Friends of Marymoor Park

March 28th, 2001 Meeting Summary

-- see also the January meeting summary

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Marymoor Recreational Business Group Plan
Project List
Gate Reconfiguration - procedural issues
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Marymoor Recreational Business Group Plan

Bobbi Wallace, King Co. Parks facilities manager, handed out copies of the Marymoor Recreational Business Group section of the Maintenance and Facilities Division 2001 Work Plan.  Email Bobbi if you'd like a copy.   This 16-page document relating specifically to Marymoor lists staff members, hours of operation, planned 2001 special events, phone numbers, team ground rules, facilities listing, a long listing of "Business Partners, External Agencies, Volunteer Organizations, and Neighborhood Groups", district assets, district demographics, summaries of kudos, comments and complaints received, entrepreneurial enterprises, a listing of recent enhancements an achievements, community projects finished in 2000, and a review of the Heritage Festival 2000 with a list of contacts.  The document ends with a listing of 2001 Goals and Objectives, both general and special-event-specific, staff training needs, prioritization of key maintenance operations, and a listing of planned volunteer programs.

Project Lists

The Small Projects list distributed two months ago, and discussed last month, is the basis for an on-going discussion of prioritization.  Comments about these projects should be communicated to Norah Gaynor or to

Click to view Small Projects list.

Wednesday, Norah distributed another list, this one of Capital Projects.  These projects are capital improvements to the park in excess of $10,000 and paid out of CIP funds, a separate, dedicated, revenue stream.  For next month, Greg Helland would like members to come up with additions, top 3-5 prioritizations and comments.  If you can't make the April meeting, email comments to Norah Gaynor or to

Click to view Capital Projects List

Norah also gave a quick rundown on some on-going projects.

1) The velodrome track was damaged in the February 28 earthquake, and the track has been closed since.  An application has been made to FEMA for repair money.  This project is a top priority, as the work has to be completed during April in order not to disrupt the summer racing schedule.

2) Lake overlook dock repair - Parks is working on permits and contracting, so as to be able to do this project during the rather narrow window of time allowed for lake/river construction due to salmon concerns.  The new lake overlook will be a fixed structure, rather than the current floating platform.

3) New all-weather soccer field. The lights are up and operational, and the field should be ready for final check in a week and open to play in two weeks.

4) The adjacent new grass soccer fields are indefinitely on hold, due to soggy ground.  It will probably be June or July before work can resume.  Due to drought, seeding probably can't be before late September.

5) Softball fields 4 & 5 in the NE corner of the park were due to be completely reconfigured this summer.  Again, due to the drought, this project is probably on hold indefinitely.  Reseeding would not be possible with the expected water restrictions.

The parks system does not have (and would not use) rights to pump water out of the slough or from wells.

6) Softball fields 1&2 are almost ready, but the turf is not yet up-to-scratch.  Probably open by June.


WOMAD previously had been contracting with One Reel to produce the festival.  After last year's event, One Reel severed there association with WOMAD and announced they would put on their own version of the festival in 2001.  Subsequently, One Reel decided *not* to produce a festival, and the WOMAD organization has announced that they *will* put on WOMAD this year.  A new production company is expected to be named shortly, and they will be invited to FOMP meetings for discussion of members' issues and concerns re: the festival.

Gate Reconfiguration -- procedural issues

Mike Eddy asked for guidance on how to proceed with his idea of reconfiguring the anti-traffic gates that currently are used to stop through-traffic during rush hours.  This led to a procedural discussion, the gist of which is as follows:

1) If you have a topic for discussion at a FOMP meeting that will take more than about 10 minutes, it needs to be on the agenda.  Agenda items are usually derived at the previous membership meeting.  If you want to add a topic, send email to Norah Gaynor or to at least 1 week prior to the next meeting.

2) If you want to discuss an issue between meetings with members of FOMP, you may send an email to FOMPLIST, again; that alias sends to the whole FOMP email list. (Note - I've obscured the email address so spammers can't extract it off the web)

3) To bring an idea before FOMP and KC Parks, diagrams illustrating explicit proposals really, really help.  Bobbi can help by providing maps on which changes can be marked.

4) If you are a user group representative and you are bringing a proposal, it helps if your user group has already discussed and agreed on a position vis-à-vis the proposal.  You have more clout if your group stands behind you (figuratively) when making your pitch.

5) The relevant permitting agencies will assist in determining what work items will be required in order to implement a proposed change.  If you have a firm proposed change, it helps if you can find out a rough list of necessary work and costs necessary.

Other Business

This year's Heritage Festival will feature a full-blown civil war battle reenactment, with "fighting" in Marybelle Meadow (south of the cricket pitch area).  Mock Union and Rebel encampments will be located at the edges of the main festival area, with demonstrations of gear, etc.

Norah gave a rundown on the policy towards memorials in the park. These include memorial benches or trees, etc.  There have been many requests for memorial benches, mostly from SODA members, and mostly requesting locations in the off-leash dog area.  That area has now reached its capacity for benches, but Norah will be developing a map of other locations in the park where benches may be placed.  Memorial benches may have a small plaque, but the wording of that plaque cannot sound like a tombstone - i.e., they cannot use such phrases as "In memory of", or "memorial", or show birth/death dates for a person.  Memorial trees are very welcome, but do not have plaques at all.  [Also, water restrictions this season will preclude planting of trees...]  If FOMP members have recommendations for good locations for benches, please forward those ideas to Norah.

Water restrictions are currently in place at Marymoor.  They are in phase 1 restrictions at this time, which means that certain fields are not being watered or are being watered less, and mowing heights are being increased slightly.  Bobbi will bring a summary of water policy to the next meeting.  They are investigating the feasibility of trucking in "gray water" - processed, treated waste water.  With the expected water restrictions this year, the Community Gardens (Pea Patch) WILL be affected. There may be limited days where watering can occur, etc.  If the drought emergency grows, the restrictions will become tighter.


These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.  


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