Bird Sightings Week 31
July 30 - August 5*
Rarities for Week 31:
Sora |
30-Jul-05 |
Reported by Ned McGarry. Bird remained 13-Jul through 03-Aug |
03-Aug-05 |
Just above weir. |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
02-Aug-16 |
Photos of juvenile by Becky Flangian |
...Red-shouldered Hawk
04-Aug-16 |
Juvenile seen apparently flying out of the park |
Bank Swallow |
30-Jul-15 |
One seen from Lake Platform |
Bank Swallow |
1-Aug-24 |
Two seen from Lake Platform |
Mountain Beaver |
02-Aug-08 |
Rowing Club. Marc Hoffman, ph. |
Coypu (Nutria) |
31-Jul-14 |
Report for August 1, 2024 Birding at Marymoor
Today is the cross-quarter day, halfway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. For the Celts, this was Lughnasadh, marking the beginning of the harvest season. I like to think of it as th start of Fall, with respect to birding around here. Ours was gorgeous, with sun, crystal clear skies, not a breath of wind, and temps mostly in the 60's. It's a tricky time of year, where a majority of individual birds are young of the year who often sound, act, range, and fly rather differently than how they will when grown.
Today also marked the first anniversary of Brian Bell's last Marymoor Survey. We miss him.
- Canada Goose - Coalescing into larger and larger flocks. Appears to have been a successful nesting season
- Pied-billed Grebe - One seen from Lake Platform was just our 2nd since April
- Spotted Sandpiper - Spotless bird at weir
- Green Heron - One at weir, later one at Lake Platform: same bird???
- Barred Owl - Tony had one pre-dawn, our 4th record of the year
- BANK SWALLOW - Two birds seen from the Lake Platform, First of Year (FOY), and just our 15th sighting ever
- Tree Swallow - Quite a few seen, including at least 1 still-active nest. Usually, they are leaving the park soon
- Purple Martin - Active at the gourds, including bringing in nesting materials. 2nd clutches?
- Black-throated Gray Warbler - Two, or more probably several, west edge of Dog Meadow
- Wilson's Warbler - Male singing and moving around briskly. Possibly more than one. First of Fall (FOF)
- Western Tanager - One adult male along west edge of Dog Meadow
We were long-delayed near the Dog Area portapotties, trying to track down a continuously-repeated two-syllable call coming slightly more often than every two seconds. The repetitious calling was suggestive of Hutton's Vireo, only pitched lower and slightly slower, perhaps. MERLIN was useless, occasionally identifying it as Red-eyed Vireo.
Matt figured it was PURPLE FINCH, and we're 99.9% sure that he was right; we tracked the song down to a very small cluster of rather short trees that had many Purple Finch actively feeding (and being fed). I never actually saw one of them making the song, but there were no other birds present.
Misses today included Vaux's Swift, Cooper's Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Violet-green Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Red-winged Blackbird, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
For the day, 56 species. For the year, adding Bank Swallow, 128 species.
- Michael Hobbs |

Western Wood-Pewee. Photo by Tony Ernst

Male Western Tanager. Photo by Tony Ernst
Report for August 3, 2023 Birding at Marymoor
Another day of perfect weather after the pre-dawn 53 foggy degrees warmed up. Not many surprises yet, but some pretty good birding none-the-less.
- Rufous Hummingbird - At least two remain, neither an adult male
- peep sp. - Single bird flying high down the river
- Great Blue Heron - Heronry empty, only about 2 birds seen in the park
- Green Heron - As numerous as Great Blue - 2 birds seen
- Cooper's Hawk - At least 2 seen, but only our 5th sighting since February
- Willow Flycatcher - About a dozen, including one feeding a baby Brown-headed Cowbird
- Purple Martin - Lots of activity at the gourds and across the slough from the Big Cottonwood Forest. A dozen or more
- Tree Swallow - Still active at the other pair of gourds. Tree Swallows have often left by this time of year
- Brown-headed Cowbird - Missed them last week, but several babies this week
- Black-throated Gray Warbler - One or two
We also had several looks at American Beaver in the slough, and there was a dead vole near the east end of the boardwalk
Misses today included Warbling Vireo, Cliff Swallow, and Wilson's Warbler.
For the day, counting the peep sp., 58 species.
= Michael Hobbs |

