Friends of Marymoor Park


Bird Sightings Week 30
July 23-29*


Rarities for Week 30:

Sora 24-Jul-05 Reported by Ned McGarry.  Bird remained 13-Jul through 03-Aug


27-Jul-05 Just above weir.
Long-billed Dowitcher 24-Jul-08 At the holding pond near Velodrome restrooms
Solitary Sandpiper 26-Jul-18 Far side of slough south of Dog Area
Lesser Yellowlegs 25-Jul-01 On the weir
Ash-throated Flycatcher 29-Jul-11 Reported and photographed by Dasha Gudalewicz
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 23-Jul-16 Photographed by Matthew Waggoner, with Kristin Johnson
Bank Swallow 25-Jul-18
House Wren 27-Jul-07 Reported by Matt Dufort. Near the Velodrome

Report for July 25, 2024                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

Different weather today, with a mostly-unbroken cloud layer above us.  A little cooler, with temps rising only to 63 degrees.  Little wind.  Pretty quiet.

  • Green Heron - Three at weir, probably adult and two juvies
  • Great Blue Heron - Only one baby seen at the heronry
  • Osprey - Many sightings, both nests active
  • Barn Owl - Three seen simultaneously from Viewing Mound, just after 5am
  • Five Woodpecker Day
  • Merlin - Many sightings, probably all of the same bird
  • American Crow - Many in adult/juvie couples with incessant begging calls from the latter
  • Tree Swallow - Still one active nest, East Meadow
  • Purple Martins - Appear to have finished breeding at the gourds
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler - One in the large Oregon Ash trees between Dog Meadow and the slough
The MERLIN appeared to spend the whole morning, mostly a bit to the east of the mansion, chasing and being chased by AMERICAN CROWS.  We wondered if this indicated it was a juvenile Merlin; so much wasted effort.

Many beavers in the slough.

Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe, Spotted Sandpiper, Red-tailed Hawk, Cliff Swallow, and Red-winged Blackbird.

For the day, 57 species.

= Michael Hobbs

Merlin. Photo by Tony Ernst

Juvenile male Black-headed Grosbeak. Photo by Tony Ernst

Report for July 27, 2023                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

With sunny skies, temps in the high '60's, and not a breath of wind, it was a lazy day at Marymoor today.  Many, many juvenile birds along with their shabbily-dressed parents made for a bit of head-scratching now and then about the identity of silent half-hidden birds.  But a fine day to be out.

  • Wood Duck - Female with six tiny ducklings
  • Great Blue Heron - nesting 99% completed.  Down to only a dozen or two birds noted
  • Green Heron - One below the weir, one from the Lake Platform
  • Osprey - Bringing fish to the nests
  • Bushtit - One  >>>ERROR: Invalid count for this species<<<  No, really, a lone bird.  Didn't even hear others nearby
  • Marsh Wren - Adult feeding juvenile, seen from early part of the boardwalk
  • Swainson's Thrush - Not sure I ever heard a song, but quite a bit of "Wheet" calls, and several views
  • Purple Finch - Probably a High Count (20-25), mostly juveniles
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler - Probably at least two along west edge of Dog Meadow
  • Wilson's Warbler - One cagy bird in the SW corner of the East Meadow.  First since May
A late scan of the lake turned up a couple of surprises while I was checking the identity of a couple of gulls (Glaucous-winged, and a hybrid).  First, a MERLIN darted towards the Lake Platform only to be driven off by a dozen or so IRATE PURPLE MARTINS.  Then, I had a fly-by of four small, brownish shorebirds.  My guess is LEAST SANDPIPER, which is also the most seasonably reasonable brownish shorebird.

Both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, Kazuto Shibata had EASTERN KINGBIRD at the park, with two their yesterday.

I went over in the late afternoon yesterday, found no kingbirds, but did find a tight flock of about 50 BARN SWALLOWS, many of them juveniles.  Mixed in were at least 1-2 each of TREE SWALLOW, NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW, >>>BANK SWALLOW<<<, and CLIFF SWALLOW.  Both Rough-winged and Bank were First of Year (FOY) for me at the park.
Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe (though I had 2-3 yesterday), Vaux's Swift, Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, and Brown-headed Cowbird.

For the day, 57 species, including shorebird sp. and black-wingtipped gull sp.

= Michael Hobbs

Report for July 28, 2022                                                                                                                   Birding at Marymoor

It was sunny, hot, and quiet at the park this morning.  64 degrees at the start, but pretty quickly into the mid-70s and maybe higher.  Remarkably free of ...

