Friends of Marymoor Park

January 22, 2025 Meeting Summary

-- see also the December 18, 2024  meeting summary

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Justin Camputaro, Marymoor Park Administrator; Greg Helland, FOMP President; Michael Hobbs, Marymoor Bird Survey, FOMP Secretary; Dyan Van Bishler - neighbor; Sofia Taylor, SODA

  2. CIP/Project/Facility Updates:

    a.    Eastside Audubon Birdloop:
    – Still working on hawthorn control, but also updating the Kiosks. 

    b.    Marymoor Community Gardens:
    – Very chill this time of year, though registration for this year is underway. They would also like a new shed.

    c.    R/C Field (MAR/C):
    – No report, but the field has been busy.

    d.    Off-leash area (SODA):
    – Winter maintenance underway, including seasonal closure of some areas.

    e.    Cascade Music Collective and Seattle Event Solutions (Concert venue):
    – Their website has some concerts already listed.  They are aiming at 20-25 shows, and a more diverse line-up.

    f.    Maintenance: – Nothing much going on, beyond continuing storm cleanup. Three additional sculptures are due to be installed in 2025.  All of the pedestals are in place now.  One of the main signs for the park is going to be replaced, since the existing one is showing its age.

    g.    Event Update:
    – Concerts as noted above.  Volleyball event has been cancelled.  Most of the summer time event dates are on hold until the concert schedule has been nailed down a bit more.  CHOMP is set, but the movie schedule has yet to be set.   Festival of Color April 5th.   The Velodrome is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary, and they will be having several special events, especially August 23rd. 

    h.    Sound Transit Light Rail:
    – The culvert work is on hold indefinitely, including the one in the S.O.D.A. area.  Redmond will be replacing a culvert just south of the Rowing Club parking lot that will feed into the Sound Transit mitigation area.  In the next 2-3 weeks, ST will be making an announcement about when the Opening Date will be announced.  The Marymoor station will likely be open in May.  Phase 2, when the connection over the I-90 bridge to Seattle, will possibly be in November.  The Gateway Trail from Light Rail into Marymoor is moving forward.  There will be a presentation on that for the February meeting on February 26th.

    i.    Cricket Facility Proposal:
    – No update, but Laura sent the FOMP board a link to for a questionnaire that the Orcas club has been putting on FaceBook..

    j.    Capital Site Planning: –
    Capital site planning: Final Draft Version almost complete.  Also, a final draft of the traffic study is also close to being completed.  Planning and funding issues are being figured out.  The Levy will be in 2025, probably in August.

  3. Next meeting Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 in Clise Mansion

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    These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.

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