Juvenile Belted Kingfisher. Photo by Michael Hobbs

American Crow. Photo by Michael Hobbs
Report for August 4, 2022 Birding at Marymoor
The weather was gray and unsettled, but the rain held off all morning. Breeding is mostly done at Marymoor, with only the Osprey still visibly feeding unfledged young. For a while it seemed like we were only on the losing end of Post-breeding Dispersal, but by the end of the day, we'd had a few post-breeding visitors ourselves.
- Hooded Merganser - One a Rowing Club was the first since May
- RED-NECKED GREBE - One on the lake, our earliest fall sighting ever for this species
- American Coot - A late scan of the lake turned up one, first since early May
- Spotted Sandpiper - Two unspotted birds on the weir
- California Gull - About 10 on the lake, many of them juveniles
- Caspian Tern - At least 4 over the lake
- Green Heron - One juvenile on the old Beaver lodge opposite Dog Central
- Cooper's Hawk - I had one after the survey
- Barn Owl - Matt had one pre-dawn from the Lake Platform (!)
- Western Screech-Owl - Matt heard one pre-dawn
- Cliff Swallow - Two in SE part of the park; first in 5 weeks
- Orange-crowned Warbler - One in nice mixed flock south of East Meadow
- Black-throated Gray Warbler - At least one in the same mixed flock
- Wilson's Warbler - At least one in the same mixed flock as well
Misses today included Killdeer, Warbling Vireo, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown-headed Cowbird, and Black-headed Grosbeak.
We also missed Tree Swallows for the first time since early March, as expected. We've only had about a dozen Tree Swallow sightings ever after the end of July.
For the day, counting three species I added late, 59 species.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for August 5, 2021 Birding at Marymoor
Another too-nice morning at Marymoor; the doldrums continue. Still waiting for a drenching rain that is so desperately needed. Pre-dawn, Jupiter and the crescent moon were deep orange, as was the sun when it rose, indicative of the smoke to the east. The early sun was a scary color.
- Pied-billed Grebe – first for the survey proper since early April; one on the lake
- LEAST SANDPIPER – just after 5 a.m., Matt and I heard one from the Lake Platform, and even saw it briefly as it checked us out!
- Caspian Tern – one, again. Ninth straight week, and 11th of the last 12 weeks
- Green Heron – juvenile along the slough
- Cooper’s Hawk – several glimpses of a juvenile
- Hairy Woodpecker – one across the slough from the Lake Platform
- Pileated Woodpecker – probable juvenile along the slough, across from the Rowing Club dock
- Merlin – brief glimpse of one being pursued by a Purple Martin or two
- Western Wood-Pewee – adult feeding begging young at the Rowing Club ponds
- Willow Flycatcher – SO MANY – including three young on a branch, begging. We’re thinking hatch-year birds sing, too, based on the plethora of “Fitz-Bew”s
- Purple Martin – three babies sticking their heads out of one gourd, at least one in the 2nd gourd. So cute!
- Yellow Warbler – two heard singing
- Great Blue Heron – if I counted correctly, there were ONLY TWO!
- Barn Swallow – one over the Pea Patch was the only swallow besides the martins!
- Savannah Sparrow – only one
- Black-headed Grosbeak – like last week, only one, this time at the Rowing Club
- SIXTEEN species were represented by a single bird only. EIGHT more were heard-only. The only gulls we had were far too far away for ID.
Misses included Rock Pigeon, Band-tailed Pigeon, Spotted Sandpiper, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Warbling Vireo, Violet-green Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Bushtit, Red-winged Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird, and Wilson’s Warbler.
For the day, we eked out 53 species.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for July 30, 2020 Birding at Marymoor
A gorgeous summer morning today. Sunrise was a spectacular radiance of purple and orange. Our walk started out warm and became hot. Birds were not terribly active, but we doggedly managed to find quite a few species. Very little singing, and some species seen in much smaller numbers than recently
- Wood Duck – one clutch of 2 fairly small ducklings, even at this late date
- American Coot – lone summering bird continues near Lake Platform
- Spotted Sandpiper – one on the weir
- Caspian Tern – Matt heard one pre-dawn
- Green Heron – adult at Rowing Club pond
- Osprey – babies from NE ballfields nest are now flying around
- Barn Owl – Matt and Ruth enjoyed seeing one in the East Meadow until 5:50 a.m.
- Red-breasted Sapsucker – adult and 3 juveniles near start of boardwalk
- Hairy Woodpecker – female near Lake Platform
- Pileated Woodpecker – one heard calling west of the slough, to complete a five woodpecker day
- PEREGRINE FALCON – 2nd year bird; back and wing coverts seemingly half “adult” and half retained juvenile feathers. Bird found motionless in large cottonwood; gave great looks. First for the survey for 2020
- COMMON RAVEN – heard two birds fly overhead; our first since February 13th
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – a couple seen from the Lake Platform
- Swainson’s Thrush – good looks at a spotted juvenile on the boardwalk
- Purple Finch – quite a few sightings, some singing
- Pine Siskin – several heard; I may have seen 2. Only our second record ever for Week 31
- American Goldfinch – Several sightings. Also heard what we think was a goldfinch singing a long song with the rhythm of a vireo song. In trying to find the singer, I spotted the Peregrine
- Cedar Waxwing – many juveniles, a few adults
- Brown-headed Cowbird – only one juvenile seen; no adults
- Yellow Warbler – a couple of singing males, plus some others
- Black-throated Gray Warbler – four or more juveniles seen
Misses today included Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Cliff Swallow, Red-winged Blackbird, and Wilson’s Warbler.
For the day, we managed 63 species
== Michael Hobbs