  • Gadwall - at least one male in the slough, but tough ID in eclipse plumage time
  • Great Blue Heron - heard at least one juvenile on the nests still, but very few (<10) GBHE total
  • Green Heron - one juvenile just above the weir
  • Barn Owl - Matt had one pre-dawn at the south end of the East Meadow
  • Hairy Woodpecker - adult male at start of boardwalk
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler - probably two, probably both juveniles, across the slough from the Rowing Club dock 
  • Black-headed Grosbeak - one at east end of boardwalk.  Had none last week
Several juvenile BROWN-HEADED COWBIRDS being fed; towhee, song sparrow, and junco may all have been subjected to this chore.

Very few swallows around (fewer than 15 birds combined).  Our first week of the summer without Bullock's Oriole, Lazuli Bunting.

Misses included Hooded Merganser, Rock Pigeon, Spotted Sandpiper, and Violet-green Swallow.

Despite that short list of misses, just 56 species.  That's why we call these the summer doldrums.

= Michael Hobbs

Report for July 29, 2021                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

The “perfect” weather continues.  I really wish we’d get a soaking rain sometimes instead, even if I bring it down upon us for next Thursday by saying so.  The park needs a bath.  But as for birds, today was pretty much back to the doldrums.  Good looks were hard to come by, and so many of the birds are juveniles in shabby, drab clothing. 
  • Gadwall – female and two ducklings in the slough below the Rowing Club dock.  Only our 2nd sighting in seven weeks
  • Spotted Sandpiper – after dipping at the weir, we were happy to get one from the Lake Platform
  • Gulls – very distant from Lake Platform.  A late scan of the lake revealed one definite “Olympic”, one probable California
  • Caspian Tern – at least 1 again; 8th straight week
  • Great Blue Heron – less than 10 seen.  The heronry appeared to be down to its last juvenile
  • Green Heron – juvenile below the weir, adult at Rowing Club pond
  • Osprey – some of the 3 juveniles at the ballfields light nest may already have fledged.  The new nest at the gravel parking lot has two large juveniles on it!
  • Barn Owl – Matt saw one well, around 5
  • Western Screech-Owl – Matt had one on the boardwalk fence very pre-dawn
  • Great Horned Owl – ??? – I saw an owl from the Viewing Mound that seemed too dark and maybe too bulky for Barn, but it quickly disappeared into the fog
  • Red-breasted Sapsucker – one in the NW corner of the Dog Area
  • Hairy Woodpecker – one along slough near the start of the boardwalk
  • Purple Martin – two still-active nests in the gourds.  More at the boxes in the NE corner of the lake
  • Violet-green Swallow – only 1, at the Rowing Club
  • Barn Swallow – 2-3
  • Red-winged Blackbird – a flock of nearly 20 at the Lake Platform; first in 3 weeks
  • Lazuli Bunting – only one, a juvenile in the East Meadow
We did have a “Black-tailed” MULE DEER on the far side of the slough below the weir.  I had a LONG-TAILED WEASEL yesterday near the East Kiosk.  JUPITER is very nice at around 5 a.m. these days.
Misses today included Pied-billed Grebe, Warbling Vireo, Tree Swallow, Bushtit, and Yellow Warbler.
For the day, 58 species, but good looks only about 45 of them.

== Michael Hobbs

Report for July 22, 2020                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

For a long stretch, this morning was the worst of the July doldrums.  Dark overcast made seeing birds almost impossible.  And the birds were also mostly silent.  And there didn’t seem to be many of them in the first place.  Later in the morning, the light improved slightly, and we actually found some birds, but it was a bit of a slog until then.  At least we didn’t have precipitation.
  • Spotted Sandpiper – one of our late  morning birds; one flew down the slough, seen from the Rowing Club
  • Caspian Tern – one from the Lake Platform
  • Western Screech-Owl – Matt heard one predawn from near the Lake Platform
  • GREAT HORNED OWL – We followed the mobbing calls of crows to find this bird in the dense trees SE of the mansion
  • PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER – One at the Rowing Club in a mixed flock; this is the first for the Survey in 2020, though others have reported them at Marymoor this year
  • Orange-crowned Warbler – one photographed, another glimpsed.  Not a common bird at Marymoor in late July
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler – at least one, west edge of Dog Meadow
The biggest highlights were the mammals:
  • Virginia Opossum – one in the slough below the weir
  • Eastern Gray Squirrel – near the mansion
  • Muskrat – one in the slough south of the Dog Area
  • Eastern Cottontail – many
  • Townsend’s Mole – one freshly dead one
  • Bat sp. – Matt had at least one pre-dawn
  • River Otter – presumed family group of 3 at the weir being very cute
  • Mule Deer – one seen from the Viewing Mound
No sign of any Rufous Hummingbirds, Bullock’s Orioles, nor buntings.  Misses for the day included Hooded Merganser, Killdeer, Green Heron, Steller’s Jay, Cliff Swallow, and Yellow Warbler.
For the day, we eked out 60 species, many of them heard only and/or represented by only 1-2 birds.

