Friends of Marymoor Park

April 24th, 2002 Meeting Summary

-- see also the March 2002 meeting summary

Capital Improvement Projects
Restroom Project
Dog Area Planting
Comfrey Eradication
Other Business

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Greg Helland, President of FOMP.

( other members of the FOMP board present: Herb Bone, Bill Illi, Michael Hobbs)

Capital Improvement Projects: Kevin Brown, King County Parks

Budget issues have impacted Capital Improvement Projects, even though CIP has separate, dedicated funding.  Parks wants to avoid improvements to parks that will close, and improvements that will increase operations costs.  Nevertheless, there are several projects proceeding at Marymoor:

  • Restroom project - to replace "bunker-style" restrooms near tennis courts and velodrome.  This project is in the design review phase.  It is possible that it could be delayed by budget issues, although the design should reduce maintenance costs.
  • Ballfields - project to rebuild the ballfields at the northwest corner of Marymoor.  Almost complete, and proceeding without delay.
  • Electrical upgrades - providing better electrical supply for big events in the Willowmoor Meadow area.  This will continue forward, as it is a key to attracting revenue-generating events.
  • Lake Platform - to rebuild the destroyed lake viewing platform on the interpretive trail.  Currently awaiting permits.  This will be funded out of the small-projects budget, not CIP, but permitting is going through usual channels.  Bill Schwartz is handling this project.
  • East Lake Sammamish Trail - new trail on old railroad right-of-way from Issaquah to Marymoor.  The trail is moving forward, although budget issues have slowed progress.

Some projects are on hold:

  • Maintenance Shop - replacing current facility with a new one.  On hold while Parks reorganization underway.  Scope of this project may change depending on status of Parks System.
  • Master Plan Update.  The Master Plan concept is under review by Parks; probably far fewer parks will be covered by a Master Plan, though Marymoor Park probably still will use this process.  The 2002 Off-leash Dog Area Review will continue independently of any other Master Plan work.  (See "Other Business")

Restroom Project: Anne Lipe, King County Parks

Anne brought around plans for the new restrooms proposed to replace the "bunker-style" restrooms near the tennis courts and velodrome.  The new restrooms would look, on the exterior, similar to the restroom in the Willowmoor Meadow area.  However, each would consist of six independent stalls with lockable exterior doors - three rooms each, nominally, for Women and Men.  A central service hall would be between the two sides.  Two of the stalls would be wheelchair accessible.  During the off-season, the individual stall approach would allow 2/3 of the facility to be independently shut down.

Dog Area Planting: Anne Lipe, King County Parks

Anne reported that a re-vegetation project is planned for some of the ditches in the Dog Area.  Details were sketchy.  Anne believed that temporary fencing would protect replanted ditch slopes.  Michael Hobbs suggested that permanent fencing would be necessary.

Comfrey Eradication: Laura Niemi, King County Parks

On May 18th, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.,  there will be a volunteer event to attempt to control the comfrey (a highly evasive plant) that has taken over much of the Community Gardens and has escaped into the Dog Area.  The entire tap root must be removed to get rid of the plant.  Any volunteers are welcome.  Contact Laura at or 206-296-4294.

Other Business: Greg Helland

  • Greg gave a bit of an update on the 7-year review of the Off-leash Dog Area.  Butch Lovelace is coordinating the review process.  A SEPA review will take place (State Environmental Policy Act), meaning that there will be a preliminary determination of environmental significance.  The outcomes of that determination could range from no action needed (the dog area would continue as-is) to the possible discontinuance of the dog area.  The most likely outcome is that some additional modifications to the dog area or its management would be identified.  Following the preliminary determination, public input will be requested.  The schedule for the review is still undetermined.
  • Barbara Dickson noted that part of Marymoor West, though owned by King County, is within the City of Redmond, and may be designated as a Wildlife Habitat area.  This could change the permitting process for any changes within that area.  More information about the Redmond Wildlife Habitat program can be found at
  • Relayed from Deborah with City of Redmond:
    • There will be a meeting on sound issue management sometime within the next few weeks.  FOMP will get a summary of the results.
    • Redmond is considering new permit requirements which would place the full burden of costs for fire and police services on large event organizers.  This would impact all large events at Marymoor.

These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.  


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