Friends of Marymoor Park

May 28th, 2008 Meeting Summary

-- see also the April 23, 2008 meeting summary

1) In attendance

Norah Gaynor, KC Parks; Herb Bone, Marymoor R/C Club; Barbara Dickson, neighbor and salmon watcher; Jack MacKinnon, Community Gardens; Greg Helland, SODA; Michael Hobbs, East Lake Washington Audubon Society; Frana Milan, KC Parks; Matt Stevenson, GIS mapping guru

2) Marymoor Map - Project Update

Matt and Frana presented the draft map.  If you'd like to review the draft map, you can probably visit Norah in the Marymoor Park Office (which you could find if you had a map :)  )

Comments should be sent to Frana, who will compile them for Matt.  Email

Frana discussed the idea of the reverse side of the map.  The sample showed columns of text and photos calling out some of the highlights of the park.  However she introduced some other ideas.  One would have been to have an oblique aerial photo with highlights called out.  Highlighted areas would be i.e. Historic District, Natural Areas, Events, Dog Area, Sports.  Greg pointed out that some of these (i.e. the sports fields) are distributed around the park, and thus would be difficult to call out on a photo. Also, Greg wanted the oblique photo to be oriented with north at the top.   Matt suggested having a small version of the map in the middle with six balloon-like callout circles for the items of interest.  That might work better.

Matt and Frana are seeking photos to use, both on the map and on other King County publicity/education items (web site, etc.).  If you have photos that you would be willing to donate to the county - for them to use as they wish - email them to Frana.  For the map, they would need to be at least 1200x900 pixels after cropping.  Larger files are better to work from, even if the final usage needs less.


3) Project Updates

  • Marymoor Connector Trail

R/C field realignment and sprinkler pretty much done.  Sighting poles still to come.

Norah did not know if a construction contract had been awarded yet for the trail construction, be she believed it would happen soon.

  • Ballfields 1 & 2

Estimated Construction August 1, 2008 - January 2009

  • Clise Electrical
Still dealing with parts issues, as some custom parts were damaged in shipping
  • Pet Garden
Should be completely done and open by end of June

Jack reported that the pile of dirt was unfortunately plowed over the patch of comfrey that the Community Gardeners were just about to try to dig up and remove...

  • BirdLoop
Opening Day - August 2

4) Other

Greg brought to our attention a proposed Open Space Amendment to the King County Charter.  The OSA would provide additional protection for over 100,000 acres of open space land owned by the county.  See  There will be a Townhall Meeting, Monday, June 16, at the Federal Way Community Center to discuss the OSA.

Next meeting, Wednesday, June 25, 2008.

These notes were made by Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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