== Michael Hobbs

Anna's Hummingbird. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for July 25, 2019                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

It was a gorgeous morning at the park today, with great light for viewing.  Not of a lot of excitement in terms of unexpected species, but there was a lot to see.
  • Rock Pigeon – after no sightings for weeks, Eric saw two near the mansion last week, and we had two there today
  • Rufous Hummingbird – only 1 seen today
  • Spotted Sandpiper – two flying the slough *above* the weir today
  • Great Blue Heron – heronry almost completely empty, and few total birds seen today
  • Green Heron – one at the Rowing Club pond
  • Osprey – 2 babies on each of the two nests
  • Barn Owl – Matt saw a juvenile on the windmill at 4
  • Pileated Woodpecker – two flew in from the west towards the mansion area
  • MERLIN – quick flyby – looked quite dark
  • Willow Flycatcher – one of the most numerous birds, with many juveniles seen
  • Red-eyed Vireo – one heard singing near Dog Central, again
  • Purple Martin – young in all four gourds, with 3 young in the rear left one.  18 birds seen total at one point around the gourds (incl. babies in the gourds).
  • Tree Swallow – only a couple
  • Violet-green Swallow – only one
  • Cedar Waxwing – ubiquitous
  • Savannah Sparrow – only 1 !  ???
  • Bullock’s Oriole – two (both juv?) near East Footbridge
  • Brown-headed Cowbird – juveniles being fed by Common Yellowthroat and Dark-eyed Junco
  • Orange-crowned Warbler – two
  • Yellow Warbler – several
  • Wilson’s Warbler – two – female, adult male
  • Black-headed Grosbeak – one adult male, maybe 10 total birds
Misses today included: Pied-billed Grebe, Cliff Swallow, and Marsh Wren
For the day, 61 species

== Michael Hobbs

Barn Owl.  Photo by Matt Bartels

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Matt Bartels

Young Brown-headed Cowbirds being fed by their Dark-eyed Junco "parent"
Photo by Bob Asanoma

Subadult male Bullock's Oriole Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for July 26, 2018                                                                                                                 Birding at Marymoor

Matt Bartells and I substituted for Michael today at Marymoor. The day started out decent and quickly got really warm. Birding was reasonable for late July, but we had to work for some birds.

The best bird of the day was a SOLITARY SANDPIPER that was along the Sammamish River, one of the few times it has been seen at Marymoor.

We wound up with 59 species for the day with some nice views and lots of young birds around.

Brian H. Bell
Woodinville WA

  • Canada Goose
  • Wood Duck female, young
  • Mallard m, f
  • Hooded Merganser apparent juv, all @ RC
  • Pied-billed Grebe one @ RC, doing display
  • Band-tailed Pigeon
  • Vaux's Swift
  • Anna's Hummingbird m, f, young
  • Rufous Hummingbird immature
  • Killdeer 5 adult, 2 imm
  • Spotted Sandpiper 2 ad, 1 imm
  • SOLITARY SANDPIPER far side of slough, just south of Dog Area
  • Great Blue Heron ad, imm
  • Green Heron adult [Michael also had 1 imm]
  • Osprey ad, imm
  • Bald Eagle heard only
  • Cooper's Hawk 2 immatures, calling, maybe near nest site?
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Barn Owl heard only , imm, windmill, predawn
  • Western Screech-Owl heard only, predawn
  • Belted Kingfisher m, f
  • Downy Woodpecker heard, 1 seen was imm
  • Northern Flicker
  • Western Wood-Pewee
  • Willow Flycatcher many, singing, calling
  • Steller's Jay
  • American Crow
  • Purple Martin ad, imm
  • Tree Swallow
  • Barn Swallow
  • Black-capped Chickadee
  • Chestnut-backed Chickadee
  • Bushtit 2 big flocks
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch
  • Brown Creeper
  • Marsh Wren heard only, singing
  • Bewick's Wren singing, one dust bathing
  • Golden-crowned Kinglet singing
  • Swainson's Thrush heard only,singing
  • American Robin
  • European Starling ad, imm
  • Cedar Waxwing ad, imm
  • House Finch m, f, singing
  • Purple Finch heard only, singing
  • American Goldfinch m, f, singing
  • Spotted Towhee m, f, imm [several]
  • Savannah Sparrow
  • Song Sparrow ad, imm
  • White-crowned Sparrow ad, imm
  • Dark-eyed Junco ad, imm
  • Bullock's Oriole adult male, imm , adult feeding imm
  • Red-winged Blackbird 1 m, 2 f/imm
  • Brown-headed Cowbird m, f, imm being fed by COYE
  • Common Yellowthroat m, f, imm,singing
  • Yellow Warbler singing, m imm
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler 1 m, 1 imm
  • Wilson's Warbler male, singing
  • Black-headed Grosbeak 1 male
  • Lazuli Bunting male

Sunrise.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Canada Geese.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult male Downy Woodpecker.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Pied-billed Grebe.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Solitary Sandpiper.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Solitary Sandpiper.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

River Otter.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Savannah Sparrow.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for July 27, 2017                                                                                                                    Birding at Marymoor

There was a high, heavy overcast today, and when we got to the Rowing Club, we actually had mist and mizzle! The day was excruciatingly quiet, except for a few ever-present species. Not a lot of surprises this time of year except for the list of missed species.


