Friends of Marymoor Park

June 22nd, 2005 Meeting Summary

-- see also the May 2005 meeting summary

1. Welcome and Introductions:

    Greg Helland, Norah Gaynor, Tom Teigen, Bobbi Wallace, Jessie, Jack MacKinnon, Tristine, Barbara Dickson.

2. 2006 Budget Process:

    King County Parks and Recreation Division is assembling information for the 2006 budget cycle. The budget process is typically completed by November, when the King County Council approves the final budget for the following year. For Marymoor, a five percent increase in revenue is anticipated, with no growth in operating costs. In 2004, Marymoor realized approximately $800,000 in revenue, with operating costs totaling around $1.2 million. Current projections suggest the desired five percent increase in revenue will not be realized in 2005. Parks staff felt, however, that with each succeeding year, the revenue-generating ability is better defined and more predictable.

3. Current Capital Projects:

    Synthetic (Field Turf) Fields – the project is in final design phase, with construction possibly starting this fall. Recreation and Event Pad – trying to fast-track the project to allow construction to begin this fall. Nearly final design drawings are available for review in Norah’s office. Velodrome Restrooms – should be ready by next spring.

4. Event Updates:

    The Movies in the Park are tentatively scheduled for four Wednesdays and one Thursday in August. The Movies will be produced by Epic Events, a firm that produces similar events in Bellingham and Freemont. The program has been designed to provide a fund-raising opportunity to non-profit groups in Marymoor. The Movies will have a theme related to the non-profit group (e.g., dog movie with S.O.D.A., biking moving with the Velodrome group, etc.). By providing volunteers to assist with the production, the non-profit group will receive 20% of the gate (tickets are $5/person, $15/family). Tom Teigen is pursuing agreements with the various non-profits for the movies.

5. Ruff House:

    Waiting for permits before construction can start. Currently anticipating a 2006 opening.

6. Other:

    Garden project – a planting event was held in June. Parks staff is installing the irrigation.

    Cirque de Sole’ – Parks continues to pursue this opportunity, with the proposed event pad intended to support the event.

Next meeting: Wednesday, July 27, 2005

These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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