Photos by Bob Asanoma

Peregrine Falcon. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Yellow Warbler. Photo by Bob Asanoma

Young male Wilson's Warbler, 2018-07-31. Photo by Kazuto Shibata
Report for August 5, 2019 Birding at Marymoor
We had our first PIED-BILLED GREBE since May, –no gulls-, and an EASTERN KINGBIRD in the East Meadow. We finished with 56 species.
= Michael Hobbs
Report for August 2, 2018 Birding at Marymoor
It was a fitting morning for our first post-Lunasa (fall cross-quarter) survey. Heavy overcast, cool, breezy, with mist, mizzle, and even a few minutes of light rain at the Rowing Club. The birds were really quiet, and it seems that several species are clearing out of the area.
- Canada Goose – flock of about 120 on Fields 7-8-9
- Wood Duck – yet another clutch of small ducklings
- COMMON MERGANSER – female with 5 small ducklings near weir. First in 6 weeks, and rare this time of year
- Spotted Sandpiper – two juveniles at weir
- CASPIAN TERN – one over lake
- Green Heron – juvenile along slough
- OSPREY – 6 adults over lake, juveniles in nest by velodrome
- Barn Owl – Matt had an adult over the East Meadow early; first there in months
- Western Screech-Owl – at least two heard before 5am near Mysterious Thicket
- Purple Martin – babies in 3 of 4 gourds at Lake Platform; at least 3 in rear right gourd
- Barn Swallow – our only other swallow species, and only 2-3 of them
- Swainson’s Thrush – just one heard
- Savannah Sparrow – just one
- BULLOCK’S ORIOLE – two juveniles. Never before have we had BUOR after July 30
- Yellow Warbler – two
- Wilson’s Warbler – male at south end of Dog Meadow
- LAZULI BUNTING – two adult males and two juveniles in Pea Patch
Mammals: Mule Deer (buck), Muskrat, Eastern Cottontail, Eastern Gray Squirrel
Misses today included Rock Pigeon, Vaux’s Swift, Rufous Hummingbird, Cooper’s Hawk, Violet-green Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Purple Finch, Red-winged Blackbird, and Black-headed Grosbeak.
Interesting to note that we had YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER every week from the first week of March through the third week of July, and then none the last two weeks. They clearly bred at Marymoor this year, but, as is typical, no sightings now. We probably won’t see more until mid-September, but then they will be one of the most common birds through the beginning of November.
For the day, just 52 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Purple Martins at the Lake Platform gourds. Photo by Hugh Jennings

House Finches. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Belted Kingfishers, 2018-07-31. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Adult male Common Yellowthroat, 2018-07-31. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Male Downy Woodpecker, 2018-07-31. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Female Black-throated Gray Warbler, 2018-07-30. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Common Mergansers, 2018-07-30. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Common Yellowthroat, 2018-07-29. Photo by Kazuto Shibata

Young male Wilson's Warbler, 2018-07-31. Photo by Kazuto Shibata
Report for August 3, 2017 Birding at Marymoor
Report for August 4, 2016 Birding at Marymoor
A glorious, fabulous day under clear skies and comfortable temps. Biggest news was a juvenile RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, a new bird for the park, our 233rd species!
Green Heron 2 adults at Rowing Club, juvenile along slough
Cooper’s Hawk Many sightings - 2+ juveniles
Spotted Sandpiper Adult(s) and a downy baby
GREATER YELLOWLEGS 1 heard flying over the slough
Barn Owl 2+ flying East Meadow ~5am,
another heard at windmill earlier
Western Screech-Owl Great looks near start of boardwalk, 4:50 a.m.
Vaux’s Swift Higher numbers than usual - ~15
Pileated Woodpecker 2 NW of park entrance
Tree Swallow Still a couple, though gourd babies have fledged
Orange-crowned Warbler Quite a few (~5)
Yellow Warbler Adults and downy fledglings
Black-throated Gray Warbler 3, including an adult male
As we started out from the parking lot at 6:00 a.m., we heard what we thought might be a RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, and managed to glimpse a bird we discounted as a juvenile Red-tail. We really should have tried harder to track down the bird, though, as its call had a gull-like quality typical of RSHA. But later, as we walked back to our cars along the edge of grass fields 7-8-9, there was a hawk sitting on a short light pole. Perched, it appeared possible for juvenile Red-tail, but as soon as it took off, it showed brilliant white crescents near the wingtips. As it flew away, it often used a flap-flap-flap-glide that was not as powerful as a Red-tail’s flight. As it started to soar, it gave us great looks, showing the white wing crescents, wings that “reached forward” while soaring, reddish underwing coverts with NO patagial marks, no belly band, very dark primary tips, and a longer heavily-banded tail. We were able to watch the bird for several minutes as it soared higher and higher. Unfortunately, it apparently left the park heading west.
It turns out that the RED-SHOULDERED HAWK was present on Tuesday, 2016-08-02 as well. Becky Flangian and I walked past the bird in the rain that morning, and Becky got a couple of photos (below).
The GREATER YELLOWLEGS called several times from over the slough. Unfortunately, we were in the East Meadow at the time. The same thing happened last week.
Misses today included Rock Pigeon, Rufous Hummingbird, Warbling Vireo, Wilson’s Warbler, Red-winged Blackbird, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
Tuesday, there were not one but TWO downy SPOTTED SANDPIPERS at the weir (I hope we just missed the other one this morning), some ROCK PIGEONS, a juvenile RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER, a PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER near dog beach#2, and a male LAZULI BUNTING in the grasses in the Dog Meadow east of dog beach #2. There was still one baby GREAT BLUE HERON on the nest, and the TREE SWALLOWS were actively feeding young at the lake gourd. Later that day, Kazuto Shibata had a NORTHERN HARRIER, a new species for the year.
So for the day, 60 species. For the week, 65 species. Adding Northern Harrier and Red-shouldered Hawk, we’re up to at least 140 species for the year.
== Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Michael Hobbs