  • Canada Goose – several small to medium sized groups
  • Rufous Hummingbird – found two, though their season is winding down
  • Bald Eagle – clumsy juvenile near the nest, so at least one fledged baby
  • Accipiter sp. – almost certainly Cooper’s, but across the slough
  • Western Screech-Owl – saw one juvenile, and saw and/or heard a 2nd, 4:30 a.m.
  • Merlin – one just west of Rowing Club parking lot
  • Swallows – down to a single Purple Martin, ~20 Barns, and 1-2 white-bellied swallows
  • Cedar Waxwing – constant presence, many
  • Common Yellowthroat – very large numbers, though many heard-only
  • BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER – two near 2nd Dog Swim Beach
  • Western Tanager – 1-2, East Meadow. First since May
  • Brown-headed Cowbird – one juvenile being fed by Song Sparrow along boardwalk

 Besides the owl, the biggest highlight was probably a family of four RIVER OTTERS at the weir, and a mother and spotted faun Mule Deer (Black-tailed) at the Rowing Club.

For the day, just 51 species of bird.

== Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Killdeer.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Osprey.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

River Otters.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

River Otters.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

River Otters.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Merlin.  Photo by Michael Hobbs

Mule Deer.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Report for July 28, 2016                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

Another really nice morning, with a nice sunrise and lots of birds early on. By about 8:30, things got pretty quiet, though.


Green Heron                  At least two, maybe more. Heard often along slough Osprey                          Young have fledged, I believe
VIRGINIA RAIL          Subadult below weir, another heard by start of boardwalk Spotted Sandpiper         2-3 juveniles, 1 adult at weir
Barn Owl                       Heard at windmill early
W. SCREECH-OWL    Matt & Sharon heard, glimpsed 2
                                                  near start of boardwalk, 5a.m.
Pileated Woodpecker    One on odd-snag west of park entrance
Purple Martin                 Nest exchange at far left gourd at lake
Tree Swallow                 Still a gourd full of babies, both parents feeding at lake
Yellow Warbler             Adult and juvenile(s) seen, also heard singing
B.-thr. Gray Warbler      At least a half-dozen, mostly juveniles
Wilson’s Warbler           1-2, female/juvenile – First of Fall
Western Tanager            Male in Aspen at first dog swim beach

Still lots of juveniles about from many species, but our nesting birds are definitely on the way out. For many species, numbers of birds have dropped remarkably since last week or the week before. We had only 2 or 3 BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK, for instance, and 2-3 GREAT BLUE HERONS, down from scores a month ago.

Misses this week included Hooded Merganser, Rufous Hummingbird, Warbling Vireo, Cliff Swallow, and Red-winged Blackbird.

For the day, 56 species, down from 64 species last week.

== Michael Hobbs

Subadult Virginia Rail.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Subadult Virgina Rail.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Fog over the meadows, taken from the Viewing Mound.  Photo by Michael Hobbsr

Adult Spotted Sandpiper.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Spotted Sandpiper.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Killdeer.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Brown Creeper.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Northern Flicker.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Bald-faced Hornet Nest, low in a bush next to the slough.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Juvenile Wood Ducks.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Adult Green Heron.  Photo by Bob Asanoma

Northern Harrier, 2016-07-26.  Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Northern Harrier, 2016-07-26.  Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Report for July 23, 2016                                                                                              Birding at Marymoor

New Marymoor Park Bird - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 2016-07-23

Two photos by Matthew Waggoner, with Kristin Johnson

Report for July 23, 2015                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

We had a great day today, under a patchy, thin overcast that moderated the temperatures and made viewing a little less glary. We’re moving into the post-breeding season, possibly a little earlier than usual, and birds are beginning to move around.


