the photo isn't upside-down, nor is the bird. This shot is of the reflection of a Yellow-rumped Warbler in the still waters of the slough

Cabbage White on a dandelion. Photo by Lillian Reis, 2010-04-30

Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Cliff Swallows gathering mud for their nests. Photo by Lillian Reis, 2010-04-30 |

Bad photo of a Warbling Vireo |

From Tuesday, 2010-04-27, a Western Kingbird in the East Meadow |

From Tuesday, 2010-04-27, a male Wilson's Warbler at the Rowing Club |

Same guy |
Report for April 23, 2009
It was cold, cloudy, and damp today, with a touch of precipitation. There were more than 15 of us (I lost count at that point, I'm afraid). It seemed a pretty quiet day, though with a couple of very notable bits of excitement.
Wood Duck Some great looks
Northern Pintail 3 flyby - our latest spring sighting ever
Green Heron Several views, at least 2 birds
American Kestrel 1-2 birds
MERLIN Flew quickly to the northwest
Wilson's Snipe Still 4+ around
Western. Screech-Owl Scott had one early near the windmill
Belted Kingfisher Only our 4th of the year
Hammond's Flycatcher At Rowing Club. Not 100% sure of ID
American Crow Occupied nest near stage area
Hermit Thrush At least 2
American Robin Nest with young at Rowing Club
Orange-crowned Warbler Several, singing, all quite yellow
NASHVILLE WARBLER South of east footbridge
We also had a sleeping Raccoon, two Long-tailed Weasels, and a dead Beaver.
For the day, 66 species. Merlin and Western Kingbird were new for the year, bringing us to 118.
== Michael

Male Wood Duck at the weir in the early morning light

Raccoon asleep in a cottonwood
A slightly better view of the Nashville Warbler |

Male Hairy Woodpecker |

Western Kingbird in the East Meadow |

Male American Kestrel in Snag Row |

Osprey cleaning its talons |

Ollie went back in the afternoon for more photos of Western Kingbird... |

...and found a female Mountain Bluebird we hadn't seen earlier |
Report for April 24, 2008
The day was cold, dark, moist, windy, and quiet. There were no birds around.
Total species seen: 59
== Michael
WAITAMINUTE - 59??? On a terrible day at Marymoor? Okay, so there must have been a few highlights, even if it didn't feel like it. It really was dark and dreary and WINDY, and definitely not feeling like spring. The only species we had today that we didn't have last Thursday was Hermit Thrush, and that was obscurely seen near the weir and barely heard singing in the southeast part of the trail. Oh, and I guess the Hairy Woodpecker wasn't seen last week either. But the list was basically last week's list minus ten species. Here's what we did have:
California Quail Heard at two locations
Green Heron Trying not to be seen at the Rowing Club
Osprey Kiting over the slough
Barn Owl 2 babies out of the nest box
Red-breasted Sapsucker A couple of nice looks
Brown Creeper Close encounter NE of mansion
Bushtit At a nest at Rowing Club
American Robin On a nest at the Rowing Club
Yellow-rumped Warbler Not as many as last week, but still...
Orange-crowned Warbler Maybe a half-dozen
House Finch 1 of the really yellow ones at the Pea Patch
Big misses for the day: Pied-billed Grebe, American Coot, Killdeer, Vaux's Swift, BARN SWALLOW, Lincoln's Sparrow, House Sparrow.
Adding in my sightings from Tuesday (Western Meadowlark, Short-eared Owl, Cedar Waxwing, Lincoln's Sparrow, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Say's Phoebe), we're at 65 species for the week, and 109 for the year.
= Michael

Orange-crowned Warbler

Brown Creeper frozen against the trunk of a Douglas Fir

Common Merganser male near the park entrance

Common Merganser male near the park entrance

Baby Barn Owls in a yew tree near the nest box

Camera wouldn't focus on them, but there were two male Rufous Hummingbirds
sitting unusually close together at the south end of the Dog Meadow.
Report for April 26, 2007
Maybe because of the threatening weather, we only had 8 people today. For the most part, we didn't get that wet. Despite heavy overcast, it mostly just drizzled lightly, and most of the time it was just cloudy. We did get a minute or so of actual rain, but otherwise it wasn't too bad.
The park was absolutely FULL of YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS - males and females, Myrtle's and Audubon's, everywhere.
Other highlights:
Cackling Goose One flying around early
Barn Owl Matt heard one at 5:15 near the windmill
Red-breasted Sapsucker One drumming early near the mansion
Pacific-slope Flycatcher One, seen briefly, near first dog area bench
WESTERN KINGBIRD One at Compost Piles, last seen at
the model airplane field
Orange-crowned Warbler Many, some even visible
American Pipit 39 counted at model airplane field!
Savannah Sparrow Wow, there were a lot of these guys! 50-100
Fox Sparrow Mason found one still hanging around
Western Meadowlark 1 at model airplane field
Brewer's Blackbird 1-2 females seen
This is by far the latest spring date we've had for CACKLING GOOSE. We also had a large flock of geese fly over the model airplane field that we just couldn't figure out. Maybe just Canadas, but maybe Cackling...
Ollie spotted the WESTERN KINGBIRD at the compost piles on a mustard flower. It dropped to the ground, and we were going to try for a closer look when it flew up to a cherry tree at the east end of the piles, then flew all the way over to the model airplane field. Ollie called Grace at work, and they tried for the kingbird without success, but did find pipits at the airfield. So the rest of us headed over there and found the WESTERN MEADOWLARK instead. Just as we were about to leave there, though, a huge flock of AMERICAN PIPITS flew in. Brian counted 39 birds, and I think I got that number too. They were on the very-closely-mowed runway.
We had 62 species on the day, despite missing Gadwall and Pied-billed Grebe. The PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER, WESTERN KINGBIRD, and BREWER'S BLACKBIRD were all new for the year, bringing the 2007 total to 110.
== Michael

Ollie Oliver caught 7 of the 39 American Pipits in this shot.

Here's one up close. Pipits seem bigger than they actually are

Back-lit Spotted Towhee at the Rowing Club.
Bird Sightings Week 17
April 23-29* *adjust by 1 day in leap years