Western Screech-Owl. Photo by Michael Hobbs
Downy juvenile Spotted Sandpiper at weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings

American Beaver. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Spotted Towhee. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Not recognized to species at the time, Michael Hobbs and Becky Flangian walked past the RED-SHOULDERED HAWK in the rain on Tuesday, 2016-08-02. It was sitting on the same post from which it took off the next Thursday.

Becky got these two photos. The three white bars on the secondaries, just above the feet in this photo, are indicative of a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk. So the bird was around for at least a couple of day, and may show up again perhaps.

Male Lazuli Bunting, 2016-08-02. Photo by Becky Flangian

Tree Swallow just fed the baby in the gourd, 2016-08-02. These young fledged sometime that day or the next. Photo by Becky Flangian
Report for July 30, 2015 Birding at Marymoor
A gorgeous, gorgeous dawn today, with crystal clear skies, orange sun on Mt. Rainier, and wispy ground fog swirled across the meadows. Really, you should have been there. Only negative: no owls (except for the babies Matt heard in the windmill around 4 a.m.)
The rest of the day was remarkable both for the quiet and for the unexpected. Except for a huge jump upwards in the number of CANADA GEESE (I counted 140), birds were few and far between, but interesting.
Common Merganser Lone duckling just below the weir
Green Heron Juvenile at Rowing Club pond
Virginia Rail First one since April; heard along slough
Spotted Sandpiper 2-3 at weir; looked like adult and 1-2 babies
Eurasian Collared-Dove Flock of 9 over mansion
Rufous Hummingbird Still at least 1 in Pea Patch. May linger through August
Pileated Woodpecker One west of the park at 6:00
Purple Martin Adults continue to feed young at gourd
BANK SWALLOW One gave us a great look at the Lake Platform
Brown Creeper Many sightings (5+), singing
Black-thr. Gray Warbler 2 along west edge of Dog Meadow
Western Tanager 1-2 along west edge of Dog Meadow
BULLOCK’S ORIOLE 1 along west edge of Dog Meadow
With today’s COMMON MERGANSER sighting, we’ve now recorded that species in every week of the year. Finally filled in that gap :)
I believe the EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE flock is a new High Count for the park.
This is only the 2nd or 3rd record for BANK SWALLOW at Marymoor, and my first, personally. There is some consistent seasonality to the sightings and suspected sightings, with four reports all between July 15 and August 8.
Today’s BULLOCK’S ORIOLE sighting ties a July 30, 2009 sighting as our latest fall record.
In all, 63 species today.
== Michael Hobbs

Pileated Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, American Robin, off to the west at sunrise.
Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Wood-Pewee. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Downy Woodpecker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Swainson's Thrush eating Red Elderberry. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Bullock's Oriole Photos by Ollie Oliver

The parts of the Bullock's Oriole that you couldn't see in the last photo

Young male Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Adult Cedar Waxwing in a European Hawthorn. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Photo by Lillian Reis