Great Blue Heron                   Done with nesting; only TWO seen (at lake)
Green Heron                          Two juveniles at Rowing Club pond
Spotted Sandpiper                 Two juveniles, still with some down, at weir
                                                - Pretty much clinches that they bred in the park
Mourning Dove                      One at Viewing Mound
Barn Owl                               2 babies heard in windmill, 3+ birds flying meadows
Rufous Hummingbird              Still 3-4, all at Pea Patch
All 5 Woodpeckers
Peregrine (?) Falcon                Seen flying around, NE of mansion
Western Wood-Pewee           Quite a few, very vocal (odd calls) and active
Pacific-Slope Flycatcher         1 in great mixed flock, South end of Dog Meadow
CASSIN’S VIREO                In the great mixed flock. First of Year
Purple Martin                          Parents feeding 2 babies in gourd at lake
Yellow-rumped Warbler          Female feeding 3 young near park office
Black-throated Gray Warbler  At least 4, several sightings, part of great flock
Wilson’s Warbler                    One in great mixed flock, one other sighting
Lazuli Bunting                          Male in Dog Meadow, possibly with some juvies

For the day, 66 species!

== Michael Hobbs

Juvenile Spotted Sandpiper at weir.  Note the tufts of down still remaining at the nape, and beneath the tail.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bushtit.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

That's no Bushtit.  What's dropping in?  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Young male Black-throated Gray Warbler.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Black-throated Gray Warbler.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Cassin's Vireo, presumably first-fall.  Coloration is much like a Hutton's Vireo, but the eye ring is even around the bottom, back, and top, and has a clean break in the front.  Lores are dark, and there is paleness above the dark lores, giving a spectacled look.

In this shot, it almost looks like the eyering disappears at the top, but if you look closely, its plainly apparent.

Cassin's Vireo close-up, showing even eye-ring, broken only by a neat slaty bar at the front of the eye.  Three photos by Ollie Oliver.

Young male Common Yellowthroat.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Purple Martin feeding young at Lake Platform gourd.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Two baby Purple Martins in gourd.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Baby wants more.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Feeding the other nestling.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Hairy Woodpecker.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Mourning Dove at Viewing Mound.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Fledgling Yellow-rumped Warbler just northeast of the mansion.  There were at least two young birds on the ground, and an adult female came down to feed them.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Young Red-breasted Sapsucker beginning to get red on the head and throat, and some white on the breast.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile American Crow showing red a the gape.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Warbling Vireo.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Young Green Heron stretching at the Rowing Club.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Green Heron primping in the mirror.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Cooper's Hawk mobbed by a swallow, 2015-07-17.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Adult White-crowned Sparrow, 2015-07-17.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Report for July 24, 2014                                                                                                                     Birding at Marymoor

Don’t Know Why
It’s November in July
Stormy Weather”

Actually, today wasn’t nearly as bad as yesterday. We had nothing much more than drizzle, and even were free of that for about half the morning. However, it was dark and damp, and none too warm. The park was full of birds, but not a lot of surprises; it was filled with juveniles of common, ordinary birds for the most part. Identifications were the difficult part.


Canada Goose                    Dozens (50+ birds?); first large numbers since winter
Common Merganser           One below weir
Pied-billed Grebe                Large juvenile at lake; first since April
Great Blue Heron                At least 1 bird still on a nest
Spotted Sandpiper              One at weir
Glaucous-winged Gull         Several to many
~20 immature large-looking gulls in a flock
Barn Owl                            Matt had two sightings pre-dawn
BLACK SWIFT                 4-5 over lake
Purple Martin                      Active at nest gourds, and over lake
-Swallows-                         Many juveniles, and a higher-than-usual count of Cliffs
Yellow-rumped Warbler     At least 1 NE of mansion
Bl.-throated Gray Warbler  2+ at south end of Dog Meadow
- Sparrows -                       Many juveniles of all 5 breeding species
Western Tanager                One heard, south end of Dog Meadow
Lazuli Bunting                     Male along west edge of East Meadow

We also had a LONG-TAILED WEASEL at the south end of the Dog Meadow again this week, and a couple of RIVER OTTERS at the lake.

For the day, 61 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Adult White-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Rufous Hummingbird.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Warbling Vireo.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Purple Martin.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Marsh Wren.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Female Common Yellowthroat.  Photo by Ollie Oliver
Two birds, same habitat, same size, same posture, somewhat similar coloration...

Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow in unfortunate tween plumage.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Chestnut-backed Chickadee.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Swainson's Thrush.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult male Mallard (foreground) and adult female behind.  Note distinctive bill colors.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for July 25, 2013                                                                                                                              Birding at Marymoor

Okay – Summer Doldrums. It was a beautiful, sunny morning. It started out cool (50 degrees) but quickly warmed up to 72. I won’t say it wasn’t birdy, because we did see some stuff (and we probably missed some stuff too – sounds and glimpses that “could-have-been”...) But, really, the list at this time of year is rather predictable, and isn’t all that long, and... Well, actually, it was a pretty good day.