Savannah Sparrow. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown Creeper - young bird? Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Green Heron. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Warbling Vireo. Photo by Ollie Oliver
Report for July 31, 2014 Birding at Marymoor
What a gorgeous morning. Dawn was clear, with Venus gleaming. A little later,
Mt. Rainier was orange through the chilly ground fog. They day warmed evenly under blue skies and by the end, we were walking around in mid-70’s bliss. There were lots of birds to look at, and some good surprises (and one horrible surprise).
AMERICAN BITTERN At Rowing Club pond – FOY
Green Heron Juvenile – probably one bird, seen twice
Cooper’s Hawk? Largish accipiter flew east into park
Killdeer Five adults, four babies near weir
Virginia Rail Two responded from Lake Platform
GREATER YELLOWLEGS One calling repeatedly while flying (unseen)
California Gull Adult, and later a juvenile, over lake
BARN OWL 1 roosting in Doug Fir, west edge of East Meadow
Pileated Woodpecker One, calling a lot, seen by most
Warbling Vireo Adult feeding young, south end of Dog Meadow
Purple Martin Gourds looked empty; one flying over lake
Tree Swallow At least 1; will be leaving soon
Orange-crowned Warbler Two, south end of East Meadow
Common Yellowthroat ABUNDANT, with many juveniles
Yellow Warbler More than recent weeks, incl. feeding young Wilson’s Warbler Male, west edge of Dog Meadow
The AMERICAN BITTERN was the first for the year, and one of our best looks ever for this species at the park. It was very near the road in the main pond at the Rowing Club at Marymoor West, just sitting in the grass at the edge of the pond. We’d not had a Bittern during one of our walks since 2009, and I have only two reports (both from 2013) in the intervening period.
The HORRIBLE SURPRISE was our first-ever sighting of NUTRIA, along the slough across from the 3rd Dog Swim Beach. This is BAD NEWS, for this non-native is very destructive and damaging.
Also, Ollie Oliver saw a MERLIN in the park yesterday.
For the day, 63 species. For the year, adding American Bittern, I believe we’re at 140 species (low compared to previous years at this date).
== Michael Hobbs

Baby Killdeer below weir. Photo by Hugh Jennings
Juvenile Killdeer below weir. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Yellow Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Green Heron. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Nutria. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Nutria. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Western Wood-Pewee. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Same Western Wood-Pewee. Photo by Lillian Reis.
Note how different cameras change the appearance of the bird.

Juvenile Red-breasted Sapsucker. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird. Photo by Hugh Jennings

Swainson's Thrush eating Red Osier Dogwood berries. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Warbling Vireo. Photo by Lillian Reis

Barn Owl at its day roost. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Rufous Hummingbird. Photo by Lillian Reis

Male Red-breasted Nuthatch. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Brown Creeper. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Bittern at the Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Bittern at the Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver

American Bittern at the Rowing Club. Photo by Lillian Reis

American Bittern at the Rowing Club. Photo by Lillian Reis

American Bittern swallowing a bullfrog. Photo by Lillian Reis

Juvenile Savannah Sparrow, 2014-07-25. Photo by Lillian Reis
Report for August 1, 2013 Birding at Marymoor
It was cool and cloudy dark and breezy, and there were hardly any birds (neither species nor individuals), but there were signs that post-breeding movements are beginning. So we didn’t have much, but we did have some species of note.
Canada Goose At least 80 this week
Pied-billed Grebe Juvenile(s?) in slough – first since early May
GREEN HERON Juvenile along slough – first of the year!
Osprey Have fledged; at least 4 at lake
Virginia Rail Heard on far side of slough
Eurasian Collared-Dove 1 near Compost Piles – first non-spring sighting
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1 singing south of East Meadow
Tree Swallow Nesting in 2 boxes? 2nd clutches.
Beaver Two in slough
We had lots of misses today, including Downy Woodpecker, Steller’s Jay, Cliff Swallow, Wilson’s Warbler, Red-winged Blackbird, and Brown-headed Cowbird.
We managed just 50 species. Adding Green Heron brings our year list up to 143.
== Michael Hobbs

Juvenile Belted Kingfisher at the weir. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Juvenile Green Heron, first of that species for 2013. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Juvenile Pied-billed Grebe. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Juvenile Tree Swallow in a nest box. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Eurasian Collared-Dove. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Adult male Spotted Towhee. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Juvenile Dark-eyed Junco. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Beaver in slough. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for August 2, 2012 Birding at Marymoor
It was really quiet today at Marymoor, though fairly birdy. No species on the day's list were heard-only (very unusual), and several were only from distant views. There was a lot of tracking down quiet bird calls, with fairly good success. The weather was mostly overcast, and a bit cool, but really quite nice. We enjoyed the setting full moon early, and glimpsed the Blue Angels late.
Green Heron 2 at lake
Cooper's Hawk Several views, juvenile(s)
American Coot 1 in slough
Barn Owl Matt had 3 early
Purple Martin Seen over the meadows all morning
Northern Rough.-winged Swallow Two seen
Wilson's Warbler Nice male along slough
LAZULI BUNTING NW Dog Meadow, feeding cowbird
There were LOTS of babies, of many species, and many molting adults, as is typical of August. It makes identifications more difficult. Here's a list of the species I believe have bred at Marymoor this year:
Wood Duck Many boxes, many babies
Mallard Relatively few this year
Hooded Merganser Poss. only via egg dumping in Wood Duck nest boxes
Great Blue Heron New heronry fledged double-digit numbers
Osprey At least 2 young
Bald Eagle 1-2 nests; hard to tell how successful
Red-tailed Hawk 2-3 nests. One fledged for sure.
Killdeer Success probably low due to park activity
Rock Pigeon Nest under entrance bridge
Barn Owl Nesting in windmill
Anna's Hummingbird No nests noted, but surely breeding
Rufous Hummingbird Ditto
Downy Woodpecker
Western Wood-Pewee Found one nest
Willow Flycatcher Have never found a nest, but clearly breed
American Crow Didn't notice a nest this year, but clearly breed
Purple Martin Gourds and boxes - good numbers
Tree Swallow First nesting may have failed, renested
Cliff Swallows Probably bred in NE corner or just outside park
Barn Swallows Must be nesting somewhere...
Black-capped Chickadee A few nests found
Chestnut-backed Chickadee Not sure we ever found a nest this year
Bushtit Not many nests found this year, but many young
Brown Creeper Not confirmed this year, but very probable
Bewick's Wren Ditto
Marsh Wren
Swainson's Thrush MUST be nesting, but well hidden
American Robin Good at hiding nests too
European Starling Nested in restroom, probably elsewhere too
Cedar Waxwing A couple of nests found
Common. Yellowthroat Lots of success this year
Yellow Warbler Nothing confirmed inside the park, but probable
Spotted Towhee Must be nesting, lots of success
Savannah Sparrow Presumed nesting in East Meadow (confirmed prev.)
Song Sparrow Must be nesting, lots of success
White-crowned Sparrow Nests in Pea Patch
Dark-eyed Junco Lots of specked babies - must nest
Black-headed Grosbeak Not sure we found a nest this year, but many babies
Red-winged Blackbird Maybe a nest or two
Brown-headed Cowbird Way too many
Bullock's Oriole At least 1 nest, fledglings
Purple Finch Must be nesting, but no evidence
House Finch Ditto
American Goldfinch Ditto
Then there are a few more species which must have nested nearby, if not in the park (and where young were seen in the park): Canada Goose, Common Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Green Heron, Vaux's Swift, Warbling Vireo, Violet-green Swallow, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Lazuli Bunting.
For the day, I think we were at around 54 species.
== Michael Hobbs

Setting full moon. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Setting full moon. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Killdeer. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Killdeer. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz

Juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird begging food from male Lazuli Bunting.
Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Lazuli Bunting. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Laz in flight. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Lazuli Bunting. Photo by Hugh Jennings |

Male Spotted Towhee. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Green Heron. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Western Wood-Pewee nest. Note beak pointing to the left. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk turned upside-down in a futile attempt to grab a Barn Swallow. Maybe it will live long enough to learn which birds to hunt. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Brown Creeper. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Juvenile Red-breasted Sapsucker. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Osprey with fish, seemingly strafed by model airplane, 2012-07-31.
Photo by Lillian Reis |
Report for August 4, 2011 Birding at Marymoor
We had a wonderful day today. Clear skies. Views of Mt. Rainier. Warmth (mid-50's rising to low 70's). And birds. Lots of birds. Fall migration/dispersal is beginning, as we definitely saw some species that don't breed near Marymoor.
Green Heron 2 babies, 1 adult, along slough
Merlin 3rd week in a row
Barn Owl Baby(s?) still inside windmill
Red-breasted Sapsucker 1 NE of mansion
Pileated Woodpecker 2 flew east, landed near mansion
COMMON RAVEN 2 flew down river around 6:20am
Purple Martin Heard overhead a few times
BANK SWALLOW???? Tantalizing *maybe* near weir
Orang-crowned Warbler 1 - NW part of Dog Area
Yellow Warbler 1 male somewhat near Orange-crowned
Black-throated Gray Warbler 2-4 seen, several locations
Wilson's Warbler 1 near east end of boardwalk
Common Yellowthroat Many, including male feeding cowbird
RED CROSSBILL Heard overhead more than once
Pine Siskin With goldfinches, thistles in East Meadow
This is just the 4th record for RED CROSSBILL at Marymoor, and the first outside of the spring season.
Also, right on schedule, we heard the distinctive flight call of the BLUE ANGELS, though we were unable to see them. They seem to migrate through this area annually, right around this time of year. If previous years are any guide, they may stick around for another couple of days, and then they'll disappear again until next year. Very odd...
For the day, 64 species. For the year, with the crossbill, we're now at 148.
== Michael Hobbs

Pileated Woodpecker showing primary molt. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Male Black-headed Grosbeak. Photo by Ollie Oliver

Orange-crowned Warbler. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Bushtit on the ground! Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Brown-headed Cowbird. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Female House Sparrow - first of 2011. Photo by Lillian Reis |