Canada Goose         70 (up from the 12 we’ve been getting)
Virginia Rail              A couple heard on the far side of the slough again
Caspian Tern            One over lake
Rufous Hummingbird A couple of probable juveniles
Purple Martin            2-3 over the lake
Tree Swallow           One box still active – 2nd clutch?
Wilson’s Warbler      At least 2, after 6 week absence

And a good day for mammals:

Eastern Gray Squirrel    Mansion area
Beaver                          Swimming above weir
Muskrat                        Swimming above weir - great comparison
Eastern Cottontail         Abundant
Black-tailed Deer         Near windmill

For the day, 54 species. For the year, we’re at 142 species.

== Michael Hobbs

One of two Rock Pigeon who were, surprisingly, roosting in firs near the weir.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

White-crowned Sparrow.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Wood-Pewee.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Male Purple Martin.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Beaver.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Muskrat.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bass?.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Black-tailed Deer, 2013-07-24.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Three juvenile Osprey on the nest with Mom, 2013-07-24.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Osprey on the nest with Mom, 2013-07-24.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile American Robin, 2013-07-24.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Marsh Wren, 2013-07-24.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for July 26, 2012                                                                                                                             Birding at Marymoor

We had a very fine day today, with gorgeous weather (not too hot, not too cold, sunny). And it was surprisingly birdy, especially after last week's yawner.


Wood Duck                         We continue to see small ducklings
Common Merganser             Mother with seven ducklings at lake
Pied-billed Grebe                 1 juvenile in slough above weir
Green Heron                        1 seen at lake, maybe another heard
American Coot                     1 at lake - only 2nd sighting since April
Barn Owl                             Matt had several near windmill EARLY
Red-breasted Sapsucker      One near start of boardwalk
Pileated Woodpecker          1 heard several times
Western Wood-Pewee        Adult visiting nest in Cottonwood Forest
Cassin's Vireo                      Nice looking bird singing at Dog Central
Purple Martin                       Male at gourd, later pair over east footbridge
Brown Creeper                    4 sightings
Western Tanager                  Nice male near start of boardwalk
Lazuli Bunting                       Male near Pea Patch, chased by baby cowbird
Brewer's Blackbird               Pair on grass soccer fields

Besides the LAZULI BUNTING interactions with a baby cowbird, we also saw a YELLOW WARBLER feeding a cowbird, and saw several other begging babies where we couldn't tell for sure who might be feeding them.

On a brighter breeding note, at least 2 of the TREE SWALLOW nest boxes in the East Meadow had babies hanging out of the hole to be fed. We also found a CEDAR WAXWING nest.

For the day, 62 species.

== Michael Hobbs

Song Sparrow attending to juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Yellow Warbler bringing food to Brown-headed Cowbird.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Downy Woodpecker in Red Elderberry.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Cassin's Vireo.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Cedar Waxwing on a nest.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Willow Flycatcher.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Wood-Pewee on nest in Big Cottonwood Forest

Common Merganser with seven ducklings.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Brewer's Blackbird.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Brewer's Blackbird pair on grass soccer fields.  Photo by Hugh Jennigns

Common Merganser with seven ducklings.  Photo by Lillian Reis

Eight-spotted Skimmer at the Rowing Club.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Report for July 28, 2011                                                                                                                           Birding at Marymoor

It was a fabulous day at Marymoor. The dawn was gorgeous, with a sliver of a moon, Mt. Rainier to the south, and wispy (though fairly dense) ground fog that cleared by the time we started. It was just 48 degrees at 6:00 a.m., but with the sunshine it warmed nicely. There were lots of birds to see; not many singing, though, and we had to puzzle through quite a bit of odd bird noises that we don't know nearly as well as their songs. Lots of baby birds were about, some still tended by adults. Fall migration is definitely beginning.


Canada Goose                          Flocking up - maybe 80 or more
Green Heron                             Several looks - lake and Rowing Club
Cooper's Hawk                        2 sightings (maybe same bird)
MERLIN                                  Flew north over Community Gardens
GREATER YELLOWLEGS    Flew circles over lake platform calling
Ring-billed Gull                         1 adult. Also 2 unidentified gulls earlier
Barn Owl                                 Babies still calling from windmill predawn
Pileated Woodpecker               Scott saw one fly east from boardwalk
Warbling Vireo                        One feeding a BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD
COMMON RAVEN              One flew south down East Lake Samm Pkwy
Orange-crowned Warbler        Scruffy (juvenile?) bird near 3rd dog swim beach
WESTERN TANAGER          One (female or imm.), west edge of Dog Meadow

Most of the summer birds were still around, though we saw no Tree Swallows nor Purple Martins.