Western Wood-Pewee. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Bushtit, 2011-08-03. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Juvenile Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2011-08-03. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Male Purple Martin, 2011-08-01. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Caspian Tern, 2011-08-01. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Killdeer, 2011-07-29. Photo by Dasha Gudalewicz |

Swift Forktail Damselfly just emerged from its exuvia (lower left). Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Eight-spotted Skimmer and Cardinal Meadowhawk. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Cardinal Meadowhawk. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Eight-spotted Skimmer. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for August 5, 2010
We had a really nice day today. Warm and sunny, without being too warm, and mostly without being too sunny. The group consisted of just the hard-core regulars. And even though these are the August Doldrums, we had some post-breeding dispersal action to keep things interesting.
Cooper's Hawk One soaring above the stage
Green Heron At least 2 birds-of-the-year
Virginia Rail 2-3. loudly squawking, at the lake
Red-breasted Sapsucker One near the mansion
Vaux's Swift Maybe 8-10, and good looks
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1 glimpsed, 1, photographed by Lillian
Warbling Vireo At least one at edge of Dog Meadow
Purple Martin Left gourd has at least 1 baby being fed
Tree Swallow Still active at nest boxes in the East Meadow
Orange-crowned Warbler Several
Yellow Warbler Several, including some still singing
Black-throated Gray Warbler At least 2 (male and female)
MacGillivray's Warbler At least 1
Common Yellowthroat Lots of juveniles
Wilson's Warbler 1-3, including a very bright male
Purple Finch Numerous and widespread
We had good mixed flocks of hyperactive warblers at two spots - just north of Dog Central along the slough, and along the southwest edge of the Dog Meadow, near the bench. A six warbler day was quite special.
The Virginia Rails were barely glimpsed (mostly just motion), but were working from a wide repertoire of calls.
The Rowing Club area is mostly closed for preliminary work on a new boathouse. The regular path to the river is closed. You can walk a mowed trail to the north, but can get only a glimpse into the main pond from the north side.. The South Pond is completely inaccessible.
For the day, 63 species.
== Michael

Blurry photo day. This is a female and/or immature MacGillivray's Warbler
Here you can see a faint hooding, and the broken eye ring (or eye arcs)

Lillian Reis got this confirming shot of a Pacific-slope Flycatcher |

At least in the left gourd, the Purple Martins are feeding one or more young |

Like Bushtits, only different |

Swainson's Thrush on the slough trail. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Green Heron. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Downy Woodpecker, seen from the boardwalk. Photo by Ollie Oliver |
Report for July 30, 2009
Eight of us met at 6:00am for our walk. It was sunny and warm, and while it got hot, it wasn't unbearable. From 6:00-11:00, temps ranged from the mid-70's to the mid-80's. The real heat is reserved for afternoons.
It was amazingly birdy this morning. Between the usual doldrums of this time of year, combined with the heat, I thought we'd get 50 well-baked species and hurry home before we melted.
Ring-necked Pheasant Our lone male continues
Spotted Sandpiper 2-3 on lily pads in slough
Caspian Tern One flew downslough calling
Anna's Hummingbird Numerous and widespread
Red-breasted Sapsucker One near start of boardwalk
Hairy Woodpecker One east of the weir
Pacific-slope Flycatcher One near start of boardwalk
Red-eyed Vireo 2? near east end of boardwalk
We had a four warbler day, with 1-2 YELLOW WARBLERS, 2-3 male WILSON'S WARBLERS, many COMMON YELLOWTHROATS, and an immature BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER at the Rowing Club.
At the south end of the Dog Meadow, we had 1-2 juvenile LAZULI BUNTINGS being fed by a female. Later, we had a male Laz at the east end of Snag Row.
We had a juvenile(?) BULLOCK'S ORIOLE, our latest sighting ever for that species. We've never had orioles in August-April, so it will be a surprise if we see one next week.
We also had one unseen calling EVENING GROSBEAK apparently flying high above the weir.
The Community Gardens were abuzz with hummingbirds. There were several ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD and at least 2 RUFOUS. Might have been 6-8 hummingbirds in the gardens all told, and there were lots of conflicts (including interspecies jabbing over ownership of particularly nice flowers).
No Tree or Violet-green Swallows.
For the day, 60 species.
== Michael

Juvenile Bald Eagle having breakfast at the model airplane field

Red-winged Blackbird |

Marsh Wren photo by Randy Bjorklund |

Spotted Sandpiper on the weir. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Female Hairy Woodpecker |

Western Wood-Pewee photo by Ollie Oliver |

Juvenile Lazuli Bunting |

Adult female and juvenile Lazuli Bunting |

Female Purple Martin photo by Randy Bjorklund |

Red-eyed Vireo photo by Ollie OIiver |

Willow Flycatcher photo by Randy Bjorklund |

Male Lazuli Bunting photo by Randy Bjorklund |

Fish photo by Ollie Oliver |

Raccoon at the Rowing Club. Photo by Ollie Oliver |

Blue Angels |

Blue Angels |

Juvenile male Red-winged Blackbird. Photo by Brian Dobbins, 2009-07-25 |

Juvenile Green Heron. Photo by Brian Dobbins, 2009-07-25 |

Muskrat. Photo by Brian Dobbins, 2009-07-25 |

Female Purple Martin. Photo by Brian Dobbins, 2009-07-25 |
Report for July 31, 2008
Only seven of us this morning, on a fine morning. A bit chilly to start, but somewhat sunny and warming. Fall migration has begun, so there was some excitement there. Also, still lots of babies, so the awwww factor was pretty high. The Blue Angels passed over the park (at least 4 of them in formation), so we had some roaring speed as well.
We again had three RIVER OTTERS just above the weir. Other mammals included a FAWN at the Rowing Club and two MUSKRATS from the Rowing Club dock.
High flybys included a CASPIAN TERN and the first TURKEY VULTURE we've ever had in the June-July-August period.
Between Dog Central and the south end of the dog area we had a great mixed flock of birds, which included:
Yellow Warbler (5+)
Wilson's Warbler (2-3)
Orange-crowned Warbler (3+)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (1)
Warbling Vireo (2)
Red-eyed Vireo (2+)
Black-headed Grosbeak
Purple Finch
Swainson's Thrush
Possible Pacific-slope Flycatcher
...and at least a half-dozen other species
The Big Cottonwood Forest featured a male WESTERN TANAGER and three HAIRY WOODPECKERS
The best sighting was probably the three baby WESTERN WOOD-PEWEES nestled side-by-side on a branch among the Oregon Ash trees near the east end of the boardwalk. Parent(s) flew down to feed them (very quickly) every minute or so. Awwww.
This Saturday, Eastside Audubon (formerly ELWAS) is holding a Grand Opening of the Marymoor BirdLoop, from 10-2. They have adopted the old Interpretive Trail and have installed a couple of informational kiosks (one of which is finished), and they will be putting in some new interpretive signs. They've created two new trails, and will be extending the boardwalk so we won't be as hampered by high water as in the past. For more information, see www.eastsideaudubon.org
For the day, 60 species of bird, 5 species of mammal (plus one unidentified furry scurrier), 2 non-native turtles, bullfrog, and Garter Snake.
== Michael

One of three River Otters above the weir

One of three River Otters above the weir

Rufous Hummingbird on the dead branches of a Red Elderberry...

...and Away!

Male Western Tanager in the Big Cottonwood Forest

Eclipse-plumage male Mallard

Three baby Western Wood-Pewees sitting calmly and quietly together... |

...until Mom (or Dad) arrives with food. Then, watch out! |

The Blue Angels are in town for Sea Fair.. |

...and gave us a buzz during their Thursday practice |

Black-tailed Deer fawn at the Rowing Club |

Muskrat from the Rowing Club dock, one of two there |
Report for August 2, 2007
There were eleven of us today, I think, on a beautiful birdy morning. The early scattered ground fog didn't hide an impressive sunrise on Mt. Rainier, nor the waining moon in the deep blue sky. Warbler migration, or at least post-breeding dispersal, is apparently well underway - we had a six-warbler morning. Other highlights included the Blue Angels doing an overflight of the East Meadow, as well as flybys of other airplanes involved in the SeaFair display.
Green Heron Several really nice sightings!
Merlin ??? Quick look, in the Dog Meadow
Virginia Rail Scott found us one to see at the weir
Pileated Woodpecker Two on the ridgetop west of the park
Warbling Vireo Several at south end of Dog Meadow
Red-eyed Vireo Adult(s) feeding young with WAVIs
Orage-crowned Warbler One below weir in willows - First Of Fall
Yellow Warbler 2-3 singing, some females seen
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1 NE of mansion
Black-throated Gray Warbler 1 with vireos - First of 2007
Common Yellowthroat Several males, plus females and immatures
Wilson's Warbler 3+, including a male and female together
Early on, we saw a COOPER'S HAWK flying east over the river with prey in its talons. Later, as we circled the mansion, we saw perhaps the same bird being harassed by crows.
The RED-EYED VIREOS were great - nicely colored, and AT EYE LEVEL as they fed their young. Some great views were available. Both the Warbling and Red-eyes were singing.
BUSHTITS and CEDAR WAXWINGS were especially ubiquitous and numerous; the vireos were hidden among a flock of about 50 Bushtits, and we saw several other large flocks other places.
For the day, 59 species. I forgot my camera, and nobody else brought one either... :(
== Michael
Bird Sightings Week 31
July 30 - August 5* *adjust by 1 day in leap years