Obvious baby birds included Mallard, Barn Owl, Anna's Hummingbird, American Crow, Violet-green Swallow, Barn Swallow, American Robin, Cedar Waxwing, Spotted Towhee, Song Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Black-headed Grosbeak, Red-winged Blackbird, and Brown-headed Cowbird, though I'm sure we saw juveniles of other species (Canada Goose, Bushtit, etc.) that weren't so obvious.

The GREATER YELLOWLEGS was just our 5th confirmed sighting for the park, and the first since 2007 (though there was a probable one in 2009).

COMMON RAVENS are not common at Marymoor (18 sightings now). Most of the reports are from Sept-Jan, with three sightings in March. This was just our 2nd sighting from the April-August window, the other one being from JULY 26, 2006.

We had 60 species for the day. The yellowlegs and raven were new for the year - I think that puts us at 148 for 2011.

== Michael Hobbs

Canada Geese in the morning fog.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Merlin.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Mallards, demonstrating "dabbling".  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Orange-crowned Warbler.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Osprey.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Great Blue Heron.  Photo by Hugh Jennings

Warbling Vireo.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird that was being fed by the vireo.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Greater Yellowlegs circling over the lake platform.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Greater Yellowlegs circling over the lake platform.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Greater Yellowlegs circling over the lake platform.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Greater Yellowlegs circling over the lake platform.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Male (left) and female American Goldfinch.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Rufous Hummingbird.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Anna's Hummingbird chase.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Juvenile male Anna's Hummingbird.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Juvenile Barn Swallows, 2011-07-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Juvenile Barn Swallow begging desperately, 2011-07-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Adult Barn Swallow feeding young, 2011-07-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Juvenile Juvenile Barn Swallow, 2011-07-20.  Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Report for July 29, 2010

I guess today I should have called this the Marymoor Parking Lot Report, as several thousand cars were being parked there, and 60 school busses were being used to take  people to Sahalee  golf course for the USGA Senior Tour tournament.   Except for having to park near the mansion, instead of our usual spot, we weren't too, too impacted by the traffic though.

The day was cool and gray, and we even had traces of mist late.  There were a few mosquitoes out still, but maybe a touch less bad than previous weeks (some people may disagree with me there...)  We're beginning to see the beginnings of post-breeding dispersal, which made things just a little more interesting than the doldrums last week.

Highlights started with a parade of birds all stopping at the dead elm tree west of the mansion.   We had 3 woodpecker species, at least 2 finch species, plus robin, oriole, and tanager.  Maybe more stuff.  It was fun.


Cooper's Hawk                    Matt had one early
MERLIN                              Landed in Snag Row
5 woodpecker day                R-b Sapsucker, Downy, Hairy, Pileated, Flicker
Purple Martins                      Using both gourd nests at lake
Baby swallows galore           Mostly Violet-green and Barn, but a few Cliff too
Orange-crowned Warbler     One in Dog Meadow edge
Western Tanager                   Nice male, and maybe 1 other
Bullock's Oriole                     As mentioned above, near mansion

For the day, 60 species.  We also had a mother and baby deer at the Rowing Club

== Michael

Male Pileated Woodpecker
Willow Flycatcher

Female Purple Martin.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

House Finch caught in netting a the Pea Patch (we freed it)

Merlin in Snag Row

Merlin.  Photo by Ollie Oliver

Mule Deer and fawn at Rowing Club

Ollie's photo of the fawn

Eagle turns tables on a crow.  Photo by Lillian Reis, 2010-07-27

Raccoon eying Mallards.  Photo by Lillian Reis, 2010-07-28

Report for July 23, 2009

Not the best day at the park.  It was chilly and windy with heavy overcast.  Singing was way down from previous weeks.  It was dark.  Birds were hard to find.


Hooded Merganser          Two half-grown young at the Rowing Club
Osprey                            There are 2 young on the nest, not 1 as I thought
Accipiter sp.                    One near weir caused consternation amongst blackbirds
Barn Owl                         Scott had two early on, one east and one west
Hummingbirds                  The Pea Patch featured both Anna's and Rufous
Warbling Vireo                One in the East Meadow, more at RC
Purple Martin                   One went in a gourd prev. used by Tree Swallows
Wilson's Warbler              One heard singing south of East Meadow - First of Fall
Bullock's Oriole                1-2 juveniles
Brown-headed Cowbird   No adults, mostly unaccompanied juvies

There were lots of VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOWS overhead in large flocks much of the morning, but only one VAUX'S SWIFT, and no Black Swifts nor Tree Swallows.

Mammals were more of a highlight, with a MUSKRAT and two sightings of RACCOON, one in the slough near Dog Central and one asleep in a tree at the Rowing Club boathouse.

Despite the weather, we ended up with a moderately respectable species count of 55 species, though about 7 of those were heard only, and a few more were only glimpsed.

== Michael

Juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird, illustrating just how bland they look

Muskrat in slough

Raccoon across slough from Dog Central

Dead fish (4 inches long) - perch?

2 male and 1 female American Goldfinch on the path next to the East Meadow

Female Anna's Hummingbird on a Red Elderberry in the Community Gardens

Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow

Raccoon asleep next to the boathouse at the Rowing Club

Report for July 24, 2008

There were 17 of us today on a rather chilly day for July.  It did eventually warm up, but people were digging gloves out of pockets, wishing for vests, and generally feeling a bit out of season.  The birds more than made up for it though.

The big highlight was a new park bird - LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER - at the retaining pond near the "event pad" (the paved 5-acres that Cirque du Soleil uses).  We had about 5 Master Birders and a couple of other people over there early.  It was still a struggle to identify.

The other big highlight was from last Saturday, when Megan Lyden found a pair of BARRED OWLS at the Rowing Club.   Matt had them (or at least one of them) there again early this morning (before 5am).

Both of those are new for the Marymoor list, which now stands at 205.

We also had our first SPOTTED SANDPIPER of 2008, which flew down to the weir.  In the cattails just upstream of the weir, Mark spotted a VIRGINIA RAIL.  We seldom get to *see* them.

Juvenile GREEN HERONS - probably 4 or more - were all along the slough and out at the lake.

We had a four warbler day, with a couple of YELLOW WARBLER, a male WILSON'S WARBLER, a juvenile YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER, and many (mostly juvenile) COMMON YELLOWTHROAT.

We had a COOPER'S HAWK, probably the female from the nest, in the Doug Firs northeast of the mansion.  It was about 10 feet down a dying tree, and was being mobbed by CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEES, RED-BREASTED NUTHATCHES, and GOLDEN-CROWENED KINGLETS.  Between the mansion and the park office we had the three juvenile Coops hanging out together.  Great looks.

LOTS of baby birds all around, and such "heartwarming" sights as a WARBLING
VIREO feeding a baby BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD.  Great looks, but...

Various of the 17 of us reported great mammal sightings too.  Matt and Scott had a howling COYOTE in the East Meadow early.  Later we found the entrails of a rabbit there; probably left by the coyote.  Brian had RIVER OTTER at the entrance bridge.  Several people spotted LONG-TAILED WEASEL and EASTERN COTTONTAIL.  The only live mammal I managed to see was EASTERN GRAY SQUIRREL :(

For the day, 61 species of bird.

== Michael

Ollie Oliver's photo of one of two Barred Owls at the Rowing Club
on Saturday, July 19th.
Matt was able to see one (and maybe glimpse another) early today
at the parking lot area of the Rowing Club.

Long-billed Dowitcher at the storm water retention pond near the Velodrome

The bird appears to be an adult just beginning to molt into non-breeding plumage

One of the many sightings of juvenile Green Heron along the slough

Simultaneous front and back views of Savannah Sparrow in the East Meadow

"Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco at the Community Gardens

American Robin atop an umbrella at the Community Gardens

Anna's Hummingbird at the Community Gardens

The American Chestnut tree, just inside the gate at the mansion, is in bloom!

One of the three juvenile Cooper's Hawks near the mansion

All three of the young Cooper's Hawks in one tree

Ollie Oliver's photo of a Spotted Sandpiper at the weir.

Ollie Oliver's photo of a Warbling Vireo feeding a juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird

Ollie Oliver's photo of American Goldfinches

Ollie Oliver's photo of a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk

Report for July 26, 2007

Michael Hobbs is in southern California with Tim at National track meet, so Matt Bartels and I subbed for him. The Michael effect seems to be broken as we did NOT have an unusual birds at Marymoor today.

We started out the day at Marymoor clear with a temperature of 55F. It was obviously the end of July with minimal singing and tons of juveniles around. We took a little over two hours to cover the first third of the way, an 2 1/2 to do the rest. About half way thru the morning the clouds moved in and the temperature that had climbed to about 70-72 dropped to 66. While the numbers were a little smaller than the last two weeks, the absolute numbers of birds was high.

Highlights include 2 Green Herons, 3 Red-tailed Hawks (including a beautiful immature). 4 Ospreys on the nest structure and another on the cell tower nearby, 2 excellent looks at Swainson's Thrush, an adult Cooper's Hawk that captured a bird and flew into a tree and plucked and consumed it, a California Quail heard east of the dirt piles, and a group of 10 juvenile Dark-eyed Juncos. Also seen: deer, eastern gray squirrel, bunny, muskrat, painted turtle.

Brian H. Bell, Woodinville


Anna's Hummingbird

Juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird

Swainson's Thrush

Wood Ducks

Western Wood-Pewee


Bird Sightings Week 30
July 23-29*      *adjust by 1 day in leap years



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